using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text; namespace Godot.SourceGenerators { [Generator] public class ScriptPathAttributeGenerator : ISourceGenerator { public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context) { if (context.TryGetGlobalAnalyzerProperty("GodotScriptPathAttributeGenerator", out string? toggle) && toggle == "disabled") { return; } // NOTE: IsNullOrEmpty doesn't work well with nullable checks // ReSharper disable once ReplaceWithStringIsNullOrEmpty if (!context.TryGetGlobalAnalyzerProperty("GodotProjectDir", out string? godotProjectDir) || godotProjectDir!.Length == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Property 'GodotProjectDir' is null or empty."); } var godotClasses = context.Compilation.SyntaxTrees .SelectMany(tree => tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes() .OfType() // Ignore inner classes .Where(cds => !(cds.Parent is ClassDeclarationSyntax)) .SelectGodotScriptClasses(context.Compilation) // Report and skip non-partial classes .Where(x => { if (x.cds.IsPartial() || x.symbol.HasDisableGeneratorsAttribute()) return true; Common.ReportNonPartialGodotScriptClass(context, x.cds, x.symbol); return false; }) ) // Ignore classes whose name is not the same as the file name .Where(x => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x.cds.SyntaxTree.FilePath) == x.symbol.Name) .GroupBy(x => x.symbol) .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Select(x => x.cds)); foreach (var godotClass in godotClasses) { VisitGodotScriptClass(context, godotProjectDir, symbol: godotClass.Key, classDeclarations: godotClass.Value); } if (godotClasses.Count <= 0) return; AddScriptTypesAssemblyAttr(context, godotClasses); } private static void VisitGodotScriptClass( GeneratorExecutionContext context, string godotProjectDir, INamedTypeSymbol symbol, IEnumerable classDeclarations ) { var attributes = new StringBuilder(); // Remember syntax trees for which we already added an attribute, to prevent unnecessary duplicates. var attributedTrees = new List(); foreach (var cds in classDeclarations) { if (attributedTrees.Contains(cds.SyntaxTree)) continue; attributedTrees.Add(cds.SyntaxTree); if (attributes.Length != 0) attributes.Append("\n"); attributes.Append(@"[ScriptPathAttribute(""res://"); attributes.Append(RelativeToDir(cds.SyntaxTree.FilePath, godotProjectDir)); attributes.Append(@""")]"); } string className = symbol.Name; INamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol = symbol.ContainingNamespace; string classNs = namespaceSymbol != null && !namespaceSymbol.IsGlobalNamespace ? namespaceSymbol.FullQualifiedName() : string.Empty; bool hasNamespace = classNs.Length != 0; string uniqueName = hasNamespace ? classNs + "." + className + "_ScriptPath_Generated" : className + "_ScriptPath_Generated"; var source = new StringBuilder(); // using Godot; // namespace {classNs} { // {attributesBuilder} // partial class {className} { } // } source.Append("using Godot;\n"); if (hasNamespace) { source.Append("namespace "); source.Append(classNs); source.Append(" {\n\n"); } source.Append(attributes); source.Append("\n partial class "); source.Append(className); source.Append("\n{\n}\n"); if (hasNamespace) { source.Append("\n}\n"); } context.AddSource(uniqueName, SourceText.From(source.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8)); } private static void AddScriptTypesAssemblyAttr(GeneratorExecutionContext context, Dictionary> godotClasses) { var sourceBuilder = new StringBuilder(); sourceBuilder.Append("[assembly:"); sourceBuilder.Append(GodotClasses.AssemblyHasScriptsAttr); sourceBuilder.Append("(new System.Type[] {"); bool first = true; foreach (var godotClass in godotClasses) { var qualifiedName = godotClass.Key.ToDisplayString( NullableFlowState.NotNull, SymbolDisplayFormat.FullyQualifiedFormat); if (!first) sourceBuilder.Append(", "); first = false; sourceBuilder.Append("typeof("); sourceBuilder.Append(qualifiedName); sourceBuilder.Append(")"); } sourceBuilder.Append("})]\n"); context.AddSource("AssemblyScriptTypes_Generated", SourceText.From(sourceBuilder.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8)); } public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context) { } private static string RelativeToDir(string path, string dir) { // Make sure the directory ends with a path separator dir = Path.Combine(dir, " ").TrimEnd(); if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\') dir = dir.Replace("/", "\\") + "\\"; var fullPath = new Uri(Path.GetFullPath(path), UriKind.Absolute); var relRoot = new Uri(Path.GetFullPath(dir), UriKind.Absolute); // MakeRelativeUri converts spaces to %20, hence why we need UnescapeDataString return Uri.UnescapeDataString(relRoot.MakeRelativeUri(fullPath).ToString()); } } }