# Third party libraries ## enet - Upstream: http://enet.bespin.org - Version: 1.3.13 - License: MIT Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c files in the main directory - the include/enet/ folder as enet/ - LICENSE file Important: Some files have been modified by Godot developers so that they work for all platforms (especially WinRT). Check the diff with the 1.3.13 tarball before the next update. ## freetype - Upstream: https://www.freetype.org - Version: 2.6.5 - License: FreeType License (BSD-like) Files extracted from upstream source: - the src/ folder, stripped of the `Jamfile` files - the include/ folder - `docs/{FTL.TXT,LICENSE.TXT}` ## glew - Upstream: http://glew.sourceforge.net - Version: 1.13.0 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - `src/glew.c` - include/GL/ as GL/ - LICENSE.txt ## jpeg-compressor - Upstream: https://github.com/richgel999/jpeg-compressor - Version: 1.04 - License: Public domain Files extracted from upstream source: - `jpgd.{c,h}` ## libmpcdec - Upstream: https://www.musepack.net - Version: SVN somewhere between SV7 and SV8 (r475) - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c and .h files in libmpcdec/ - include/mpc as mpc/ - COPYING from libmpcdec/ ## libogg - Upstream: https://www.xiph.org/ogg - Version: 1.3.2 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - `src/*.c` - `include/ogg/*.h` in ogg/ - COPYING ## libpng - Upstream: http://libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html - Version: 1.6.23 - License: libpng/zlib Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c and .h files of the main directory, except from `example.c` and `pngtest.c` - the arm/ folder - `scripts/pnglibconf.h.prebuilt` as `pnglibconf.h` ## libsimplewebm - Upstream: https://github.com/zaps166/libsimplewebm - License: MIT, BSD-3-Clause ## libvorbis - Upstream: https://www.xiph.org/vorbis - Version: 1.3.5 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - `src/*` except from: `lookups.pl`, `Makefile.*` - `include/vorbis/*.h` as vorbis/ - COPYING ## libvpx - Upstream: http://www.webmproject.org/code/ - Version: 1.6.0 - License: BSD-3-Clause ## libwebp - Upstream: https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp/ - Version: 0.5.1 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - `src/*` except from: .am and .in, files, extras/, `webp/extras.h` - AUTHORS, COPYING, PATENTS Important: The files `utils/bit_reader.{c,h}` have Godot-made changes to ensure they build for Javascript/HTML5. Those changes are marked with `// -- GODOT --` comments. ## openssl - Upstream: https://www.openssl.org - Version: 1.2.0h - License: OpenSSL license / BSD-like Files extracted from the upstream source: TODO. ## opus - Upstream: https://opus-codec.org - Version: 1.1.2 (opus) and 0.7 (opusfile) - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c and .h files in src/ (both opus and opusfile), except `opus_demo.c` - all .h files in include/ (both opus and opusfile) - COPYING ## pvrtccompressor - Upstream: https://bitbucket.org/jthlim/pvrtccompressor - Version: hg commit cf71777 - 2015-01-08 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - all .cpp and .h files apart from `main.cpp` - LICENSE.TXT ## rg-etc1 - Upstream: https://github.com/richgel999/rg-etc1 - Version: 1.04 - License: zlib Files extracted from upstream source: - `rg_etc1.{cpp,h}` ## rtaudio - Upstream: http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~gary/rtaudio/ - Version: 4.1.2 - License: MIT-like Files extracted from upstream source: - `RtAudio.{cpp,h}` ## squish - Upstream: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libsquish - Version: 1.14 - License: MIT Files extracted from upstream source: - all .cpp, .h and .inl files ## theora - Upstream: https://www.theora.org - Version: 1.1.1 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c, .h in lib/ - all .h files in include/theora/ as theora/ - COPYING and LICENSE ## zlib - Upstream: http://www.zlib.net/ - Version: 1.2.8 - License: zlib Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c and .h files apart from `gz*`