/**************************************************************************/ /* editor_icons.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "editor_icons.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/editor_string_names.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_color_map.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_icons.gen.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_scale.h" #include "scene/resources/image_texture.h" #include "scene/resources/texture.h" #include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" // For svg. #ifdef MODULE_SVG_ENABLED #include "modules/svg/image_loader_svg.h" #endif void editor_configure_icons(bool p_dark_theme) { #ifdef MODULE_SVG_ENABLED if (p_dark_theme) { ImageLoaderSVG::set_forced_color_map(HashMap<Color, Color>()); } else { ImageLoaderSVG::set_forced_color_map(EditorColorMap::get_color_conversion_map()); } #else WARN_PRINT("SVG support disabled, editor icons won't be rendered."); #endif } // See also `generate_icon()` in `scene/theme/default_theme.cpp`. Ref<ImageTexture> editor_generate_icon(int p_index, float p_scale, float p_saturation, const HashMap<Color, Color> &p_convert_colors = HashMap<Color, Color>()) { Ref<Image> img = memnew(Image); #ifdef MODULE_SVG_ENABLED // Upsample icon generation only if the editor scale isn't an integer multiplier. // Generating upsampled icons is slower, and the benefit is hardly visible // with integer editor scales. const bool upsample = !Math::is_equal_approx(Math::round(p_scale), p_scale); Error err = ImageLoaderSVG::create_image_from_string(img, editor_icons_sources[p_index], p_scale, upsample, p_convert_colors); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, Ref<ImageTexture>(), "Failed generating icon, unsupported or invalid SVG data in editor theme."); if (p_saturation != 1.0) { img->adjust_bcs(1.0, 1.0, p_saturation); } #else // If the SVG module is disabled, we can't really display the UI well, but at least we won't crash. // 16 pixels is used as it's the most common base size for Godot icons. img = Image::create_empty(16 * p_scale, 16 * p_scale, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); #endif return ImageTexture::create_from_image(img); } float get_gizmo_handle_scale(const String &gizmo_handle_name = "") { const float scale_gizmo_handles_for_touch = EDITOR_GET("interface/touchscreen/scale_gizmo_handles"); if (scale_gizmo_handles_for_touch > 1.0f) { // The names of the icons that require additional scaling. static HashSet<StringName> gizmo_to_scale; if (gizmo_to_scale.is_empty()) { gizmo_to_scale.insert("EditorHandle"); gizmo_to_scale.insert("EditorHandleAdd"); gizmo_to_scale.insert("EditorHandleDisabled"); gizmo_to_scale.insert("EditorCurveHandle"); gizmo_to_scale.insert("EditorPathSharpHandle"); gizmo_to_scale.insert("EditorPathSmoothHandle"); } if (gizmo_to_scale.has(gizmo_handle_name)) { return EDSCALE * scale_gizmo_handles_for_touch; } } return EDSCALE; } void editor_register_icons(const Ref<Theme> &p_theme, bool p_dark_theme, float p_icon_saturation, int p_thumb_size, bool p_only_thumbs) { const String benchmark_key = vformat("Generate Icons (%s)", (p_only_thumbs ? "Only Thumbs" : "All")); OS::get_singleton()->benchmark_begin_measure("EditorTheme", benchmark_key); // Before we register the icons, we adjust their colors and saturation. // Most icons follow the standard rules for color conversion to follow the editor // theme's polarity (dark/light). We also adjust the saturation for most icons, // following the editor setting. // Some icons are excluded from this conversion, and instead use the configured // accent color to replace their innate accent color to match the editor theme. // And then some icons are completely excluded from the conversion. // Standard color conversion map. HashMap<Color, Color> color_conversion_map; // Icons by default are set up for the dark theme, so if the theme is light, // we apply the dark-to-light color conversion map. if (!p_dark_theme) { for (KeyValue<Color, Color> &E : EditorColorMap::get_color_conversion_map()) { color_conversion_map[E.key] = E.value; } } // These colors should be converted even if we are using a dark theme. const Color error_color = p_theme->get_color(SNAME("error_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); const Color success_color = p_theme->get_color(SNAME("success_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); const Color warning_color = p_theme->get_color(SNAME("warning_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); color_conversion_map[Color::html("#ff5f5f")] = error_color; color_conversion_map[Color::html("#5fff97")] = success_color; color_conversion_map[Color::html("#ffdd65")] = warning_color; // The names of the icons to exclude from the standard color conversion. HashSet<StringName> conversion_exceptions = EditorColorMap::get_color_conversion_exceptions(); // The names of the icons to exclude when adjusting for saturation. HashSet<StringName> saturation_exceptions; saturation_exceptions.insert("DefaultProjectIcon"); saturation_exceptions.insert("Godot"); saturation_exceptions.insert("Logo"); // Accent color conversion map. // It is used on some icons (checkbox, radio, toggle, etc.), regardless of the dark // or light mode. HashMap<Color, Color> accent_color_map; HashSet<StringName> accent_color_icons; const Color accent_color = p_theme->get_color(SNAME("accent_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); accent_color_map[Color::html("699ce8")] = accent_color; if (accent_color.get_luminance() > 0.75) { accent_color_map[Color::html("ffffff")] = Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2); } accent_color_icons.insert("GuiChecked"); accent_color_icons.insert("GuiRadioChecked"); accent_color_icons.insert("GuiIndeterminate"); accent_color_icons.insert("GuiToggleOn"); accent_color_icons.insert("GuiToggleOnMirrored"); accent_color_icons.insert("PlayOverlay"); // Generate icons. if (!p_only_thumbs) { for (int i = 0; i < editor_icons_count; i++) { Ref<ImageTexture> icon; const String &editor_icon_name = editor_icons_names[i]; if (accent_color_icons.has(editor_icon_name)) { icon = editor_generate_icon(i, get_gizmo_handle_scale(editor_icon_name), 1.0, accent_color_map); } else { float saturation = p_icon_saturation; if (saturation_exceptions.has(editor_icon_name)) { saturation = 1.0; } if (conversion_exceptions.has(editor_icon_name)) { icon = editor_generate_icon(i, get_gizmo_handle_scale(editor_icon_name), saturation); } else { icon = editor_generate_icon(i, get_gizmo_handle_scale(editor_icon_name), saturation, color_conversion_map); } } p_theme->set_icon(editor_icon_name, EditorStringName(EditorIcons), icon); } } // Generate thumbnail icons with the given thumbnail size. // See editor\icons\editor_icons_builders.py for the code that determines which icons are thumbnails. if (p_thumb_size >= 64) { const float scale = (float)p_thumb_size / 64.0 * EDSCALE; for (int i = 0; i < editor_bg_thumbs_count; i++) { const int index = editor_bg_thumbs_indices[i]; Ref<ImageTexture> icon; if (accent_color_icons.has(editor_icons_names[index])) { icon = editor_generate_icon(index, scale, 1.0, accent_color_map); } else { float saturation = p_icon_saturation; if (saturation_exceptions.has(editor_icons_names[index])) { saturation = 1.0; } if (conversion_exceptions.has(editor_icons_names[index])) { icon = editor_generate_icon(index, scale, saturation); } else { icon = editor_generate_icon(index, scale, saturation, color_conversion_map); } } p_theme->set_icon(editor_icons_names[index], EditorStringName(EditorIcons), icon); } } else { const float scale = (float)p_thumb_size / 32.0 * EDSCALE; for (int i = 0; i < editor_md_thumbs_count; i++) { const int index = editor_md_thumbs_indices[i]; Ref<ImageTexture> icon; if (accent_color_icons.has(editor_icons_names[index])) { icon = editor_generate_icon(index, scale, 1.0, accent_color_map); } else { float saturation = p_icon_saturation; if (saturation_exceptions.has(editor_icons_names[index])) { saturation = 1.0; } if (conversion_exceptions.has(editor_icons_names[index])) { icon = editor_generate_icon(index, scale, saturation); } else { icon = editor_generate_icon(index, scale, saturation, color_conversion_map); } } p_theme->set_icon(editor_icons_names[index], EditorStringName(EditorIcons), icon); } } OS::get_singleton()->benchmark_end_measure("EditorTheme", benchmark_key); } void editor_copy_icons(const Ref<Theme> &p_theme, const Ref<Theme> &p_old_theme) { for (int i = 0; i < editor_icons_count; i++) { p_theme->set_icon(editor_icons_names[i], EditorStringName(EditorIcons), p_old_theme->get_icon(editor_icons_names[i], EditorStringName(EditorIcons))); } } // Returns the SVG code for the default project icon. String get_default_project_icon() { // FIXME: This icon can probably be predefined in editor_icons.gen.h so we don't have to look up. for (int i = 0; i < editor_icons_count; i++) { if (strcmp(editor_icons_names[i], "DefaultProjectIcon") == 0) { return String(editor_icons_sources[i]); } } return String(); }