#include "internal.h" #include "mathops.h" /*The fastest fallback strategy for platforms with fast multiplication appears to be based on de Bruijn sequences~\cite{LP98}. Define OC_ILOG_NODEBRUIJN to use a simpler fallback on platforms where multiplication or table lookups are too expensive. @UNPUBLISHED{LP98, author="Charles E. Leiserson and Harald Prokop", title="Using de {Bruijn} Sequences to Index a 1 in a Computer Word", month=Jun, year=1998, note="\url{http://supertech.csail.mit.edu/papers/debruijn.pdf}" }*/ #if !defined(OC_ILOG_NODEBRUIJN)&&!defined(OC_CLZ32) static const unsigned char OC_DEBRUIJN_IDX32[32]={ 0, 1,28, 2,29,14,24, 3,30,22,20,15,25,17, 4, 8, 31,27,13,23,21,19,16, 7,26,12,18, 6,11, 5,10, 9 }; #endif int oc_ilog32(ogg_uint32_t _v){ #if defined(OC_CLZ32) return OC_CLZ32_OFFS-OC_CLZ32(_v)&-!!_v; #else /*On a Pentium M, this branchless version tested as the fastest version without multiplications on 1,000,000,000 random 32-bit integers, edging out a similar version with branches, and a 256-entry LUT version.*/ # if defined(OC_ILOG_NODEBRUIJN) int ret; int m; ret=_v>0; m=(_v>0xFFFFU)<<4; _v>>=m; ret|=m; m=(_v>0xFFU)<<3; _v>>=m; ret|=m; m=(_v>0xFU)<<2; _v>>=m; ret|=m; m=(_v>3)<<1; _v>>=m; ret|=m; ret+=_v>1; return ret; /*This de Bruijn sequence version is faster if you have a fast multiplier.*/ # else int ret; _v|=_v>>1; _v|=_v>>2; _v|=_v>>4; _v|=_v>>8; _v|=_v>>16; ret=_v&1; _v=(_v>>1)+1; ret+=OC_DEBRUIJN_IDX32[_v*0x77CB531U>>27&0x1F]; return ret; # endif #endif } int oc_ilog64(ogg_int64_t _v){ #if defined(OC_CLZ64) return OC_CLZ64_OFFS-OC_CLZ64(_v)&-!!_v; #else /*If we don't have a fast 64-bit word implementation, split it into two 32-bit halves.*/ # if defined(OC_ILOG_NODEBRUIJN)|| \ defined(OC_CLZ32)||LONG_MAX<9223372036854775807LL ogg_uint32_t v; int ret; int m; m=(_v>0xFFFFFFFFU)<<5; v=(ogg_uint32_t)(_v>>m); # if defined(OC_CLZ32) ret=m+OC_CLZ32_OFFS-OC_CLZ32(v)&-!!v; # elif defined(OC_ILOG_NODEBRUIJN) ret=v>0|m; m=(v>0xFFFFU)<<4; v>>=m; ret|=m; m=(v>0xFFU)<<3; v>>=m; ret|=m; m=(v>0xFU)<<2; v>>=m; ret|=m; m=(v>3)<<1; v>>=m; ret|=m; ret+=v>1; return ret; # else v|=v>>1; v|=v>>2; v|=v>>4; v|=v>>8; v|=v>>16; ret=v&1|m; v=(v>>1)+1; ret+=OC_DEBRUIJN_IDX32[v*0x77CB531U>>27&0x1F]; # endif return ret; /*Otherwise do it in one 64-bit multiply.*/ # else static const unsigned char OC_DEBRUIJN_IDX64[64]={ 0, 1, 2, 7, 3,13, 8,19, 4,25,14,28, 9,34,20,40, 5,17,26,38,15,46,29,48,10,31,35,54,21,50,41,57, 63, 6,12,18,24,27,33,39,16,37,45,47,30,53,49,56, 62,11,23,32,36,44,52,55,61,22,43,51,60,42,59,58 }; int ret; _v|=_v>>1; _v|=_v>>2; _v|=_v>>4; _v|=_v>>8; _v|=_v>>16; _v|=_v>>32; ret=(int)_v&1; _v=(_v>>1)+1; ret+=OC_DEBRUIJN_IDX64[_v*0x218A392CD3D5DBF>>58&0x3F]; return ret; # endif #endif } /*round(2**(62+i)*atanh(2**(-(i+1)))/log(2))*/ static const ogg_int64_t OC_ATANH_LOG2[32]={ 0x32B803473F7AD0F4LL,0x2F2A71BD4E25E916LL,0x2E68B244BB93BA06LL, 0x2E39FB9198CE62E4LL,0x2E2E683F68565C8FLL,0x2E2B850BE2077FC1LL, 0x2E2ACC58FE7B78DBLL,0x2E2A9E2DE52FD5F2LL,0x2E2A92A338D53EECLL, 0x2E2A8FC08F5E19B6LL,0x2E2A8F07E51A485ELL,0x2E2A8ED9BA8AF388LL, 0x2E2A8ECE2FE7384ALL,0x2E2A8ECB4D3E4B1ALL,0x2E2A8ECA94940FE8LL, 0x2E2A8ECA6669811DLL,0x2E2A8ECA5ADEDD6ALL,0x2E2A8ECA57FC347ELL, 0x2E2A8ECA57438A43LL,0x2E2A8ECA57155FB4LL,0x2E2A8ECA5709D510LL, 0x2E2A8ECA5706F267LL,0x2E2A8ECA570639BDLL,0x2E2A8ECA57060B92LL, 0x2E2A8ECA57060008LL,0x2E2A8ECA5705FD25LL,0x2E2A8ECA5705FC6CLL, 0x2E2A8ECA5705FC3ELL,0x2E2A8ECA5705FC33LL,0x2E2A8ECA5705FC30LL, 0x2E2A8ECA5705FC2FLL,0x2E2A8ECA5705FC2FLL }; /*Computes the binary exponential of _z, a log base 2 in Q57 format.*/ ogg_int64_t oc_bexp64(ogg_int64_t _z){ ogg_int64_t w; ogg_int64_t z; int ipart; ipart=(int)(_z>>57); if(ipart<0)return 0; if(ipart>=63)return 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL; z=_z-OC_Q57(ipart); if(z){ ogg_int64_t mask; long wlo; int i; /*C doesn't give us 64x64->128 muls, so we use CORDIC. This is not particularly fast, but it's not being used in time-critical code; it is very accurate.*/ /*z is the fractional part of the log in Q62 format. We need 1 bit of headroom since the magnitude can get larger than 1 during the iteration, and a sign bit.*/ z<<=5; /*w is the exponential in Q61 format (since it also needs headroom and can get as large as 2.0); we could get another bit if we dropped the sign, but we'll recover that bit later anyway. Ideally this should start out as \lim_{n->\infty} 2^{61}/\product_{i=1}^n \sqrt{1-2^{-2i}} but in order to guarantee convergence we have to repeat iterations 4, 13 (=3*4+1), and 40 (=3*13+1, etc.), so it winds up somewhat larger.*/ w=0x26A3D0E401DD846DLL; for(i=0;;i++){ mask=-(z<0); w+=(w>>i+1)+mask^mask; z-=OC_ATANH_LOG2[i]+mask^mask; /*Repeat iteration 4.*/ if(i>=3)break; z<<=1; } for(;;i++){ mask=-(z<0); w+=(w>>i+1)+mask^mask; z-=OC_ATANH_LOG2[i]+mask^mask; /*Repeat iteration 13.*/ if(i>=12)break; z<<=1; } for(;i<32;i++){ mask=-(z<0); w+=(w>>i+1)+mask^mask; z=z-(OC_ATANH_LOG2[i]+mask^mask)<<1; } wlo=0; /*Skip the remaining iterations unless we really require that much precision. We could have bailed out earlier for smaller iparts, but that would require initializing w from a table, as the limit doesn't converge to 61-bit precision until n=30.*/ if(ipart>30){ /*For these iterations, we just update the low bits, as the high bits can't possibly be affected. OC_ATANH_LOG2 has also converged (it actually did so one iteration earlier, but that's no reason for an extra special case).*/ for(;;i++){ mask=-(z<0); wlo+=(w>>i)+mask^mask; z-=OC_ATANH_LOG2[31]+mask^mask; /*Repeat iteration 40.*/ if(i>=39)break; z<<=1; } for(;i<61;i++){ mask=-(z<0); wlo+=(w>>i)+mask^mask; z=z-(OC_ATANH_LOG2[31]+mask^mask)<<1; } } w=(w<<1)+wlo; } else w=(ogg_int64_t)1<<62; if(ipart<62)w=(w>>61-ipart)+1>>1; return w; } /*Computes the binary logarithm of _w, returned in Q57 format.*/ ogg_int64_t oc_blog64(ogg_int64_t _w){ ogg_int64_t z; int ipart; if(_w<=0)return -1; ipart=OC_ILOGNZ_64(_w)-1; if(ipart>61)_w>>=ipart-61; else _w<<=61-ipart; z=0; if(_w&_w-1){ ogg_int64_t x; ogg_int64_t y; ogg_int64_t u; ogg_int64_t mask; int i; /*C doesn't give us 64x64->128 muls, so we use CORDIC. This is not particularly fast, but it's not being used in time-critical code; it is very accurate.*/ /*z is the fractional part of the log in Q61 format.*/ /*x and y are the cosh() and sinh(), respectively, in Q61 format. We are computing z=2*atanh(y/x)=2*atanh((_w-1)/(_w+1)).*/ x=_w+((ogg_int64_t)1<<61); y=_w-((ogg_int64_t)1<<61); for(i=0;i<4;i++){ mask=-(y<0); z+=(OC_ATANH_LOG2[i]>>i)+mask^mask; u=x>>i+1; x-=(y>>i+1)+mask^mask; y-=u+mask^mask; } /*Repeat iteration 4.*/ for(i--;i<13;i++){ mask=-(y<0); z+=(OC_ATANH_LOG2[i]>>i)+mask^mask; u=x>>i+1; x-=(y>>i+1)+mask^mask; y-=u+mask^mask; } /*Repeat iteration 13.*/ for(i--;i<32;i++){ mask=-(y<0); z+=(OC_ATANH_LOG2[i]>>i)+mask^mask; u=x>>i+1; x-=(y>>i+1)+mask^mask; y-=u+mask^mask; } /*OC_ATANH_LOG2 has converged.*/ for(;i<40;i++){ mask=-(y<0); z+=(OC_ATANH_LOG2[31]>>i)+mask^mask; u=x>>i+1; x-=(y>>i+1)+mask^mask; y-=u+mask^mask; } /*Repeat iteration 40.*/ for(i--;i<62;i++){ mask=-(y<0); z+=(OC_ATANH_LOG2[31]>>i)+mask^mask; u=x>>i+1; x-=(y>>i+1)+mask^mask; y-=u+mask^mask; } z=z+8>>4; } return OC_Q57(ipart)+z; } /*Polynomial approximation of a binary exponential. Q10 input, Q0 output.*/ ogg_uint32_t oc_bexp32_q10(int _z){ unsigned n; int ipart; ipart=_z>>10; n=(_z&(1<<10)-1)<<4; n=(n*((n*((n*((n*3548>>15)+6817)>>15)+15823)>>15)+22708)>>15)+16384; return 14-ipart>0?n+(1<<13-ipart)>>14-ipart:n<<ipart-14; } /*Polynomial approximation of a binary logarithm. Q0 input, Q10 output.*/ int oc_blog32_q10(ogg_uint32_t _w){ int n; int ipart; int fpart; if(_w<=0)return -1; ipart=OC_ILOGNZ_32(_w); n=(ipart-16>0?_w>>ipart-16:_w<<16-ipart)-32768-16384; fpart=(n*((n*((n*((n*-1402>>15)+2546)>>15)-5216)>>15)+15745)>>15)-6793; return (ipart<<10)+(fpart>>4); }