/*************************************************************************/ /* tree.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef TREE_H #define TREE_H #include "core/helper/value_evaluator.h" #include "scene/gui/control.h" #include "scene/gui/line_edit.h" #include "scene/gui/popup_menu.h" #include "scene/gui/scroll_bar.h" #include "scene/gui/slider.h" /** @author Juan Linietsky <reduzio@gmail.com> */ class Tree; class TreeItem : public Object { GDCLASS(TreeItem, Object); public: enum TreeCellMode { CELL_MODE_STRING, ///< just a string CELL_MODE_CHECK, ///< string + check CELL_MODE_RANGE, ///< Contains a range CELL_MODE_RANGE_EXPRESSION, ///< Contains a range CELL_MODE_ICON, ///< Contains an icon, not editable CELL_MODE_CUSTOM, ///< Contains a custom value, show a string, and an edit button }; enum TextAlign { ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_RIGHT }; private: friend class Tree; struct Cell { TreeCellMode mode; Ref<Texture> icon; Rect2i icon_region; String text; String suffix; double min, max, step, val; int icon_max_w; bool expr; bool checked; bool editable; bool selected; bool selectable; bool custom_color; Color color; bool custom_bg_color; bool custom_bg_outline; Color bg_color; bool custom_button; bool expand_right; Color icon_color; TextAlign text_align; Variant meta; String tooltip; ObjectID custom_draw_obj; StringName custom_draw_callback; struct Button { int id; bool disabled; Ref<Texture> texture; Color color; String tooltip; Button() { id = 0; disabled = false; color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1); tooltip = ""; } }; Vector<Button> buttons; Cell() { custom_draw_obj = 0; custom_button = false; mode = TreeItem::CELL_MODE_STRING; min = 0; max = 100; step = 1; val = 0; checked = false; editable = false; selected = false; selectable = true; custom_color = false; custom_bg_color = false; expr = false; icon_max_w = 0; text_align = ALIGN_LEFT; expand_right = false; icon_color = Color(1, 1, 1); } Size2 get_icon_size() const; void draw_icon(const RID &p_where, const Point2 &p_pos, const Size2 &p_size = Size2(), const Color &p_color = Color()) const; }; Vector<Cell> cells; bool collapsed; // wont show childs bool disable_folding; int custom_min_height; TreeItem *parent; // parent item TreeItem *next; // next in list TreeItem *childs; //child items Tree *tree; //tree (for reference) TreeItem(Tree *p_tree); void _changed_notify(int p_cell); void _changed_notify(); void _cell_selected(int p_cell); void _cell_deselected(int p_cell); protected: static void _bind_methods(); //bind helpers Dictionary _get_range_config(int p_column) { Dictionary d; double min, max, step; get_range_config(p_column, min, max, step); d["min"] = min; d["max"] = max; d["step"] = step; d["expr"] = false; return d; } void _remove_child(Object *p_child) { remove_child(Object::cast_to<TreeItem>(p_child)); } public: /* cell mode */ void set_cell_mode(int p_column, TreeCellMode p_mode); TreeCellMode get_cell_mode(int p_column) const; /* check mode */ void set_checked(int p_column, bool p_checked); bool is_checked(int p_column) const; void set_text(int p_column, String p_text); String get_text(int p_column) const; void set_suffix(int p_column, String p_suffix); String get_suffix(int p_column) const; void set_icon(int p_column, const Ref<Texture> &p_icon); Ref<Texture> get_icon(int p_column) const; void set_icon_region(int p_column, const Rect2 &p_icon_region); Rect2 get_icon_region(int p_column) const; void set_icon_color(int p_column, const Color &p_icon_color); Color get_icon_color(int p_column) const; void set_icon_max_width(int p_column, int p_max); int get_icon_max_width(int p_column) const; void add_button(int p_column, const Ref<Texture> &p_button, int p_id = -1, bool p_disabled = false, const String &p_tooltip = ""); int get_button_count(int p_column) const; Ref<Texture> get_button(int p_column, int p_idx) const; int get_button_id(int p_column, int p_idx) const; void erase_button(int p_column, int p_idx); int get_button_by_id(int p_column, int p_id) const; bool is_button_disabled(int p_column, int p_idx) const; void set_button(int p_column, int p_idx, const Ref<Texture> &p_button); void set_button_color(int p_column, int p_idx, const Color &p_color); /* range works for mode number or mode combo */ void set_range(int p_column, double p_value); double get_range(int p_column) const; void set_range_config(int p_column, double p_min, double p_max, double p_step, bool p_exp = false); void get_range_config(int p_column, double &r_min, double &r_max, double &r_step) const; bool is_range_exponential(int p_column) const; void set_metadata(int p_column, const Variant &p_meta); Variant get_metadata(int p_column) const; void set_custom_draw(int p_column, Object *p_object, const StringName &p_callback); void set_collapsed(bool p_collapsed); bool is_collapsed(); void set_custom_minimum_height(int p_height); int get_custom_minimum_height() const; TreeItem *get_prev(); TreeItem *get_next(); TreeItem *get_parent(); TreeItem *get_children(); TreeItem *get_prev_visible(); TreeItem *get_next_visible(); void remove_child(TreeItem *p_item); void set_selectable(int p_column, bool p_selectable); bool is_selectable(int p_column) const; bool is_selected(int p_column); void select(int p_column); void deselect(int p_column); void set_as_cursor(int p_column); void set_editable(int p_column, bool p_editable); bool is_editable(int p_column); void set_custom_color(int p_column, const Color &p_color); Color get_custom_color(int p_column) const; void clear_custom_color(int p_column); void set_custom_bg_color(int p_column, const Color &p_color, bool p_bg_outline = false); void clear_custom_bg_color(int p_column); Color get_custom_bg_color(int p_column) const; void set_custom_as_button(int p_column, bool p_button); bool is_custom_set_as_button(int p_column) const; void set_tooltip(int p_column, const String &p_tooltip); String get_tooltip(int p_column) const; void clear_children(); void set_text_align(int p_column, TextAlign p_align); TextAlign get_text_align(int p_column) const; void set_expand_right(int p_column, bool p_enable); bool get_expand_right(int p_column) const; void move_to_top(); void move_to_bottom(); void set_disable_folding(bool p_disable); bool is_folding_disabled() const; ~TreeItem(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(TreeItem::TreeCellMode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(TreeItem::TextAlign); class Tree : public Control { GDCLASS(Tree, Control); public: enum SelectMode { SELECT_SINGLE, SELECT_ROW, SELECT_MULTI }; enum DropModeFlags { DROP_MODE_DISABLED = 0, DROP_MODE_ON_ITEM = 1, DROP_MODE_INBETWEEN = 2 }; private: friend class TreeItem; TreeItem *root; TreeItem *popup_edited_item; TreeItem *selected_item; TreeItem *edited_item; TreeItem *drop_mode_over; int drop_mode_section; TreeItem *single_select_defer; int single_select_defer_column; int pressed_button; bool pressing_for_editor; String pressing_for_editor_text; Vector2 pressing_pos; Rect2 pressing_item_rect; float range_drag_base; bool range_drag_enabled; Vector2 range_drag_capture_pos; //TreeItem *cursor_item; //int cursor_column; Rect2 custom_popup_rect; int edited_col; int selected_col; int popup_edited_item_col; bool hide_root; SelectMode select_mode; int blocked; int drop_mode_flags; struct ColumnInfo { int min_width; bool expand; String title; ColumnInfo() { min_width = 1; expand = true; } }; bool show_column_titles; LineEdit *text_editor; HSlider *value_editor; bool updating_value_editor; uint32_t focus_in_id; PopupMenu *popup_menu; Vector<ColumnInfo> columns; Timer *range_click_timer; TreeItem *range_item_last; bool range_up_last; void _range_click_timeout(); int compute_item_height(TreeItem *p_item) const; int get_item_height(TreeItem *p_item) const; //void draw_item_text(String p_text,const Ref<Texture>& p_icon,int p_icon_max_w,bool p_tool,Rect2i p_rect,const Color& p_color); void draw_item_rect(const TreeItem::Cell &p_cell, const Rect2i &p_rect, const Color &p_color, const Color &p_icon_color); int draw_item(const Point2i &p_pos, const Point2 &p_draw_ofs, const Size2 &p_draw_size, TreeItem *p_item); void select_single_item(TreeItem *p_selected, TreeItem *p_current, int p_col, TreeItem *p_prev = NULL, bool *r_in_range = NULL, bool p_force_deselect = false); int propagate_mouse_event(const Point2i &p_pos, int x_ofs, int y_ofs, bool p_doubleclick, TreeItem *p_item, int p_button, const Ref<InputEventWithModifiers> &p_mod); void text_editor_enter(String p_text); void _text_editor_modal_close(); void value_editor_changed(double p_value); void popup_select(int p_option); void _gui_input(Ref<InputEvent> p_event); void _notification(int p_what); Size2 get_minimum_size() const; void item_edited(int p_column, TreeItem *p_item, bool p_lmb = true); void item_changed(int p_column, TreeItem *p_item); void item_selected(int p_column, TreeItem *p_item); void item_deselected(int p_column, TreeItem *p_item); void propagate_set_columns(TreeItem *p_item); struct Cache { Ref<Font> font; Ref<Font> tb_font; Ref<StyleBox> bg; Ref<StyleBox> selected; Ref<StyleBox> selected_focus; Ref<StyleBox> cursor; Ref<StyleBox> cursor_unfocus; Ref<StyleBox> button_pressed; Ref<StyleBox> title_button; Ref<StyleBox> title_button_hover; Ref<StyleBox> title_button_pressed; Ref<StyleBox> custom_button; Ref<StyleBox> custom_button_hover; Ref<StyleBox> custom_button_pressed; Color title_button_color; Ref<Texture> checked; Ref<Texture> unchecked; Ref<Texture> arrow_collapsed; Ref<Texture> arrow; Ref<Texture> select_arrow; Ref<Texture> select_option; Ref<Texture> updown; Color font_color; Color font_color_selected; Color guide_color; Color drop_position_color; Color relationship_line_color; Color custom_button_font_highlight; int hseparation; int vseparation; int item_margin; int guide_width; int button_margin; Point2 offset; int draw_relationship_lines; int scroll_border; int scroll_speed; enum ClickType { CLICK_NONE, CLICK_TITLE, CLICK_BUTTON, }; ClickType click_type; ClickType hover_type; int click_index; int click_id; TreeItem *click_item; int click_column; int hover_index; Point2 click_pos; TreeItem *hover_item; int hover_cell; } cache; int _get_title_button_height() const; void _scroll_moved(float p_value); HScrollBar *h_scroll; VScrollBar *v_scroll; Size2 get_internal_min_size() const; void update_cache(); void update_scrollbars(); Rect2 search_item_rect(TreeItem *p_from, TreeItem *p_item); //Rect2 get_item_rect(TreeItem *p_item); uint64_t last_keypress; String incr_search; bool cursor_can_exit_tree; void _do_incr_search(const String &p_add); TreeItem *_search_item_text(TreeItem *p_at, const String &p_find, int *r_col, bool p_selectable, bool p_backwards = false); TreeItem *_find_item_at_pos(TreeItem *p_item, const Point2 &p_pos, int &r_column, int &h, int §ion) const; /* float drag_speed; float drag_accum; float last_drag_accum; float last_drag_time; float time_since_motion;*/ float drag_speed; float drag_from; float drag_accum; Vector2 last_speed; bool drag_touching; bool drag_touching_deaccel; bool click_handled; bool allow_rmb_select; bool scrolling; bool allow_reselect; bool force_edit_checkbox_only_on_checkbox; bool hide_folding; ValueEvaluator *evaluator; int _count_selected_items(TreeItem *p_from) const; protected: static void _bind_methods(); //bind helpers Object *_create_item(Object *p_parent) { return create_item(Object::cast_to<TreeItem>(p_parent)); } TreeItem *_get_next_selected(Object *p_item) { return get_next_selected(Object::cast_to<TreeItem>(p_item)); } Rect2 _get_item_rect(Object *p_item, int p_column) const { return get_item_rect(Object::cast_to<TreeItem>(p_item), p_column); } public: virtual String get_tooltip(const Point2 &p_pos) const; TreeItem *get_item_at_position(const Point2 &p_pos) const; int get_column_at_position(const Point2 &p_pos) const; int get_drop_section_at_position(const Point2 &p_pos) const; void clear(); TreeItem *create_item(TreeItem *p_parent = 0); TreeItem *get_root(); TreeItem *get_last_item(); void set_column_min_width(int p_column, int p_min_width); void set_column_expand(int p_column, bool p_expand); int get_column_width(int p_column) const; void set_hide_root(bool p_enabled); TreeItem *get_next_selected(TreeItem *p_item); TreeItem *get_selected() const; int get_selected_column() const; int get_pressed_button() const; void set_select_mode(SelectMode p_mode); void set_columns(int p_columns); int get_columns() const; void set_column_title(int p_column, const String &p_title); String get_column_title(int p_column) const; void set_column_titles_visible(bool p_show); bool are_column_titles_visible() const; TreeItem *get_edited() const; int get_edited_column() const; void ensure_cursor_is_visible(); Rect2 get_custom_popup_rect() const; int get_item_offset(TreeItem *p_item) const; Rect2 get_item_rect(TreeItem *p_item, int p_column = -1) const; bool edit_selected(); TreeItem *search_item_text(const String &p_find, int *r_col = NULL, bool p_selectable = false); Point2 get_scroll() const; void set_cursor_can_exit_tree(bool p_enable); bool can_cursor_exit_tree() const; VScrollBar *get_vscroll_bar() { return v_scroll; } void set_hide_folding(bool p_hide); bool is_folding_hidden() const; void set_drop_mode_flags(int p_flags); int get_drop_mode_flags() const; void set_edit_checkbox_cell_only_when_checkbox_is_pressed(bool p_enable); bool get_edit_checkbox_cell_only_when_checkbox_is_pressed() const; void set_allow_rmb_select(bool p_allow); bool get_allow_rmb_select() const; void set_allow_reselect(bool p_allow); bool get_allow_reselect() const; void set_value_evaluator(ValueEvaluator *p_evaluator); Tree(); ~Tree(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Tree::SelectMode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Tree::DropModeFlags); #endif