/* * Agent2d.cpp * RVO2 Library * * Copyright 2008 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Please send all bug reports to <geom@cs.unc.edu>. * * The authors may be contacted via: * * Jur van den Berg, Stephen J. Guy, Jamie Snape, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha * Dept. of Computer Science * 201 S. Columbia St. * Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. Computer Science Bldg. * Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3175 * United States of America * * <http://gamma.cs.unc.edu/RVO2/> */ #include "Agent2d.h" #include "KdTree2d.h" #include "Obstacle2d.h" namespace RVO2D { Agent2D::Agent2D() : maxNeighbors_(0), maxSpeed_(0.0f), neighborDist_(0.0f), radius_(0.0f), timeHorizon_(0.0f), timeHorizonObst_(0.0f), id_(0) { } void Agent2D::computeNeighbors(RVOSimulator2D *sim_) { obstacleNeighbors_.clear(); float rangeSq = sqr(timeHorizonObst_ * maxSpeed_ + radius_); sim_->kdTree_->computeObstacleNeighbors(this, rangeSq); agentNeighbors_.clear(); if (maxNeighbors_ > 0) { rangeSq = sqr(neighborDist_); sim_->kdTree_->computeAgentNeighbors(this, rangeSq); } } /* Search for the best new velocity. */ void Agent2D::computeNewVelocity(RVOSimulator2D *sim_) { orcaLines_.clear(); const float invTimeHorizonObst = 1.0f / timeHorizonObst_; /* Create obstacle ORCA lines. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < obstacleNeighbors_.size(); ++i) { const Obstacle2D *obstacle1 = obstacleNeighbors_[i].second; const Obstacle2D *obstacle2 = obstacle1->nextObstacle_; const Vector2 relativePosition1 = obstacle1->point_ - position_; const Vector2 relativePosition2 = obstacle2->point_ - position_; /* * Check if velocity obstacle of obstacle is already taken care of by * previously constructed obstacle ORCA lines. */ bool alreadyCovered = false; for (size_t j = 0; j < orcaLines_.size(); ++j) { if (det(invTimeHorizonObst * relativePosition1 - orcaLines_[j].point, orcaLines_[j].direction) - invTimeHorizonObst * radius_ >= -RVO_EPSILON && det(invTimeHorizonObst * relativePosition2 - orcaLines_[j].point, orcaLines_[j].direction) - invTimeHorizonObst * radius_ >= -RVO_EPSILON) { alreadyCovered = true; break; } } if (alreadyCovered) { continue; } /* Not yet covered. Check for collisions. */ const float distSq1 = absSq(relativePosition1); const float distSq2 = absSq(relativePosition2); const float radiusSq = sqr(radius_); const Vector2 obstacleVector = obstacle2->point_ - obstacle1->point_; const float s = (-relativePosition1 * obstacleVector) / absSq(obstacleVector); const float distSqLine = absSq(-relativePosition1 - s * obstacleVector); Line line; if (s < 0.0f && distSq1 <= radiusSq) { /* Collision with left vertex. Ignore if non-convex. */ if (obstacle1->isConvex_) { line.point = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); line.direction = normalize(Vector2(-relativePosition1.y(), relativePosition1.x())); orcaLines_.push_back(line); } continue; } else if (s > 1.0f && distSq2 <= radiusSq) { /* Collision with right vertex. Ignore if non-convex * or if it will be taken care of by neighoring obstace */ if (obstacle2->isConvex_ && det(relativePosition2, obstacle2->unitDir_) >= 0.0f) { line.point = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); line.direction = normalize(Vector2(-relativePosition2.y(), relativePosition2.x())); orcaLines_.push_back(line); } continue; } else if (s >= 0.0f && s < 1.0f && distSqLine <= radiusSq) { /* Collision with obstacle segment. */ line.point = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); line.direction = -obstacle1->unitDir_; orcaLines_.push_back(line); continue; } /* * No collision. * Compute legs. When obliquely viewed, both legs can come from a single * vertex. Legs extend cut-off line when nonconvex vertex. */ Vector2 leftLegDirection, rightLegDirection; if (s < 0.0f && distSqLine <= radiusSq) { /* * Obstacle viewed obliquely so that left vertex * defines velocity obstacle. */ if (!obstacle1->isConvex_) { /* Ignore obstacle. */ continue; } obstacle2 = obstacle1; const float leg1 = std::sqrt(distSq1 - radiusSq); leftLegDirection = Vector2(relativePosition1.x() * leg1 - relativePosition1.y() * radius_, relativePosition1.x() * radius_ + relativePosition1.y() * leg1) / distSq1; rightLegDirection = Vector2(relativePosition1.x() * leg1 + relativePosition1.y() * radius_, -relativePosition1.x() * radius_ + relativePosition1.y() * leg1) / distSq1; } else if (s > 1.0f && distSqLine <= radiusSq) { /* * Obstacle viewed obliquely so that * right vertex defines velocity obstacle. */ if (!obstacle2->isConvex_) { /* Ignore obstacle. */ continue; } obstacle1 = obstacle2; const float leg2 = std::sqrt(distSq2 - radiusSq); leftLegDirection = Vector2(relativePosition2.x() * leg2 - relativePosition2.y() * radius_, relativePosition2.x() * radius_ + relativePosition2.y() * leg2) / distSq2; rightLegDirection = Vector2(relativePosition2.x() * leg2 + relativePosition2.y() * radius_, -relativePosition2.x() * radius_ + relativePosition2.y() * leg2) / distSq2; } else { /* Usual situation. */ if (obstacle1->isConvex_) { const float leg1 = std::sqrt(distSq1 - radiusSq); leftLegDirection = Vector2(relativePosition1.x() * leg1 - relativePosition1.y() * radius_, relativePosition1.x() * radius_ + relativePosition1.y() * leg1) / distSq1; } else { /* Left vertex non-convex; left leg extends cut-off line. */ leftLegDirection = -obstacle1->unitDir_; } if (obstacle2->isConvex_) { const float leg2 = std::sqrt(distSq2 - radiusSq); rightLegDirection = Vector2(relativePosition2.x() * leg2 + relativePosition2.y() * radius_, -relativePosition2.x() * radius_ + relativePosition2.y() * leg2) / distSq2; } else { /* Right vertex non-convex; right leg extends cut-off line. */ rightLegDirection = obstacle1->unitDir_; } } /* * Legs can never point into neighboring edge when convex vertex, * take cutoff-line of neighboring edge instead. If velocity projected on * "foreign" leg, no constraint is added. */ const Obstacle2D *const leftNeighbor = obstacle1->prevObstacle_; bool isLeftLegForeign = false; bool isRightLegForeign = false; if (obstacle1->isConvex_ && det(leftLegDirection, -leftNeighbor->unitDir_) >= 0.0f) { /* Left leg points into obstacle. */ leftLegDirection = -leftNeighbor->unitDir_; isLeftLegForeign = true; } if (obstacle2->isConvex_ && det(rightLegDirection, obstacle2->unitDir_) <= 0.0f) { /* Right leg points into obstacle. */ rightLegDirection = obstacle2->unitDir_; isRightLegForeign = true; } /* Compute cut-off centers. */ const Vector2 leftCutoff = invTimeHorizonObst * (obstacle1->point_ - position_); const Vector2 rightCutoff = invTimeHorizonObst * (obstacle2->point_ - position_); const Vector2 cutoffVec = rightCutoff - leftCutoff; /* Project current velocity on velocity obstacle. */ /* Check if current velocity is projected on cutoff circles. */ const float t = (obstacle1 == obstacle2 ? 0.5f : ((velocity_ - leftCutoff) * cutoffVec) / absSq(cutoffVec)); const float tLeft = ((velocity_ - leftCutoff) * leftLegDirection); const float tRight = ((velocity_ - rightCutoff) * rightLegDirection); if ((t < 0.0f && tLeft < 0.0f) || (obstacle1 == obstacle2 && tLeft < 0.0f && tRight < 0.0f)) { /* Project on left cut-off circle. */ const Vector2 unitW = normalize(velocity_ - leftCutoff); line.direction = Vector2(unitW.y(), -unitW.x()); line.point = leftCutoff + radius_ * invTimeHorizonObst * unitW; orcaLines_.push_back(line); continue; } else if (t > 1.0f && tRight < 0.0f) { /* Project on right cut-off circle. */ const Vector2 unitW = normalize(velocity_ - rightCutoff); line.direction = Vector2(unitW.y(), -unitW.x()); line.point = rightCutoff + radius_ * invTimeHorizonObst * unitW; orcaLines_.push_back(line); continue; } /* * Project on left leg, right leg, or cut-off line, whichever is closest * to velocity. */ const float distSqCutoff = ((t < 0.0f || t > 1.0f || obstacle1 == obstacle2) ? std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() : absSq(velocity_ - (leftCutoff + t * cutoffVec))); const float distSqLeft = ((tLeft < 0.0f) ? std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() : absSq(velocity_ - (leftCutoff + tLeft * leftLegDirection))); const float distSqRight = ((tRight < 0.0f) ? std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() : absSq(velocity_ - (rightCutoff + tRight * rightLegDirection))); if (distSqCutoff <= distSqLeft && distSqCutoff <= distSqRight) { /* Project on cut-off line. */ line.direction = -obstacle1->unitDir_; line.point = leftCutoff + radius_ * invTimeHorizonObst * Vector2(-line.direction.y(), line.direction.x()); orcaLines_.push_back(line); continue; } else if (distSqLeft <= distSqRight) { /* Project on left leg. */ if (isLeftLegForeign) { continue; } line.direction = leftLegDirection; line.point = leftCutoff + radius_ * invTimeHorizonObst * Vector2(-line.direction.y(), line.direction.x()); orcaLines_.push_back(line); continue; } else { /* Project on right leg. */ if (isRightLegForeign) { continue; } line.direction = -rightLegDirection; line.point = rightCutoff + radius_ * invTimeHorizonObst * Vector2(-line.direction.y(), line.direction.x()); orcaLines_.push_back(line); continue; } } const size_t numObstLines = orcaLines_.size(); const float invTimeHorizon = 1.0f / timeHorizon_; /* Create agent ORCA lines. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < agentNeighbors_.size(); ++i) { const Agent2D *const other = agentNeighbors_[i].second; //const float timeHorizon_mod = (avoidance_priority_ - other->avoidance_priority_ + 1.0f) * 0.5f; //const float invTimeHorizon = (1.0f / timeHorizon_) * timeHorizon_mod; const Vector2 relativePosition = other->position_ - position_; const Vector2 relativeVelocity = velocity_ - other->velocity_; const float distSq = absSq(relativePosition); const float combinedRadius = radius_ + other->radius_; const float combinedRadiusSq = sqr(combinedRadius); Line line; Vector2 u; if (distSq > combinedRadiusSq) { /* No collision. */ const Vector2 w = relativeVelocity - invTimeHorizon * relativePosition; /* Vector from cutoff center to relative velocity. */ const float wLengthSq = absSq(w); const float dotProduct1 = w * relativePosition; if (dotProduct1 < 0.0f && sqr(dotProduct1) > combinedRadiusSq * wLengthSq) { /* Project on cut-off circle. */ const float wLength = std::sqrt(wLengthSq); const Vector2 unitW = w / wLength; line.direction = Vector2(unitW.y(), -unitW.x()); u = (combinedRadius * invTimeHorizon - wLength) * unitW; } else { /* Project on legs. */ const float leg = std::sqrt(distSq - combinedRadiusSq); if (det(relativePosition, w) > 0.0f) { /* Project on left leg. */ line.direction = Vector2(relativePosition.x() * leg - relativePosition.y() * combinedRadius, relativePosition.x() * combinedRadius + relativePosition.y() * leg) / distSq; } else { /* Project on right leg. */ line.direction = -Vector2(relativePosition.x() * leg + relativePosition.y() * combinedRadius, -relativePosition.x() * combinedRadius + relativePosition.y() * leg) / distSq; } const float dotProduct2 = relativeVelocity * line.direction; u = dotProduct2 * line.direction - relativeVelocity; } } else { /* Collision. Project on cut-off circle of time timeStep. */ const float invTimeStep = 1.0f / sim_->timeStep_; /* Vector from cutoff center to relative velocity. */ const Vector2 w = relativeVelocity - invTimeStep * relativePosition; const float wLength = abs(w); const Vector2 unitW = w / wLength; line.direction = Vector2(unitW.y(), -unitW.x()); u = (combinedRadius * invTimeStep - wLength) * unitW; } line.point = velocity_ + 0.5f * u; orcaLines_.push_back(line); } size_t lineFail = linearProgram2(orcaLines_, maxSpeed_, prefVelocity_, false, newVelocity_); if (lineFail < orcaLines_.size()) { linearProgram3(orcaLines_, numObstLines, lineFail, maxSpeed_, newVelocity_); } } void Agent2D::insertAgentNeighbor(const Agent2D *agent, float &rangeSq) { // no point processing same agent if (this == agent) { return; } // ignore other agent if layers/mask bitmasks have no matching bit if ((avoidance_mask_ & agent->avoidance_layers_) == 0) { return; } // ignore other agent if this agent is below or above if ((elevation_ > agent->elevation_ + agent->height_) || (elevation_ + height_ < agent->elevation_)) { return; } if (avoidance_priority_ > agent->avoidance_priority_) { return; } const float distSq = absSq(position_ - agent->position_); if (distSq < rangeSq) { if (agentNeighbors_.size() < maxNeighbors_) { agentNeighbors_.push_back(std::make_pair(distSq, agent)); } size_t i = agentNeighbors_.size() - 1; while (i != 0 && distSq < agentNeighbors_[i - 1].first) { agentNeighbors_[i] = agentNeighbors_[i - 1]; --i; } agentNeighbors_[i] = std::make_pair(distSq, agent); if (agentNeighbors_.size() == maxNeighbors_) { rangeSq = agentNeighbors_.back().first; } } } void Agent2D::insertObstacleNeighbor(const Obstacle2D *obstacle, float rangeSq) { const Obstacle2D *const nextObstacle = obstacle->nextObstacle_; // ignore obstacle if no matching layer/mask if ((avoidance_mask_ & nextObstacle->avoidance_layers_) == 0) { return; } // ignore obstacle if below or above if ((elevation_ > obstacle->elevation_ + obstacle->height_) || (elevation_ + height_ < obstacle->elevation_)) { return; } const float distSq = distSqPointLineSegment(obstacle->point_, nextObstacle->point_, position_); if (distSq < rangeSq) { obstacleNeighbors_.push_back(std::make_pair(distSq, obstacle)); size_t i = obstacleNeighbors_.size() - 1; while (i != 0 && distSq < obstacleNeighbors_[i - 1].first) { obstacleNeighbors_[i] = obstacleNeighbors_[i - 1]; --i; } obstacleNeighbors_[i] = std::make_pair(distSq, obstacle); } //} } void Agent2D::update(RVOSimulator2D *sim_) { velocity_ = newVelocity_; position_ += velocity_ * sim_->timeStep_; } bool linearProgram1(const std::vector<Line> &lines, size_t lineNo, float radius, const Vector2 &optVelocity, bool directionOpt, Vector2 &result) { const float dotProduct = lines[lineNo].point * lines[lineNo].direction; const float discriminant = sqr(dotProduct) + sqr(radius) - absSq(lines[lineNo].point); if (discriminant < 0.0f) { /* Max speed circle fully invalidates line lineNo. */ return false; } const float sqrtDiscriminant = std::sqrt(discriminant); float tLeft = -dotProduct - sqrtDiscriminant; float tRight = -dotProduct + sqrtDiscriminant; for (size_t i = 0; i < lineNo; ++i) { const float denominator = det(lines[lineNo].direction, lines[i].direction); const float numerator = det(lines[i].direction, lines[lineNo].point - lines[i].point); if (std::fabs(denominator) <= RVO_EPSILON) { /* Lines lineNo and i are (almost) parallel. */ if (numerator < 0.0f) { return false; } else { continue; } } const float t = numerator / denominator; if (denominator >= 0.0f) { /* Line i bounds line lineNo on the right. */ tRight = std::min(tRight, t); } else { /* Line i bounds line lineNo on the left. */ tLeft = std::max(tLeft, t); } if (tLeft > tRight) { return false; } } if (directionOpt) { /* Optimize direction. */ if (optVelocity * lines[lineNo].direction > 0.0f) { /* Take right extreme. */ result = lines[lineNo].point + tRight * lines[lineNo].direction; } else { /* Take left extreme. */ result = lines[lineNo].point + tLeft * lines[lineNo].direction; } } else { /* Optimize closest point. */ const float t = lines[lineNo].direction * (optVelocity - lines[lineNo].point); if (t < tLeft) { result = lines[lineNo].point + tLeft * lines[lineNo].direction; } else if (t > tRight) { result = lines[lineNo].point + tRight * lines[lineNo].direction; } else { result = lines[lineNo].point + t * lines[lineNo].direction; } } return true; } size_t linearProgram2(const std::vector<Line> &lines, float radius, const Vector2 &optVelocity, bool directionOpt, Vector2 &result) { if (directionOpt) { /* * Optimize direction. Note that the optimization velocity is of unit * length in this case. */ result = optVelocity * radius; } else if (absSq(optVelocity) > sqr(radius)) { /* Optimize closest point and outside circle. */ result = normalize(optVelocity) * radius; } else { /* Optimize closest point and inside circle. */ result = optVelocity; } for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { if (det(lines[i].direction, lines[i].point - result) > 0.0f) { /* Result does not satisfy constraint i. Compute new optimal result. */ const Vector2 tempResult = result; if (!linearProgram1(lines, i, radius, optVelocity, directionOpt, result)) { result = tempResult; return i; } } } return lines.size(); } void linearProgram3(const std::vector<Line> &lines, size_t numObstLines, size_t beginLine, float radius, Vector2 &result) { float distance = 0.0f; for (size_t i = beginLine; i < lines.size(); ++i) { if (det(lines[i].direction, lines[i].point - result) > distance) { /* Result does not satisfy constraint of line i. */ std::vector<Line> projLines(lines.begin(), lines.begin() + static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(numObstLines)); for (size_t j = numObstLines; j < i; ++j) { Line line; float determinant = det(lines[i].direction, lines[j].direction); if (std::fabs(determinant) <= RVO_EPSILON) { /* Line i and line j are parallel. */ if (lines[i].direction * lines[j].direction > 0.0f) { /* Line i and line j point in the same direction. */ continue; } else { /* Line i and line j point in opposite direction. */ line.point = 0.5f * (lines[i].point + lines[j].point); } } else { line.point = lines[i].point + (det(lines[j].direction, lines[i].point - lines[j].point) / determinant) * lines[i].direction; } line.direction = normalize(lines[j].direction - lines[i].direction); projLines.push_back(line); } const Vector2 tempResult = result; if (linearProgram2(projLines, radius, Vector2(-lines[i].direction.y(), lines[i].direction.x()), true, result) < projLines.size()) { /* This should in principle not happen. The result is by definition * already in the feasible region of this linear program. If it fails, * it is due to small floating point error, and the current result is * kept. */ result = tempResult; } distance = det(lines[i].direction, lines[i].point - result); } } } }