/**************************************************************************/ /* gdscript_cache.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "gdscript_cache.h" #include "gdscript.h" #include "gdscript_analyzer.h" #include "gdscript_compiler.h" #include "gdscript_parser.h" #include "core/io/file_access.h" #include "core/templates/vector.h" #include "scene/resources/packed_scene.h" bool GDScriptParserRef::is_valid() const { return parser != nullptr; } GDScriptParserRef::Status GDScriptParserRef::get_status() const { return status; } GDScriptParser *GDScriptParserRef::get_parser() const { return parser; } GDScriptAnalyzer *GDScriptParserRef::get_analyzer() { if (analyzer == nullptr) { analyzer = memnew(GDScriptAnalyzer(parser)); } return analyzer; } Error GDScriptParserRef::raise_status(Status p_new_status) { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(parser, ERR_INVALID_DATA); if (result != OK) { return result; } while (p_new_status > status) { switch (status) { case EMPTY: status = PARSED; result = parser->parse(GDScriptCache::get_source_code(path), path, false); break; case PARSED: { status = INHERITANCE_SOLVED; Error inheritance_result = get_analyzer()->resolve_inheritance(); if (result == OK) { result = inheritance_result; } } break; case INHERITANCE_SOLVED: { status = INTERFACE_SOLVED; Error interface_result = get_analyzer()->resolve_interface(); if (result == OK) { result = interface_result; } } break; case INTERFACE_SOLVED: { status = FULLY_SOLVED; Error body_result = get_analyzer()->resolve_body(); if (result == OK) { result = body_result; } } break; case FULLY_SOLVED: { return result; } } if (result != OK) { return result; } } return result; } void GDScriptParserRef::clear() { if (cleared) { return; } cleared = true; if (parser != nullptr) { memdelete(parser); } if (analyzer != nullptr) { memdelete(analyzer); } } GDScriptParserRef::~GDScriptParserRef() { clear(); MutexLock lock(GDScriptCache::singleton->mutex); GDScriptCache::singleton->parser_map.erase(path); } GDScriptCache *GDScriptCache::singleton = nullptr; void GDScriptCache::move_script(const String &p_from, const String &p_to) { if (singleton == nullptr || p_from == p_to) { return; } MutexLock lock(singleton->mutex); if (singleton->cleared) { return; } for (KeyValue<String, HashSet<String>> &E : singleton->packed_scene_dependencies) { if (E.value.has(p_from)) { E.value.insert(p_to); E.value.erase(p_from); } } if (singleton->parser_map.has(p_from) && !p_from.is_empty()) { singleton->parser_map[p_to] = singleton->parser_map[p_from]; } singleton->parser_map.erase(p_from); if (singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache.has(p_from) && !p_from.is_empty()) { singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache[p_to] = singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache[p_from]; } singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache.erase(p_from); if (singleton->full_gdscript_cache.has(p_from) && !p_from.is_empty()) { singleton->full_gdscript_cache[p_to] = singleton->full_gdscript_cache[p_from]; } singleton->full_gdscript_cache.erase(p_from); } void GDScriptCache::remove_script(const String &p_path) { if (singleton == nullptr) { return; } MutexLock lock(singleton->mutex); if (singleton->cleared) { return; } for (KeyValue<String, HashSet<String>> &E : singleton->packed_scene_dependencies) { if (!E.value.has(p_path)) { continue; } E.value.erase(p_path); } GDScriptCache::clear_unreferenced_packed_scenes(); if (singleton->parser_map.has(p_path)) { singleton->parser_map[p_path]->clear(); singleton->parser_map.erase(p_path); } singleton->dependencies.erase(p_path); singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache.erase(p_path); singleton->full_gdscript_cache.erase(p_path); } Ref<GDScriptParserRef> GDScriptCache::get_parser(const String &p_path, GDScriptParserRef::Status p_status, Error &r_error, const String &p_owner) { MutexLock lock(singleton->mutex); Ref<GDScriptParserRef> ref; if (!p_owner.is_empty()) { singleton->dependencies[p_owner].insert(p_path); } if (singleton->parser_map.has(p_path)) { ref = Ref<GDScriptParserRef>(singleton->parser_map[p_path]); if (ref.is_null()) { r_error = ERR_INVALID_DATA; return ref; } } else { if (!FileAccess::exists(p_path)) { r_error = ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; return ref; } GDScriptParser *parser = memnew(GDScriptParser); ref.instantiate(); ref->parser = parser; ref->path = p_path; singleton->parser_map[p_path] = ref.ptr(); } r_error = ref->raise_status(p_status); return ref; } String GDScriptCache::get_source_code(const String &p_path) { Vector<uint8_t> source_file; Error err; Ref<FileAccess> f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ, &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, ""); uint64_t len = f->get_length(); source_file.resize(len + 1); uint64_t r = f->get_buffer(source_file.ptrw(), len); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(r != len, ""); source_file.write[len] = 0; String source; if (source.parse_utf8((const char *)source_file.ptr()) != OK) { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG("", "Script '" + p_path + "' contains invalid unicode (UTF-8), so it was not loaded. Please ensure that scripts are saved in valid UTF-8 unicode."); } return source; } Ref<GDScript> GDScriptCache::get_shallow_script(const String &p_path, Error &r_error, const String &p_owner) { MutexLock lock(singleton->mutex); if (!p_owner.is_empty()) { singleton->dependencies[p_owner].insert(p_path); } if (singleton->full_gdscript_cache.has(p_path)) { return singleton->full_gdscript_cache[p_path]; } if (singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache.has(p_path)) { return singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache[p_path]; } Ref<GDScript> script; script.instantiate(); script->set_path(p_path, true); r_error = script->load_source_code(p_path); if (r_error) { return Ref<GDScript>(); // Returns null and does not cache when the script fails to load. } Ref<GDScriptParserRef> parser_ref = get_parser(p_path, GDScriptParserRef::PARSED, r_error); if (r_error == OK) { GDScriptCompiler::make_scripts(script.ptr(), parser_ref->get_parser()->get_tree(), true); } singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache[p_path] = script; return script; } Ref<GDScript> GDScriptCache::get_full_script(const String &p_path, Error &r_error, const String &p_owner, bool p_update_from_disk) { MutexLock lock(singleton->mutex); if (!p_owner.is_empty()) { singleton->dependencies[p_owner].insert(p_path); } Ref<GDScript> script; r_error = OK; if (singleton->full_gdscript_cache.has(p_path)) { script = singleton->full_gdscript_cache[p_path]; if (!p_update_from_disk) { return script; } } if (script.is_null()) { script = get_shallow_script(p_path, r_error); // Only exit early if script failed to load, otherwise let reload report errors. if (script.is_null()) { return script; } } if (p_update_from_disk) { r_error = script->load_source_code(p_path); if (r_error) { return script; } } r_error = script->reload(true); if (r_error) { return script; } singleton->full_gdscript_cache[p_path] = script; singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache.erase(p_path); return script; } Ref<GDScript> GDScriptCache::get_cached_script(const String &p_path) { MutexLock lock(singleton->mutex); if (singleton->full_gdscript_cache.has(p_path)) { return singleton->full_gdscript_cache[p_path]; } if (singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache.has(p_path)) { return singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache[p_path]; } return Ref<GDScript>(); } Error GDScriptCache::finish_compiling(const String &p_owner) { MutexLock lock(singleton->mutex); // Mark this as compiled. Ref<GDScript> script = get_cached_script(p_owner); singleton->full_gdscript_cache[p_owner] = script; singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache.erase(p_owner); HashSet<String> depends = singleton->dependencies[p_owner]; Error err = OK; for (const String &E : depends) { Error this_err = OK; // No need to save the script. We assume it's already referenced in the owner. get_full_script(E, this_err); if (this_err != OK) { err = this_err; } } singleton->dependencies.erase(p_owner); return err; } void GDScriptCache::add_static_script(Ref<GDScript> p_script) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_script.is_null(), "Trying to cache empty script as static."); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!p_script->is_valid(), "Trying to cache non-compiled script as static."); singleton->static_gdscript_cache[p_script->get_fully_qualified_name()] = p_script; } void GDScriptCache::remove_static_script(const String &p_fqcn) { singleton->static_gdscript_cache.erase(p_fqcn); } Ref<PackedScene> GDScriptCache::get_packed_scene(const String &p_path, Error &r_error, const String &p_owner) { MutexLock lock(singleton->mutex); String path = p_path; if (path.begins_with("uid://")) { path = ResourceUID::get_singleton()->get_id_path(ResourceUID::get_singleton()->text_to_id(path)); } if (singleton->packed_scene_cache.has(path)) { singleton->packed_scene_dependencies[path].insert(p_owner); return singleton->packed_scene_cache[path]; } Ref<PackedScene> scene = ResourceCache::get_ref(path); if (scene.is_valid()) { singleton->packed_scene_cache[path] = scene; singleton->packed_scene_dependencies[path].insert(p_owner); return scene; } scene.instantiate(); r_error = OK; if (path.is_empty()) { r_error = ERR_FILE_BAD_PATH; return scene; } scene->set_path(path); singleton->packed_scene_cache[path] = scene; singleton->packed_scene_dependencies[path].insert(p_owner); scene->reload_from_file(); return scene; } void GDScriptCache::clear_unreferenced_packed_scenes() { if (singleton == nullptr) { return; } MutexLock lock(singleton->mutex); if (singleton->cleared) { return; } for (KeyValue<String, HashSet<String>> &E : singleton->packed_scene_dependencies) { if (E.value.size() > 0 || !ResourceLoader::is_imported(E.key)) { continue; } singleton->packed_scene_dependencies.erase(E.key); singleton->packed_scene_cache.erase(E.key); } } void GDScriptCache::clear() { if (singleton == nullptr) { return; } MutexLock lock(singleton->mutex); if (singleton->cleared) { return; } singleton->cleared = true; RBSet<Ref<GDScriptParserRef>> parser_map_refs; for (KeyValue<String, GDScriptParserRef *> &E : singleton->parser_map) { parser_map_refs.insert(E.value); } for (Ref<GDScriptParserRef> &E : parser_map_refs) { if (E.is_valid()) E->clear(); } singleton->packed_scene_dependencies.clear(); singleton->packed_scene_cache.clear(); parser_map_refs.clear(); singleton->parser_map.clear(); singleton->shallow_gdscript_cache.clear(); singleton->full_gdscript_cache.clear(); singleton->packed_scene_cache.clear(); singleton->packed_scene_dependencies.clear(); } GDScriptCache::GDScriptCache() { singleton = this; } GDScriptCache::~GDScriptCache() { if (!cleared) { clear(); } singleton = nullptr; }