/**************************************************************************/ /* lightmap_gi.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef LIGHTMAP_GI_H #define LIGHTMAP_GI_H #include "core/templates/local_vector.h" #include "scene/3d/light_3d.h" #include "scene/3d/lightmapper.h" #include "scene/3d/visual_instance_3d.h" class Sky; class CameraAttributes; class LightmapGIData : public Resource { GDCLASS(LightmapGIData, Resource); RES_BASE_EXTENSION("lmbake") Ref<TextureLayered> light_texture; TypedArray<TextureLayered> light_textures; bool uses_spherical_harmonics = false; bool interior = false; RID lightmap; AABB bounds; float baked_exposure = 1.0; struct User { NodePath path; int32_t sub_instance = 0; Rect2 uv_scale; int slice_index = 0; }; Vector<User> users; void _set_user_data(const Array &p_data); Array _get_user_data() const; void _set_probe_data(const Dictionary &p_data); Dictionary _get_probe_data() const; void _reset_lightmap_textures(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void add_user(const NodePath &p_path, const Rect2 &p_uv_scale, int p_slice_index, int32_t p_sub_instance = -1); int get_user_count() const; NodePath get_user_path(int p_user) const; int32_t get_user_sub_instance(int p_user) const; Rect2 get_user_lightmap_uv_scale(int p_user) const; int get_user_lightmap_slice_index(int p_user) const; void clear_users(); #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED void set_light_texture(const Ref<TextureLayered> &p_light_texture); Ref<TextureLayered> get_light_texture() const; void _set_light_textures_data(const Array &p_data); Array _get_light_textures_data() const; #endif void set_uses_spherical_harmonics(bool p_enable); bool is_using_spherical_harmonics() const; bool is_interior() const; float get_baked_exposure() const; void set_capture_data(const AABB &p_bounds, bool p_interior, const PackedVector3Array &p_points, const PackedColorArray &p_point_sh, const PackedInt32Array &p_tetrahedra, const PackedInt32Array &p_bsp_tree, float p_baked_exposure); PackedVector3Array get_capture_points() const; PackedColorArray get_capture_sh() const; PackedInt32Array get_capture_tetrahedra() const; PackedInt32Array get_capture_bsp_tree() const; AABB get_capture_bounds() const; void clear(); void set_lightmap_textures(const TypedArray<TextureLayered> &p_data); TypedArray<TextureLayered> get_lightmap_textures() const; virtual RID get_rid() const override; LightmapGIData(); ~LightmapGIData(); }; class LightmapGI : public VisualInstance3D { GDCLASS(LightmapGI, VisualInstance3D); public: enum BakeQuality { BAKE_QUALITY_LOW, BAKE_QUALITY_MEDIUM, BAKE_QUALITY_HIGH, BAKE_QUALITY_ULTRA, }; enum GenerateProbes { GENERATE_PROBES_DISABLED, GENERATE_PROBES_SUBDIV_4, GENERATE_PROBES_SUBDIV_8, GENERATE_PROBES_SUBDIV_16, GENERATE_PROBES_SUBDIV_32, }; enum BakeError { BAKE_ERROR_OK, BAKE_ERROR_NO_SCENE_ROOT, BAKE_ERROR_FOREIGN_DATA, BAKE_ERROR_NO_LIGHTMAPPER, BAKE_ERROR_NO_SAVE_PATH, BAKE_ERROR_NO_MESHES, BAKE_ERROR_MESHES_INVALID, BAKE_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_IMAGE, BAKE_ERROR_USER_ABORTED, BAKE_ERROR_TEXTURE_SIZE_TOO_SMALL, BAKE_ERROR_LIGHTMAP_TOO_SMALL, }; enum EnvironmentMode { ENVIRONMENT_MODE_DISABLED, ENVIRONMENT_MODE_SCENE, ENVIRONMENT_MODE_CUSTOM_SKY, ENVIRONMENT_MODE_CUSTOM_COLOR, }; private: BakeQuality bake_quality = BAKE_QUALITY_MEDIUM; bool use_denoiser = true; float denoiser_strength = 0.1f; int bounces = 3; float bounce_indirect_energy = 1.0; float bias = 0.0005; float texel_scale = 1.0; int max_texture_size = 16384; bool interior = false; EnvironmentMode environment_mode = ENVIRONMENT_MODE_SCENE; Ref<Sky> environment_custom_sky; Color environment_custom_color = Color(1, 1, 1); float environment_custom_energy = 1.0; bool directional = false; bool use_texture_for_bounces = true; GenerateProbes gen_probes = GENERATE_PROBES_SUBDIV_8; Ref<CameraAttributes> camera_attributes; Ref<LightmapGIData> light_data; struct LightsFound { Transform3D xform; Light3D *light = nullptr; }; struct MeshesFound { Transform3D xform; NodePath node_path; int32_t subindex = 0; Ref<Mesh> mesh; int32_t lightmap_scale = 0; Vector<Ref<Material>> overrides; }; void _find_meshes_and_lights(Node *p_at_node, Vector<MeshesFound> &meshes, Vector<LightsFound> &lights, Vector<Vector3> &probes); void _assign_lightmaps(); void _clear_lightmaps(); struct BakeTimeData { String text; int pass = 0; uint64_t last_step = 0; }; struct BSPSimplex { int vertices[4] = {}; int planes[4] = {}; }; struct BSPNode { static const int32_t EMPTY_LEAF = INT32_MIN; Plane plane; int32_t over = EMPTY_LEAF; int32_t under = EMPTY_LEAF; }; int _bsp_get_simplex_side(const Vector<Vector3> &p_points, const LocalVector<BSPSimplex> &p_simplices, const Plane &p_plane, uint32_t p_simplex) const; int32_t _compute_bsp_tree(const Vector<Vector3> &p_points, const LocalVector<Plane> &p_planes, LocalVector<int32_t> &planes_tested, const LocalVector<BSPSimplex> &p_simplices, const LocalVector<int32_t> &p_simplex_indices, LocalVector<BSPNode> &bsp_nodes); struct BakeStepUD { Lightmapper::BakeStepFunc func; void *ud = nullptr; float from_percent = 0.0; float to_percent = 0.0; }; static bool _lightmap_bake_step_function(float p_completion, const String &p_text, void *ud, bool p_refresh); struct GenProbesOctree { Vector3i offset; uint32_t size = 0; GenProbesOctree *children[8] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }; ~GenProbesOctree() { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (children[i] != nullptr) { memdelete(children[i]); } } } }; void _plot_triangle_into_octree(GenProbesOctree *p_cell, float p_cell_size, const Vector3 *p_triangle); void _gen_new_positions_from_octree(const GenProbesOctree *p_cell, float p_cell_size, const Vector<Vector3> &probe_positions, LocalVector<Vector3> &new_probe_positions, HashMap<Vector3i, bool> &positions_used, const AABB &p_bounds); protected: void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &p_property) const; static void _bind_methods(); void _notification(int p_what); public: void set_light_data(const Ref<LightmapGIData> &p_data); Ref<LightmapGIData> get_light_data() const; void set_bake_quality(BakeQuality p_quality); BakeQuality get_bake_quality() const; void set_use_denoiser(bool p_enable); bool is_using_denoiser() const; void set_denoiser_strength(float p_denoiser_strength); float get_denoiser_strength() const; void set_directional(bool p_enable); bool is_directional() const; void set_use_texture_for_bounces(bool p_enable); bool is_using_texture_for_bounces() const; void set_interior(bool p_interior); bool is_interior() const; void set_environment_mode(EnvironmentMode p_mode); EnvironmentMode get_environment_mode() const; void set_environment_custom_sky(const Ref<Sky> &p_sky); Ref<Sky> get_environment_custom_sky() const; void set_environment_custom_color(const Color &p_color); Color get_environment_custom_color() const; void set_environment_custom_energy(float p_energy); float get_environment_custom_energy() const; void set_bounces(int p_bounces); int get_bounces() const; void set_bounce_indirect_energy(float p_indirect_energy); float get_bounce_indirect_energy() const; void set_bias(float p_bias); float get_bias() const; void set_texel_scale(float p_multiplier); float get_texel_scale() const; void set_max_texture_size(int p_size); int get_max_texture_size() const; void set_generate_probes(GenerateProbes p_generate_probes); GenerateProbes get_generate_probes() const; void set_camera_attributes(const Ref<CameraAttributes> &p_camera_attributes); Ref<CameraAttributes> get_camera_attributes() const; AABB get_aabb() const override; BakeError bake(Node *p_from_node, String p_image_data_path = "", Lightmapper::BakeStepFunc p_bake_step = nullptr, void *p_bake_userdata = nullptr); virtual PackedStringArray get_configuration_warnings() const override; LightmapGI(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(LightmapGI::BakeQuality); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(LightmapGI::GenerateProbes); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(LightmapGI::BakeError); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(LightmapGI::EnvironmentMode); #endif // LIGHTMAP_GI_H