/*************************************************************************/ /* particle_system_sw.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "particle_system_sw.h" #include "sort.h" ParticleSystemSW::ParticleSystemSW() { amount = 8; emitting = true; for (int i = 0; i < VS::PARTICLE_VAR_MAX; i++) { particle_randomness[i] = 0.0; } particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_LIFETIME] = 2.0; // particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_SPREAD] = 0.2; // particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_GRAVITY] = 9.8; // particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_LINEAR_VELOCITY] = 0.2; // particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY] = 0.0; // particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION] = 0.0; // particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_RADIAL_ACCELERATION] = 0.0; // particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_TANGENTIAL_ACCELERATION] = 1.0; // particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_DAMPING] = 0.0; // particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_INITIAL_SIZE] = 1.0; particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_FINAL_SIZE] = 0.8; particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_HEIGHT] = 1; particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_HEIGHT_SPEED_SCALE] = 1; height_from_velocity = false; local_coordinates = false; particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_INITIAL_ANGLE] = 0.0; // gravity_normal = Vector3(0, -1.0, 0); //emission_half_extents=Vector3(0.1,0.1,0.1); emission_half_extents = Vector3(1, 1, 1); color_phase_count = 0; color_phases[0].pos = 0.0; color_phases[0].color = Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); visibility_aabb = AABB(Vector3(-64, -64, -64), Vector3(128, 128, 128)); attractor_count = 0; } ParticleSystemSW::~ParticleSystemSW() { } #define DEFAULT_SEED 1234567 _FORCE_INLINE_ static float _rand_from_seed(uint32_t *seed) { uint32_t k; uint32_t s = (*seed); if (s == 0) s = 0x12345987; k = s / 127773; s = 16807 * (s - k * 127773) - 2836 * k; if (s < 0) s += 2147483647; (*seed) = s; float v = ((float)((*seed) & 0xFFFFF)) / (float)0xFFFFF; v = v * 2.0 - 1.0; return v; } _FORCE_INLINE_ static uint32_t _irand_from_seed(uint32_t *seed) { uint32_t k; uint32_t s = (*seed); if (s == 0) s = 0x12345987; k = s / 127773; s = 16807 * (s - k * 127773) - 2836 * k; if (s < 0) s += 2147483647; (*seed) = s; return s; } void ParticleSystemProcessSW::process(const ParticleSystemSW *p_system, const Transform &p_transform, float p_time) { valid = false; if (p_system->amount <= 0) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Invalid amount of particles: " + itos(p_system->amount)); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_system->amount <= 0); } if (p_system->attractor_count < 0 || p_system->attractor_count > VS::MAX_PARTICLE_ATTRACTORS) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Invalid amount of particle attractors."); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_system->attractor_count < 0 || p_system->attractor_count > VS::MAX_PARTICLE_ATTRACTORS); } float lifetime = p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_LIFETIME]; if (lifetime < CMP_EPSILON) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Particle system lifetime too small."); ERR_FAIL_COND(lifetime < CMP_EPSILON); } valid = true; int particle_count = MIN(p_system->amount, ParticleSystemSW::MAX_PARTICLES); ; int emission_point_count = p_system->emission_points.size(); DVector<Vector3>::Read r; if (emission_point_count) r = p_system->emission_points.read(); if (particle_count != particle_data.size()) { //clear the whole system if particle amount changed particle_data.clear(); particle_data.resize(p_system->amount); particle_system_time = 0; } float next_time = particle_system_time + p_time; if (next_time > lifetime) next_time = Math::fmod(next_time, lifetime); ParticleData *pdata = &particle_data[0]; Vector3 attractor_positions[VS::MAX_PARTICLE_ATTRACTORS]; for (int i = 0; i < p_system->attractor_count; i++) { attractor_positions[i] = p_transform.xform(p_system->attractors[i].pos); } for (int i = 0; i < particle_count; i++) { ParticleData &p = pdata[i]; float restart_time = (i * lifetime / p_system->amount); bool restart = false; if (next_time < particle_system_time) { if (restart_time > particle_system_time || restart_time < next_time) restart = true; } else if (restart_time > particle_system_time && restart_time < next_time) { restart = true; } if (restart) { if (p_system->emitting) { if (emission_point_count == 0) { //use AABB if (p_system->local_coordinates) p.pos = p_system->emission_half_extents * Vector3(_rand_from_seed(&rand_seed), _rand_from_seed(&rand_seed), _rand_from_seed(&rand_seed)); else p.pos = p_transform.xform(p_system->emission_half_extents * Vector3(_rand_from_seed(&rand_seed), _rand_from_seed(&rand_seed), _rand_from_seed(&rand_seed))); } else { //use preset positions if (p_system->local_coordinates) p.pos = r[_irand_from_seed(&rand_seed) % emission_point_count]; else p.pos = p_transform.xform(r[_irand_from_seed(&rand_seed) % emission_point_count]); } float angle1 = _rand_from_seed(&rand_seed) * p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_SPREAD] * Math_PI; float angle2 = _rand_from_seed(&rand_seed) * 20.0 * Math_PI; // make it more random like Vector3 rot_xz = Vector3(Math::sin(angle1), 0.0, Math::cos(angle1)); Vector3 rot = Vector3(Math::cos(angle2) * rot_xz.x, Math::sin(angle2) * rot_xz.x, rot_xz.z); p.vel = (rot * p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_LINEAR_VELOCITY] + rot * p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_LINEAR_VELOCITY] * _rand_from_seed(&rand_seed)); if (!p_system->local_coordinates) p.vel = p_transform.basis.xform(p.vel); p.vel += p_system->emission_base_velocity; p.rot = p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_INITIAL_ANGLE] + p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_INITIAL_ANGLE] * _rand_from_seed(&rand_seed); p.active = true; for (int r = 0; r < PARTICLE_RANDOM_NUMBERS; r++) p.random[r] = _rand_from_seed(&rand_seed); } else { p.pos = Vector3(); p.rot = 0; p.vel = Vector3(); p.active = false; } } else { if (!p.active) continue; Vector3 force; //apply gravity force = p_system->gravity_normal * (p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_GRAVITY] + (p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_GRAVITY] * p.random[0])); //apply linear acceleration force += p.vel.normalized() * (p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION] + p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION] * p.random[1]); //apply radial acceleration Vector3 org; if (!p_system->local_coordinates) org = p_transform.origin; force += (p.pos - org).normalized() * (p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_RADIAL_ACCELERATION] + p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_RADIAL_ACCELERATION] * p.random[2]); //apply tangential acceleration force += (p.pos - org).cross(p_system->gravity_normal).normalized() * (p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_TANGENTIAL_ACCELERATION] + p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_TANGENTIAL_ACCELERATION] * p.random[3]); //apply attractor forces for (int a = 0; a < p_system->attractor_count; a++) { force += (p.pos - attractor_positions[a]).normalized() * p_system->attractors[a].force; } p.vel += force * p_time; if (p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_DAMPING]) { float v = p.vel.length(); float damp = p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_DAMPING] + p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_DAMPING] * p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_DAMPING]; v -= damp * p_time; if (v < 0) { p.vel = Vector3(); } else { p.vel = p.vel.normalized() * v; } } p.rot += (p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY] + p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY] * p.random[4]) * p_time; p.pos += p.vel * p_time; } } particle_system_time = Math::fmod(particle_system_time + p_time, lifetime); } ParticleSystemProcessSW::ParticleSystemProcessSW() { particle_system_time = 0; rand_seed = 1234567; valid = false; } struct _ParticleSorterSW { _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator()(const ParticleSystemDrawInfoSW::ParticleDrawInfo *p_a, const ParticleSystemDrawInfoSW::ParticleDrawInfo *p_b) const { return p_a->d > p_b->d; // draw from further away to closest } }; void ParticleSystemDrawInfoSW::prepare(const ParticleSystemSW *p_system, const ParticleSystemProcessSW *p_process, const Transform &p_system_transform, const Transform &p_camera_transform) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_process->particle_data.size() != p_system->amount); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_system->amount <= 0 || p_system->amount >= ParticleSystemSW::MAX_PARTICLES); const ParticleSystemProcessSW::ParticleData *pdata = &p_process->particle_data[0]; float time_pos = p_process->particle_system_time / p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_LIFETIME]; ParticleSystemSW::ColorPhase cphase[VS::MAX_PARTICLE_COLOR_PHASES]; float last = -1; int col_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p_system->color_phase_count; i++) { if (p_system->color_phases[i].pos <= last) break; cphase[i] = p_system->color_phases[i]; col_count++; } Vector3 camera_z_axis = p_camera_transform.basis.get_axis(2); for (int i = 0; i < p_system->amount; i++) { ParticleDrawInfo &pdi = draw_info[i]; pdi.data = &pdata[i]; pdi.transform.origin = pdi.data->pos; if (p_system->local_coordinates) pdi.transform.origin = p_system_transform.xform(pdi.transform.origin); pdi.d = -camera_z_axis.dot(pdi.transform.origin); // adjust particle size, color and rotation float time = ((float)i / p_system->amount); if (time < time_pos) time = time_pos - time; else time = (1.0 - time) + time_pos; Vector3 up = p_camera_transform.basis.get_axis(1); // up determines the rotation float up_scale = 1.0; if (p_system->height_from_velocity) { Vector3 veld = pdi.data->vel; Vector3 cam_z = camera_z_axis.normalized(); float vc = Math::abs(veld.normalized().dot(cam_z)); if (vc < (1.0 - CMP_EPSILON)) { up = Plane(cam_z, 0).project(veld).normalized(); float h = p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_HEIGHT] + p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_HEIGHT] * pdi.data->random[7]; float velh = veld.length(); h += velh * (p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_HEIGHT_SPEED_SCALE] + p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_HEIGHT_SPEED_SCALE] * pdi.data->random[7]); up_scale = Math::lerp(1.0, h, (1.0 - vc)); } } else if (pdi.data->rot) { up.rotate(camera_z_axis, pdi.data->rot); } { // matrix Vector3 v_z = (p_camera_transform.origin - pdi.transform.origin).normalized(); // Vector3 v_z = (p_camera_transform.origin-pdi.data->pos).normalized(); Vector3 v_y = up; Vector3 v_x = v_y.cross(v_z); v_y = v_z.cross(v_x); v_x.normalize(); v_y.normalize(); float initial_scale, final_scale; initial_scale = p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_INITIAL_SIZE] + p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_INITIAL_SIZE] * pdi.data->random[5]; final_scale = p_system->particle_vars[VS::PARTICLE_FINAL_SIZE] + p_system->particle_randomness[VS::PARTICLE_FINAL_SIZE] * pdi.data->random[6]; float scale = initial_scale + time * (final_scale - initial_scale); pdi.transform.basis.set_axis(0, v_x * scale); pdi.transform.basis.set_axis(1, v_y * scale * up_scale); pdi.transform.basis.set_axis(2, v_z * scale); } int cpos = 0; while (cpos < col_count) { if (cphase[cpos].pos > time) break; cpos++; } cpos--; if (cpos == -1) pdi.color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1); else { if (cpos == col_count - 1) pdi.color = cphase[cpos].color; else { float diff = (cphase[cpos + 1].pos - cphase[cpos].pos); if (diff > 0) pdi.color = cphase[cpos].color.linear_interpolate(cphase[cpos + 1].color, (time - cphase[cpos].pos) / diff); else pdi.color = cphase[cpos + 1].color; } } draw_info_order[i] = &pdi; } SortArray<ParticleDrawInfo *, _ParticleSorterSW> particle_sort; particle_sort.sort(&draw_info_order[0], p_system->amount); }