/*************************************************************************/ /* baked_light_baker.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2019 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "baked_light_baker.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "io/marshalls.h" #include #include void baked_light_baker_add_64f(double *dst, double value); void baked_light_baker_add_64i(int64_t *dst, int64_t value); //-separar en 2 testuras? //*mejorar performance y threads //*modos lineales //*saturacion _FORCE_INLINE_ static uint64_t get_uv_normal_bit(const Vector3 &p_vector) { int lat = Math::fast_ftoi(Math::floor(Math::acos(p_vector.dot(Vector3(0, 1, 0))) * 6.0 / Math_PI + 0.5)); if (lat == 0) { return 60; } else if (lat == 6) { return 61; } int lon = Math::fast_ftoi(Math::floor((Math_PI + Math::atan2(p_vector.x, p_vector.z)) * 12.0 / (Math_PI * 2.0) + 0.5)) % 12; return lon + (lat - 1) * 12; } _FORCE_INLINE_ static Vector3 get_bit_normal(int p_bit) { if (p_bit == 61) { return Vector3(0, 1, 0); } else if (p_bit == 62) { return Vector3(0, -1, 0); } float latang = ((p_bit / 12) + 1) * Math_PI / 6.0; Vector2 latv(Math::sin(latang), Math::cos(latang)); float lonang = ((p_bit % 12) * Math_PI * 2.0 / 12.0) - Math_PI; Vector2 lonv(Math::sin(lonang), Math::cos(lonang)); return Vector3(lonv.x * latv.x, latv.y, lonv.y * latv.x).normalized(); } BakedLightBaker::MeshTexture *BakedLightBaker::_get_mat_tex(const Ref &p_tex) { if (!tex_map.has(p_tex)) { Ref imgtex = p_tex; if (imgtex.is_null()) return NULL; Image image = imgtex->get_data(); if (image.empty()) return NULL; if (image.get_format() != Image::FORMAT_RGBA) { if (image.get_format() > Image::FORMAT_INDEXED_ALPHA) { Error err = image.decompress(); if (err) return NULL; } if (image.get_format() != Image::FORMAT_RGBA) image.convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA); } if (imgtex->get_flags() & Texture::FLAG_CONVERT_TO_LINEAR) { Image copy = image; copy.srgb_to_linear(); image = copy; } DVector dvt = image.get_data(); DVector::Read r = dvt.read(); MeshTexture mt; mt.tex_w = image.get_width(); mt.tex_h = image.get_height(); int len = image.get_width() * image.get_height() * 4; mt.tex.resize(len); copymem(mt.tex.ptr(), r.ptr(), len); textures.push_back(mt); tex_map[p_tex] = &textures.back()->get(); } return tex_map[p_tex]; } void BakedLightBaker::_add_mesh(const Ref &p_mesh, const Ref &p_mat_override, const Transform &p_xform, int p_baked_texture) { for (int i = 0; i < p_mesh->get_surface_count(); i++) { if (p_mesh->surface_get_primitive_type(i) != Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES) continue; Ref mat = p_mat_override.is_valid() ? p_mat_override : p_mesh->surface_get_material(i); MeshMaterial *matptr = NULL; int baked_tex = p_baked_texture; if (mat.is_valid()) { if (!mat_map.has(mat)) { MeshMaterial mm; Ref fm = mat; if (fm.is_valid()) { //fixed route mm.diffuse.color = fm->get_parameter(FixedMaterial::PARAM_DIFFUSE); if (linear_color) mm.diffuse.color = mm.diffuse.color.to_linear(); mm.diffuse.tex = _get_mat_tex(fm->get_texture(FixedMaterial::PARAM_DIFFUSE)); mm.specular.color = fm->get_parameter(FixedMaterial::PARAM_SPECULAR); if (linear_color) mm.specular.color = mm.specular.color.to_linear(); mm.specular.tex = _get_mat_tex(fm->get_texture(FixedMaterial::PARAM_SPECULAR)); } else { mm.diffuse.color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1); mm.diffuse.tex = NULL; mm.specular.color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1); mm.specular.tex = NULL; } materials.push_back(mm); mat_map[mat] = &materials.back()->get(); } matptr = mat_map[mat]; } int facecount = 0; if (p_mesh->surface_get_format(i) & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX) { facecount = p_mesh->surface_get_array_index_len(i); } else { facecount = p_mesh->surface_get_array_len(i); } ERR_CONTINUE((facecount == 0 || (facecount % 3) != 0)); facecount /= 3; int tbase = triangles.size(); triangles.resize(facecount + tbase); Array a = p_mesh->surface_get_arrays(i); DVector vertices = a[Mesh::ARRAY_VERTEX]; DVector::Read vr = vertices.read(); DVector uv; DVector::Read uvr; DVector uv2; DVector::Read uv2r; DVector normal; DVector::Read normalr; bool read_uv = false; bool read_normal = false; if (p_mesh->surface_get_format(i) & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV) { uv = a[Mesh::ARRAY_TEX_UV]; uvr = uv.read(); read_uv = true; if (mat.is_valid() && mat->get_flag(Material::FLAG_LIGHTMAP_ON_UV2) && p_mesh->surface_get_format(i) & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2) { uv2 = a[Mesh::ARRAY_TEX_UV2]; uv2r = uv2.read(); } else { uv2r = uv.read(); if (baked_light->get_transfer_lightmaps_only_to_uv2()) { baked_tex = -1; } } } if (p_mesh->surface_get_format(i) & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL) { normal = a[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]; normalr = normal.read(); read_normal = true; } Matrix3 normal_xform = p_xform.basis.inverse().transposed(); if (p_mesh->surface_get_format(i) & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX) { DVector indices = a[Mesh::ARRAY_INDEX]; DVector::Read ir = indices.read(); for (int i = 0; i < facecount; i++) { Triangle &t = triangles[tbase + i]; t.vertices[0] = p_xform.xform(vr[ir[i * 3 + 0]]); t.vertices[1] = p_xform.xform(vr[ir[i * 3 + 1]]); t.vertices[2] = p_xform.xform(vr[ir[i * 3 + 2]]); t.material = matptr; t.baked_texture = baked_tex; if (read_uv) { t.uvs[0] = uvr[ir[i * 3 + 0]]; t.uvs[1] = uvr[ir[i * 3 + 1]]; t.uvs[2] = uvr[ir[i * 3 + 2]]; t.bake_uvs[0] = uv2r[ir[i * 3 + 0]]; t.bake_uvs[1] = uv2r[ir[i * 3 + 1]]; t.bake_uvs[2] = uv2r[ir[i * 3 + 2]]; } if (read_normal) { t.normals[0] = normal_xform.xform(normalr[ir[i * 3 + 0]]).normalized(); t.normals[1] = normal_xform.xform(normalr[ir[i * 3 + 1]]).normalized(); t.normals[2] = normal_xform.xform(normalr[ir[i * 3 + 2]]).normalized(); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < facecount; i++) { Triangle &t = triangles[tbase + i]; t.vertices[0] = p_xform.xform(vr[i * 3 + 0]); t.vertices[1] = p_xform.xform(vr[i * 3 + 1]); t.vertices[2] = p_xform.xform(vr[i * 3 + 2]); t.material = matptr; t.baked_texture = baked_tex; if (read_uv) { t.uvs[0] = uvr[i * 3 + 0]; t.uvs[1] = uvr[i * 3 + 1]; t.uvs[2] = uvr[i * 3 + 2]; t.bake_uvs[0] = uv2r[i * 3 + 0]; t.bake_uvs[1] = uv2r[i * 3 + 1]; t.bake_uvs[2] = uv2r[i * 3 + 2]; } if (read_normal) { t.normals[0] = normal_xform.xform(normalr[i * 3 + 0]).normalized(); t.normals[1] = normal_xform.xform(normalr[i * 3 + 1]).normalized(); t.normals[2] = normal_xform.xform(normalr[i * 3 + 2]).normalized(); } } } } } void BakedLightBaker::_parse_geometry(Node *p_node) { if (p_node->cast_to()) { MeshInstance *meshi = p_node->cast_to(); Ref mesh = meshi->get_mesh(); if (mesh.is_valid()) { _add_mesh(mesh, meshi->get_material_override(), base_inv * meshi->get_global_transform(), meshi->get_baked_light_texture_id()); } } else if (p_node->cast_to()) { Light *dl = p_node->cast_to(); if (dl->get_bake_mode() != Light::BAKE_MODE_DISABLED) { LightData dirl; dirl.type = VS::LightType(dl->get_light_type()); dirl.diffuse = dl->get_color(DirectionalLight::COLOR_DIFFUSE); dirl.specular = dl->get_color(DirectionalLight::COLOR_SPECULAR); if (linear_color) dirl.diffuse = dirl.diffuse.to_linear(); if (linear_color) dirl.specular = dirl.specular.to_linear(); dirl.energy = dl->get_parameter(DirectionalLight::PARAM_ENERGY); dirl.pos = dl->get_global_transform().origin; dirl.up = dl->get_global_transform().basis.get_axis(1).normalized(); dirl.left = dl->get_global_transform().basis.get_axis(0).normalized(); dirl.dir = -dl->get_global_transform().basis.get_axis(2).normalized(); dirl.spot_angle = dl->get_parameter(DirectionalLight::PARAM_SPOT_ANGLE); dirl.spot_attenuation = dl->get_parameter(DirectionalLight::PARAM_SPOT_ATTENUATION); dirl.attenuation = dl->get_parameter(DirectionalLight::PARAM_ATTENUATION); dirl.darkening = dl->get_parameter(DirectionalLight::PARAM_SHADOW_DARKENING); dirl.radius = dl->get_parameter(DirectionalLight::PARAM_RADIUS); dirl.bake_direct = dl->get_bake_mode() == Light::BAKE_MODE_FULL; dirl.rays_thrown = 0; dirl.bake_shadow = dl->get_bake_mode() == Light::BAKE_MODE_INDIRECT_AND_SHADOWS; lights.push_back(dirl); } } else if (p_node->cast_to()) { Spatial *sp = p_node->cast_to(); Array arr = p_node->call("_get_baked_light_meshes"); for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i += 2) { Transform xform = arr[i]; Ref mesh = arr[i + 1]; _add_mesh(mesh, Ref(), base_inv * (sp->get_global_transform() * xform)); } } for (int i = 0; i < p_node->get_child_count(); i++) { _parse_geometry(p_node->get_child(i)); } } void BakedLightBaker::_fix_lights() { total_light_area = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lights.size(); i++) { LightData &dl = lights[i]; switch (dl.type) { case VS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL: { float up_max = -1e10; float dir_max = -1e10; float left_max = -1e10; float up_min = 1e10; float dir_min = 1e10; float left_min = 1e10; for (int j = 0; j < triangles.size(); j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { Vector3 v = triangles[j].vertices[k]; float up_d = dl.up.dot(v); float dir_d = dl.dir.dot(v); float left_d = dl.left.dot(v); if (up_d > up_max) up_max = up_d; if (up_d < up_min) up_min = up_d; if (left_d > left_max) left_max = left_d; if (left_d < left_min) left_min = left_d; if (dir_d > dir_max) dir_max = dir_d; if (dir_d < dir_min) dir_min = dir_d; } } //make a center point, then the upvector and leftvector dl.pos = dl.left * (left_max + left_min) * 0.5 + dl.up * (up_max + up_min) * 0.5 + dl.dir * (dir_min - (dir_max - dir_min)); dl.left *= (left_max - left_min) * 0.5; dl.up *= (up_max - up_min) * 0.5; dl.length = (dir_max - dir_min) * 10; //arbitrary number to keep it in scale dl.area = dl.left.length() * 2 * dl.up.length() * 2; dl.constant = 1.0 / dl.area; } break; case VS::LIGHT_OMNI: case VS::LIGHT_SPOT: { dl.attenuation_table.resize(ATTENUATION_CURVE_LEN); for (int j = 0; j < ATTENUATION_CURVE_LEN; j++) { dl.attenuation_table[j] = 1.0 - Math::pow(j / float(ATTENUATION_CURVE_LEN), dl.attenuation); float falloff = j * dl.radius / float(ATTENUATION_CURVE_LEN); if (falloff == 0) falloff = 0.000001; float intensity = 4 * Math_PI * (falloff * falloff); //dl.attenuation_table[j]*=falloff*falloff; dl.attenuation_table[j] *= 1.0 / (3.0 / intensity); } if (dl.type == VS::LIGHT_OMNI) { dl.area = 4.0 * Math_PI * pow(dl.radius, 2.0f); dl.constant = 1.0 / 3.5; } else { float r = Math::tan(Math::deg2rad(dl.spot_angle)) * dl.radius; float c = 1.0 - (Math::deg2rad(dl.spot_angle) * 0.5 + 0.5); dl.constant = 1.0 / 3.5; dl.constant *= 1.0 / c; dl.area = Math_PI * r * r * c; } } break; } total_light_area += dl.area; } } BakedLightBaker::BVH *BakedLightBaker::_parse_bvh(BVH **p_children, int p_size, int p_depth, int &max_depth) { if (p_depth > max_depth) { max_depth = p_depth; } if (p_size == 1) { return p_children[0]; } else if (p_size == 0) { return NULL; } AABB aabb; aabb = p_children[0]->aabb; for (int i = 1; i < p_size; i++) { aabb.merge_with(p_children[i]->aabb); } int li = aabb.get_longest_axis_index(); switch (li) { case Vector3::AXIS_X: { SortArray sort_x; sort_x.nth_element(0, p_size, p_size / 2, p_children); //sort_x.sort(&p_bb[p_from],p_size); } break; case Vector3::AXIS_Y: { SortArray sort_y; sort_y.nth_element(0, p_size, p_size / 2, p_children); //sort_y.sort(&p_bb[p_from],p_size); } break; case Vector3::AXIS_Z: { SortArray sort_z; sort_z.nth_element(0, p_size, p_size / 2, p_children); //sort_z.sort(&p_bb[p_from],p_size); } break; } BVH *left = _parse_bvh(p_children, p_size / 2, p_depth + 1, max_depth); BVH *right = _parse_bvh(&p_children[p_size / 2], p_size - p_size / 2, p_depth + 1, max_depth); BVH *_new = memnew(BVH); _new->aabb = aabb; _new->center = aabb.pos + aabb.size * 0.5; _new->children[0] = left; _new->children[1] = right; _new->leaf = NULL; return _new; } void BakedLightBaker::_make_bvh() { Vector bases; bases.resize(triangles.size()); int max_depth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++) { bases[i] = memnew(BVH); bases[i]->leaf = &triangles[i]; bases[i]->aabb.pos = triangles[i].vertices[0]; bases[i]->aabb.expand_to(triangles[i].vertices[1]); bases[i]->aabb.expand_to(triangles[i].vertices[2]); triangles[i].aabb = bases[i]->aabb; bases[i]->center = bases[i]->aabb.pos + bases[i]->aabb.size * 0.5; } bvh = _parse_bvh(bases.ptr(), bases.size(), 1, max_depth); ray_stack = memnew_arr(uint32_t, max_depth); bvh_stack = memnew_arr(BVH *, max_depth); bvh_depth = max_depth; } void BakedLightBaker::_octree_insert(int p_octant, Triangle *p_triangle, int p_depth) { uint32_t *stack = octant_stack; uint32_t *ptr_stack = octantptr_stack; Octant *octants = octant_pool.ptr(); stack[0] = 0; ptr_stack[0] = 0; int stack_pos = 0; while (true) { Octant *octant = &octants[ptr_stack[stack_pos]]; if (stack[stack_pos] < 8) { int i = stack[stack_pos]; stack[stack_pos]++; //fit_aabb=fit_aabb.grow(bvh->aabb.size.x*0.0001); int child_idx = octant->children[i]; bool encloses; if (!child_idx) { AABB aabb = octant->aabb; aabb.size *= 0.5; if (i & 1) aabb.pos.x += aabb.size.x; if (i & 2) aabb.pos.y += aabb.size.y; if (i & 4) aabb.pos.z += aabb.size.z; aabb.grow_by(cell_size * octree_extra_margin); if (!aabb.intersects(p_triangle->aabb)) continue; encloses = aabb.grow(cell_size * -octree_extra_margin * 2.0).encloses(p_triangle->aabb); if (!encloses && !Face3(p_triangle->vertices[0], p_triangle->vertices[1], p_triangle->vertices[2]).intersects_aabb2(aabb)) continue; } else { Octant *child = &octants[child_idx]; AABB aabb = child->aabb; aabb.grow_by(cell_size * octree_extra_margin); if (!aabb.intersects(p_triangle->aabb)) continue; encloses = aabb.grow(cell_size * -octree_extra_margin * 2.0).encloses(p_triangle->aabb); if (!encloses && !Face3(p_triangle->vertices[0], p_triangle->vertices[1], p_triangle->vertices[2]).intersects_aabb2(aabb)) continue; } if (encloses) stack[stack_pos] = 8; // quick and dirty opt if (!child_idx) { if (octant_pool_size == octant_pool.size()) { octant_pool.resize(octant_pool_size + OCTANT_POOL_CHUNK); octants = octant_pool.ptr(); octant = &octants[ptr_stack[stack_pos]]; } child_idx = octant_pool_size++; octant->children[i] = child_idx; Octant *child = &octants[child_idx]; child->aabb = octant->aabb; child->texture_x = 0; child->texture_y = 0; child->aabb.size *= 0.5; if (i & 1) child->aabb.pos.x += child->aabb.size.x; if (i & 2) child->aabb.pos.y += child->aabb.size.y; if (i & 4) child->aabb.pos.z += child->aabb.size.z; child->full_accum[0] = 0; child->full_accum[1] = 0; child->full_accum[2] = 0; child->sampler_ofs = 0; if (stack_pos == octree_depth - 1) { child->leaf = true; child->offset[0] = child->aabb.pos.x + child->aabb.size.x * 0.5; child->offset[1] = child->aabb.pos.y + child->aabb.size.y * 0.5; child->offset[2] = child->aabb.pos.z + child->aabb.size.z * 0.5; child->next_leaf = leaf_list; for (int ci = 0; ci < 8; ci++) { child->normal_accum[ci][0] = 0; child->normal_accum[ci][1] = 0; child->normal_accum[ci][2] = 0; } child->bake_neighbour = 0; child->first_neighbour = true; leaf_list = child_idx; cell_count++; for (int ci = 0; ci < 8; ci++) { child->light_accum[ci][0] = 0; child->light_accum[ci][1] = 0; child->light_accum[ci][2] = 0; } child->parent = ptr_stack[stack_pos]; } else { child->leaf = false; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { child->children[j] = 0; } } } if (!octants[child_idx].leaf) { stack_pos++; stack[stack_pos] = 0; ptr_stack[stack_pos] = child_idx; } else { Octant *child = &octants[child_idx]; Vector3 n = Plane(p_triangle->vertices[0], p_triangle->vertices[1], p_triangle->vertices[2]).normal; for (int ci = 0; ci < 8; ci++) { Vector3 pos = child->aabb.pos; if (ci & 1) pos.x += child->aabb.size.x; if (ci & 2) pos.y += child->aabb.size.y; if (ci & 4) pos.z += child->aabb.size.z; pos.x = floor((pos.x + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); pos.y = floor((pos.y + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); pos.z = floor((pos.z + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); { Map::Element *E = endpoint_normal.find(pos); if (!E) { endpoint_normal[pos] = n; } else { E->get() += n; } } { uint64_t bit = get_uv_normal_bit(n); Map::Element *E = endpoint_normal_bits.find(pos); if (!E) { endpoint_normal_bits[pos] = (1 << bit); } else { E->get() |= (1 << bit); } } } } } else { stack_pos--; if (stack_pos < 0) break; } } } void BakedLightBaker::_make_octree() { AABB base = bvh->aabb; float lal = base.get_longest_axis_size(); //must be square because we want square blocks base.size.x = lal; base.size.y = lal; base.size.z = lal; base.grow_by(lal * 0.001); //for precision octree_aabb = base; cell_size = base.size.x; for (int i = 0; i < octree_depth; i++) cell_size /= 2.0; octant_stack = memnew_arr(uint32_t, octree_depth * 2); octantptr_stack = memnew_arr(uint32_t, octree_depth * 2); octant_pool.resize(OCTANT_POOL_CHUNK); octant_pool_size = 1; Octant *root = octant_pool.ptr(); root->leaf = false; root->aabb = octree_aabb; root->parent = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) root->children[i] = 0; EditorProgress ep("bake_octree", vformat(TTR("Parsing %d Triangles:"), triangles.size()), triangles.size()); for (int i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++) { _octree_insert(0, &triangles[i], octree_depth - 1); if ((i % 1000) == 0) { ep.step(TTR("Triangle #") + itos(i), i); } } { uint32_t oct_idx = leaf_list; Octant *octants = octant_pool.ptr(); while (oct_idx) { BakedLightBaker::Octant *oct = &octants[oct_idx]; for (int ci = 0; ci < 8; ci++) { Vector3 pos = oct->aabb.pos; if (ci & 1) pos.x += oct->aabb.size.x; if (ci & 2) pos.y += oct->aabb.size.y; if (ci & 4) pos.z += oct->aabb.size.z; pos.x = floor((pos.x + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); pos.y = floor((pos.y + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); pos.z = floor((pos.z + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); { Map::Element *E = endpoint_normal.find(pos); if (!E) { //? print_line("lolwut?"); } else { Vector3 n = E->get().normalized(); oct->normal_accum[ci][0] = n.x; oct->normal_accum[ci][1] = n.y; oct->normal_accum[ci][2] = n.z; } } { Map::Element *E = endpoint_normal_bits.find(pos); if (!E) { //? print_line("lolwut?"); } else { float max_aper = 0; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 62; i++) { if (!(E->get() & (1 << i))) continue; Vector3 ang_i = get_bit_normal(i); for (uint64_t j = 0; j < 62; j++) { if (i == j) continue; if (!(E->get() & (1 << j))) continue; Vector3 ang_j = get_bit_normal(j); float ang = Math::acos(ang_i.dot(ang_j)); if (ang > max_aper) max_aper = ang; } } if (max_aper > 0.75 * Math_PI) { //angle too wide prevent problems and forget oct->normal_accum[ci][0] = 0; oct->normal_accum[ci][1] = 0; oct->normal_accum[ci][2] = 0; } } } } oct_idx = oct->next_leaf; } } } void BakedLightBaker::_plot_light(ThreadStack &thread_stack, const Vector3 &p_plot_pos, const AABB &p_plot_aabb, const Color &p_light, const Color &p_tint_light, bool p_only_full, const Plane &p_plane) { //stackless version uint32_t *stack = thread_stack.octant_stack; uint32_t *ptr_stack = thread_stack.octantptr_stack; Octant *octants = octant_pool.ptr(); stack[0] = 0; ptr_stack[0] = 0; int stack_pos = 0; while (true) { Octant &octant = octants[ptr_stack[stack_pos]]; if (stack[stack_pos] == 0) { Vector3 pos = octant.aabb.pos + octant.aabb.size * 0.5; float md = 1 << (octree_depth - stack_pos); float r = cell_size * plot_size * md; float div = 1.0 / (md * md * md); //div=1.0; float d = p_plot_pos.distance_to(pos); if ((p_plane.distance_to(pos) > -cell_size * 1.75 * md) && d <= r) { float intensity = 1.0 - (d / r) * (d / r); //not gauss but.. baked_light_baker_add_64f(&octant.full_accum[0], p_tint_light.r * intensity * div); baked_light_baker_add_64f(&octant.full_accum[1], p_tint_light.g * intensity * div); baked_light_baker_add_64f(&octant.full_accum[2], p_tint_light.b * intensity * div); } } if (octant.leaf) { //if (p_plane.normal.dot(octant.aabb.get_support(p_plane.normal)) < p_plane.d-CMP_EPSILON) { //octants behind are no go if (!p_only_full) { float r = cell_size * plot_size; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Vector3 pos = octant.aabb.pos; if (i & 1) pos.x += octant.aabb.size.x; if (i & 2) pos.y += octant.aabb.size.y; if (i & 4) pos.z += octant.aabb.size.z; float d = p_plot_pos.distance_to(pos); if ((p_plane.distance_to(pos) > -cell_size * 1.75) && d <= r) { float intensity = 1.0 - (d / r) * (d / r); //not gauss but.. if (edge_damp > 0) { Vector3 normal = Vector3(octant.normal_accum[i][0], octant.normal_accum[i][1], octant.normal_accum[i][2]); if (normal.x > 0 || normal.y > 0 || normal.z > 0) { float damp = Math::abs(p_plane.normal.dot(normal)); intensity *= pow(damp, edge_damp); } } //intensity*=1.0-Math::abs(p_plane.distance_to(pos))/(plot_size*cell_size); //intensity = Math::cos(d*Math_PI*0.5/r); baked_light_baker_add_64f(&octant.light_accum[i][0], p_light.r * intensity); baked_light_baker_add_64f(&octant.light_accum[i][1], p_light.g * intensity); baked_light_baker_add_64f(&octant.light_accum[i][2], p_light.b * intensity); } } } stack_pos--; } else if (stack[stack_pos] < 8) { int i = stack[stack_pos]; stack[stack_pos]++; if (!octant.children[i]) { continue; } Octant &child = octants[octant.children[i]]; if (!child.aabb.intersects(p_plot_aabb)) continue; if (child.aabb.encloses(p_plot_aabb)) { stack[stack_pos] = 8; //don't test the rest } stack_pos++; stack[stack_pos] = 0; ptr_stack[stack_pos] = octant.children[i]; } else { stack_pos--; if (stack_pos < 0) break; } } } float BakedLightBaker::_throw_ray(ThreadStack &thread_stack, bool p_bake_direct, const Vector3 &p_begin, const Vector3 &p_end, float p_rest, const Color &p_light, float *p_att_curve, float p_att_pos, int p_att_curve_len, int p_bounces, bool p_first_bounce, bool p_only_dist) { uint32_t *stack = thread_stack.ray_stack; BVH **bstack = thread_stack.bvh_stack; enum { TEST_AABB_BIT = 0, VISIT_LEFT_BIT = 1, VISIT_RIGHT_BIT = 2, VISIT_DONE_BIT = 3, }; Vector3 n = (p_end - p_begin); float len = n.length(); if (len == 0) return 0; n /= len; real_t d = 1e10; bool inters = false; Vector3 r_normal; Vector3 r_point; Vector3 end = p_end; Triangle *triangle = NULL; //for(int i=0;ivertices[0], b.leaf->vertices[1], b.leaf->vertices[2]); Vector3 res; if (f3.intersects_segment(p_begin, end, &res)) { float nd = n.dot(res); if (nd < d) { d = nd; r_point = res; end = res; len = (p_begin - end).length(); r_normal = f3.get_plane().get_normal(); triangle = b.leaf; inters = true; } } stack[level] = VISIT_DONE_BIT; } else { bool valid = b.aabb.smits_intersect_ray(p_begin, n, 0, len); //bool valid = b.aabb.intersects_segment(p_begin,p_end); // bool valid = b.aabb.intersects(ray_aabb); if (!valid) { stack[level] = VISIT_DONE_BIT; } else { stack[level] = VISIT_LEFT_BIT; } } } continue; case VISIT_LEFT_BIT: { stack[level] = VISIT_RIGHT_BIT; bstack[level + 1] = b.children[0]; stack[level + 1] = TEST_AABB_BIT; level++; } continue; case VISIT_RIGHT_BIT: { stack[level] = VISIT_DONE_BIT; bstack[level + 1] = b.children[1]; stack[level + 1] = TEST_AABB_BIT; level++; } continue; case VISIT_DONE_BIT: { if (level == 0) { done = true; break; } else level--; } continue; } if (done) break; } if (inters) { if (p_only_dist) { return p_begin.distance_to(r_point); } //should check if there is normals first Vector2 uv; if (true) { triangle->get_uv_and_normal(r_point, uv, r_normal); } else { } if (n.dot(r_normal) > 0) return -1; if (n.dot(r_normal) > 0) r_normal = -r_normal; //ok... Color diffuse_at_point(0.8, 0.8, 0.8); Color specular_at_point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); float dist = p_begin.distance_to(r_point); AABB aabb; aabb.pos = r_point; aabb.pos -= Vector3(1, 1, 1) * cell_size * plot_size; aabb.size = Vector3(2, 2, 2) * cell_size * plot_size; Color res_light = p_light; float att = 1.0; float dp = (1.0 - normal_damp) * n.dot(-r_normal) + normal_damp; if (p_att_curve) { p_att_pos += dist; int cpos = Math::fast_ftoi((p_att_pos / p_att_curve_len) * ATTENUATION_CURVE_LEN); cpos = CLAMP(cpos, 0, ATTENUATION_CURVE_LEN - 1); att = p_att_curve[cpos]; } res_light.r *= dp; res_light.g *= dp; res_light.b *= dp; //light is plotted before multiplication with diffuse, this way //the multiplication can happen with more detail in the shader if (triangle->material) { //triangle->get_uv(r_point); diffuse_at_point = triangle->material->diffuse.get_color(uv); specular_at_point = triangle->material->specular.get_color(uv); } diffuse_at_point.r = res_light.r * diffuse_at_point.r; diffuse_at_point.g = res_light.g * diffuse_at_point.g; diffuse_at_point.b = res_light.b * diffuse_at_point.b; float ret = 1e6; if (p_bounces > 0) { p_rest -= dist; if (p_rest < CMP_EPSILON) return 0; if (r_normal == -n) return 0; //todo change a little r_point += r_normal * 0.01; specular_at_point.r = res_light.r * specular_at_point.r; specular_at_point.g = res_light.g * specular_at_point.g; specular_at_point.b = res_light.b * specular_at_point.b; if (use_diffuse && (diffuse_at_point.r > CMP_EPSILON || diffuse_at_point.g > CMP_EPSILON || diffuse_at_point.b > CMP_EPSILON)) { //diffuse bounce Vector3 c1 = r_normal.cross(n).normalized(); Vector3 c2 = r_normal.cross(c1).normalized(); double r1 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; double r2 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; double r3 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; #if 0 Vector3 next = - ((c1*(r1-0.5)) + (c2*(r2-0.5)) + (r_normal*(r3-0.5))).normalized()*0.5 + r_normal*0.5; if (next==Vector3()) next=r_normal; Vector3 rn=next.normalized(); #else Vector3 rn = ((c1 * (r1 - 0.5)) + (c2 * (r2 - 0.5)) + (r_normal * r3 * 0.5)).normalized(); #endif ret = _throw_ray(thread_stack, p_bake_direct, r_point, r_point + rn * p_rest, p_rest, diffuse_at_point, p_att_curve, p_att_pos, p_att_curve_len, p_bounces - 1); } if (use_specular && (specular_at_point.r > CMP_EPSILON || specular_at_point.g > CMP_EPSILON || specular_at_point.b > CMP_EPSILON)) { //specular bounce //Vector3 c1=r_normal.cross(n).normalized(); //Vector3 c2=r_normal.cross(c1).normalized(); Vector3 rn = n - r_normal * r_normal.dot(n) * 2.0; _throw_ray(thread_stack, p_bake_direct, r_point, r_point + rn * p_rest, p_rest, specular_at_point, p_att_curve, p_att_pos, p_att_curve_len, p_bounces - 1); } } //specular later // _plot_light_point(r_point,octree,octree_aabb,p_light); Color plot_light = res_light.linear_interpolate(diffuse_at_point, tint); plot_light.r *= att; plot_light.g *= att; plot_light.b *= att; Color tint_light = diffuse_at_point; tint_light.r *= att; tint_light.g *= att; tint_light.b *= att; bool skip = false; if (!p_first_bounce || p_bake_direct) { float r = plot_size * cell_size * 2; if (dist < r) { //avoid accumulaiton of light on corners //plot_light=plot_light.linear_interpolate(Color(0,0,0,0),1.0-sd/plot_size*plot_size); skip = true; } else { Vector3 c1 = r_normal.cross(n).normalized(); Vector3 c2 = r_normal.cross(c1).normalized(); double r1 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; double r2 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; double r3 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; Vector3 rn = ((c1 * (r1 - 0.5)) + (c2 * (r2 - 0.5)) + (r_normal * r3 * 0.25)).normalized(); float d = _throw_ray(thread_stack, p_bake_direct, r_point, r_point + rn * p_rest, p_rest, diffuse_at_point, p_att_curve, p_att_pos, p_att_curve_len, p_bounces - 1, false, true); r = plot_size * cell_size * ao_radius; if (d > 0 && d < r) { //avoid accumulaiton of light on corners //plot_light=plot_light.linear_interpolate(Color(0,0,0,0),1.0-sd/plot_size*plot_size); skip = true; } else { //plot_light=Color(0,0,0,0); } } } Plane plane(r_point, r_normal); if (!skip) _plot_light(thread_stack, r_point, aabb, plot_light, tint_light, !(!p_first_bounce || p_bake_direct), plane); return dist; } return -1; } void BakedLightBaker::_make_octree_texture() { BakedLightBaker::Octant *octants = octant_pool.ptr(); //find neighbours first, to have a better idea of what amount of space is needed { Vector octant_hashing; octant_hashing.resize(octant_pool_size); Vector hash_table; int hash_table_size = Math::larger_prime(16384); hash_table.resize(hash_table_size); uint32_t *hashptr = hash_table.ptr(); OctantHash *octhashptr = octant_hashing.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < hash_table_size; i++) hashptr[i] = 0; //step 1 add to hash table uint32_t oct_idx = leaf_list; while (oct_idx) { BakedLightBaker::Octant *oct = &octants[oct_idx]; uint64_t base = 0; Vector3 pos = oct->aabb.pos - octree_aabb.pos; //make sure is always positive base = int((pos.x + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); base <<= 16; base |= int((pos.y + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); base <<= 16; base |= int((pos.z + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); uint32_t hash = HashMapHasherDefault::hash(base); uint32_t idx = hash % hash_table_size; octhashptr[oct_idx].next = hashptr[idx]; octhashptr[oct_idx].hash = hash; octhashptr[oct_idx].value = base; hashptr[idx] = oct_idx; oct_idx = oct->next_leaf; } //step 2 find neighbours oct_idx = leaf_list; int neighbours = 0; while (oct_idx) { BakedLightBaker::Octant *oct = &octants[oct_idx]; Vector3 pos = oct->aabb.pos - octree_aabb.pos; //make sure is always positive pos.x += cell_size; uint64_t base = 0; base = int((pos.x + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); base <<= 16; base |= int((pos.y + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); base <<= 16; base |= int((pos.z + cell_size * 0.5) / cell_size); uint32_t hash = HashMapHasherDefault::hash(base); uint32_t idx = hash % hash_table_size; uint32_t bucket = hashptr[idx]; while (bucket) { if (octhashptr[bucket].value == base) { oct->bake_neighbour = bucket; octants[bucket].first_neighbour = false; neighbours++; break; } bucket = octhashptr[bucket].next; } oct_idx = oct->next_leaf; } print_line("octant with neighbour: " + itos(neighbours)); } //ok let's try to just create a texture int otex_w = 256; while (true) { uint32_t oct_idx = leaf_list; int row = 0; print_line("begin at row " + itos(row)); int longest_line_reused = 0; int col = 0; int processed = 0; //reset while (oct_idx) { BakedLightBaker::Octant *oct = &octants[oct_idx]; oct->texture_x = 0; oct->texture_y = 0; oct_idx = oct->next_leaf; } oct_idx = leaf_list; //assign while (oct_idx) { BakedLightBaker::Octant *oct = &octants[oct_idx]; if (oct->first_neighbour && oct->texture_x == 0 && oct->texture_y == 0) { //was not processed uint32_t current_idx = oct_idx; int reused = 0; while (current_idx) { BakedLightBaker::Octant *o = &octants[current_idx]; if (col + 1 >= otex_w) { col = 0; row += 4; } o->texture_x = col; o->texture_y = row; processed++; if (o->bake_neighbour) { reused++; } col += o->bake_neighbour ? 1 : 2; //reuse neighbour current_idx = o->bake_neighbour; } if (reused > longest_line_reused) { longest_line_reused = reused; } } oct_idx = oct->next_leaf; } row += 4; if (otex_w < row) { otex_w *= 2; } else { baked_light_texture_w = otex_w; baked_light_texture_h = next_power_of_2(row); print_line("w: " + itos(otex_w)); print_line("h: " + itos(row)); break; } } { otex_w = (1 << lattice_size) * (1 << lattice_size) * 2; //make sure lattice fits horizontally Vector3 lattice_cell_size = octree_aabb.size; for (int i = 0; i < lattice_size; i++) { lattice_cell_size *= 0.5; } while (true) { //let's plot the leafs first, given the octree is not so obvious which size it will have int row = 4 + 4 * (1 << lattice_size); int col = 0; col = 0; row += 4; print_line("end at row " + itos(row)); //put octree, no need for recursion, just loop backwards. int regular_octants = 0; for (int i = octant_pool_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BakedLightBaker::Octant *oct = &octants[i]; if (oct->leaf) //ignore leaf continue; if (oct->aabb.size.x > lattice_cell_size.x * 1.1) { //bigger than latice, skip oct->texture_x = 0; oct->texture_y = 0; } else if (oct->aabb.size.x > lattice_cell_size.x * 0.8) { //this is the initial lattice Vector3 pos = oct->aabb.pos - octree_aabb.pos; //make sure is always positive int x = int((pos.x + lattice_cell_size.x * 0.5) / lattice_cell_size.x); int y = int((pos.y + lattice_cell_size.y * 0.5) / lattice_cell_size.y); int z = int((pos.z + lattice_cell_size.z * 0.5) / lattice_cell_size.z); //bug net ERR_FAIL_INDEX(x, (1 << lattice_size)); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(y, (1 << lattice_size)); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(z, (1 << lattice_size)); /*int ofs = z*(1<texture_x=ofs%otex_w; oct->texture_y=(ofs/otex_w)*4+4; */ oct->texture_x = (x + (1 << lattice_size) * z) * 2; oct->texture_y = 4 + y * 4; //print_line("pos: "+itos(x)+","+itos(y)+","+itos(z)+" - ofs"+itos(oct->texture_x)+","+itos(oct->texture_y)); } else { //an everyday regular octant if (col + 2 > otex_w) { col = 0; row += 4; } oct->texture_x = col; oct->texture_y = row; col += 2; regular_octants++; } } print_line("octants end at row " + itos(row) + " totalling" + itos(regular_octants)); //ok evaluation. if (otex_w <= 2048 && row > 2048) { //too big upwards, try bigger texture otex_w *= 2; continue; } else { baked_octree_texture_w = otex_w; baked_octree_texture_h = row + 4; break; } } } baked_octree_texture_h = next_power_of_2(baked_octree_texture_h); print_line("RESULT! " + itos(baked_octree_texture_w) + "," + itos(baked_octree_texture_h)); } double BakedLightBaker::get_normalization(int p_light_idx) const { double nrg = 0; const LightData &dl = lights[p_light_idx]; double cell_area = cell_size * cell_size; //nrg+= /*dl.energy */ (dl.rays_thrown * cell_area / dl.area); nrg = dl.rays_thrown * cell_area; nrg *= (Math_PI * plot_size * plot_size) * 0.5; // damping of radial linear gradient kernel nrg *= dl.constant; //nrg*=5; return nrg; } double BakedLightBaker::get_modifier(int p_light_idx) const { double nrg = 0; const LightData &dl = lights[p_light_idx]; double cell_area = cell_size * cell_size; //nrg+= /*dl.energy */ (dl.rays_thrown * cell_area / dl.area); nrg = cell_area; nrg *= (Math_PI * plot_size * plot_size) * 0.5; // damping of radial linear gradient kernel nrg *= dl.constant; //nrg*=5; return nrg; } void BakedLightBaker::throw_rays(ThreadStack &thread_stack, int p_amount) { for (int i = 0; i < lights.size(); i++) { LightData &dl = lights[i]; int amount = p_amount * total_light_area / dl.area; double mod = 1.0 / double(get_modifier(i)); mod *= p_amount / float(amount); switch (dl.type) { case VS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL: { for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { Vector3 from = dl.pos; double r1 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; double r2 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; from += dl.up * (r1 * 2.0 - 1.0); from += dl.left * (r2 * 2.0 - 1.0); Vector3 to = from + dl.dir * dl.length; Color col = dl.diffuse; float m = mod * dl.energy; col.r *= m; col.g *= m; col.b *= m; dl.rays_thrown++; baked_light_baker_add_64i(&total_rays, 1); _throw_ray(thread_stack, dl.bake_direct, from, to, dl.length, col, NULL, 0, 0, max_bounces, true); } } break; case VS::LIGHT_OMNI: { for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { Vector3 from = dl.pos; double r1 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; double r2 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; double r3 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; #if 0 //crap is not uniform.. Vector3 dir = Vector3(r1*2.0-1.0,r2*2.0-1.0,r3*2.0-1.0).normalized(); #else double phi = r1 * Math_PI * 2.0; double costheta = r2 * 2.0 - 1.0; double u = r3; double theta = acos(costheta); double r = 1.0 * pow(u, 1 / 3.0); Vector3 dir( r * sin(theta) * cos(phi), r * sin(theta) * sin(phi), r * cos(theta)); dir.normalize(); #endif Vector3 to = dl.pos + dir * dl.radius; Color col = dl.diffuse; float m = mod * dl.energy; col.r *= m; col.g *= m; col.b *= m; dl.rays_thrown++; baked_light_baker_add_64i(&total_rays, 1); _throw_ray(thread_stack, dl.bake_direct, from, to, dl.radius, col, dl.attenuation_table.ptr(), 0, dl.radius, max_bounces, true); // _throw_ray(i,from,to,dl.radius,col,NULL,0,dl.radius,max_bounces,true); } } break; case VS::LIGHT_SPOT: { for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { Vector3 from = dl.pos; double r1 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; //double r2 = double(rand())/RAND_MAX; double r3 = double(rand()) / RAND_MAX; float d = Math::tan(Math::deg2rad(dl.spot_angle)); float x = sin(r1 * Math_PI * 2.0) * d; float y = cos(r1 * Math_PI * 2.0) * d; Vector3 dir = r3 * (dl.dir + dl.up * y + dl.left * x) + (1.0 - r3) * dl.dir; dir.normalize(); Vector3 to = dl.pos + dir * dl.radius; Color col = dl.diffuse; float m = mod * dl.energy; col.r *= m; col.g *= m; col.b *= m; dl.rays_thrown++; baked_light_baker_add_64i(&total_rays, 1); _throw_ray(thread_stack, dl.bake_direct, from, to, dl.radius, col, dl.attenuation_table.ptr(), 0, dl.radius, max_bounces, true); // _throw_ray(i,from,to,dl.radius,col,NULL,0,dl.radius,max_bounces,true); } } break; } } } void BakedLightBaker::bake(const Ref &p_light, Node *p_node) { if (baking) return; cell_count = 0; base_inv = p_node->cast_to()->get_global_transform().affine_inverse(); EditorProgress ep("bake", TTR("Light Baker Setup:"), 5); baked_light = p_light; lattice_size = baked_light->get_initial_lattice_subdiv(); octree_depth = baked_light->get_cell_subdivision(); plot_size = baked_light->get_plot_size(); max_bounces = baked_light->get_bounces(); use_diffuse = baked_light->get_bake_flag(BakedLight::BAKE_DIFFUSE); use_specular = baked_light->get_bake_flag(BakedLight::BAKE_SPECULAR); use_translucency = baked_light->get_bake_flag(BakedLight::BAKE_TRANSLUCENT); edge_damp = baked_light->get_edge_damp(); normal_damp = baked_light->get_normal_damp(); octree_extra_margin = baked_light->get_cell_extra_margin(); tint = baked_light->get_tint(); ao_radius = baked_light->get_ao_radius(); ao_strength = baked_light->get_ao_strength(); linear_color = baked_light->get_bake_flag(BakedLight::BAKE_LINEAR_COLOR); baked_textures.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < baked_light->get_lightmaps_count(); i++) { BakeTexture bt; bt.width = baked_light->get_lightmap_gen_size(i).x; bt.height = baked_light->get_lightmap_gen_size(i).y; baked_textures.push_back(bt); } ep.step(TTR("Parsing Geometry"), 0); _parse_geometry(p_node); mat_map.clear(); tex_map.clear(); print_line("\ttotal triangles: " + itos(triangles.size())); // no geometry if (triangles.size() == 0) { return; } ep.step(TTR("Fixing Lights"), 1); _fix_lights(); ep.step(TTR("Making BVH"), 2); _make_bvh(); ep.step(TTR("Creating Light Octree"), 3); _make_octree(); ep.step(TTR("Creating Octree Texture"), 4); _make_octree_texture(); baking = true; _start_thread(); } void BakedLightBaker::update_octree_sampler(DVector &p_sampler) { BakedLightBaker::Octant *octants = octant_pool.ptr(); double norm = 1.0 / double(total_rays); if (p_sampler.size() == 0 || first_bake_to_map) { Vector tmp_smp; tmp_smp.resize(32); //32 for header for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { tmp_smp[i] = 0; } for (int i = octant_pool_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i == 0) tmp_smp[1] = tmp_smp.size(); Octant &octant = octants[i]; octant.sampler_ofs = tmp_smp.size(); int idxcol[2] = { 0, 0 }; int r = CLAMP((octant.full_accum[0] * norm) * 2048, 0, 32767); int g = CLAMP((octant.full_accum[1] * norm) * 2048, 0, 32767); int b = CLAMP((octant.full_accum[2] * norm) * 2048, 0, 32767); idxcol[0] |= r; idxcol[1] |= (g << 16) | b; if (octant.leaf) { tmp_smp.push_back(idxcol[0]); tmp_smp.push_back(idxcol[1]); } else { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (octant.children[j]) { idxcol[0] |= (1 << (j + 16)); } } tmp_smp.push_back(idxcol[0]); tmp_smp.push_back(idxcol[1]); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (octant.children[j]) { tmp_smp.push_back(octants[octant.children[j]].sampler_ofs); if (octants[octant.children[j]].sampler_ofs == 0) { print_line("FUUUUUUUUCK"); } } } } } p_sampler.resize(tmp_smp.size()); DVector::Write w = p_sampler.write(); int ss = tmp_smp.size(); for (int i = 0; i < ss; i++) { w[i] = tmp_smp[i]; } first_bake_to_map = false; } double gamma = baked_light->get_gamma_adjust(); double mult = baked_light->get_energy_multiplier(); float saturation = baked_light->get_saturation(); DVector::Write w = p_sampler.write(); encode_uint32(octree_depth, (uint8_t *)&w[2]); encode_uint32(linear_color, (uint8_t *)&w[3]); encode_float(octree_aabb.pos.x, (uint8_t *)&w[4]); encode_float(octree_aabb.pos.y, (uint8_t *)&w[5]); encode_float(octree_aabb.pos.z, (uint8_t *)&w[6]); encode_float(octree_aabb.size.x, (uint8_t *)&w[7]); encode_float(octree_aabb.size.y, (uint8_t *)&w[8]); encode_float(octree_aabb.size.z, (uint8_t *)&w[9]); //norm*=multiplier; for (int i = octant_pool_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Octant &octant = octants[i]; int idxcol[2] = { w[octant.sampler_ofs], w[octant.sampler_ofs + 1] }; double rf = pow(octant.full_accum[0] * norm * mult, gamma); double gf = pow(octant.full_accum[1] * norm * mult, gamma); double bf = pow(octant.full_accum[2] * norm * mult, gamma); double gray = (rf + gf + bf) / 3.0; rf = gray + (rf - gray) * saturation; gf = gray + (gf - gray) * saturation; bf = gray + (bf - gray) * saturation; int r = CLAMP((rf)*2048, 0, 32767); int g = CLAMP((gf)*2048, 0, 32767); int b = CLAMP((bf)*2048, 0, 32767); idxcol[0] = ((idxcol[0] >> 16) << 16) | r; idxcol[1] = (g << 16) | b; w[octant.sampler_ofs] = idxcol[0]; w[octant.sampler_ofs + 1] = idxcol[1]; } } void BakedLightBaker::update_octree_images(DVector &p_octree, DVector &p_light) { int len = baked_octree_texture_w * baked_octree_texture_h * 4; p_octree.resize(len); int ilen = baked_light_texture_w * baked_light_texture_h * 4; p_light.resize(ilen); DVector::Write w = p_octree.write(); zeromem(w.ptr(), len); DVector::Write iw = p_light.write(); zeromem(iw.ptr(), ilen); float gamma = baked_light->get_gamma_adjust(); float mult = baked_light->get_energy_multiplier(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { w[i + 0] = 0xFF; w[i + 1] = 0; w[i + 2] = 0xFF; w[i + 3] = 0xFF; } for (int i = 0; i < ilen; i += 4) { iw[i + 0] = 0xFF; iw[i + 1] = 0; iw[i + 2] = 0xFF; iw[i + 3] = 0xFF; } float multiplier = 1.0; if (baked_light->get_format() == BakedLight::FORMAT_HDR8) multiplier = 8; encode_uint32(baked_octree_texture_w, &w[0]); encode_uint32(baked_octree_texture_h, &w[4]); encode_uint32(0, &w[8]); encode_float(1 << lattice_size, &w[12]); encode_uint32(octree_depth - lattice_size, &w[16]); encode_uint32(multiplier, &w[20]); encode_uint16(baked_light_texture_w, &w[24]); //if present, use the baked light texture encode_uint16(baked_light_texture_h, &w[26]); encode_uint32(0, &w[28]); //baked light texture format encode_float(octree_aabb.pos.x, &w[32]); encode_float(octree_aabb.pos.y, &w[36]); encode_float(octree_aabb.pos.z, &w[40]); encode_float(octree_aabb.size.x, &w[44]); encode_float(octree_aabb.size.y, &w[48]); encode_float(octree_aabb.size.z, &w[52]); BakedLightBaker::Octant *octants = octant_pool.ptr(); int octant_count = octant_pool_size; uint8_t *ptr = w.ptr(); uint8_t *lptr = iw.ptr(); int child_offsets[8] = { 0, 4, baked_octree_texture_w * 4, baked_octree_texture_w * 4 + 4, baked_octree_texture_w * 8 + 0, baked_octree_texture_w * 8 + 4, baked_octree_texture_w * 8 + baked_octree_texture_w * 4, baked_octree_texture_w * 8 + baked_octree_texture_w * 4 + 4, }; int lchild_offsets[8] = { 0, 4, baked_light_texture_w * 4, baked_light_texture_w * 4 + 4, baked_light_texture_w * 8 + 0, baked_light_texture_w * 8 + 4, baked_light_texture_w * 8 + baked_light_texture_w * 4, baked_light_texture_w * 8 + baked_light_texture_w * 4 + 4, }; /*Vector norm_arr; norm_arr.resize(lights.size()); for(int i=0;iget_saturation(); for (int i = 0; i < octant_count; i++) { Octant &oct = octants[i]; if (oct.texture_x == 0 && oct.texture_y == 0) continue; if (oct.leaf) { int ofs = (oct.texture_y * baked_light_texture_w + oct.texture_x) << 2; ERR_CONTINUE(ofs < 0 || ofs > ilen); //write colors for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { //if (!oct.children[j]) // continue; uint8_t *iptr = &lptr[ofs + lchild_offsets[j]]; float r = oct.light_accum[j][0] * norm; float g = oct.light_accum[j][1] * norm; float b = oct.light_accum[j][2] * norm; r = pow(r * mult, gamma); g = pow(g * mult, gamma); b = pow(b * mult, gamma); double gray = (r + g + b) / 3.0; r = gray + (r - gray) * saturation; g = gray + (g - gray) * saturation; b = gray + (b - gray) * saturation; float ic[3] = { r, g, b, }; iptr[0] = CLAMP(ic[0] * 255.0, 0, 255); iptr[1] = CLAMP(ic[1] * 255.0, 0, 255); iptr[2] = CLAMP(ic[2] * 255.0, 0, 255); iptr[3] = 255; } } else { int ofs = (oct.texture_y * baked_octree_texture_w + oct.texture_x) << 2; ERR_CONTINUE(ofs < 0 || ofs > len); //write indices for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (!oct.children[j]) continue; Octant &choct = octants[oct.children[j]]; uint8_t *iptr = &ptr[ofs + child_offsets[j]]; iptr[0] = choct.texture_x >> 8; iptr[1] = choct.texture_x & 0xFF; iptr[2] = choct.texture_y >> 8; iptr[3] = choct.texture_y & 0xFF; } } } } void BakedLightBaker::_free_bvh(BVH *p_bvh) { if (!p_bvh->leaf) { if (p_bvh->children[0]) _free_bvh(p_bvh->children[0]); if (p_bvh->children[1]) _free_bvh(p_bvh->children[1]); } memdelete(p_bvh); } bool BakedLightBaker::is_baking() { return baking; } void BakedLightBaker::set_pause(bool p_pause) { if (paused == p_pause) return; paused = p_pause; if (paused) { _stop_thread(); } else { _start_thread(); } } bool BakedLightBaker::is_paused() { return paused; } void BakedLightBaker::_bake_thread_func(void *arg) { BakedLightBaker *ble = (BakedLightBaker *)arg; ThreadStack thread_stack; thread_stack.ray_stack = memnew_arr(uint32_t, ble->bvh_depth); thread_stack.bvh_stack = memnew_arr(BVH *, ble->bvh_depth); thread_stack.octant_stack = memnew_arr(uint32_t, ble->octree_depth * 2); thread_stack.octantptr_stack = memnew_arr(uint32_t, ble->octree_depth * 2); while (!ble->bake_thread_exit) { ble->throw_rays(thread_stack, 1000); } memdelete_arr(thread_stack.ray_stack); memdelete_arr(thread_stack.bvh_stack); memdelete_arr(thread_stack.octant_stack); memdelete_arr(thread_stack.octantptr_stack); } void BakedLightBaker::_start_thread() { if (threads.size() != 0) return; bake_thread_exit = false; int thread_count = EDITOR_DEF("light_baker/custom_bake_threads", 0); if (thread_count <= 0 || thread_count > 64) thread_count = OS::get_singleton()->get_processor_count(); //thread_count=1; threads.resize(thread_count); for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { threads[i] = Thread::create(_bake_thread_func, this); } } void BakedLightBaker::_stop_thread() { if (threads.size() == 0) return; bake_thread_exit = true; for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { Thread::wait_to_finish(threads[i]); memdelete(threads[i]); } threads.clear(); } void BakedLightBaker::_plot_pixel_to_lightmap(int x, int y, int width, int height, uint8_t *image, const Vector3 &p_pos, const Vector3 &p_normal, double *p_norm_ptr, float mult, float gamma) { uint8_t *ptr = &image[(y * width + x) * 4]; //int lc = lights.size(); double norm = 1.0 / double(total_rays); Color color; Octant *octants = octant_pool.ptr(); int octant_idx = 0; while (true) { Octant &octant = octants[octant_idx]; if (octant.leaf) { Vector3 lpos = p_pos - octant.aabb.pos; lpos /= octant.aabb.size; Vector3 cols[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { cols[i].x += octant.light_accum[i][0] * norm; cols[i].y += octant.light_accum[i][1] * norm; cols[i].z += octant.light_accum[i][2] * norm; } /*Vector3 final = (cols[0] + (cols[1] - cols[0]) * lpos.y); final = final + ((cols[2] + (cols[3] - cols[2]) * lpos.y) - final)*lpos.x; Vector3 final2 = (cols[4+0] + (cols[4+1] - cols[4+0]) * lpos.y); final2 = final2 + ((cols[4+2] + (cols[4+3] - cols[4+2]) * lpos.y) - final2)*lpos.x;*/ Vector3 finala = cols[0].linear_interpolate(cols[1], lpos.x); Vector3 finalb = cols[2].linear_interpolate(cols[3], lpos.x); Vector3 final = finala.linear_interpolate(finalb, lpos.y); Vector3 final2a = cols[4 + 0].linear_interpolate(cols[4 + 1], lpos.x); Vector3 final2b = cols[4 + 2].linear_interpolate(cols[4 + 3], lpos.x); Vector3 final2 = final2a.linear_interpolate(final2b, lpos.y); final = final.linear_interpolate(final2, lpos.z); if (baked_light->get_format() == BakedLight::FORMAT_HDR8) final *= 8.0; color.r = pow(final.x * mult, gamma); color.g = pow(final.y * mult, gamma); color.b = pow(final.z * mult, gamma); color.a = 1.0; int lc = lights.size(); LightData *lv = lights.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < lc; i++) { //shadow baking if (!lv[i].bake_shadow) continue; Vector3 from = p_pos + p_normal * 0.01; Vector3 to; float att = 0; switch (lv[i].type) { case VS::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL: { to = from - lv[i].dir * lv[i].length; } break; case VS::LIGHT_OMNI: { to = lv[i].pos; float d = MIN(lv[i].radius, to.distance_to(from)) / lv[i].radius; att = d; //1.0-d; } break; default: continue; } uint32_t *stack = ray_stack; BVH **bstack = bvh_stack; enum { TEST_RAY_BIT = 0, VISIT_LEFT_BIT = 1, VISIT_RIGHT_BIT = 2, VISIT_DONE_BIT = 3, }; bool intersected = false; int level = 0; Vector3 n = (to - from); float len = n.length(); if (len == 0) continue; n /= len; bstack[0] = bvh; stack[0] = TEST_RAY_BIT; while (!intersected) { uint32_t mode = stack[level]; const BVH &b = *bstack[level]; bool done = false; switch (mode) { case TEST_RAY_BIT: { if (b.leaf) { Face3 f3(b.leaf->vertices[0], b.leaf->vertices[1], b.leaf->vertices[2]); Vector3 res; if (f3.intersects_segment(from, to)) { intersected = true; done = true; } stack[level] = VISIT_DONE_BIT; } else { bool valid = b.aabb.smits_intersect_ray(from, n, 0, len); //bool valid = b.aabb.intersects_segment(p_begin,p_end); // bool valid = b.aabb.intersects(ray_aabb); if (!valid) { stack[level] = VISIT_DONE_BIT; } else { stack[level] = VISIT_LEFT_BIT; } } } continue; case VISIT_LEFT_BIT: { stack[level] = VISIT_RIGHT_BIT; bstack[level + 1] = b.children[0]; stack[level + 1] = TEST_RAY_BIT; level++; } continue; case VISIT_RIGHT_BIT: { stack[level] = VISIT_DONE_BIT; bstack[level + 1] = b.children[1]; stack[level + 1] = TEST_RAY_BIT; level++; } continue; case VISIT_DONE_BIT: { if (level == 0) { done = true; break; } else level--; } continue; } if (done) break; } if (intersected) { color.a = Math::lerp(MAX(0.01, lv[i].darkening), 1.0, att); } } break; } else { Vector3 lpos = p_pos - octant.aabb.pos; Vector3 half = octant.aabb.size * 0.5; int ofs = 0; if (lpos.x >= half.x) ofs |= 1; if (lpos.y >= half.y) ofs |= 2; if (lpos.z >= half.z) ofs |= 4; octant_idx = octant.children[ofs]; if (octant_idx == 0) return; } } ptr[0] = CLAMP(color.r * 255.0, 0, 255); ptr[1] = CLAMP(color.g * 255.0, 0, 255); ptr[2] = CLAMP(color.b * 255.0, 0, 255); ptr[3] = CLAMP(color.a * 255.0, 0, 255); } Error BakedLightBaker::transfer_to_lightmaps() { if (!triangles.size() || baked_textures.size() == 0) return ERR_UNCONFIGURED; EditorProgress ep("transfer_to_lightmaps", TTR("Transfer to Lightmaps:"), baked_textures.size() * 2 + triangles.size()); for (int i = 0; i < baked_textures.size(); i++) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(baked_textures[i].width <= 0 || baked_textures[i].height <= 0, ERR_UNCONFIGURED); baked_textures[i].data.resize(baked_textures[i].width * baked_textures[i].height * 4); zeromem(baked_textures[i].data.ptr(), baked_textures[i].data.size()); ep.step(TTR("Allocating Texture #") + itos(i + 1), i); } Vector norm_arr; norm_arr.resize(lights.size()); for (int i = 0; i < lights.size(); i++) { norm_arr[i] = 1.0 / get_normalization(i); } float gamma = baked_light->get_gamma_adjust(); float mult = baked_light->get_energy_multiplier(); for (int i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++) { if (i % 200 == 0) { ep.step(TTR("Baking Triangle #") + itos(i), i + baked_textures.size()); } Triangle &t = triangles[i]; if (t.baked_texture < 0 || t.baked_texture >= baked_textures.size()) continue; BakeTexture &bt = baked_textures[t.baked_texture]; Vector3 normal = Plane(t.vertices[0], t.vertices[1], t.vertices[2]).normal; int x[3]; int y[3]; Vector3 vertices[3] = { t.vertices[0], t.vertices[1], t.vertices[2] }; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { x[j] = t.bake_uvs[j].x * bt.width; y[j] = t.bake_uvs[j].y * bt.height; x[j] = CLAMP(x[j], 0, bt.width - 1); y[j] = CLAMP(y[j], 0, bt.height - 1); } { // sort the points vertically if (y[1] > y[2]) { SWAP(x[1], x[2]); SWAP(y[1], y[2]); SWAP(vertices[1], vertices[2]); } if (y[0] > y[1]) { SWAP(x[0], x[1]); SWAP(y[0], y[1]); SWAP(vertices[0], vertices[1]); } if (y[1] > y[2]) { SWAP(x[1], x[2]); SWAP(y[1], y[2]); SWAP(vertices[1], vertices[2]); } double dx_far = double(x[2] - x[0]) / (y[2] - y[0] + 1); double dx_upper = double(x[1] - x[0]) / (y[1] - y[0] + 1); double dx_low = double(x[2] - x[1]) / (y[2] - y[1] + 1); double xf = x[0]; double xt = x[0] + dx_upper; // if y[0] == y[1], special case for (int yi = y[0]; yi <= (y[2] > bt.height - 1 ? bt.height - 1 : y[2]); yi++) { if (yi >= 0) { for (int xi = (xf > 0 ? int(xf) : 0); xi <= (xt < bt.width ? xt : bt.width - 1); xi++) { //pixels[int(x + y * width)] = color; Vector2 v0 = Vector2(x[1] - x[0], y[1] - y[0]); Vector2 v1 = Vector2(x[2] - x[0], y[2] - y[0]); //vertices[2] - vertices[0]; Vector2 v2 = Vector2(xi - x[0], yi - y[0]); float d00 = v0.dot(v0); float d01 = v0.dot(v1); float d11 = v1.dot(v1); float d20 = v2.dot(v0); float d21 = v2.dot(v1); float denom = (d00 * d11 - d01 * d01); Vector3 pos; if (denom == 0) { pos = t.vertices[0]; } else { float v = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom; float w = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom; float u = 1.0f - v - w; pos = vertices[0] * u + vertices[1] * v + vertices[2] * w; } _plot_pixel_to_lightmap(xi, yi, bt.width, bt.height, bt.data.ptr(), pos, normal, norm_arr.ptr(), mult, gamma); } for (int xi = (xf < bt.width ? int(xf) : bt.width - 1); xi >= (xt > 0 ? xt : 0); xi--) { //pixels[int(x + y * width)] = color; Vector2 v0 = Vector2(x[1] - x[0], y[1] - y[0]); Vector2 v1 = Vector2(x[2] - x[0], y[2] - y[0]); //vertices[2] - vertices[0]; Vector2 v2 = Vector2(xi - x[0], yi - y[0]); float d00 = v0.dot(v0); float d01 = v0.dot(v1); float d11 = v1.dot(v1); float d20 = v2.dot(v0); float d21 = v2.dot(v1); float denom = (d00 * d11 - d01 * d01); Vector3 pos; if (denom == 0) { pos = t.vertices[0]; } else { float v = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom; float w = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom; float u = 1.0f - v - w; pos = vertices[0] * u + vertices[1] * v + vertices[2] * w; } _plot_pixel_to_lightmap(xi, yi, bt.width, bt.height, bt.data.ptr(), pos, normal, norm_arr.ptr(), mult, gamma); } } xf += dx_far; if (yi < y[1]) xt += dx_upper; else xt += dx_low; } } } for (int i = 0; i < baked_textures.size(); i++) { { ep.step(TTR("Post-Processing Texture #") + itos(i), i + baked_textures.size() + triangles.size()); BakeTexture &bt = baked_textures[i]; Vector copy_data = bt.data; uint8_t *data = bt.data.ptr(); const int max_radius = 8; const int shadow_radius = 2; const int max_dist = 0x7FFFFFFF; for (int x = 0; x < bt.width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < bt.height; y++) { uint8_t a = copy_data[(y * bt.width + x) * 4 + 3]; if (a > 0) { //blur shadow int from_x = MAX(0, x - shadow_radius); int to_x = MIN(bt.width - 1, x + shadow_radius); int from_y = MAX(0, y - shadow_radius); int to_y = MIN(bt.height - 1, y + shadow_radius); int sum = 0; int sumc = 0; for (int k = from_y; k <= to_y; k++) { for (int l = from_x; l <= to_x; l++) { const uint8_t *rp = ©_data[(k * bt.width + l) << 2]; sum += rp[3]; sumc++; } } sum /= sumc; data[(y * bt.width + x) * 4 + 3] = sum; } else { int closest_dist = max_dist; uint8_t closest_color[4]; int from_x = MAX(0, x - max_radius); int to_x = MIN(bt.width - 1, x + max_radius); int from_y = MAX(0, y - max_radius); int to_y = MIN(bt.height - 1, y + max_radius); for (int k = from_y; k <= to_y; k++) { for (int l = from_x; l <= to_x; l++) { int dy = y - k; int dx = x - l; int dist = dy * dy + dx * dx; if (dist >= closest_dist) continue; const uint8_t *rp = ©_data[(k * bt.width + l) << 2]; if (rp[3] == 0) continue; closest_dist = dist; closest_color[0] = rp[0]; closest_color[1] = rp[1]; closest_color[2] = rp[2]; closest_color[3] = rp[3]; } } if (closest_dist != max_dist) { data[(y * bt.width + x) * 4 + 0] = closest_color[0]; data[(y * bt.width + x) * 4 + 1] = closest_color[1]; data[(y * bt.width + x) * 4 + 2] = closest_color[2]; data[(y * bt.width + x) * 4 + 3] = closest_color[3]; } } } } } DVector dv; dv.resize(baked_textures[i].data.size()); { DVector::Write w = dv.write(); copymem(w.ptr(), baked_textures[i].data.ptr(), baked_textures[i].data.size()); } Image img(baked_textures[i].width, baked_textures[i].height, 0, Image::FORMAT_RGBA, dv); Ref tex = memnew(ImageTexture); tex->create_from_image(img); baked_light->set_lightmap_texture(i, tex); } return OK; } void BakedLightBaker::clear() { _stop_thread(); if (bvh) _free_bvh(bvh); if (ray_stack) memdelete_arr(ray_stack); if (octant_stack) memdelete_arr(octant_stack); if (octantptr_stack) memdelete_arr(octantptr_stack); if (bvh_stack) memdelete_arr(bvh_stack); /* * ??? for(int i=0;i norm_arr; //norm_arr.resize(lights.size()); for(int i=0;i(); total_rays = 0; } BakedLightBaker::BakedLightBaker() { octree_depth = 9; lattice_size = 4; octant_pool.clear(); octant_pool_size = 0; bvh = NULL; leaf_list = 0; cell_count = 0; ray_stack = NULL; bvh_stack = NULL; octant_stack = NULL; octantptr_stack = NULL; plot_size = 2.5; max_bounces = 2; materials.clear(); baked_octree_texture_w = 0; baked_octree_texture_h = 0; paused = false; baking = false; bake_thread_exit = false; total_rays = 0; first_bake_to_map = true; linear_color = false; } BakedLightBaker::~BakedLightBaker() { clear(); }