<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="MultiplayerPeerExtension" inherits="MultiplayerPeer" version="4.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../class.xsd"> <brief_description> Class that can be inherited to implement custom multiplayer API networking layers via GDExtension. </brief_description> <description> This class is designed to be inherited from a GDExtension plugin to implement custom networking layers for the multiplayer API (such as WebRTC). All the methods below [b]must[/b] be implemented to have a working custom multiplayer implementation. See also [MultiplayerAPI]. </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> <methods> <method name="_close" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="void" /> <description> Called when the multiplayer peer should be immediately closed (see [method MultiplayerPeer.close]). </description> </method> <method name="_disconnect_peer" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="void" /> <param index="0" name="p_peer" type="int" /> <param index="1" name="p_force" type="bool" /> <description> Called when the connected [param p_peer] should be forcibly disconnected (see [method MultiplayerPeer.disconnect_peer]). </description> </method> <method name="_get_available_packet_count" qualifiers="virtual const"> <return type="int" /> <description> Called when the available packet count is internally requested by the [MultiplayerAPI]. </description> </method> <method name="_get_connection_status" qualifiers="virtual const"> <return type="int" enum="MultiplayerPeer.ConnectionStatus" /> <description> Called when the connection status is requested on the [MultiplayerPeer] (see [method MultiplayerPeer.get_connection_status]). </description> </method> <method name="_get_max_packet_size" qualifiers="virtual const"> <return type="int" /> <description> Called when the maximum allowed packet size (in bytes) is requested by the [MultiplayerAPI]. </description> </method> <method name="_get_packet" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="int" enum="Error" /> <param index="0" name="r_buffer" type="const uint8_t **" /> <param index="1" name="r_buffer_size" type="int32_t*" /> <description> Called when a packet needs to be received by the [MultiplayerAPI], with [param r_buffer_size] being the size of the binary [param r_buffer] in bytes. </description> </method> <method name="_get_packet_peer" qualifiers="virtual const"> <return type="int" /> <description> Called when the ID of the [MultiplayerPeer] who sent the most recent packet is requested (see [method MultiplayerPeer.get_packet_peer]). </description> </method> <method name="_get_packet_script" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="PackedByteArray" /> <description> Called when a packet needs to be received by the [MultiplayerAPI], if [method _get_packet] isn't implemented. Use this when extending this class via GDScript. </description> </method> <method name="_get_transfer_channel" qualifiers="virtual const"> <return type="int" /> <description> Called when the transfer channel to use is read on this [MultiplayerPeer] (see [member MultiplayerPeer.transfer_channel]). </description> </method> <method name="_get_transfer_mode" qualifiers="virtual const"> <return type="int" enum="MultiplayerPeer.TransferMode" /> <description> Called when the transfer mode to use is read on this [MultiplayerPeer] (see [member MultiplayerPeer.transfer_mode]). </description> </method> <method name="_get_unique_id" qualifiers="virtual const"> <return type="int" /> <description> Called when the unique ID of this [MultiplayerPeer] is requested (see [method MultiplayerPeer.get_unique_id]). </description> </method> <method name="_is_refusing_new_connections" qualifiers="virtual const"> <return type="bool" /> <description> Called when the "refuse new connections" status is requested on this [MultiplayerPeer] (see [member MultiplayerPeer.refuse_new_connections]). </description> </method> <method name="_is_server" qualifiers="virtual const"> <return type="bool" /> <description> Called when the "is server" status is requested on the [MultiplayerAPI]. See [method MultiplayerAPI.is_server]. </description> </method> <method name="_poll" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="void" /> <description> Called when the [MultiplayerAPI] is polled. See [method MultiplayerAPI.poll]. </description> </method> <method name="_put_packet" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="int" enum="Error" /> <param index="0" name="p_buffer" type="const uint8_t*" /> <param index="1" name="p_buffer_size" type="int" /> <description> Called when a packet needs to be sent by the [MultiplayerAPI], with [param p_buffer_size] being the size of the binary [param p_buffer] in bytes. </description> </method> <method name="_put_packet_script" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="int" enum="Error" /> <param index="0" name="p_buffer" type="PackedByteArray" /> <description> Called when a packet needs to be sent by the [MultiplayerAPI], if [method _put_packet] isn't implemented. Use this when extending this class via GDScript. </description> </method> <method name="_set_refuse_new_connections" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="void" /> <param index="0" name="p_enable" type="bool" /> <description> Called when the "refuse new connections" status is set on this [MultiplayerPeer] (see [member MultiplayerPeer.refuse_new_connections]). </description> </method> <method name="_set_target_peer" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="void" /> <param index="0" name="p_peer" type="int" /> <description> Called when the target peer to use is set for this [MultiplayerPeer] (see [method MultiplayerPeer.set_target_peer]). </description> </method> <method name="_set_transfer_channel" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="void" /> <param index="0" name="p_channel" type="int" /> <description> Called when the channel to use is set for this [MultiplayerPeer] (see [member MultiplayerPeer.transfer_channel]). </description> </method> <method name="_set_transfer_mode" qualifiers="virtual"> <return type="void" /> <param index="0" name="p_mode" type="int" enum="MultiplayerPeer.TransferMode" /> <description> Called when the transfer mode is set on this [MultiplayerPeer] (see [member MultiplayerPeer.transfer_mode]). </description> </method> </methods> </class>