/**************************************************************************/ /* display_server_macos.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef DISPLAY_SERVER_MACOS_H #define DISPLAY_SERVER_MACOS_H #include "core/input/input.h" #include "servers/display_server.h" #if defined(GLES3_ENABLED) #include "gl_manager_macos_angle.h" #include "gl_manager_macos_legacy.h" #endif // GLES3_ENABLED #include "native_menu_macos.h" #if defined(RD_ENABLED) #include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h" #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) #include "rendering_context_driver_vulkan_macos.h" #endif // VULKAN_ENABLED #endif // RD_ENABLED #define BitMap _QDBitMap // Suppress deprecated QuickDraw definition. #import <AppKit/AppKit.h> #import <AppKit/NSCursor.h> #import <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h> #import <CoreVideo/CoreVideo.h> #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLib.h> #undef BitMap #undef CursorShape class DisplayServerMacOS : public DisplayServer { // No need to register with GDCLASS, it's platform-specific and nothing is added. _THREAD_SAFE_CLASS_ public: struct KeyEvent { WindowID window_id = INVALID_WINDOW_ID; unsigned int macos_state = false; bool pressed = false; bool echo = false; bool raw = false; Key keycode = Key::NONE; Key physical_keycode = Key::NONE; Key key_label = Key::NONE; uint32_t unicode = 0; KeyLocation location = KeyLocation::UNSPECIFIED; }; struct WindowData { id window_delegate; id window_object; id window_view; id window_button_view; Vector<Vector2> mpath; Point2i mouse_pos; Size2i min_size; Size2i max_size; Size2i size; Vector2i wb_offset = Vector2i(14, 14); NSRect last_frame_rect; bool im_active = false; Size2i im_position; Callable rect_changed_callback; Callable event_callback; Callable input_event_callback; Callable input_text_callback; Callable drop_files_callback; ObjectID instance_id; bool fs_transition = false; bool initial_size = true; WindowID transient_parent = INVALID_WINDOW_ID; bool exclusive = false; HashSet<WindowID> transient_children; bool layered_window = false; bool fullscreen = false; bool exclusive_fullscreen = false; bool on_top = false; bool borderless = false; bool resize_disabled = false; bool no_focus = false; bool is_popup = false; bool mpass = false; bool focused = false; bool is_visible = true; bool extend_to_title = false; Rect2i parent_safe_rect; }; List<WindowID> popup_list; uint64_t time_since_popup = 0; private: #if defined(GLES3_ENABLED) GLManagerLegacy_MacOS *gl_manager_legacy = nullptr; GLManagerANGLE_MacOS *gl_manager_angle = nullptr; #endif #if defined(RD_ENABLED) RenderingContextDriver *rendering_context = nullptr; RenderingDevice *rendering_device = nullptr; #endif String rendering_driver; struct WarpEvent { NSTimeInterval timestamp; NSPoint delta; }; List<WarpEvent> warp_events; NSTimeInterval last_warp = 0; bool ignore_warp = false; Vector<KeyEvent> key_event_buffer; int key_event_pos = 0; id tts = nullptr; id menu_delegate = nullptr; NativeMenuMacOS *native_menu = nullptr; Point2i im_selection; String im_text; CGEventSourceRef event_source; MouseMode mouse_mode = MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE; BitField<MouseButtonMask> last_button_state; bool drop_events = false; bool in_dispatch_input_event = false; struct LayoutInfo { String name; String code; }; Vector<LayoutInfo> kbd_layouts; int current_layout = 0; bool keyboard_layout_dirty = true; WindowID window_mouseover_id = INVALID_WINDOW_ID; WindowID last_focused_window = INVALID_WINDOW_ID; WindowID window_id_counter = MAIN_WINDOW_ID; float display_max_scale = 1.f; Point2i origin; bool displays_arrangement_dirty = true; bool is_resizing = false; CursorShape cursor_shape = CURSOR_ARROW; NSCursor *cursors[CURSOR_MAX]; HashMap<CursorShape, Vector<Variant>> cursors_cache; HashMap<WindowID, WindowData> windows; struct IndicatorData { id view; id item; }; IndicatorID indicator_id_counter = 0; HashMap<IndicatorID, IndicatorData> indicators; IOPMAssertionID screen_keep_on_assertion = kIOPMNullAssertionID; Callable help_search_callback; Callable help_action_callback; struct MenuCall { Variant tag; Callable callback; }; List<MenuCall> deferred_menu_calls; Callable system_theme_changed; WindowID _create_window(WindowMode p_mode, VSyncMode p_vsync_mode, const Rect2i &p_rect); void _update_window_style(WindowData p_wd); void _update_displays_arrangement(); Point2i _get_native_screen_position(int p_screen) const; static void _displays_arrangement_changed(CGDirectDisplayID display_id, CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags flags, void *user_info); static void _dispatch_input_events(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); void _dispatch_input_event(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); void _push_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); void _process_key_events(); void _update_keyboard_layouts(); static void _keyboard_layout_changed(CFNotificationCenterRef center, void *observer, CFStringRef name, const void *object, CFDictionaryRef user_info); static NSCursor *_cursor_from_selector(SEL p_selector, SEL p_fallback = nil); Error _file_dialog_with_options_show(const String &p_title, const String &p_current_directory, const String &p_root, const String &p_filename, bool p_show_hidden, FileDialogMode p_mode, const Vector<String> &p_filters, const TypedArray<Dictionary> &p_options, const Callable &p_callback, bool p_options_in_cb); public: void menu_callback(id p_sender); void emit_system_theme_changed(); bool has_window(WindowID p_window) const; WindowData &get_window(WindowID p_window); NSImage *_convert_to_nsimg(Ref<Image> &p_image) const; Point2i _get_screens_origin() const; void set_menu_delegate(NSMenu *p_menu); void send_event(NSEvent *p_event); void send_window_event(const WindowData &p_wd, WindowEvent p_event); void release_pressed_events(); void get_key_modifier_state(unsigned int p_macos_state, Ref<InputEventWithModifiers> r_state) const; void update_mouse_pos(WindowData &p_wd, NSPoint p_location_in_window); void push_to_key_event_buffer(const KeyEvent &p_event); void pop_last_key_event(); void update_im_text(const Point2i &p_selection, const String &p_text); void set_last_focused_window(WindowID p_window); bool mouse_process_popups(bool p_close = false); void popup_open(WindowID p_window); void popup_close(WindowID p_window); void set_is_resizing(bool p_is_resizing); bool get_is_resizing() const; void reparent_check(WindowID p_window); WindowID _get_focused_window_or_popup() const; void mouse_enter_window(WindowID p_window); void mouse_exit_window(WindowID p_window); void update_presentation_mode(); void window_destroy(WindowID p_window); void window_resize(WindowID p_window, int p_width, int p_height); void window_set_custom_window_buttons(WindowData &p_wd, bool p_enabled); void set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(bool p_enabled, WindowID p_window); virtual bool has_feature(Feature p_feature) const override; virtual String get_name() const override; virtual void help_set_search_callbacks(const Callable &p_search_callback = Callable(), const Callable &p_action_callback = Callable()) override; Callable _help_get_search_callback() const; Callable _help_get_action_callback() const; virtual bool tts_is_speaking() const override; virtual bool tts_is_paused() const override; virtual TypedArray<Dictionary> tts_get_voices() const override; virtual void tts_speak(const String &p_text, const String &p_voice, int p_volume = 50, float p_pitch = 1.f, float p_rate = 1.f, int p_utterance_id = 0, bool p_interrupt = false) override; virtual void tts_pause() override; virtual void tts_resume() override; virtual void tts_stop() override; virtual bool is_dark_mode_supported() const override; virtual bool is_dark_mode() const override; virtual Color get_accent_color() const override; virtual Color get_base_color() const override; virtual void set_system_theme_change_callback(const Callable &p_callable) override; virtual Error dialog_show(String p_title, String p_description, Vector<String> p_buttons, const Callable &p_callback) override; virtual Error dialog_input_text(String p_title, String p_description, String p_partial, const Callable &p_callback) override; virtual Error file_dialog_show(const String &p_title, const String &p_current_directory, const String &p_filename, bool p_show_hidden, FileDialogMode p_mode, const Vector<String> &p_filters, const Callable &p_callback) override; virtual Error file_dialog_with_options_show(const String &p_title, const String &p_current_directory, const String &p_root, const String &p_filename, bool p_show_hidden, FileDialogMode p_mode, const Vector<String> &p_filters, const TypedArray<Dictionary> &p_options, const Callable &p_callback) override; virtual void mouse_set_mode(MouseMode p_mode) override; virtual MouseMode mouse_get_mode() const override; bool update_mouse_wrap(WindowData &p_wd, NSPoint &r_delta, NSPoint &r_mpos, NSTimeInterval p_timestamp); virtual void warp_mouse(const Point2i &p_position) override; virtual Point2i mouse_get_position() const override; void mouse_set_button_state(BitField<MouseButtonMask> p_state); virtual BitField<MouseButtonMask> mouse_get_button_state() const override; virtual void clipboard_set(const String &p_text) override; virtual String clipboard_get() const override; virtual Ref<Image> clipboard_get_image() const override; virtual bool clipboard_has() const override; virtual bool clipboard_has_image() const override; virtual int get_screen_count() const override; virtual int get_primary_screen() const override; virtual int get_keyboard_focus_screen() const override; virtual Point2i screen_get_position(int p_screen = SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW) const override; virtual Size2i screen_get_size(int p_screen = SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW) const override; virtual int screen_get_dpi(int p_screen = SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW) const override; virtual float screen_get_scale(int p_screen = SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW) const override; virtual float screen_get_max_scale() const override; virtual Rect2i screen_get_usable_rect(int p_screen = SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW) const override; virtual float screen_get_refresh_rate(int p_screen = SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW) const override; virtual Color screen_get_pixel(const Point2i &p_position) const override; virtual Ref<Image> screen_get_image(int p_screen = SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW) const override; virtual void screen_set_keep_on(bool p_enable) override; virtual bool screen_is_kept_on() const override; virtual Vector<int> get_window_list() const override; virtual WindowID create_sub_window(WindowMode p_mode, VSyncMode p_vsync_mode, uint32_t p_flags, const Rect2i &p_rect = Rect2i()) override; virtual void show_window(WindowID p_id) override; virtual void delete_sub_window(WindowID p_id) override; virtual WindowID window_get_active_popup() const override; virtual void window_set_popup_safe_rect(WindowID p_window, const Rect2i &p_rect) override; virtual Rect2i window_get_popup_safe_rect(WindowID p_window) const override; virtual void window_set_rect_changed_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual void window_set_window_event_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual void window_set_input_event_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual void window_set_input_text_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual void window_set_drop_files_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual void window_set_title(const String &p_title, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual Size2i window_get_title_size(const String &p_title, WindowID p_window) const override; virtual void window_set_mouse_passthrough(const Vector<Vector2> &p_region, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual int window_get_current_screen(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual void window_set_current_screen(int p_screen, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual Point2i window_get_position(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual Point2i window_get_position_with_decorations(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual void window_set_position(const Point2i &p_position, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual void window_set_transient(WindowID p_window, WindowID p_parent) override; virtual void window_set_exclusive(WindowID p_window, bool p_exclusive) override; virtual void window_set_max_size(const Size2i p_size, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual Size2i window_get_max_size(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual void window_set_min_size(const Size2i p_size, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual Size2i window_get_min_size(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual void window_set_size(const Size2i p_size, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual Size2i window_get_size(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual Size2i window_get_size_with_decorations(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual void window_set_mode(WindowMode p_mode, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual WindowMode window_get_mode(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual bool window_is_maximize_allowed(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual void window_set_flag(WindowFlags p_flag, bool p_enabled, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual bool window_get_flag(WindowFlags p_flag, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual void window_request_attention(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual void window_move_to_foreground(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual bool window_is_focused(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual WindowID get_focused_window() const override; virtual bool window_can_draw(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual bool can_any_window_draw() const override; virtual void window_set_ime_active(const bool p_active, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual void window_set_ime_position(const Point2i &p_pos, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual WindowID get_window_at_screen_position(const Point2i &p_position) const override; virtual int64_t window_get_native_handle(HandleType p_handle_type, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual void window_attach_instance_id(ObjectID p_instance, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual ObjectID window_get_attached_instance_id(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual void gl_window_make_current(DisplayServer::WindowID p_window_id) override; virtual void window_set_vsync_mode(DisplayServer::VSyncMode p_vsync_mode, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual DisplayServer::VSyncMode window_get_vsync_mode(WindowID p_vsync_mode) const override; virtual bool window_maximize_on_title_dbl_click() const override; virtual bool window_minimize_on_title_dbl_click() const override; virtual void window_set_window_buttons_offset(const Vector2i &p_offset, WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) override; virtual Vector3i window_get_safe_title_margins(WindowID p_window = MAIN_WINDOW_ID) const override; virtual Point2i ime_get_selection() const override; virtual String ime_get_text() const override; void cursor_update_shape(); virtual void cursor_set_shape(CursorShape p_shape) override; virtual CursorShape cursor_get_shape() const override; virtual void cursor_set_custom_image(const Ref<Resource> &p_cursor, CursorShape p_shape = CURSOR_ARROW, const Vector2 &p_hotspot = Vector2()) override; virtual bool get_swap_cancel_ok() override; virtual int keyboard_get_layout_count() const override; virtual int keyboard_get_current_layout() const override; virtual void keyboard_set_current_layout(int p_index) override; virtual String keyboard_get_layout_language(int p_index) const override; virtual String keyboard_get_layout_name(int p_index) const override; virtual Key keyboard_get_keycode_from_physical(Key p_keycode) const override; virtual Key keyboard_get_label_from_physical(Key p_keycode) const override; virtual void process_events() override; virtual void force_process_and_drop_events() override; virtual void release_rendering_thread() override; virtual void make_rendering_thread() override; virtual void swap_buffers() override; virtual void set_native_icon(const String &p_filename) override; virtual void set_icon(const Ref<Image> &p_icon) override; virtual IndicatorID create_status_indicator(const Ref<Image> &p_icon, const String &p_tooltip, const Callable &p_callback) override; virtual void status_indicator_set_icon(IndicatorID p_id, const Ref<Image> &p_icon) override; virtual void status_indicator_set_tooltip(IndicatorID p_id, const String &p_tooltip) override; virtual void status_indicator_set_callback(IndicatorID p_id, const Callable &p_callback) override; virtual void delete_status_indicator(IndicatorID p_id) override; static DisplayServer *create_func(const String &p_rendering_driver, WindowMode p_mode, VSyncMode p_vsync_mode, uint32_t p_flags, const Vector2i *p_position, const Vector2i &p_resolution, int p_screen, Error &r_error); static Vector<String> get_rendering_drivers_func(); static void register_macos_driver(); DisplayServerMacOS(const String &p_rendering_driver, WindowMode p_mode, VSyncMode p_vsync_mode, uint32_t p_flags, const Vector2i *p_position, const Vector2i &p_resolution, int p_screen, Error &r_error); ~DisplayServerMacOS(); }; #endif // DISPLAY_SERVER_MACOS_H