ext.versions = [ androidGradlePlugin: '3.6.0', compileSdk : 29, minSdk : 18, targetSdk : 29, buildTools : '29.0.1', supportCoreUtils : '28.0.0', kotlinVersion : '1.3.61' ] ext.libraries = [ androidGradlePlugin: "com.android.tools.build:gradle:$versions.androidGradlePlugin", supportCoreUtils : "com.android.support:support-core-utils:$versions.supportCoreUtils", kotlinGradlePlugin : "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$versions.kotlinVersion", kotlinStdLib : "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$versions.kotlinVersion" ] ext.getExportPackageName = { -> // Retrieve the app id from the project property set by the Godot build command. String appId = project.hasProperty("export_package_name") ? project.property("export_package_name") : "" // Check if the app id is valid, otherwise use the default. if (appId == null || appId.isEmpty()) { appId = "com.godot.game" } return appId }