// This code is in the public domain -- castanyo@yahoo.es #include "nvmesh.h" // pch #include "MeshBuilder.h" #include "TriMesh.h" #include "QuadTriMesh.h" #include "halfedge/Mesh.h" #include "halfedge/Vertex.h" #include "halfedge/Face.h" #include "weld/Weld.h" #include "nvmath/Box.h" #include "nvmath/Vector.inl" #include "nvcore/StrLib.h" #include "nvcore/RadixSort.h" #include "nvcore/Ptr.h" #include "nvcore/Array.inl" #include "nvcore/HashMap.inl" using namespace nv; /* By default the mesh builder creates 3 streams (position, normal, texcoord), I'm planning to add support for extra streams as follows: enum StreamType { StreamType_Float, StreamType_Vector2, StreamType_Vector3, StreamType_Vector4 }; uint addStream(const char *, uint idx, StreamType); uint addAttribute(float) uint addAttribute(Vector2) uint addAttribute(Vector3) uint addAttribute(Vector4) struct Vertex { uint pos; uint nor; uint tex; uint * attribs; // NULL or NIL terminated array? }; All streams must be added before hand, so that you know the size of the attribs array. The vertex hash function could be kept as is, but the == operator should be extended to test the extra atributes when available. That might require a custom hash implementation, or an extension of the current one. How to handle the variable number of attributes in the attribs array? bool operator()(const Vertex & a, const Vertex & b) const { if (a.pos != b.pos || a.nor != b.nor || a.tex != b.tex) return false; if (a.attribs == NULL && b.attribs == NULL) return true; return 0 == memcmp(a.attribs, b.attribs, ???); } We could use a NIL terminated array, or provide custom user data to the equals functor. vertexMap.setUserData((void *)vertexAttribCount); bool operator()(const Vertex & a, const Vertex & b, void * userData) const { ... } */ namespace { struct Material { Material() : faceCount(0) {} Material(const String & str) : name(str), faceCount(0) {} String name; uint faceCount; }; struct Vertex { //Vertex() {} //Vertex(uint p, uint n, uint t0, uint t1, uint c) : pos(p), nor(n), tex0(t0), tex1(t1), col(c) {} friend bool operator==(const Vertex & a, const Vertex & b) { return a.pos == b.pos && a.nor == b.nor && a.tex[0] == b.tex[0] && a.tex[1] == b.tex[1] && a.col[0] == b.col[0] && a.col[1] == b.col[1] && a.col[2] == b.col[2]; } uint pos; uint nor; uint tex[2]; uint col[3]; }; struct Face { uint id; uint firstIndex; uint indexCount; uint material; uint group; }; } // namespace namespace nv { // This is a much better hash than the default and greatly improves performance! template <> struct Hash<Vertex> { uint operator()(const Vertex & v) const { return v.pos + v.nor + v.tex[0]/* + v.col*/; } }; } struct MeshBuilder::PrivateData { PrivateData() : currentGroup(NIL), currentMaterial(NIL), maxFaceIndexCount(0) {} uint pushVertex(uint p, uint n, uint t0, uint t1, uint c0, uint c1, uint c2); uint pushVertex(const Vertex & v); Array<Vector3> posArray; Array<Vector3> norArray; Array<Vector2> texArray[2]; Array<Vector4> colArray[3]; Array<Vertex> vertexArray; HashMap<Vertex, uint> vertexMap; HashMap<String, uint> materialMap; Array<Material> materialArray; uint currentGroup; uint currentMaterial; Array<uint> indexArray; Array<Face> faceArray; uint maxFaceIndexCount; }; uint MeshBuilder::PrivateData::pushVertex(uint p, uint n, uint t0, uint t1, uint c0, uint c1, uint c2) { Vertex v; v.pos = p; v.nor = n; v.tex[0] = t0; v.tex[1] = t1; v.col[0] = c0; v.col[1] = c1; v.col[2] = c2; return pushVertex(v); } uint MeshBuilder::PrivateData::pushVertex(const Vertex & v) { // Lookup vertex v in map. uint idx; if (vertexMap.get(v, &idx)) { return idx; } idx = vertexArray.count(); vertexArray.pushBack(v); vertexMap.add(v, idx); return idx; } MeshBuilder::MeshBuilder() : d(new PrivateData()) { } MeshBuilder::~MeshBuilder() { nvDebugCheck(d != NULL); delete d; } // Builder methods. uint MeshBuilder::addPosition(const Vector3 & v) { d->posArray.pushBack(validate(v)); return d->posArray.count() - 1; } uint MeshBuilder::addNormal(const Vector3 & v) { d->norArray.pushBack(validate(v)); return d->norArray.count() - 1; } uint MeshBuilder::addTexCoord(const Vector2 & v, uint set/*=0*/) { d->texArray[set].pushBack(validate(v)); return d->texArray[set].count() - 1; } uint MeshBuilder::addColor(const Vector4 & v, uint set/*=0*/) { d->colArray[set].pushBack(validate(v)); return d->colArray[set].count() - 1; } void MeshBuilder::beginGroup(uint id) { d->currentGroup = id; } void MeshBuilder::endGroup() { d->currentGroup = NIL; } // Add named material, check for uniquenes. uint MeshBuilder::addMaterial(const char * name) { uint index; if (d->materialMap.get(name, &index)) { nvDebugCheck(d->materialArray[index].name == name); } else { index = d->materialArray.count(); d->materialMap.add(name, index); Material material(name); d->materialArray.append(material); } return index; } void MeshBuilder::beginMaterial(uint id) { d->currentMaterial = id; } void MeshBuilder::endMaterial() { d->currentMaterial = NIL; } void MeshBuilder::beginPolygon(uint id/*=0*/) { Face face; face.id = id; face.firstIndex = d->indexArray.count(); face.indexCount = 0; face.material = d->currentMaterial; face.group = d->currentGroup; d->faceArray.pushBack(face); } uint MeshBuilder::addVertex(uint p, uint n/*= NIL*/, uint t0/*= NIL*/, uint t1/*= NIL*/, uint c0/*= NIL*/, uint c1/*= NIL*/, uint c2/*= NIL*/) { // @@ In theory there's no need to add vertices before faces, but I'm adding this to debug problems in our maya exporter: nvDebugCheck(p < d->posArray.count()); nvDebugCheck(n == NIL || n < d->norArray.count()); nvDebugCheck(t0 == NIL || t0 < d->texArray[0].count()); nvDebugCheck(t1 == NIL || t1 < d->texArray[1].count()); //nvDebugCheck(c0 == NIL || c0 < d->colArray[0].count()); if (c0 > d->colArray[0].count()) c0 = NIL; // @@ This seems to be happening in loc_swamp_catwalk.mb! No idea why. nvDebugCheck(c1 == NIL || c1 < d->colArray[1].count()); nvDebugCheck(c2 == NIL || c2 < d->colArray[2].count()); uint idx = d->pushVertex(p, n, t0, t1, c0, c1, c2); d->indexArray.pushBack(idx); d->faceArray.back().indexCount++; return idx; } uint MeshBuilder::addVertex(const Vector3 & pos) { uint p = addPosition(pos); return addVertex(p); } #if 0 uint MeshBuilder::addVertex(const Vector3 & pos, const Vector3 & nor, const Vector2 & tex0, const Vector2 & tex1, const Vector4 & col0, const Vector4 & col1) { uint p = addPosition(pos); uint n = addNormal(nor); uint t0 = addTexCoord(tex0, 0); uint t1 = addTexCoord(tex1, 1); uint c0 = addColor(col0); uint c1 = addColor(col1); return addVertex(p, n, t0, t1, c0, c1); } #endif // Return true if the face is valid and was added to the mesh. bool MeshBuilder::endPolygon() { const Face & face = d->faceArray.back(); const uint count = face.indexCount; // Validate polygon here. bool invalid = count <= 2; if (!invalid) { // Skip zero area polygons. Or polygons with degenerate edges (which will result in zero-area triangles). const uint first = face.firstIndex; for (uint j = count - 1, i = 0; i < count; j = i, i++) { uint v0 = d->indexArray[first + i]; uint v1 = d->indexArray[first + j]; uint p0 = d->vertexArray[v0].pos; uint p1 = d->vertexArray[v1].pos; if (p0 == p1) { invalid = true; break; } if (equal(d->posArray[p0], d->posArray[p1], FLT_EPSILON)) { invalid = true; break; } } uint v0 = d->indexArray[first]; uint p0 = d->vertexArray[v0].pos; Vector3 x0 = d->posArray[p0]; float area = 0.0f; for (uint j = 1, i = 2; i < count; j = i, i++) { uint v1 = d->indexArray[first + i]; uint v2 = d->indexArray[first + j]; uint p1 = d->vertexArray[v1].pos; uint p2 = d->vertexArray[v2].pos; Vector3 x1 = d->posArray[p1]; Vector3 x2 = d->posArray[p2]; area += length(cross(x1-x0, x2-x0)); } if (0.5 * area < 1e-6) { // Reduce this threshold if artists have legitimate complains. invalid = true; } // @@ This is not complete. We may still get zero area triangles after triangulation. // However, our plugin triangulates before building the mesh, so hopefully that's not a problem. } if (invalid) { d->indexArray.resize(d->indexArray.size() - count); d->faceArray.popBack(); return false; } else { if (d->currentMaterial != NIL) { d->materialArray[d->currentMaterial].faceCount++; } d->maxFaceIndexCount = max(d->maxFaceIndexCount, count); return true; } } uint MeshBuilder::weldPositions() { Array<uint> xrefs; Weld<Vector3> weldVector3; if (d->posArray.count()) { // Weld vertex attributes. weldVector3(d->posArray, xrefs); // Remap vertex indices. const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { Vertex & vertex = d->vertexArray[v]; if (vertex.pos != NIL) vertex.pos = xrefs[vertex.pos]; } } return d->posArray.count(); } uint MeshBuilder::weldNormals() { Array<uint> xrefs; Weld<Vector3> weldVector3; if (d->norArray.count()) { // Weld vertex attributes. weldVector3(d->norArray, xrefs); // Remap vertex indices. const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { Vertex & vertex = d->vertexArray[v]; if (vertex.nor != NIL) vertex.nor = xrefs[vertex.nor]; } } return d->norArray.count(); } uint MeshBuilder::weldTexCoords(uint set/*=0*/) { Array<uint> xrefs; Weld<Vector2> weldVector2; if (d->texArray[set].count()) { // Weld vertex attributes. weldVector2(d->texArray[set], xrefs); // Remap vertex indices. const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { Vertex & vertex = d->vertexArray[v]; if (vertex.tex[set] != NIL) vertex.tex[set] = xrefs[vertex.tex[set]]; } } return d->texArray[set].count(); } uint MeshBuilder::weldColors(uint set/*=0*/) { Array<uint> xrefs; Weld<Vector4> weldVector4; if (d->colArray[set].count()) { // Weld vertex attributes. weldVector4(d->colArray[set], xrefs); // Remap vertex indices. const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { Vertex & vertex = d->vertexArray[v]; if (vertex.col[set] != NIL) vertex.col[set] = xrefs[vertex.col[set]]; } } return d->colArray[set].count(); } void MeshBuilder::weldVertices() { if (d->vertexArray.count() == 0) { // Nothing to do. return; } Array<uint> xrefs; Weld<Vertex> weldVertex; // Weld vertices. weldVertex(d->vertexArray, xrefs); // Remap face indices. const uint indexCount = d->indexArray.count(); for (uint i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) { d->indexArray[i] = xrefs[d->indexArray[i]]; } // Remap vertex map. foreach(i, d->vertexMap) { d->vertexMap[i].value = xrefs[d->vertexMap[i].value]; } } void MeshBuilder::optimize() { if (d->vertexArray.count() == 0) { return; } weldPositions(); weldNormals(); weldTexCoords(0); weldTexCoords(1); weldColors(); weldVertices(); } void MeshBuilder::removeUnusedMaterials(Array<uint> & newMaterialId) { uint materialCount = d->materialArray.count(); // Reset face counts. for (uint i = 0; i < materialCount; i++) { d->materialArray[i].faceCount = 0; } // Count faces. foreach(i, d->faceArray) { Face & face = d->faceArray[i]; if (face.material != NIL) { nvDebugCheck(face.material < materialCount); d->materialArray[face.material].faceCount++; } } // Remove unused materials. newMaterialId.resize(materialCount); for (uint i = 0, m = 0; i < materialCount; i++) { if (d->materialArray[m].faceCount > 0) { newMaterialId[i] = m++; } else { newMaterialId[i] = NIL; d->materialArray.removeAt(m); } } materialCount = d->materialArray.count(); // Update face material ids. foreach(i, d->faceArray) { Face & face = d->faceArray[i]; if (face.material != NIL) { uint id = newMaterialId[face.material]; nvDebugCheck(id != NIL && id < materialCount); face.material = id; } } } void MeshBuilder::sortFacesByGroup() { const uint faceCount = d->faceArray.count(); Array<uint> faceGroupArray; faceGroupArray.resize(faceCount); for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) { faceGroupArray[i] = d->faceArray[i].group; } RadixSort radix; radix.sort(faceGroupArray); Array<Face> newFaceArray; newFaceArray.resize(faceCount); for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) { newFaceArray[i] = d->faceArray[radix.rank(i)]; } swap(newFaceArray, d->faceArray); } void MeshBuilder::sortFacesByMaterial() { const uint faceCount = d->faceArray.count(); Array<uint> faceMaterialArray; faceMaterialArray.resize(faceCount); for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) { faceMaterialArray[i] = d->faceArray[i].material; } RadixSort radix; radix.sort(faceMaterialArray); Array<Face> newFaceArray; newFaceArray.resize(faceCount); for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) { newFaceArray[i] = d->faceArray[radix.rank(i)]; } swap(newFaceArray, d->faceArray); } void MeshBuilder::reset() { nvDebugCheck(d != NULL); delete d; d = new PrivateData(); } void MeshBuilder::done() { if (d->currentGroup != NIL) { endGroup(); } if (d->currentMaterial != NIL) { endMaterial(); } } // Hints. void MeshBuilder::hintTriangleCount(uint count) { d->indexArray.reserve(d->indexArray.count() + count * 4); } void MeshBuilder::hintVertexCount(uint count) { d->vertexArray.reserve(d->vertexArray.count() + count); d->vertexMap.resize(d->vertexMap.count() + count); } void MeshBuilder::hintPositionCount(uint count) { d->posArray.reserve(d->posArray.count() + count); } void MeshBuilder::hintNormalCount(uint count) { d->norArray.reserve(d->norArray.count() + count); } void MeshBuilder::hintTexCoordCount(uint count, uint set/*=0*/) { d->texArray[set].reserve(d->texArray[set].count() + count); } void MeshBuilder::hintColorCount(uint count, uint set/*=0*/) { d->colArray[set].reserve(d->colArray[set].count() + count); } // Helpers. void MeshBuilder::addTriangle(uint v0, uint v1, uint v2) { beginPolygon(); addVertex(v0); addVertex(v1); addVertex(v2); endPolygon(); } void MeshBuilder::addQuad(uint v0, uint v1, uint v2, uint v3) { beginPolygon(); addVertex(v0); addVertex(v1); addVertex(v2); addVertex(v3); endPolygon(); } // Get tri mesh. TriMesh * MeshBuilder::buildTriMesh() const { const uint faceCount = d->faceArray.count(); uint triangleCount = 0; for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { triangleCount += d->faceArray[f].indexCount - 2; } const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); TriMesh * mesh = new TriMesh(triangleCount, vertexCount); // Build faces. Array<TriMesh::Face> & faces = mesh->faces(); for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { int firstIndex = d->faceArray[f].firstIndex; int indexCount = d->faceArray[f].indexCount; int v0 = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 0]; int v1 = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 1]; for(int t = 0; t < indexCount - 2; t++) { int v2 = d->indexArray[firstIndex + t + 2]; TriMesh::Face face; face.id = faces.count(); face.v[0] = v0; face.v[1] = v1; face.v[2] = v2; faces.append(face); v1 = v2; } } // Build vertices. Array<BaseMesh::Vertex> & vertices = mesh->vertices(); for(uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { BaseMesh::Vertex vertex; vertex.id = i; if (d->vertexArray[i].pos != NIL) vertex.pos = d->posArray[d->vertexArray[i].pos]; if (d->vertexArray[i].nor != NIL) vertex.nor = d->norArray[d->vertexArray[i].nor]; if (d->vertexArray[i].tex[0] != NIL) vertex.tex = d->texArray[0][d->vertexArray[i].tex[0]]; vertices.append(vertex); } return mesh; } // Get quad/tri mesh. QuadTriMesh * MeshBuilder::buildQuadTriMesh() const { const uint faceCount = d->faceArray.count(); const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); QuadTriMesh * mesh = new QuadTriMesh(faceCount, vertexCount); // Build faces. Array<QuadTriMesh::Face> & faces = mesh->faces(); for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { int firstIndex = d->faceArray[f].firstIndex; int indexCount = d->faceArray[f].indexCount; QuadTriMesh::Face face; face.id = f; face.v[0] = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 0]; face.v[1] = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 1]; face.v[2] = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 2]; // Only adds triangles and quads. Ignores polygons. if (indexCount == 3) { face.v[3] = NIL; faces.append(face); } else if (indexCount == 4) { face.v[3] = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 3]; faces.append(face); } } // Build vertices. Array<BaseMesh::Vertex> & vertices = mesh->vertices(); for(uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { BaseMesh::Vertex vertex; vertex.id = i; if (d->vertexArray[i].pos != NIL) vertex.pos = d->posArray[d->vertexArray[i].pos]; if (d->vertexArray[i].nor != NIL) vertex.nor = d->norArray[d->vertexArray[i].nor]; if (d->vertexArray[i].tex[0] != NIL) vertex.tex = d->texArray[0][d->vertexArray[i].tex[0]]; vertices.append(vertex); } return mesh; } // Get half edge mesh. HalfEdge::Mesh * MeshBuilder::buildHalfEdgeMesh(bool weldPositions, Error * error/*=NULL*/, Array<uint> * badFaces/*=NULL*/) const { if (error != NULL) *error = Error_None; const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); AutoPtr<HalfEdge::Mesh> mesh(new HalfEdge::Mesh()); for(uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->addVertex(d->posArray[d->vertexArray[v].pos]); if (d->vertexArray[v].nor != NIL) vertex->nor = d->norArray[d->vertexArray[v].nor]; if (d->vertexArray[v].tex[0] != NIL) vertex->tex = Vector2(d->texArray[0][d->vertexArray[v].tex[0]]); if (d->vertexArray[v].col[0] != NIL) vertex->col = d->colArray[0][d->vertexArray[v].col[0]]; } if (weldPositions) { mesh->linkColocals(); } else { // Build canonical map from position indices. Array<uint> canonicalMap(vertexCount); foreach (i, d->vertexArray) { canonicalMap.append(d->vertexArray[i].pos); } mesh->linkColocalsWithCanonicalMap(canonicalMap); } const uint faceCount = d->faceArray.count(); for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { const uint firstIndex = d->faceArray[f].firstIndex; const uint indexCount = d->faceArray[f].indexCount; HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->addFace(d->indexArray, firstIndex, indexCount); // @@ This is too late, removing the face here will leave the mesh improperly connected. /*if (face->area() <= FLT_EPSILON) { mesh->remove(face); face = NULL; }*/ if (face == NULL) { // Non manifold mesh. if (error != NULL) *error = Error_NonManifoldEdge; if (badFaces != NULL) { badFaces->append(d->faceArray[f].id); } //return NULL; // IC: Ignore error and continue building the mesh. } if (face != NULL) { face->group = d->faceArray[f].group; face->material = d->faceArray[f].material; } } mesh->linkBoundary(); // We cannot fix functions here, because this would introduce new vertices and these vertices won't have the corresponding builder data. // Maybe the builder should perform the search for T-junctions and update the vertex data directly. // For now, we don't fix T-junctions at export time, but only during parameterization. //mesh->fixBoundaryJunctions(); //mesh->sewBoundary(); return mesh.release(); } bool MeshBuilder::buildPositions(Array<Vector3> & positionArray) { const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); positionArray.resize(vertexCount); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { nvDebugCheck(d->vertexArray[v].pos != NIL); positionArray[v] = d->posArray[d->vertexArray[v].pos]; } return true; } bool MeshBuilder::buildNormals(Array<Vector3> & normalArray) { bool anyNormal = false; const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); normalArray.resize(vertexCount); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { if (d->vertexArray[v].nor == NIL) { normalArray[v] = Vector3(0, 0, 1); } else { anyNormal = true; normalArray[v] = d->norArray[d->vertexArray[v].nor]; } } return anyNormal; } bool MeshBuilder::buildTexCoords(Array<Vector2> & texCoordArray, uint set/*=0*/) { bool anyTexCoord = false; const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); texCoordArray.resize(vertexCount); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { if (d->vertexArray[v].tex[set] == NIL) { texCoordArray[v] = Vector2(0, 0); } else { anyTexCoord = true; texCoordArray[v] = d->texArray[set][d->vertexArray[v].tex[set]]; } } return anyTexCoord; } bool MeshBuilder::buildColors(Array<Vector4> & colorArray, uint set/*=0*/) { bool anyColor = false; const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); colorArray.resize(vertexCount); for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { if (d->vertexArray[v].col[set] == NIL) { colorArray[v] = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); } else { anyColor = true; colorArray[v] = d->colArray[set][d->vertexArray[v].col[set]]; } } return anyColor; } void MeshBuilder::buildVertexToPositionMap(Array<int> &map) { const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count(); map.resize(vertexCount); foreach (i, d->vertexArray) { map[i] = d->vertexArray[i].pos; } } uint MeshBuilder::vertexCount() const { return d->vertexArray.count(); } uint MeshBuilder::positionCount() const { return d->posArray.count(); } uint MeshBuilder::normalCount() const { return d->norArray.count(); } uint MeshBuilder::texCoordCount(uint set/*=0*/) const { return d->texArray[set].count(); } uint MeshBuilder::colorCount(uint set/*=0*/) const { return d->colArray[set].count(); } uint MeshBuilder::materialCount() const { return d->materialArray.count(); } const char * MeshBuilder::material(uint i) const { return d->materialArray[i].name; } uint MeshBuilder::positionIndex(uint vertex) const { return d->vertexArray[vertex].pos; } uint MeshBuilder::normalIndex(uint vertex) const { return d->vertexArray[vertex].nor; } uint MeshBuilder::texCoordIndex(uint vertex, uint set/*=0*/) const { return d->vertexArray[vertex].tex[set]; } uint MeshBuilder::colorIndex(uint vertex, uint set/*=0*/) const { return d->vertexArray[vertex].col[set]; }