/**************************************************************************/ /* project_manager.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef PROJECT_MANAGER_H #define PROJECT_MANAGER_H #include "core/io/config_file.h" #include "editor/editor_about.h" #include "scene/gui/dialogs.h" #include "scene/gui/file_dialog.h" #include "scene/gui/scroll_container.h" class CheckBox; class EditorAssetLibrary; class EditorFileDialog; class HFlowContainer; class PanelContainer; class ProjectList; class ProjectDialog : public ConfirmationDialog { GDCLASS(ProjectDialog, ConfirmationDialog); public: enum Mode { MODE_NEW, MODE_IMPORT, MODE_INSTALL, MODE_RENAME, }; private: enum MessageType { MESSAGE_ERROR, MESSAGE_WARNING, MESSAGE_SUCCESS, }; enum InputType { PROJECT_PATH, INSTALL_PATH, }; Mode mode = MODE_NEW; bool is_folder_empty = true; Button *browse = nullptr; Button *install_browse = nullptr; Button *create_dir = nullptr; Container *name_container = nullptr; Container *path_container = nullptr; Container *install_path_container = nullptr; Container *renderer_container = nullptr; Label *renderer_info = nullptr; HBoxContainer *default_files_container = nullptr; Ref<ButtonGroup> renderer_button_group; Label *msg = nullptr; LineEdit *project_path = nullptr; LineEdit *project_name = nullptr; LineEdit *install_path = nullptr; TextureRect *status_rect = nullptr; TextureRect *install_status_rect = nullptr; OptionButton *vcs_metadata_selection = nullptr; EditorFileDialog *fdialog = nullptr; EditorFileDialog *fdialog_install = nullptr; AcceptDialog *dialog_error = nullptr; String zip_path; String zip_title; String fav_dir; String created_folder_path; void _set_message(const String &p_msg, MessageType p_type = MESSAGE_SUCCESS, InputType input_type = PROJECT_PATH); String _test_path(); void _path_text_changed(const String &p_path); void _path_selected(const String &p_path); void _file_selected(const String &p_path); void _install_path_selected(const String &p_path); void _browse_path(); void _browse_install_path(); void _create_folder(); void _text_changed(const String &p_text); void _nonempty_confirmation_ok_pressed(); void _renderer_selected(); void _remove_created_folder(); void ok_pressed() override; void cancel_pressed() override; protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_zip_path(const String &p_path); void set_zip_title(const String &p_title); void set_mode(Mode p_mode); void set_project_path(const String &p_path); void ask_for_path_and_show(); void show_dialog(); ProjectDialog(); }; class ProjectListItemControl : public HBoxContainer { GDCLASS(ProjectListItemControl, HBoxContainer) VBoxContainer *main_vbox = nullptr; TextureButton *favorite_button = nullptr; Button *explore_button = nullptr; TextureRect *project_icon = nullptr; Label *project_title = nullptr; Label *project_path = nullptr; TextureRect *project_unsupported_features = nullptr; HBoxContainer *tag_container = nullptr; bool project_is_missing = false; bool icon_needs_reload = true; bool is_selected = false; bool is_hovering = false; void _favorite_button_pressed(); void _explore_button_pressed(); protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_project_title(const String &p_title); void set_project_path(const String &p_path); void set_tags(const PackedStringArray &p_tags, ProjectList *p_parent_list); void set_project_icon(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_icon); void set_unsupported_features(PackedStringArray p_features); bool should_load_project_icon() const; void set_selected(bool p_selected); void set_is_favorite(bool p_favorite); void set_is_missing(bool p_missing); void set_is_grayed(bool p_grayed); ProjectListItemControl(); }; class ProjectList : public ScrollContainer { GDCLASS(ProjectList, ScrollContainer) friend class ProjectManager; public: enum FilterOption { EDIT_DATE, NAME, PATH, TAGS, }; // Can often be passed by copy struct Item { String project_name; String description; PackedStringArray tags; String tag_sort_string; String path; String icon; String main_scene; PackedStringArray unsupported_features; uint64_t last_edited = 0; bool favorite = false; bool grayed = false; bool missing = false; int version = 0; ProjectListItemControl *control = nullptr; Item() {} Item(const String &p_name, const String &p_description, const PackedStringArray &p_tags, const String &p_path, const String &p_icon, const String &p_main_scene, const PackedStringArray &p_unsupported_features, uint64_t p_last_edited, bool p_favorite, bool p_grayed, bool p_missing, int p_version) { project_name = p_name; description = p_description; tags = p_tags; path = p_path; icon = p_icon; main_scene = p_main_scene; unsupported_features = p_unsupported_features; last_edited = p_last_edited; favorite = p_favorite; grayed = p_grayed; missing = p_missing; version = p_version; control = nullptr; PackedStringArray sorted_tags = tags; sorted_tags.sort(); tag_sort_string = String().join(sorted_tags); } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator==(const Item &l) const { return path == l.path; } }; private: bool project_opening_initiated = false; String _search_term; FilterOption _order_option = FilterOption::EDIT_DATE; HashSet<String> _selected_project_paths; String _last_clicked; // Project key VBoxContainer *_scroll_children = nullptr; int _icon_load_index = 0; Vector<Item> _projects; ConfigFile _config; String _config_path; void _panel_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ev, Node *p_hb); void _favorite_pressed(Node *p_hb); void _show_project(const String &p_path); void _migrate_config(); void _scan_folder_recursive(const String &p_path, List<String> *r_projects); void _clear_project_selection(); void _toggle_project(int p_index); void _select_project_nocheck(int p_index); void _deselect_project_nocheck(int p_index); void _select_project_range(int p_begin, int p_end); void _create_project_item_control(int p_index); void _remove_project(int p_index, bool p_update_settings); static Item load_project_data(const String &p_property_key, bool p_favorite); void _update_icons_async(); void _load_project_icon(int p_index); void _global_menu_new_window(const Variant &p_tag); void _global_menu_open_project(const Variant &p_tag); protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: static const char *SIGNAL_LIST_CHANGED; static const char *SIGNAL_SELECTION_CHANGED; static const char *SIGNAL_PROJECT_ASK_OPEN; void update_project_list(); int get_project_count() const; void find_projects(const String &p_path); void find_projects_multiple(const PackedStringArray &p_paths); void sort_projects(); void add_project(const String &dir_path, bool favorite); void set_project_version(const String &p_project_path, int version); int refresh_project(const String &dir_path); void ensure_project_visible(int p_index); void select_project(int p_index); void select_first_visible_project(); void erase_selected_projects(bool p_delete_project_contents); Vector<Item> get_selected_projects() const; const HashSet<String> &get_selected_project_keys() const; int get_single_selected_index() const; bool is_any_project_missing() const; void erase_missing_projects(); void set_search_term(String p_search_term); void add_search_tag(const String &p_tag); void set_order_option(int p_option); void update_dock_menu(); void save_config(); ProjectList(); }; class ProjectManager : public Control { GDCLASS(ProjectManager, Control); HashMap<String, Ref<Texture2D>> icon_type_cache; void _build_icon_type_cache(Ref<Theme> p_theme); static ProjectManager *singleton; void _update_size_limits(); Panel *background_panel = nullptr; TabContainer *tabs = nullptr; ProjectList *_project_list = nullptr; LineEdit *search_box = nullptr; Label *loading_label = nullptr; OptionButton *filter_option = nullptr; PanelContainer *search_panel = nullptr; Button *create_btn = nullptr; Button *import_btn = nullptr; Button *scan_btn = nullptr; Button *open_btn = nullptr; Button *run_btn = nullptr; Button *rename_btn = nullptr; Button *manage_tags_btn = nullptr; Button *erase_btn = nullptr; Button *erase_missing_btn = nullptr; Button *about_btn = nullptr; VBoxContainer *local_projects_vb = nullptr; EditorAssetLibrary *asset_library = nullptr; Ref<StyleBox> tag_stylebox; EditorFileDialog *scan_dir = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *language_restart_ask = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *erase_ask = nullptr; Label *erase_ask_label = nullptr; // Comment out for now until we have a better warning system to // ensure users delete their project only. //CheckBox *delete_project_contents = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *erase_missing_ask = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *multi_open_ask = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *multi_run_ask = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *ask_full_convert_dialog = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *ask_update_settings = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *open_templates = nullptr; EditorAbout *about = nullptr; HBoxContainer *settings_hb = nullptr; AcceptDialog *run_error_diag = nullptr; AcceptDialog *dialog_error = nullptr; ProjectDialog *npdialog = nullptr; Button *full_convert_button = nullptr; OptionButton *language_btn = nullptr; LinkButton *version_btn = nullptr; HashSet<String> tag_set; PackedStringArray current_project_tags; PackedStringArray forbidden_tag_characters{ "/", "\\", "-" }; ConfirmationDialog *tag_manage_dialog = nullptr; HFlowContainer *project_tags = nullptr; HFlowContainer *all_tags = nullptr; Label *tag_edit_error = nullptr; Button *create_tag_btn = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *create_tag_dialog = nullptr; LineEdit *new_tag_name = nullptr; Label *tag_error = nullptr; void _open_asset_library(); void _scan_projects(); void _run_project(); void _run_project_confirm(); void _open_selected_projects(); void _open_selected_projects_ask(); void _full_convert_button_pressed(); void _perform_full_project_conversion(); void _import_project(); void _new_project(); void _rename_project(); void _erase_project(); void _erase_missing_projects(); void _erase_project_confirm(); void _erase_missing_projects_confirm(); void _show_about(); void _update_project_buttons(); void _language_selected(int p_id); void _restart_confirm(); void _confirm_update_settings(); void _manage_project_tags(); void _add_project_tag(const String &p_tag); void _delete_project_tag(const String &p_tag); void _apply_project_tags(); void _set_new_tag_name(const String p_name); void _create_new_tag(); void _on_project_created(const String &dir); void _on_projects_updated(); void _install_project(const String &p_zip_path, const String &p_title); void _dim_window(); virtual void shortcut_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ev) override; void _files_dropped(PackedStringArray p_files); void _version_button_pressed(); void _on_order_option_changed(int p_idx); void _on_tab_changed(int p_tab); void _on_search_term_changed(const String &p_term); void _on_search_term_submitted(const String &p_text); static Ref<Texture2D> _file_dialog_get_icon(const String &p_path); static Ref<Texture2D> _file_dialog_get_thumbnail(const String &p_path); protected: void _notification(int p_what); public: static ProjectManager *get_singleton() { return singleton; } LineEdit *get_search_box(); void add_new_tag(const String &p_tag); ProjectManager(); ~ProjectManager(); }; class ProjectTag : public HBoxContainer { GDCLASS(ProjectTag, HBoxContainer); String tag_string; Button *button = nullptr; bool display_close = false; protected: void _notification(int p_what); public: ProjectTag(const String &p_text, bool p_display_close = false); void connect_button_to(const Callable &p_callable); const String get_tag() const; }; #endif // PROJECT_MANAGER_H