// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2019-2022 Arm Limited // Copyright 2008 Jose Fonseca // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at: // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * This module implements vector support for floats, ints, and vector lane * control masks. It provides access to both explicit vector width types, and * flexible N-wide types where N can be determined at compile time. * * The design of this module encourages use of vector length agnostic code, via * the vint, vfloat, and vmask types. These will take on the widest SIMD vector * with that is available at compile time. The current vector width is * accessible for e.g. loop strides via the ASTCENC_SIMD_WIDTH constant. * * Explicit scalar types are accessible via the vint1, vfloat1, vmask1 types. * These are provided primarily for prototyping and algorithm debug of VLA * implementations. * * Explicit 4-wide types are accessible via the vint4, vfloat4, and vmask4 * types. These are provided for use by VLA code, but are also expected to be * used as a fixed-width type and will supported a reference C++ fallback for * use on platforms without SIMD intrinsics. * * Explicit 8-wide types are accessible via the vint8, vfloat8, and vmask8 * types. These are provide for use by VLA code, and are not expected to be * used as a fixed-width type in normal code. No reference C implementation is * provided on platforms without underlying SIMD intrinsics. * * With the current implementation ISA support is provided for: * * * 1-wide for scalar reference. * * 4-wide for Armv8-A NEON. * * 4-wide for x86-64 SSE2. * * 4-wide for x86-64 SSE4.1. * * 8-wide for x86-64 AVX2. */ #ifndef ASTC_VECMATHLIB_H_INCLUDED #define ASTC_VECMATHLIB_H_INCLUDED #if ASTCENC_SSE != 0 || ASTCENC_AVX != 0 #include <immintrin.h> #elif ASTCENC_NEON != 0 #include <arm_neon.h> #endif #if !defined(__clang__) && defined(_MSC_VER) #define ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE __forceinline #define ASTCENC_NO_INLINE #elif defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) #define ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) inline #define ASTCENC_NO_INLINE __attribute__ ((noinline)) #else #define ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline, nodebug)) inline #define ASTCENC_NO_INLINE __attribute__ ((noinline)) #endif #if ASTCENC_AVX >= 2 /* If we have AVX2 expose 8-wide VLA. */ #include "astcenc_vecmathlib_sse_4.h" #include "astcenc_vecmathlib_common_4.h" #include "astcenc_vecmathlib_avx2_8.h" #define ASTCENC_SIMD_WIDTH 8 using vfloat = vfloat8; #if defined(ASTCENC_NO_INVARIANCE) using vfloatacc = vfloat8; #else using vfloatacc = vfloat4; #endif using vint = vint8; using vmask = vmask8; constexpr auto loada = vfloat8::loada; constexpr auto load1 = vfloat8::load1; #elif ASTCENC_SSE >= 20 /* If we have SSE expose 4-wide VLA, and 4-wide fixed width. */ #include "astcenc_vecmathlib_sse_4.h" #include "astcenc_vecmathlib_common_4.h" #define ASTCENC_SIMD_WIDTH 4 using vfloat = vfloat4; using vfloatacc = vfloat4; using vint = vint4; using vmask = vmask4; constexpr auto loada = vfloat4::loada; constexpr auto load1 = vfloat4::load1; #elif ASTCENC_NEON > 0 /* If we have NEON expose 4-wide VLA. */ #include "astcenc_vecmathlib_neon_4.h" #include "astcenc_vecmathlib_common_4.h" #define ASTCENC_SIMD_WIDTH 4 using vfloat = vfloat4; using vfloatacc = vfloat4; using vint = vint4; using vmask = vmask4; constexpr auto loada = vfloat4::loada; constexpr auto load1 = vfloat4::load1; #else // If we have nothing expose 4-wide VLA, and 4-wide fixed width. // Note: We no longer expose the 1-wide scalar fallback because it is not // invariant with the 4-wide path due to algorithms that use horizontal // operations that accumulate a local vector sum before accumulating into // a running sum. // // For 4 items adding into an accumulator using 1-wide vectors the sum is: // // result = ((((sum + l0) + l1) + l2) + l3) // // ... whereas the accumulator for a 4-wide vector sum is: // // result = sum + ((l0 + l2) + (l1 + l3)) // // In "normal maths" this is the same, but the floating point reassociation // differences mean that these will not produce the same result. #include "astcenc_vecmathlib_none_4.h" #include "astcenc_vecmathlib_common_4.h" #define ASTCENC_SIMD_WIDTH 4 using vfloat = vfloat4; using vfloatacc = vfloat4; using vint = vint4; using vmask = vmask4; constexpr auto loada = vfloat4::loada; constexpr auto load1 = vfloat4::load1; #endif /** * @brief Round a count down to the largest multiple of 8. * * @param count The unrounded value. * * @return The rounded value. */ ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE unsigned int round_down_to_simd_multiple_8(unsigned int count) { return count & static_cast<unsigned int>(~(8 - 1)); } /** * @brief Round a count down to the largest multiple of 4. * * @param count The unrounded value. * * @return The rounded value. */ ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE unsigned int round_down_to_simd_multiple_4(unsigned int count) { return count & static_cast<unsigned int>(~(4 - 1)); } /** * @brief Round a count down to the largest multiple of the SIMD width. * * Assumption that the vector width is a power of two ... * * @param count The unrounded value. * * @return The rounded value. */ ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE unsigned int round_down_to_simd_multiple_vla(unsigned int count) { return count & static_cast<unsigned int>(~(ASTCENC_SIMD_WIDTH - 1)); } /** * @brief Round a count up to the largest multiple of the SIMD width. * * Assumption that the vector width is a power of two ... * * @param count The unrounded value. * * @return The rounded value. */ ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE unsigned int round_up_to_simd_multiple_vla(unsigned int count) { unsigned int multiples = (count + ASTCENC_SIMD_WIDTH - 1) / ASTCENC_SIMD_WIDTH; return multiples * ASTCENC_SIMD_WIDTH; } /** * @brief Return @c a with lanes negated if the @c b lane is negative. */ ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat change_sign(vfloat a, vfloat b) { vint ia = float_as_int(a); vint ib = float_as_int(b); vint sign_mask(static_cast<int>(0x80000000)); vint r = ia ^ (ib & sign_mask); return int_as_float(r); } /** * @brief Return fast, but approximate, vector atan(x). * * Max error of this implementation is 0.004883. */ ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat atan(vfloat x) { vmask c = abs(x) > vfloat(1.0f); vfloat z = change_sign(vfloat(astc::PI_OVER_TWO), x); vfloat y = select(x, vfloat(1.0f) / x, c); y = y / (y * y * vfloat(0.28f) + vfloat(1.0f)); return select(y, z - y, c); } /** * @brief Return fast, but approximate, vector atan2(x, y). */ ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat atan2(vfloat y, vfloat x) { vfloat z = atan(abs(y / x)); vmask xmask = vmask(float_as_int(x).m); return change_sign(select_msb(z, vfloat(astc::PI) - z, xmask), y); } /* * @brief Factory that returns a unit length 4 component vfloat4. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 unit4() { return vfloat4(0.5f); } /** * @brief Factory that returns a unit length 3 component vfloat4. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 unit3() { float val = 0.577350258827209473f; return vfloat4(val, val, val, 0.0f); } /** * @brief Factory that returns a unit length 2 component vfloat4. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 unit2() { float val = 0.707106769084930420f; return vfloat4(val, val, 0.0f, 0.0f); } /** * @brief Factory that returns a 3 component vfloat4. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 vfloat3(float a, float b, float c) { return vfloat4(a, b, c, 0.0f); } /** * @brief Factory that returns a 2 component vfloat4. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 vfloat2(float a, float b) { return vfloat4(a, b, 0.0f, 0.0f); } /** * @brief Normalize a non-zero length vector to unit length. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 normalize(vfloat4 a) { vfloat4 length = dot(a, a); return a / sqrt(length); } /** * @brief Normalize a vector, returning @c safe if len is zero. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 normalize_safe(vfloat4 a, vfloat4 safe) { vfloat4 length = dot(a, a); if (length.lane<0>() != 0.0f) { return a / sqrt(length); } return safe; } #define POLY0(x, c0) ( c0) #define POLY1(x, c0, c1) ((POLY0(x, c1) * x) + c0) #define POLY2(x, c0, c1, c2) ((POLY1(x, c1, c2) * x) + c0) #define POLY3(x, c0, c1, c2, c3) ((POLY2(x, c1, c2, c3) * x) + c0) #define POLY4(x, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4) ((POLY3(x, c1, c2, c3, c4) * x) + c0) #define POLY5(x, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) ((POLY4(x, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) * x) + c0) /** * @brief Compute an approximate exp2(x) for each lane in the vector. * * Based on 5th degree minimax polynomials, ported from this blog * https://jrfonseca.blogspot.com/2008/09/fast-sse2-pow-tables-or-polynomials.html */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 exp2(vfloat4 x) { x = clamp(-126.99999f, 129.0f, x); vint4 ipart = float_to_int(x - 0.5f); vfloat4 fpart = x - int_to_float(ipart); // Integer contrib, using 1 << ipart vfloat4 iexp = int_as_float(lsl<23>(ipart + 127)); // Fractional contrib, using polynomial fit of 2^x in range [-0.5, 0.5) vfloat4 fexp = POLY5(fpart, 9.9999994e-1f, 6.9315308e-1f, 2.4015361e-1f, 5.5826318e-2f, 8.9893397e-3f, 1.8775767e-3f); return iexp * fexp; } /** * @brief Compute an approximate log2(x) for each lane in the vector. * * Based on 5th degree minimax polynomials, ported from this blog * https://jrfonseca.blogspot.com/2008/09/fast-sse2-pow-tables-or-polynomials.html */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 log2(vfloat4 x) { vint4 exp(0x7F800000); vint4 mant(0x007FFFFF); vint4 one(0x3F800000); vint4 i = float_as_int(x); vfloat4 e = int_to_float(lsr<23>(i & exp) - 127); vfloat4 m = int_as_float((i & mant) | one); // Polynomial fit of log2(x)/(x - 1), for x in range [1, 2) vfloat4 p = POLY4(m, 2.8882704548164776201f, -2.52074962577807006663f, 1.48116647521213171641f, -0.465725644288844778798f, 0.0596515482674574969533f); // Increases the polynomial degree, but ensures that log2(1) == 0 p = p * (m - 1.0f); return p + e; } /** * @brief Compute an approximate pow(x, y) for each lane in the vector. * * Power function based on the exp2(log2(x) * y) transform. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 pow(vfloat4 x, vfloat4 y) { vmask4 zero_mask = y == vfloat4(0.0f); vfloat4 estimate = exp2(log2(x) * y); // Guarantee that y == 0 returns exactly 1.0f return select(estimate, vfloat4(1.0f), zero_mask); } /** * @brief Count the leading zeros for each lane in @c a. * * Valid for all data values of @c a; will return a per-lane value [0, 32]. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vint4 clz(vint4 a) { // This function is a horrible abuse of floating point exponents to convert // the original integer value into a 2^N encoding we can recover easily. // Convert to float without risk of rounding up by keeping only top 8 bits. // This trick is is guaranteed to keep top 8 bits and clear the 9th. a = (~lsr<8>(a)) & a; a = float_as_int(int_to_float(a)); // Extract and unbias exponent a = vint4(127 + 31) - lsr<23>(a); // Clamp result to a valid 32-bit range return clamp(0, 32, a); } /** * @brief Return lanewise 2^a for each lane in @c a. * * Use of signed int means that this is only valid for values in range [0, 31]. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vint4 two_to_the_n(vint4 a) { // 2^30 is the largest signed number than can be represented assert(all(a < vint4(31))); // This function is a horrible abuse of floating point to use the exponent // and float conversion to generate a 2^N multiple. // Bias the exponent vint4 exp = a + 127; exp = lsl<23>(exp); // Reinterpret the bits as a float, and then convert to an int vfloat4 f = int_as_float(exp); return float_to_int(f); } /** * @brief Convert unorm16 [0, 65535] to float16 in range [0, 1]. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vint4 unorm16_to_sf16(vint4 p) { vint4 fp16_one = vint4(0x3C00); vint4 fp16_small = lsl<8>(p); vmask4 is_one = p == vint4(0xFFFF); vmask4 is_small = p < vint4(4); // Manually inline clz() on Visual Studio to avoid release build codegen bug // see https://github.com/ARM-software/astc-encoder/issues/259 #if !defined(__clang__) && defined(_MSC_VER) vint4 a = (~lsr<8>(p)) & p; a = float_as_int(int_to_float(a)); a = vint4(127 + 31) - lsr<23>(a); vint4 lz = clamp(0, 32, a) - 16; #else vint4 lz = clz(p) - 16; #endif p = p * two_to_the_n(lz + 1); p = p & vint4(0xFFFF); p = lsr<6>(p); p = p | lsl<10>(vint4(14) - lz); vint4 r = select(p, fp16_one, is_one); r = select(r, fp16_small, is_small); return r; } /** * @brief Convert 16-bit LNS to float16. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vint4 lns_to_sf16(vint4 p) { vint4 mc = p & 0x7FF; vint4 ec = lsr<11>(p); vint4 mc_512 = mc * 3; vmask4 mask_512 = mc < vint4(512); vint4 mc_1536 = mc * 4 - 512; vmask4 mask_1536 = mc < vint4(1536); vint4 mc_else = mc * 5 - 2048; vint4 mt = mc_else; mt = select(mt, mc_1536, mask_1536); mt = select(mt, mc_512, mask_512); vint4 res = lsl<10>(ec) | lsr<3>(mt); return min(res, vint4(0x7BFF)); } /** * @brief Extract mantissa and exponent of a float value. * * @param a The input value. * @param[out] exp The output exponent. * * @return The mantissa. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 frexp(vfloat4 a, vint4& exp) { // Interpret the bits as an integer vint4 ai = float_as_int(a); // Extract and unbias the exponent exp = (lsr<23>(ai) & 0xFF) - 126; // Extract and unbias the mantissa vint4 manti = (ai & static_cast<int>(0x807FFFFF)) | 0x3F000000; return int_as_float(manti); } /** * @brief Convert float to 16-bit LNS. */ static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE vfloat4 float_to_lns(vfloat4 a) { vint4 exp; vfloat4 mant = frexp(a, exp); // Do these early before we start messing about ... vmask4 mask_underflow_nan = ~(a > vfloat4(1.0f / 67108864.0f)); vmask4 mask_infinity = a >= vfloat4(65536.0f); // If input is smaller than 2^-14, multiply by 2^25 and don't bias. vmask4 exp_lt_m13 = exp < vint4(-13); vfloat4 a1a = a * 33554432.0f; vint4 expa = vint4::zero(); vfloat4 a1b = (mant - 0.5f) * 4096; vint4 expb = exp + 14; a = select(a1b, a1a, exp_lt_m13); exp = select(expb, expa, exp_lt_m13); vmask4 a_lt_384 = a < vfloat4(384.0f); vmask4 a_lt_1408 = a <= vfloat4(1408.0f); vfloat4 a2a = a * (4.0f / 3.0f); vfloat4 a2b = a + 128.0f; vfloat4 a2c = (a + 512.0f) * (4.0f / 5.0f); a = a2c; a = select(a, a2b, a_lt_1408); a = select(a, a2a, a_lt_384); a = a + (int_to_float(exp) * 2048.0f) + 1.0f; a = select(a, vfloat4(65535.0f), mask_infinity); a = select(a, vfloat4::zero(), mask_underflow_nan); return a; } namespace astc { static ASTCENC_SIMD_INLINE float pow(float x, float y) { return pow(vfloat4(x), vfloat4(y)).lane<0>(); } } #endif // #ifndef ASTC_VECMATHLIB_H_INCLUDED