/*************************************************************************/ /* tile_map.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "tile_map.h" #include "io/marshalls.h" #include "method_bind_ext.gen.inc" #include "os/os.h" #include "servers/physics_2d_server.h" int TileMap::_get_quadrant_size() const { if (y_sort_mode) return 1; else return quadrant_size; } void TileMap::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { Node2D *c = this; while (c) { navigation = Object::cast_to<Navigation2D>(c); if (navigation) { break; } c = Object::cast_to<Node2D>(c->get_parent()); } pending_update = true; _update_dirty_quadrants(); RID space = get_world_2d()->get_space(); _update_quadrant_transform(); _update_quadrant_space(space); } break; case NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE: { _update_quadrant_space(RID()); for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Quadrant &q = E->get(); if (navigation) { for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant::NavPoly>::Element *E = q.navpoly_ids.front(); E; E = E->next()) { navigation->navpoly_remove(E->get().id); } q.navpoly_ids.clear(); } for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant::Occluder>::Element *E = q.occluder_instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { VS::get_singleton()->free(E->get().id); } q.occluder_instances.clear(); } navigation = NULL; } break; case NOTIFICATION_TRANSFORM_CHANGED: { //move stuff _update_quadrant_transform(); } break; } } void TileMap::_update_quadrant_space(const RID &p_space) { for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Quadrant &q = E->get(); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_space(q.body, p_space); } } void TileMap::_update_quadrant_transform() { if (!is_inside_tree()) return; Transform2D global_transform = get_global_transform(); Transform2D nav_rel; if (navigation) nav_rel = get_relative_transform_to_parent(navigation); for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Quadrant &q = E->get(); Transform2D xform; xform.set_origin(q.pos); xform = global_transform * xform; Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_state(q.body, Physics2DServer::BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM, xform); if (navigation) { for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant::NavPoly>::Element *E = q.navpoly_ids.front(); E; E = E->next()) { navigation->navpoly_set_transform(E->get().id, nav_rel * E->get().xform); } } for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant::Occluder>::Element *E = q.occluder_instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { VS::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_set_transform(E->get().id, global_transform * E->get().xform); } } } void TileMap::set_tileset(const Ref<TileSet> &p_tileset) { if (tile_set.is_valid()) { tile_set->disconnect("changed", this, "_recreate_quadrants"); tile_set->remove_change_receptor(this); } _clear_quadrants(); tile_set = p_tileset; if (tile_set.is_valid()) { tile_set->connect("changed", this, "_recreate_quadrants"); tile_set->add_change_receptor(this); } else { clear(); } _recreate_quadrants(); emit_signal("settings_changed"); } Ref<TileSet> TileMap::get_tileset() const { return tile_set; } void TileMap::set_cell_size(Size2 p_size) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_size.x < 1 || p_size.y < 1); _clear_quadrants(); cell_size = p_size; _recreate_quadrants(); emit_signal("settings_changed"); } Size2 TileMap::get_cell_size() const { return cell_size; } void TileMap::set_quadrant_size(int p_size) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_size < 1); _clear_quadrants(); quadrant_size = p_size; _recreate_quadrants(); emit_signal("settings_changed"); } int TileMap::get_quadrant_size() const { return quadrant_size; } void TileMap::_fix_cell_transform(Transform2D &xform, const Cell &p_cell, const Vector2 &p_offset, const Size2 &p_sc) { Size2 s = p_sc; Vector2 offset = p_offset; if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT) offset.y += cell_size.y; else if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_CENTER) { offset += cell_size / 2; } if (s.y > s.x) { if ((p_cell.flip_h && (p_cell.flip_v || p_cell.transpose)) || (p_cell.flip_v && !p_cell.transpose)) offset.y += s.y - s.x; } else if (s.y < s.x) { if ((p_cell.flip_v && (p_cell.flip_h || p_cell.transpose)) || (p_cell.flip_h && !p_cell.transpose)) offset.x += s.x - s.y; } if (p_cell.transpose) { SWAP(xform.elements[0].x, xform.elements[0].y); SWAP(xform.elements[1].x, xform.elements[1].y); SWAP(offset.x, offset.y); SWAP(s.x, s.y); } if (p_cell.flip_h) { xform.elements[0].x = -xform.elements[0].x; xform.elements[1].x = -xform.elements[1].x; if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT || tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT) offset.x = s.x - offset.x; else if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_CENTER) offset.x = s.x - offset.x / 2; } if (p_cell.flip_v) { xform.elements[0].y = -xform.elements[0].y; xform.elements[1].y = -xform.elements[1].y; if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT) offset.y = s.y - offset.y; else if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT) { offset.y += s.y; } else if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_CENTER) { offset.y += s.y; } } xform.elements[2].x += offset.x; xform.elements[2].y += offset.y; } void TileMap::_update_dirty_quadrants() { if (!pending_update) return; if (!is_inside_tree() || !tile_set.is_valid()) { pending_update = false; return; } VisualServer *vs = VisualServer::get_singleton(); Physics2DServer *ps = Physics2DServer::get_singleton(); Vector2 tofs = get_cell_draw_offset(); Vector2 tcenter = cell_size / 2; Transform2D nav_rel; if (navigation) nav_rel = get_relative_transform_to_parent(navigation); Vector2 qofs; SceneTree *st = SceneTree::get_singleton(); Color debug_collision_color; Color debug_navigation_color; bool debug_shapes = st && st->is_debugging_collisions_hint(); if (debug_shapes) { debug_collision_color = st->get_debug_collisions_color(); } bool debug_navigation = st && st->is_debugging_navigation_hint(); if (debug_navigation) { debug_navigation_color = st->get_debug_navigation_color(); } while (dirty_quadrant_list.first()) { Quadrant &q = *dirty_quadrant_list.first()->self(); for (List<RID>::Element *E = q.canvas_items.front(); E; E = E->next()) { vs->free(E->get()); } q.canvas_items.clear(); ps->body_clear_shapes(q.body); int shape_idx = 0; if (navigation) { for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant::NavPoly>::Element *E = q.navpoly_ids.front(); E; E = E->next()) { navigation->navpoly_remove(E->get().id); } q.navpoly_ids.clear(); } for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant::Occluder>::Element *E = q.occluder_instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { VS::get_singleton()->free(E->get().id); } q.occluder_instances.clear(); Ref<ShaderMaterial> prev_material; RID prev_canvas_item; RID prev_debug_canvas_item; for (int i = 0; i < q.cells.size(); i++) { Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(q.cells[i]); Cell &c = E->get(); //moment of truth if (!tile_set->has_tile(c.id)) continue; Ref<Texture> tex = tile_set->tile_get_texture(c.id); Vector2 tile_ofs = tile_set->tile_get_texture_offset(c.id); Vector2 wofs = _map_to_world(E->key().x, E->key().y); Vector2 offset = wofs - q.pos + tofs; if (!tex.is_valid()) continue; Ref<ShaderMaterial> mat = tile_set->tile_get_material(c.id); RID canvas_item; RID debug_canvas_item; if (prev_canvas_item == RID() || prev_material != mat) { canvas_item = vs->canvas_item_create(); if (mat.is_valid()) vs->canvas_item_set_material(canvas_item, mat->get_rid()); vs->canvas_item_set_parent(canvas_item, get_canvas_item()); _update_item_material_state(canvas_item); Transform2D xform; xform.set_origin(q.pos); vs->canvas_item_set_transform(canvas_item, xform); vs->canvas_item_set_light_mask(canvas_item, get_light_mask()); q.canvas_items.push_back(canvas_item); if (debug_shapes) { debug_canvas_item = vs->canvas_item_create(); vs->canvas_item_set_parent(debug_canvas_item, canvas_item); vs->canvas_item_set_z_as_relative_to_parent(debug_canvas_item, false); vs->canvas_item_set_z_index(debug_canvas_item, VS::CANVAS_ITEM_Z_MAX - 1); q.canvas_items.push_back(debug_canvas_item); prev_debug_canvas_item = debug_canvas_item; } prev_canvas_item = canvas_item; prev_material = mat; } else { canvas_item = prev_canvas_item; if (debug_shapes) { debug_canvas_item = prev_debug_canvas_item; } } Rect2 r = tile_set->tile_get_region(c.id); if (tile_set->tile_get_is_autotile(c.id)) { int spacing = tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(c.id); r.size = tile_set->autotile_get_size(c.id); r.position += (r.size + Vector2(spacing, spacing)) * Vector2(c.autotile_coord_x, c.autotile_coord_y); } Size2 s = tex->get_size(); if (r == Rect2()) s = tex->get_size(); else { s = r.size; } Rect2 rect; rect.position = offset.floor(); rect.size = s; rect.size.x += fp_adjust; rect.size.y += fp_adjust; if (rect.size.y > rect.size.x) { if ((c.flip_h && (c.flip_v || c.transpose)) || (c.flip_v && !c.transpose)) tile_ofs.y += rect.size.y - rect.size.x; } else if (rect.size.y < rect.size.x) { if ((c.flip_v && (c.flip_h || c.transpose)) || (c.flip_h && !c.transpose)) tile_ofs.x += rect.size.x - rect.size.y; } /* rect.size.x+=fp_adjust; rect.size.y+=fp_adjust;*/ if (c.transpose) SWAP(tile_ofs.x, tile_ofs.y); if (c.flip_h) { rect.size.x = -rect.size.x; tile_ofs.x = -tile_ofs.x; } if (c.flip_v) { rect.size.y = -rect.size.y; tile_ofs.y = -tile_ofs.y; } Vector2 center_ofs; if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT) { rect.position += tile_ofs; } else if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT) { rect.position += tile_ofs; if (c.transpose) { if (c.flip_h) rect.position.x -= cell_size.x; else rect.position.x += cell_size.x; } else { if (c.flip_v) rect.position.y -= cell_size.y; else rect.position.y += cell_size.y; } } else if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_CENTER) { rect.position += tile_ofs; if (c.flip_h) rect.position.x -= cell_size.x / 2; else rect.position.x += cell_size.x / 2; if (c.flip_v) rect.position.y -= cell_size.y / 2; else rect.position.y += cell_size.y / 2; } Ref<Texture> normal_map = tile_set->tile_get_normal_map(c.id); Color modulate = tile_set->tile_get_modulate(c.id); Color self_modulate = get_self_modulate(); modulate = Color(modulate.r * self_modulate.r, modulate.g * self_modulate.g, modulate.b * self_modulate.b, modulate.a * self_modulate.a); if (r == Rect2()) { tex->draw_rect(canvas_item, rect, false, modulate, c.transpose, normal_map); } else { tex->draw_rect_region(canvas_item, rect, r, modulate, c.transpose, normal_map, clip_uv); } Vector<TileSet::ShapeData> shapes = tile_set->tile_get_shapes(c.id); for (int i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++) { Ref<Shape2D> shape = shapes[i].shape; if (shape.is_valid()) { if (!tile_set->tile_get_is_autotile(c.id) || (shapes[i].autotile_coord.x == c.autotile_coord_x && shapes[i].autotile_coord.y == c.autotile_coord_y)) { Transform2D xform; xform.set_origin(offset.floor()); Vector2 shape_ofs = tile_set->tile_get_shape_offset(c.id, i); _fix_cell_transform(xform, c, shape_ofs + center_ofs, s); if (debug_canvas_item.is_valid()) { vs->canvas_item_add_set_transform(debug_canvas_item, xform); shape->draw(debug_canvas_item, debug_collision_color); } ps->body_add_shape(q.body, shape->get_rid(), xform); ps->body_set_shape_metadata(q.body, shape_idx, Vector2(E->key().x, E->key().y)); ps->body_set_shape_as_one_way_collision(q.body, shape_idx, shapes[i].one_way_collision); shape_idx++; } } } if (debug_canvas_item.is_valid()) { vs->canvas_item_add_set_transform(debug_canvas_item, Transform2D()); } if (navigation) { Ref<NavigationPolygon> navpoly; Vector2 npoly_ofs; if (tile_set->tile_get_is_autotile(c.id)) { navpoly = tile_set->autotile_get_navigation_polygon(c.id, Vector2(c.autotile_coord_x, c.autotile_coord_y)); npoly_ofs = Vector2(); } else { navpoly = tile_set->tile_get_navigation_polygon(c.id); npoly_ofs = tile_set->tile_get_navigation_polygon_offset(c.id); } if (navpoly.is_valid()) { Transform2D xform; xform.set_origin(offset.floor() + q.pos); _fix_cell_transform(xform, c, npoly_ofs + center_ofs, s); int pid = navigation->navpoly_add(navpoly, nav_rel * xform); Quadrant::NavPoly np; np.id = pid; np.xform = xform; q.navpoly_ids[E->key()] = np; if (debug_navigation) { RID debug_navigation_item = vs->canvas_item_create(); vs->canvas_item_set_parent(debug_navigation_item, canvas_item); vs->canvas_item_set_z_as_relative_to_parent(debug_navigation_item, false); vs->canvas_item_set_z_index(debug_navigation_item, VS::CANVAS_ITEM_Z_MAX - 2); // Display one below collision debug if (debug_navigation_item.is_valid()) { PoolVector<Vector2> navigation_polygon_vertices = navpoly->get_vertices(); int vsize = navigation_polygon_vertices.size(); if (vsize > 2) { Vector<Color> colors; Vector<Vector2> vertices; vertices.resize(vsize); colors.resize(vsize); { PoolVector<Vector2>::Read vr = navigation_polygon_vertices.read(); for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) { vertices[i] = vr[i]; colors[i] = debug_navigation_color; } } Vector<int> indices; for (int i = 0; i < navpoly->get_polygon_count(); i++) { Vector<int> polygon = navpoly->get_polygon(i); for (int j = 2; j < polygon.size(); j++) { int kofs[3] = { 0, j - 1, j }; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int idx = polygon[kofs[k]]; ERR_FAIL_INDEX(idx, vsize); indices.push_back(idx); } } } Transform2D navxform; navxform.set_origin(offset.floor()); _fix_cell_transform(navxform, c, npoly_ofs + center_ofs, s); vs->canvas_item_set_transform(debug_navigation_item, navxform); vs->canvas_item_add_triangle_array(debug_navigation_item, indices, vertices, colors); } } } } } Ref<OccluderPolygon2D> occluder; if (tile_set->tile_get_is_autotile(c.id)) { occluder = tile_set->autotile_get_light_occluder(c.id, Vector2(c.autotile_coord_x, c.autotile_coord_y)); } else { occluder = tile_set->tile_get_light_occluder(c.id); } if (occluder.is_valid()) { Vector2 occluder_ofs = tile_set->tile_get_occluder_offset(c.id); Transform2D xform; xform.set_origin(offset.floor() + q.pos); _fix_cell_transform(xform, c, occluder_ofs + center_ofs, s); RID orid = VS::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_create(); VS::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_set_transform(orid, get_global_transform() * xform); VS::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_set_polygon(orid, occluder->get_rid()); VS::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_attach_to_canvas(orid, get_canvas()); VS::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_set_light_mask(orid, occluder_light_mask); Quadrant::Occluder oc; oc.xform = xform; oc.id = orid; q.occluder_instances[E->key()] = oc; } } dirty_quadrant_list.remove(dirty_quadrant_list.first()); quadrant_order_dirty = true; } pending_update = false; if (quadrant_order_dirty) { int index = -0x80000000; //always must be drawn below children for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Quadrant &q = E->get(); for (List<RID>::Element *E = q.canvas_items.front(); E; E = E->next()) { VS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_draw_index(E->get(), index++); } } quadrant_order_dirty = false; } _recompute_rect_cache(); } void TileMap::_recompute_rect_cache() { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!rect_cache_dirty) return; Rect2 r_total; for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Rect2 r; r.position = _map_to_world(E->key().x * _get_quadrant_size(), E->key().y * _get_quadrant_size()); r.expand_to(_map_to_world(E->key().x * _get_quadrant_size() + _get_quadrant_size(), E->key().y * _get_quadrant_size())); r.expand_to(_map_to_world(E->key().x * _get_quadrant_size() + _get_quadrant_size(), E->key().y * _get_quadrant_size() + _get_quadrant_size())); r.expand_to(_map_to_world(E->key().x * _get_quadrant_size(), E->key().y * _get_quadrant_size() + _get_quadrant_size())); if (E == quadrant_map.front()) r_total = r; else r_total = r_total.merge(r); } if (r_total == Rect2()) { rect_cache = Rect2(-10, -10, 20, 20); } else { rect_cache = r_total.grow(MAX(cell_size.x, cell_size.y) * _get_quadrant_size()); } item_rect_changed(); rect_cache_dirty = false; #endif } Map<TileMap::PosKey, TileMap::Quadrant>::Element *TileMap::_create_quadrant(const PosKey &p_qk) { Transform2D xform; //xform.set_origin(Point2(p_qk.x,p_qk.y)*cell_size*quadrant_size); Quadrant q; q.pos = _map_to_world(p_qk.x * _get_quadrant_size(), p_qk.y * _get_quadrant_size()); q.pos += get_cell_draw_offset(); if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_CENTER) q.pos += cell_size / 2; else if (tile_origin == TILE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT) q.pos.y += cell_size.y; xform.set_origin(q.pos); //q.canvas_item = VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_create(); q.body = Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_create(); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_mode(q.body, use_kinematic ? Physics2DServer::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC : Physics2DServer::BODY_MODE_STATIC); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_attach_object_instance_id(q.body, get_instance_id()); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_collision_layer(q.body, collision_layer); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_collision_mask(q.body, collision_mask); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_param(q.body, Physics2DServer::BODY_PARAM_FRICTION, friction); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_param(q.body, Physics2DServer::BODY_PARAM_BOUNCE, bounce); if (is_inside_tree()) { xform = get_global_transform() * xform; RID space = get_world_2d()->get_space(); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_space(q.body, space); } Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_state(q.body, Physics2DServer::BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM, xform); rect_cache_dirty = true; quadrant_order_dirty = true; return quadrant_map.insert(p_qk, q); } void TileMap::_erase_quadrant(Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *Q) { Quadrant &q = Q->get(); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->free(q.body); for (List<RID>::Element *E = q.canvas_items.front(); E; E = E->next()) { VisualServer::get_singleton()->free(E->get()); } q.canvas_items.clear(); if (q.dirty_list.in_list()) dirty_quadrant_list.remove(&q.dirty_list); if (navigation) { for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant::NavPoly>::Element *E = q.navpoly_ids.front(); E; E = E->next()) { navigation->navpoly_remove(E->get().id); } q.navpoly_ids.clear(); } for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant::Occluder>::Element *E = q.occluder_instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) { VS::get_singleton()->free(E->get().id); } q.occluder_instances.clear(); quadrant_map.erase(Q); rect_cache_dirty = true; } void TileMap::_make_quadrant_dirty(Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *Q) { Quadrant &q = Q->get(); if (!q.dirty_list.in_list()) dirty_quadrant_list.add(&q.dirty_list); if (pending_update) return; pending_update = true; if (!is_inside_tree()) return; call_deferred("_update_dirty_quadrants"); } void TileMap::set_cellv(const Vector2 &p_pos, int p_tile, bool p_flip_x, bool p_flip_y, bool p_transpose) { set_cell(p_pos.x, p_pos.y, p_tile, p_flip_x, p_flip_y, p_transpose); } void TileMap::set_cell(int p_x, int p_y, int p_tile, bool p_flip_x, bool p_flip_y, bool p_transpose, Vector2 p_autotile_coord) { PosKey pk(p_x, p_y); Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(pk); if (!E && p_tile == INVALID_CELL) return; //nothing to do PosKey qk(p_x / _get_quadrant_size(), p_y / _get_quadrant_size()); if (p_tile == INVALID_CELL) { //erase existing tile_map.erase(pk); Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *Q = quadrant_map.find(qk); ERR_FAIL_COND(!Q); Quadrant &q = Q->get(); q.cells.erase(pk); if (q.cells.size() == 0) _erase_quadrant(Q); else _make_quadrant_dirty(Q); return; } Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *Q = quadrant_map.find(qk); if (!E) { E = tile_map.insert(pk, Cell()); if (!Q) { Q = _create_quadrant(qk); } Quadrant &q = Q->get(); q.cells.insert(pk); } else { ERR_FAIL_COND(!Q); // quadrant should exist... if (E->get().id == p_tile && E->get().flip_h == p_flip_x && E->get().flip_v == p_flip_y && E->get().transpose == p_transpose && E->get().autotile_coord_x == (uint16_t)p_autotile_coord.x && E->get().autotile_coord_y == (uint16_t)p_autotile_coord.y) return; //nothing changed } Cell &c = E->get(); c.id = p_tile; c.flip_h = p_flip_x; c.flip_v = p_flip_y; c.transpose = p_transpose; c.autotile_coord_x = (uint16_t)p_autotile_coord.x; c.autotile_coord_y = (uint16_t)p_autotile_coord.y; _make_quadrant_dirty(Q); used_size_cache_dirty = true; } int TileMap::get_cellv(const Vector2 &p_pos) const { return get_cell(p_pos.x, p_pos.y); } void TileMap::make_bitmask_area_dirty(const Vector2 &p_pos) { for (int x = p_pos.x - 1; x <= p_pos.x + 1; x++) { for (int y = p_pos.y - 1; y <= p_pos.y + 1; y++) { PosKey p(x, y); if (dirty_bitmask.find(p) == NULL) { dirty_bitmask.push_back(p); } } } } void TileMap::update_bitmask_area(const Vector2 &p_pos) { for (int x = p_pos.x - 1; x <= p_pos.x + 1; x++) { for (int y = p_pos.y - 1; y <= p_pos.y + 1; y++) { update_cell_bitmask(x, y); } } } void TileMap::update_bitmask_region(const Vector2 &p_start, const Vector2 &p_end) { if ((p_end.x < p_start.x || p_end.y < p_start.y) || (p_end.x == p_start.x && p_end.y == p_start.y)) { int i; Array a = get_used_cells(); for (i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) { // update_bitmask_area() in order to update cells adjacent to the // current cell, since ordering in array may not be reliable Vector2 vector = (Vector2)a[i]; update_bitmask_area(Vector2(vector.x, vector.y)); } return; } for (int x = p_start.x - 1; x <= p_end.x + 1; x++) { for (int y = p_start.y - 1; y <= p_end.y + 1; y++) { update_cell_bitmask(x, y); } } } void TileMap::update_cell_bitmask(int p_x, int p_y) { PosKey p(p_x, p_y); Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(p); if (E != NULL) { int id = get_cell(p_x, p_y); if (tile_set->tile_get_is_autotile(id)) { uint16_t mask = 0; if (tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask_mode(id) == TileSet::BITMASK_2X2) { if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x - 1, p_y - 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x, p_y - 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x - 1, p_y))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_TOPLEFT; } if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x + 1, p_y - 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x, p_y - 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x + 1, p_y))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_TOPRIGHT; } if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x - 1, p_y + 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x, p_y + 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x - 1, p_y))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMLEFT; } if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x + 1, p_y + 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x, p_y + 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x + 1, p_y))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMRIGHT; } } else if (tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask_mode(id) == TileSet::BITMASK_3X3) { if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x - 1, p_y - 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x, p_y - 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x - 1, p_y))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_TOPLEFT; } if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x, p_y - 1))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_TOP; } if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x + 1, p_y - 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x, p_y - 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x + 1, p_y))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_TOPRIGHT; } if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x - 1, p_y))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_LEFT; } mask |= TileSet::BIND_CENTER; if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x + 1, p_y))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_RIGHT; } if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x - 1, p_y + 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x, p_y + 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x - 1, p_y))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMLEFT; } if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x, p_y + 1))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_BOTTOM; } if (tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x + 1, p_y + 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x, p_y + 1)) && tile_set->is_tile_bound(id, get_cell(p_x + 1, p_y))) { mask |= TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMRIGHT; } } Vector2 coord = tile_set->autotile_get_subtile_for_bitmask(id, mask, this, Vector2(p_x, p_y)); E->get().autotile_coord_x = (int)coord.x; E->get().autotile_coord_y = (int)coord.y; PosKey qk(p_x / _get_quadrant_size(), p_y / _get_quadrant_size()); Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *Q = quadrant_map.find(qk); _make_quadrant_dirty(Q); } else { E->get().autotile_coord_x = 0; E->get().autotile_coord_y = 0; } } } void TileMap::update_dirty_bitmask() { while (dirty_bitmask.size() > 0) { update_cell_bitmask(dirty_bitmask[0].x, dirty_bitmask[0].y); dirty_bitmask.pop_front(); } } int TileMap::get_cell(int p_x, int p_y) const { PosKey pk(p_x, p_y); const Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(pk); if (!E) return INVALID_CELL; return E->get().id; } bool TileMap::is_cell_x_flipped(int p_x, int p_y) const { PosKey pk(p_x, p_y); const Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(pk); if (!E) return false; return E->get().flip_h; } bool TileMap::is_cell_y_flipped(int p_x, int p_y) const { PosKey pk(p_x, p_y); const Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(pk); if (!E) return false; return E->get().flip_v; } bool TileMap::is_cell_transposed(int p_x, int p_y) const { PosKey pk(p_x, p_y); const Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(pk); if (!E) return false; return E->get().transpose; } void TileMap::set_cell_autotile_coord(int p_x, int p_y, const Vector2 &p_coord) { PosKey pk(p_x, p_y); const Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(pk); if (!E) return; Cell c = E->get(); c.autotile_coord_x = p_coord.x; c.autotile_coord_y = p_coord.y; tile_map[pk] = c; } Vector2 TileMap::get_cell_autotile_coord(int p_x, int p_y) const { PosKey pk(p_x, p_y); const Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.find(pk); if (!E) return Vector2(); return Vector2(E->get().autotile_coord_x, E->get().autotile_coord_y); } void TileMap::_recreate_quadrants() { _clear_quadrants(); for (Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { PosKey qk(E->key().x / _get_quadrant_size(), E->key().y / _get_quadrant_size()); Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *Q = quadrant_map.find(qk); if (!Q) { Q = _create_quadrant(qk); dirty_quadrant_list.add(&Q->get().dirty_list); } Q->get().cells.insert(E->key()); _make_quadrant_dirty(Q); } } void TileMap::_clear_quadrants() { while (quadrant_map.size()) { _erase_quadrant(quadrant_map.front()); } } void TileMap::set_material(const Ref<Material> &p_material) { CanvasItem::set_material(p_material); _update_all_items_material_state(); } void TileMap::set_use_parent_material(bool p_use_parent_material) { CanvasItem::set_use_parent_material(p_use_parent_material); _update_all_items_material_state(); } void TileMap::_update_all_items_material_state() { for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Quadrant &q = E->get(); for (List<RID>::Element *E = q.canvas_items.front(); E; E = E->next()) { _update_item_material_state(E->get()); } } } void TileMap::_update_item_material_state(const RID &p_canvas_item) { VS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_use_parent_material(p_canvas_item, get_use_parent_material() || get_material().is_valid()); } void TileMap::clear() { _clear_quadrants(); tile_map.clear(); used_size_cache_dirty = true; } void TileMap::_set_tile_data(const PoolVector<int> &p_data) { int c = p_data.size(); PoolVector<int>::Read r = p_data.read(); int offset = (format == FORMAT_2) ? 3 : 2; clear(); for (int i = 0; i < c; i += offset) { const uint8_t *ptr = (const uint8_t *)&r[i]; uint8_t local[12]; for (int j = 0; j < ((format == FORMAT_2) ? 12 : 8); j++) local[j] = ptr[j]; #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN_ENABLED SWAP(local[0], local[3]); SWAP(local[1], local[2]); SWAP(local[4], local[7]); SWAP(local[5], local[6]); //TODO: ask someone to check this... if (FORMAT == FORMAT_2) { SWAP(local[8], local[11]); SWAP(local[9], local[10]); } #endif int16_t x = decode_uint16(&local[0]); int16_t y = decode_uint16(&local[2]); uint32_t v = decode_uint32(&local[4]); bool flip_h = v & (1 << 29); bool flip_v = v & (1 << 30); bool transpose = v & (1 << 31); v &= (1 << 29) - 1; int16_t coord_x = 0; int16_t coord_y = 0; if (format == FORMAT_2) { coord_x = decode_uint16(&local[8]); coord_y = decode_uint16(&local[10]); } /* if (x<-20 || y <-20 || x>4000 || y>4000) continue; */ set_cell(x, y, v, flip_h, flip_v, transpose, Vector2(coord_x, coord_y)); } } PoolVector<int> TileMap::_get_tile_data() const { PoolVector<int> data; data.resize(tile_map.size() * 3); PoolVector<int>::Write w = data.write(); format = FORMAT_2; int idx = 0; for (const Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)&w[idx]; encode_uint16(E->key().x, &ptr[0]); encode_uint16(E->key().y, &ptr[2]); uint32_t val = E->get().id; if (E->get().flip_h) val |= (1 << 29); if (E->get().flip_v) val |= (1 << 30); if (E->get().transpose) val |= (1 << 31); encode_uint32(val, &ptr[4]); encode_uint16(E->get().autotile_coord_x, &ptr[8]); encode_uint16(E->get().autotile_coord_y, &ptr[10]); idx += 3; } w = PoolVector<int>::Write(); return data; } Rect2 TileMap::_edit_get_rect() const { const_cast<TileMap *>(this)->_update_dirty_quadrants(); return rect_cache; } void TileMap::set_collision_layer(uint32_t p_layer) { collision_layer = p_layer; for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Quadrant &q = E->get(); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_collision_layer(q.body, collision_layer); } } void TileMap::set_collision_mask(uint32_t p_mask) { collision_mask = p_mask; for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Quadrant &q = E->get(); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_collision_mask(q.body, collision_mask); } } void TileMap::set_collision_layer_bit(int p_bit, bool p_value) { uint32_t layer = get_collision_layer(); if (p_value) layer |= 1 << p_bit; else layer &= ~(1 << p_bit); set_collision_layer(layer); } void TileMap::set_collision_mask_bit(int p_bit, bool p_value) { uint32_t mask = get_collision_mask(); if (p_value) mask |= 1 << p_bit; else mask &= ~(1 << p_bit); set_collision_mask(mask); } bool TileMap::get_collision_use_kinematic() const { return use_kinematic; } void TileMap::set_collision_use_kinematic(bool p_use_kinematic) { _clear_quadrants(); use_kinematic = p_use_kinematic; _recreate_quadrants(); } void TileMap::set_collision_friction(float p_friction) { friction = p_friction; for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Quadrant &q = E->get(); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_param(q.body, Physics2DServer::BODY_PARAM_FRICTION, p_friction); } } float TileMap::get_collision_friction() const { return friction; } void TileMap::set_collision_bounce(float p_bounce) { bounce = p_bounce; for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Quadrant &q = E->get(); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->body_set_param(q.body, Physics2DServer::BODY_PARAM_BOUNCE, p_bounce); } } float TileMap::get_collision_bounce() const { return bounce; } uint32_t TileMap::get_collision_layer() const { return collision_layer; } uint32_t TileMap::get_collision_mask() const { return collision_mask; } bool TileMap::get_collision_layer_bit(int p_bit) const { return get_collision_layer() & (1 << p_bit); } bool TileMap::get_collision_mask_bit(int p_bit) const { return get_collision_mask() & (1 << p_bit); } void TileMap::set_mode(Mode p_mode) { _clear_quadrants(); mode = p_mode; _recreate_quadrants(); emit_signal("settings_changed"); } TileMap::Mode TileMap::get_mode() const { return mode; } void TileMap::set_half_offset(HalfOffset p_half_offset) { _clear_quadrants(); half_offset = p_half_offset; _recreate_quadrants(); emit_signal("settings_changed"); } void TileMap::set_tile_origin(TileOrigin p_tile_origin) { _clear_quadrants(); tile_origin = p_tile_origin; _recreate_quadrants(); emit_signal("settings_changed"); } TileMap::TileOrigin TileMap::get_tile_origin() const { return tile_origin; } Vector2 TileMap::get_cell_draw_offset() const { switch (mode) { case MODE_SQUARE: { return Vector2(); } break; case MODE_ISOMETRIC: { return Vector2(-cell_size.x * 0.5, 0); } break; case MODE_CUSTOM: { Vector2 min; min.x = MIN(custom_transform[0].x, min.x); min.y = MIN(custom_transform[0].y, min.y); min.x = MIN(custom_transform[1].x, min.x); min.y = MIN(custom_transform[1].y, min.y); return min; } break; } return Vector2(); } TileMap::HalfOffset TileMap::get_half_offset() const { return half_offset; } Transform2D TileMap::get_cell_transform() const { switch (mode) { case MODE_SQUARE: { Transform2D m; m[0] *= cell_size.x; m[1] *= cell_size.y; return m; } break; case MODE_ISOMETRIC: { //isometric only makes sense when y is positive in both x and y vectors, otherwise //the drawing of tiles will overlap Transform2D m; m[0] = Vector2(cell_size.x * 0.5, cell_size.y * 0.5); m[1] = Vector2(-cell_size.x * 0.5, cell_size.y * 0.5); return m; } break; case MODE_CUSTOM: { return custom_transform; } break; } return Transform2D(); } void TileMap::set_custom_transform(const Transform2D &p_xform) { _clear_quadrants(); custom_transform = p_xform; _recreate_quadrants(); emit_signal("settings_changed"); } Transform2D TileMap::get_custom_transform() const { return custom_transform; } Vector2 TileMap::_map_to_world(int p_x, int p_y, bool p_ignore_ofs) const { Vector2 ret = get_cell_transform().xform(Vector2(p_x, p_y)); if (!p_ignore_ofs) { switch (half_offset) { case HALF_OFFSET_X: { if (ABS(p_y) & 1) { ret += get_cell_transform()[0] * 0.5; } } break; case HALF_OFFSET_Y: { if (ABS(p_x) & 1) { ret += get_cell_transform()[1] * 0.5; } } break; default: {} } } return ret; } bool TileMap::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { if (p_name == "format") { if (p_value.get_type() == Variant::INT) { format = (DataFormat)(p_value.operator int64_t()); return true; } } else if (p_name == "tile_data") { if (p_value.is_array()) { _set_tile_data(p_value); return true; } return false; } return false; } bool TileMap::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { if (p_name == "format") { r_ret = FORMAT_2; return true; } else if (p_name == "tile_data") { r_ret = _get_tile_data(); return true; } return false; } void TileMap::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { PropertyInfo p(Variant::INT, "format", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL); p_list->push_back(p); p = PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "tile_data", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL); p_list->push_back(p); } Vector2 TileMap::map_to_world(const Vector2 &p_pos, bool p_ignore_ofs) const { return _map_to_world(p_pos.x, p_pos.y, p_ignore_ofs); } Vector2 TileMap::world_to_map(const Vector2 &p_pos) const { Vector2 ret = get_cell_transform().affine_inverse().xform(p_pos); switch (half_offset) { case HALF_OFFSET_X: { if (ret.y > 0 ? int(ret.y) & 1 : (int(ret.y) - 1) & 1) { ret.x -= 0.5; } } break; case HALF_OFFSET_Y: { if (ret.x > 0 ? int(ret.x) & 1 : (int(ret.x) - 1) & 1) { ret.y -= 0.5; } } break; default: {} } return ret.floor(); } void TileMap::set_y_sort_mode(bool p_enable) { _clear_quadrants(); y_sort_mode = p_enable; VS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_sort_children_by_y(get_canvas_item(), y_sort_mode); _recreate_quadrants(); emit_signal("settings_changed"); } bool TileMap::is_y_sort_mode_enabled() const { return y_sort_mode; } Array TileMap::get_used_cells() const { Array a; a.resize(tile_map.size()); int i = 0; for (Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Vector2 p(E->key().x, E->key().y); a[i++] = p; } return a; } Array TileMap::get_used_cells_by_id(int p_id) const { Array a; for (Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->value().id == p_id) { Vector2 p(E->key().x, E->key().y); a.push_back(p); } } return a; } Rect2 TileMap::get_used_rect() { // Not const because of cache if (used_size_cache_dirty) { if (tile_map.size() > 0) { used_size_cache = Rect2(tile_map.front()->key().x, tile_map.front()->key().y, 0, 0); for (Map<PosKey, Cell>::Element *E = tile_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { used_size_cache.expand_to(Vector2(E->key().x, E->key().y)); } used_size_cache.size += Vector2(1, 1); } else { used_size_cache = Rect2(); } used_size_cache_dirty = false; } return used_size_cache; } void TileMap::set_occluder_light_mask(int p_mask) { occluder_light_mask = p_mask; for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant::Occluder>::Element *F = E->get().occluder_instances.front(); F; F = F->next()) { VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_light_occluder_set_light_mask(F->get().id, occluder_light_mask); } } } int TileMap::get_occluder_light_mask() const { return occluder_light_mask; } void TileMap::set_light_mask(int p_light_mask) { CanvasItem::set_light_mask(p_light_mask); for (Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *E = quadrant_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { for (List<RID>::Element *F = E->get().canvas_items.front(); F; F = F->next()) { VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_light_mask(F->get(), get_light_mask()); } } } void TileMap::set_clip_uv(bool p_enable) { if (clip_uv == p_enable) return; _clear_quadrants(); clip_uv = p_enable; _recreate_quadrants(); } bool TileMap::get_clip_uv() const { return clip_uv; } void TileMap::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_tileset", "tileset"), &TileMap::set_tileset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_tileset"), &TileMap::get_tileset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_mode", "mode"), &TileMap::set_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_mode"), &TileMap::get_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_half_offset", "half_offset"), &TileMap::set_half_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_half_offset"), &TileMap::get_half_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_custom_transform", "custom_transform"), &TileMap::set_custom_transform); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_custom_transform"), &TileMap::get_custom_transform); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_cell_size", "size"), &TileMap::set_cell_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cell_size"), &TileMap::get_cell_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_old_cell_size", "size"), &TileMap::_set_old_cell_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_old_cell_size"), &TileMap::_get_old_cell_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_quadrant_size", "size"), &TileMap::set_quadrant_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_quadrant_size"), &TileMap::get_quadrant_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_tile_origin", "origin"), &TileMap::set_tile_origin); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_tile_origin"), &TileMap::get_tile_origin); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_clip_uv", "enable"), &TileMap::set_clip_uv); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_clip_uv"), &TileMap::get_clip_uv); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_y_sort_mode", "enable"), &TileMap::set_y_sort_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_y_sort_mode_enabled"), &TileMap::is_y_sort_mode_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_use_kinematic", "use_kinematic"), &TileMap::set_collision_use_kinematic); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_use_kinematic"), &TileMap::get_collision_use_kinematic); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_layer", "layer"), &TileMap::set_collision_layer); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_layer"), &TileMap::get_collision_layer); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_mask", "mask"), &TileMap::set_collision_mask); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_mask"), &TileMap::get_collision_mask); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_layer_bit", "bit", "value"), &TileMap::set_collision_layer_bit); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_layer_bit", "bit"), &TileMap::get_collision_layer_bit); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_mask_bit", "bit", "value"), &TileMap::set_collision_mask_bit); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_mask_bit", "bit"), &TileMap::get_collision_mask_bit); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_friction", "value"), &TileMap::set_collision_friction); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_friction"), &TileMap::get_collision_friction); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_bounce", "value"), &TileMap::set_collision_bounce); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_bounce"), &TileMap::get_collision_bounce); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_occluder_light_mask", "mask"), &TileMap::set_occluder_light_mask); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_occluder_light_mask"), &TileMap::get_occluder_light_mask); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_cell", "x", "y", "tile", "flip_x", "flip_y", "transpose", "autotile_coord"), &TileMap::set_cell, DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(Vector2())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_cellv", "position", "tile", "flip_x", "flip_y", "transpose"), &TileMap::set_cellv, DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cell", "x", "y"), &TileMap::get_cell); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cellv", "position"), &TileMap::get_cellv); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_cell_x_flipped", "x", "y"), &TileMap::is_cell_x_flipped); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_cell_y_flipped", "x", "y"), &TileMap::is_cell_y_flipped); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_cell_transposed", "x", "y"), &TileMap::is_cell_transposed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear"), &TileMap::clear); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_used_cells"), &TileMap::get_used_cells); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_used_cells_by_id", "id"), &TileMap::get_used_cells_by_id); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_used_rect"), &TileMap::get_used_rect); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("map_to_world", "map_position", "ignore_half_ofs"), &TileMap::map_to_world, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("world_to_map", "world_position"), &TileMap::world_to_map); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_clear_quadrants"), &TileMap::_clear_quadrants); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_recreate_quadrants"), &TileMap::_recreate_quadrants); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_update_dirty_quadrants"), &TileMap::_update_dirty_quadrants); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("update_bitmask_area", "position"), &TileMap::update_bitmask_area); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("update_bitmask_region", "start", "end"), &TileMap::update_bitmask_region, DEFVAL(Vector2()), DEFVAL(Vector2())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_tile_data"), &TileMap::_set_tile_data); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_tile_data"), &TileMap::_get_tile_data); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Square,Isometric,Custom"), "set_mode", "get_mode"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "tile_set", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "TileSet"), "set_tileset", "get_tileset"); ADD_GROUP("Cell", "cell_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "cell_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,8192,1"), "set_cell_size", "get_cell_size"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "cell_quadrant_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,128,1"), "set_quadrant_size", "get_quadrant_size"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::TRANSFORM2D, "cell_custom_transform"), "set_custom_transform", "get_custom_transform"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "cell_half_offset", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Offset X,Offset Y,Disabled"), "set_half_offset", "get_half_offset"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "cell_tile_origin", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Top Left,Center,Bottom Left"), "set_tile_origin", "get_tile_origin"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "cell_y_sort"), "set_y_sort_mode", "is_y_sort_mode_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "cell_clip_uv"), "set_clip_uv", "get_clip_uv"); ADD_GROUP("Collision", "collision_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "collision_use_kinematic", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, ""), "set_collision_use_kinematic", "get_collision_use_kinematic"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "collision_friction", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.01"), "set_collision_friction", "get_collision_friction"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "collision_bounce", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.01"), "set_collision_bounce", "get_collision_bounce"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "collision_layer", PROPERTY_HINT_LAYERS_2D_PHYSICS), "set_collision_layer", "get_collision_layer"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "collision_mask", PROPERTY_HINT_LAYERS_2D_PHYSICS), "set_collision_mask", "get_collision_mask"); ADD_GROUP("Occluder", "occluder_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "occluder_light_mask", PROPERTY_HINT_LAYERS_2D_RENDER), "set_occluder_light_mask", "get_occluder_light_mask"); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("settings_changed")); BIND_CONSTANT(INVALID_CELL); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MODE_SQUARE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MODE_ISOMETRIC); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(MODE_CUSTOM); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(HALF_OFFSET_X); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(HALF_OFFSET_Y); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(HALF_OFFSET_DISABLED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TILE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TILE_ORIGIN_CENTER); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TILE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT); } void TileMap::_changed_callback(Object *p_changed, const char *p_prop) { if (tile_set.is_valid() && tile_set.ptr() == p_changed) { emit_signal("settings_changed"); } } TileMap::TileMap() { rect_cache_dirty = true; used_size_cache_dirty = true; pending_update = false; quadrant_order_dirty = false; quadrant_size = 16; cell_size = Size2(64, 64); collision_layer = 1; collision_mask = 1; friction = 1; bounce = 0; mode = MODE_SQUARE; half_offset = HALF_OFFSET_DISABLED; use_kinematic = false; navigation = NULL; y_sort_mode = false; occluder_light_mask = 1; clip_uv = false; format = FORMAT_1; //Always initialize with the lowest format fp_adjust = 0.00001; tile_origin = TILE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT; set_notify_transform(true); } TileMap::~TileMap() { if (tile_set.is_valid()) tile_set->remove_change_receptor(this); clear(); }