/**************************************************************************/ /* curve_editor_plugin.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "curve_editor_plugin.h" #include "canvas_item_editor_plugin.h" #include "core/input/input.h" #include "core/math/geometry_2d.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "editor/editor_interface.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/editor_string_names.h" #include "editor/editor_undo_redo_manager.h" #include "editor/gui/editor_spin_slider.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_scale.h" #include "scene/gui/flow_container.h" #include "scene/gui/menu_button.h" #include "scene/gui/popup_menu.h" #include "scene/gui/separator.h" #include "scene/resources/image_texture.h" CurveEdit::CurveEdit() { set_focus_mode(FOCUS_ALL); set_clip_contents(true); } void CurveEdit::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_selected_index", "index"), &CurveEdit::set_selected_index); } void CurveEdit::set_curve(Ref<Curve> p_curve) { if (p_curve == curve) { return; } if (curve.is_valid()) { curve->disconnect_changed(callable_mp(this, &CurveEdit::_curve_changed)); curve->disconnect(Curve::SIGNAL_RANGE_CHANGED, callable_mp(this, &CurveEdit::_curve_changed)); } curve = p_curve; if (curve.is_valid()) { curve->connect_changed(callable_mp(this, &CurveEdit::_curve_changed)); curve->connect(Curve::SIGNAL_RANGE_CHANGED, callable_mp(this, &CurveEdit::_curve_changed)); } // Note: if you edit a curve, then set another, and try to undo, // it will normally apply on the previous curve, but you won't see it. } Ref<Curve> CurveEdit::get_curve() { return curve; } void CurveEdit::set_snap_enabled(bool p_enabled) { snap_enabled = p_enabled; queue_redraw(); if (curve.is_valid()) { if (snap_enabled) { curve->set_meta(SNAME("_snap_enabled"), true); } else { curve->remove_meta(SNAME("_snap_enabled")); } } } void CurveEdit::set_snap_count(int p_snap_count) { snap_count = p_snap_count; queue_redraw(); if (curve.is_valid()) { if (snap_count != CurveEditor::DEFAULT_SNAP) { curve->set_meta(SNAME("_snap_count"), snap_count); } else { curve->remove_meta(SNAME("_snap_count")); } } } Size2 CurveEdit::get_minimum_size() const { return Vector2(64, MAX(135, get_size().x * ASPECT_RATIO)) * EDSCALE; } void CurveEdit::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT: { if (hovered_index != -1 || hovered_tangent_index != TANGENT_NONE) { hovered_index = -1; hovered_tangent_index = TANGENT_NONE; queue_redraw(); } } break; case EditorSettings::NOTIFICATION_EDITOR_SETTINGS_CHANGED: { if (!EditorSettings::get_singleton()->check_changed_settings_in_group("interface/touchscreen")) { break; } [[fallthrough]]; } case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { float gizmo_scale = EDITOR_GET("interface/touchscreen/scale_gizmo_handles"); point_radius = Math::round(BASE_POINT_RADIUS * get_theme_default_base_scale() * gizmo_scale); hover_radius = Math::round(BASE_HOVER_RADIUS * get_theme_default_base_scale() * gizmo_scale); tangent_radius = Math::round(BASE_TANGENT_RADIUS * get_theme_default_base_scale() * gizmo_scale); tangent_hover_radius = Math::round(BASE_TANGENT_HOVER_RADIUS * get_theme_default_base_scale() * gizmo_scale); tangent_length = Math::round(BASE_TANGENT_LENGTH * get_theme_default_base_scale()); } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { _redraw(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED: { if (!is_visible()) { grabbing = GRAB_NONE; } } break; } } void CurveEdit::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_event.is_null()); if (curve.is_null()) { return; } Ref<InputEventKey> k = p_event; if (k.is_valid()) { // Deleting points or making tangents linear. if (k->is_pressed() && k->get_keycode() == Key::KEY_DELETE) { if (selected_tangent_index != TANGENT_NONE) { toggle_linear(selected_index, selected_tangent_index); } else if (selected_index != -1) { if (grabbing == GRAB_ADD) { curve->remove_point(selected_index); // Point is temporary, so remove directly from curve. set_selected_index(-1); } else { remove_point(selected_index); } grabbing = GRAB_NONE; hovered_index = -1; hovered_tangent_index = TANGENT_NONE; } accept_event(); } if (k->get_keycode() == Key::SHIFT || k->get_keycode() == Key::ALT) { queue_redraw(); // Redraw to show the axes or constraints. } } Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb = p_event; if (mb.is_valid() && mb->is_pressed()) { Vector2 mpos = mb->get_position(); if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::RIGHT || mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::MIDDLE) { if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::RIGHT && grabbing == GRAB_MOVE) { // Move a point to its old position. curve->set_point_value(selected_index, initial_grab_pos.y); curve->set_point_offset(selected_index, initial_grab_pos.x); set_selected_index(initial_grab_index); hovered_index = get_point_at(mpos); grabbing = GRAB_NONE; } else { // Remove a point or make a tangent linear. selected_tangent_index = get_tangent_at(mpos); if (selected_tangent_index != TANGENT_NONE) { toggle_linear(selected_index, selected_tangent_index); } else { int point_to_remove = get_point_at(mpos); if (point_to_remove == -1) { set_selected_index(-1); // Nothing on the place of the click, just deselect the point. } else { if (grabbing == GRAB_ADD) { curve->remove_point(point_to_remove); // Point is temporary, so remove directly from curve. set_selected_index(-1); } else { remove_point(point_to_remove); } hovered_index = get_point_at(mpos); grabbing = GRAB_NONE; } } } } // Selecting or creating points. if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT) { if (grabbing == GRAB_NONE) { selected_tangent_index = get_tangent_at(mpos); if (selected_tangent_index == TANGENT_NONE) { set_selected_index(get_point_at(mpos)); } queue_redraw(); } if (selected_index != -1) { // If an existing point/tangent was grabbed, remember a few things about it. grabbing = GRAB_MOVE; initial_grab_pos = curve->get_point_position(selected_index); initial_grab_index = selected_index; if (selected_index > 0) { initial_grab_left_tangent = curve->get_point_left_tangent(selected_index); } if (selected_index < curve->get_point_count() - 1) { initial_grab_right_tangent = curve->get_point_right_tangent(selected_index); } } else if (grabbing == GRAB_NONE) { // Adding a new point. Insert a temporary point for the user to adjust, so it's not in the undo/redo. Vector2 new_pos = get_world_pos(mpos).clamp(Vector2(0.0, curve->get_min_value()), Vector2(1.0, curve->get_max_value())); if (snap_enabled || mb->is_command_or_control_pressed()) { new_pos.x = Math::snapped(new_pos.x, 1.0 / snap_count); new_pos.y = Math::snapped(new_pos.y - curve->get_min_value(), curve->get_range() / snap_count) + curve->get_min_value(); } new_pos.x = get_offset_without_collision(selected_index, new_pos.x, mpos.x >= get_view_pos(new_pos).x); // Add a temporary point for the user to adjust before adding it permanently. int new_idx = curve->add_point_no_update(new_pos); set_selected_index(new_idx); grabbing = GRAB_ADD; initial_grab_pos = new_pos; } } } if (mb.is_valid() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT && !mb->is_pressed()) { if (selected_tangent_index != TANGENT_NONE) { // Finish moving a tangent control. if (selected_index == 0) { set_point_right_tangent(selected_index, curve->get_point_right_tangent(selected_index)); } else if (selected_index == curve->get_point_count() - 1) { set_point_left_tangent(selected_index, curve->get_point_left_tangent(selected_index)); } else { set_point_tangents(selected_index, curve->get_point_left_tangent(selected_index), curve->get_point_right_tangent(selected_index)); } grabbing = GRAB_NONE; } else if (grabbing == GRAB_MOVE) { // Finish moving a point. set_point_position(selected_index, curve->get_point_position(selected_index)); grabbing = GRAB_NONE; } else if (grabbing == GRAB_ADD) { // Finish inserting a new point. Remove the temporary point and insert a permanent one in its place. Vector2 new_pos = curve->get_point_position(selected_index); curve->remove_point(selected_index); add_point(new_pos); grabbing = GRAB_NONE; } queue_redraw(); } Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm = p_event; if (mm.is_valid()) { Vector2 mpos = mm->get_position(); if (grabbing != GRAB_NONE && curve.is_valid()) { if (selected_index != -1) { if (selected_tangent_index == TANGENT_NONE) { // Drag point. Vector2 new_pos = get_world_pos(mpos).clamp(Vector2(0.0, curve->get_min_value()), Vector2(1.0, curve->get_max_value())); if (snap_enabled || mm->is_command_or_control_pressed()) { new_pos.x = Math::snapped(new_pos.x, 1.0 / snap_count); new_pos.y = Math::snapped(new_pos.y - curve->get_min_value(), curve->get_range() / snap_count) + curve->get_min_value(); } // Allow to snap to axes with Shift. if (mm->is_shift_pressed()) { Vector2 initial_mpos = get_view_pos(initial_grab_pos); if (Math::abs(mpos.x - initial_mpos.x) > Math::abs(mpos.y - initial_mpos.y)) { new_pos.y = initial_grab_pos.y; } else { new_pos.x = initial_grab_pos.x; } } // Allow to constraint the point between the adjacent two with Alt. if (mm->is_alt_pressed()) { float prev_point_offset = (selected_index > 0) ? (curve->get_point_position(selected_index - 1).x + 0.00001) : 0.0; float next_point_offset = (selected_index < curve->get_point_count() - 1) ? (curve->get_point_position(selected_index + 1).x - 0.00001) : 1.0; new_pos.x = CLAMP(new_pos.x, prev_point_offset, next_point_offset); } new_pos.x = get_offset_without_collision(selected_index, new_pos.x, mpos.x >= get_view_pos(new_pos).x); // The index may change if the point is dragged across another one. int i = curve->set_point_offset(selected_index, new_pos.x); hovered_index = i; set_selected_index(i); new_pos.y = CLAMP(new_pos.y, curve->get_min_value(), curve->get_max_value()); curve->set_point_value(selected_index, new_pos.y); } else { // Drag tangent. const Vector2 new_pos = curve->get_point_position(selected_index); const Vector2 control_pos = get_world_pos(mpos); Vector2 dir = (control_pos - new_pos).normalized(); real_t tangent = dir.y / (dir.x > 0 ? MAX(dir.x, 0.00001) : MIN(dir.x, -0.00001)); // Must keep track of the hovered index as the cursor might move outside of the editor while dragging. hovered_tangent_index = selected_tangent_index; // Adjust the tangents. if (selected_tangent_index == TANGENT_LEFT) { curve->set_point_left_tangent(selected_index, tangent); // Align the other tangent if it isn't linear and Shift is not pressed. // If Shift is pressed at any point, restore the initial angle of the other tangent. if (selected_index != (curve->get_point_count() - 1) && curve->get_point_right_mode(selected_index) != Curve::TANGENT_LINEAR) { curve->set_point_right_tangent(selected_index, mm->is_shift_pressed() ? initial_grab_right_tangent : tangent); } } else { curve->set_point_right_tangent(selected_index, tangent); if (selected_index != 0 && curve->get_point_left_mode(selected_index) != Curve::TANGENT_LINEAR) { curve->set_point_left_tangent(selected_index, mm->is_shift_pressed() ? initial_grab_left_tangent : tangent); } } } } } else { // Grab mode is GRAB_NONE, so do hovering logic. hovered_index = get_point_at(mpos); hovered_tangent_index = get_tangent_at(mpos); queue_redraw(); } } } void CurveEdit::use_preset(int p_preset_id) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_preset_id < 0 || p_preset_id >= PRESET_COUNT); ERR_FAIL_COND(curve.is_null()); Array previous_data = curve->get_data(); curve->clear_points(); float min_value = curve->get_min_value(); float max_value = curve->get_max_value(); switch (p_preset_id) { case PRESET_CONSTANT: curve->add_point(Vector2(0, (min_value + max_value) / 2.0)); curve->add_point(Vector2(1, (min_value + max_value) / 2.0)); curve->set_point_right_mode(0, Curve::TANGENT_LINEAR); curve->set_point_left_mode(1, Curve::TANGENT_LINEAR); break; case PRESET_LINEAR: curve->add_point(Vector2(0, min_value)); curve->add_point(Vector2(1, max_value)); curve->set_point_right_mode(0, Curve::TANGENT_LINEAR); curve->set_point_left_mode(1, Curve::TANGENT_LINEAR); break; case PRESET_EASE_IN: curve->add_point(Vector2(0, min_value)); curve->add_point(Vector2(1, max_value), curve->get_range() * 1.4, 0); break; case PRESET_EASE_OUT: curve->add_point(Vector2(0, min_value), 0, curve->get_range() * 1.4); curve->add_point(Vector2(1, max_value)); break; case PRESET_SMOOTHSTEP: curve->add_point(Vector2(0, min_value)); curve->add_point(Vector2(1, max_value)); break; default: break; } EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Load Curve Preset")); undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "_set_data", curve->get_data()); undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "set_selected_index", -1); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "_set_data", previous_data); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "set_selected_index", selected_index); undo_redo->commit_action(); } void CurveEdit::_curve_changed() { queue_redraw(); // Point count can change in case of undo. if (selected_index >= curve->get_point_count()) { set_selected_index(-1); } } int CurveEdit::get_point_at(Vector2 p_pos) const { if (curve.is_null()) { return -1; } // Use a square-shaped hover region. If hovering multiple points, pick the closer one. const Rect2 hover_rect = Rect2(p_pos, Vector2(0, 0)).grow(hover_radius); int closest_idx = -1; float closest_dist_squared = hover_radius * hover_radius * 2; for (int i = 0; i < curve->get_point_count(); ++i) { Vector2 p = get_view_pos(curve->get_point_position(i)); if (hover_rect.has_point(p) && p.distance_squared_to(p_pos) < closest_dist_squared) { closest_dist_squared = p.distance_squared_to(p_pos); closest_idx = i; } } return closest_idx; } CurveEdit::TangentIndex CurveEdit::get_tangent_at(Vector2 p_pos) const { if (curve.is_null() || selected_index < 0) { return TANGENT_NONE; } const Rect2 hover_rect = Rect2(p_pos, Vector2(0, 0)).grow(tangent_hover_radius); if (selected_index != 0) { Vector2 control_pos = get_tangent_view_pos(selected_index, TANGENT_LEFT); if (hover_rect.has_point(control_pos)) { return TANGENT_LEFT; } } if (selected_index != curve->get_point_count() - 1) { Vector2 control_pos = get_tangent_view_pos(selected_index, TANGENT_RIGHT); if (hover_rect.has_point(control_pos)) { return TANGENT_RIGHT; } } return TANGENT_NONE; } // FIXME: This function should be bounded better. float CurveEdit::get_offset_without_collision(int p_current_index, float p_offset, bool p_prioritize_right) { float safe_offset = p_offset; bool prioritizing_right = p_prioritize_right; for (int i = 0; i < curve->get_point_count(); i++) { if (i == p_current_index) { continue; } if (curve->get_point_position(i).x > safe_offset) { break; } if (curve->get_point_position(i).x == safe_offset) { if (prioritizing_right) { safe_offset += 0.00001; if (safe_offset > 1.0) { safe_offset = 1.0; prioritizing_right = false; } } else { safe_offset -= 0.00001; if (safe_offset < 0.0) { safe_offset = 0.0; prioritizing_right = true; } } i = -1; } } return safe_offset; } void CurveEdit::add_point(Vector2 p_pos) { ERR_FAIL_COND(curve.is_null()); // Add a point to get its index, then remove it immediately. Trick to feed the UndoRedo. int new_idx = curve->add_point(p_pos); curve->remove_point(new_idx); EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Add Curve Point")); undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "add_point", p_pos); undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "set_selected_index", new_idx); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "remove_point", new_idx); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "set_selected_index", -1); undo_redo->commit_action(); } void CurveEdit::remove_point(int p_index) { ERR_FAIL_COND(curve.is_null()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(p_index, curve->get_point_count(), "Curve point is out of bounds."); Curve::Point p = curve->get_point(p_index); Vector2 old_pos = (grabbing == GRAB_MOVE) ? initial_grab_pos : p.position; int new_selected_index = selected_index; // Reselect the old selected point if it's not the deleted one. if (new_selected_index > p_index) { new_selected_index -= 1; } else if (new_selected_index == p_index) { new_selected_index = -1; } EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Remove Curve Point")); undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "remove_point", p_index); undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "set_selected_index", new_selected_index); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "add_point", old_pos, p.left_tangent, p.right_tangent, p.left_mode, p.right_mode); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "set_selected_index", selected_index); undo_redo->commit_action(); } void CurveEdit::set_point_position(int p_index, Vector2 p_pos) { ERR_FAIL_COND(curve.is_null()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(p_index, curve->get_point_count(), "Curve point is out of bounds."); if (initial_grab_pos == p_pos) { return; } // Pretend the point started from its old place. curve->set_point_value(p_index, initial_grab_pos.y); curve->set_point_offset(p_index, initial_grab_pos.x); // Note: Changing the offset may modify the order. EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Modify Curve Point")); undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "set_point_value", initial_grab_index, p_pos.y); undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "set_point_offset", initial_grab_index, p_pos.x); undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "set_selected_index", p_index); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "set_point_value", p_index, initial_grab_pos.y); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "set_point_offset", p_index, initial_grab_pos.x); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "set_selected_index", initial_grab_index); undo_redo->commit_action(); } void CurveEdit::set_point_tangents(int p_index, float p_left, float p_right) { ERR_FAIL_COND(curve.is_null()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(p_index, curve->get_point_count(), "Curve point is out of bounds."); if (initial_grab_left_tangent == p_left) { set_point_right_tangent(p_index, p_right); return; } else if (initial_grab_right_tangent == p_right) { set_point_left_tangent(p_index, p_left); return; } curve->set_point_left_tangent(p_index, initial_grab_left_tangent); curve->set_point_right_tangent(p_index, initial_grab_right_tangent); EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Modify Curve Point's Tangents")); undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "set_point_left_tangent", p_index, p_left); undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "set_point_right_tangent", p_index, p_right); undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "set_selected_index", p_index); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "set_point_left_tangent", p_index, initial_grab_left_tangent); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "set_point_right_tangent", p_index, initial_grab_right_tangent); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "set_selected_index", p_index); undo_redo->commit_action(); } void CurveEdit::set_point_left_tangent(int p_index, float p_tangent) { ERR_FAIL_COND(curve.is_null()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(p_index, curve->get_point_count(), "Curve point is out of bounds."); if (initial_grab_left_tangent == p_tangent) { return; } curve->set_point_left_tangent(p_index, initial_grab_left_tangent); EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Modify Curve Point's Left Tangent")); undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "set_point_left_tangent", p_index, p_tangent); undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "set_selected_index", p_index); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "set_point_left_tangent", p_index, initial_grab_left_tangent); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "set_selected_index", p_index); undo_redo->commit_action(); } void CurveEdit::set_point_right_tangent(int p_index, float p_tangent) { ERR_FAIL_COND(curve.is_null()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(p_index, curve->get_point_count(), "Curve point is out of bounds."); if (initial_grab_right_tangent == p_tangent) { return; } curve->set_point_right_tangent(p_index, initial_grab_right_tangent); EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Modify Curve Point's Right Tangent")); undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "set_point_right_tangent", p_index, p_tangent); undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "set_selected_index", p_index); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "set_point_right_tangent", p_index, initial_grab_right_tangent); undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "set_selected_index", p_index); undo_redo->commit_action(); } void CurveEdit::toggle_linear(int p_index, TangentIndex p_tangent) { ERR_FAIL_COND(curve.is_null()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(p_index, curve->get_point_count(), "Curve point is out of bounds."); if (p_tangent == TANGENT_NONE) { return; } EditorUndoRedoManager *undo_redo = EditorUndoRedoManager::get_singleton(); undo_redo->create_action(TTR("Toggle Linear Curve Point's Tangent")); Curve::TangentMode prev_mode = (p_tangent == TANGENT_LEFT) ? curve->get_point_left_mode(p_index) : curve->get_point_right_mode(p_index); Curve::TangentMode mode = (prev_mode == Curve::TANGENT_LINEAR) ? Curve::TANGENT_FREE : Curve::TANGENT_LINEAR; float prev_angle = (p_tangent == TANGENT_LEFT) ? curve->get_point_left_tangent(p_index) : curve->get_point_right_tangent(p_index); // Add different methods in the UndoRedo based on the tangent passed. if (p_tangent == TANGENT_LEFT) { undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "set_point_left_mode", p_index, mode); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "set_point_left_mode", p_index, prev_mode); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "set_point_left_tangent", p_index, prev_angle); } else { undo_redo->add_do_method(*curve, "set_point_right_mode", p_index, mode); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "set_point_right_mode", p_index, prev_mode); undo_redo->add_undo_method(*curve, "set_point_right_tangent", p_index, prev_angle); } undo_redo->commit_action(); } void CurveEdit::set_selected_index(int p_index) { if (p_index != selected_index) { selected_index = p_index; queue_redraw(); } } void CurveEdit::update_view_transform() { Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font(SNAME("font"), SNAME("Label")); int font_size = get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size"), SNAME("Label")); const real_t margin = font->get_height(font_size) + 2 * EDSCALE; float min_y = curve.is_valid() ? curve->get_min_value() : 0.0; float max_y = curve.is_valid() ? curve->get_max_value() : 1.0; const Rect2 world_rect = Rect2(Curve::MIN_X, min_y, Curve::MAX_X, max_y - min_y); const Size2 view_margin(margin, margin); const Size2 view_size = get_size() - view_margin * 2; const Vector2 scale = view_size / world_rect.size; Transform2D world_trans; world_trans.translate_local(-world_rect.position - Vector2(0, world_rect.size.y)); world_trans.scale(Vector2(scale.x, -scale.y)); Transform2D view_trans; view_trans.translate_local(view_margin); _world_to_view = view_trans * world_trans; } Vector2 CurveEdit::get_tangent_view_pos(int p_index, TangentIndex p_tangent) const { Vector2 dir; if (p_tangent == TANGENT_LEFT) { dir = -Vector2(1, curve->get_point_left_tangent(p_index)); } else { dir = Vector2(1, curve->get_point_right_tangent(p_index)); } Vector2 point_pos = curve->get_point_position(p_index); Vector2 point_view_pos = get_view_pos(point_pos); Vector2 control_view_pos = get_view_pos(point_pos + dir); Vector2 distance_from_point = tangent_length * (control_view_pos - point_view_pos).normalized(); Vector2 tangent_view_pos = point_view_pos + distance_from_point; // Since the tangent is long, it might slip outside of the area of the editor for points close to the domain/range boundaries. // The code below shrinks the tangent control by up to 50% so it always stays inside the editor for points within the bounds. float fraction_inside = 1.0; if (distance_from_point.x != 0.0) { fraction_inside = MIN(fraction_inside, ((distance_from_point.x > 0 ? get_rect().size.x : 0) - point_view_pos.x) / distance_from_point.x); } if (distance_from_point.y != 0.0) { fraction_inside = MIN(fraction_inside, ((distance_from_point.y > 0 ? get_rect().size.y : 0) - point_view_pos.y) / distance_from_point.y); } if (fraction_inside < 1.0 && fraction_inside > 0.5) { tangent_view_pos = point_view_pos + distance_from_point * fraction_inside; } return tangent_view_pos; } Vector2 CurveEdit::get_view_pos(Vector2 p_world_pos) const { return _world_to_view.xform(p_world_pos); } Vector2 CurveEdit::get_world_pos(Vector2 p_view_pos) const { return _world_to_view.affine_inverse().xform(p_view_pos); } // Uses non-baked points, but takes advantage of ordered iteration to be faster. template <typename T> static void plot_curve_accurate(const Curve &curve, float step, Vector2 scaling, T plot_func) { if (curve.get_point_count() <= 1) { // Not enough points to make a curve, so it's just a straight line. // The added tiny vectors make the drawn line stay exactly within the bounds in practice. float y = curve.sample(0); plot_func(Vector2(0, y) * scaling + Vector2(0.5, 0), Vector2(1.f, y) * scaling - Vector2(1.5, 0), true); } else { Vector2 first_point = curve.get_point_position(0); Vector2 last_point = curve.get_point_position(curve.get_point_count() - 1); // Edge lines plot_func(Vector2(0, first_point.y) * scaling + Vector2(0.5, 0), first_point * scaling, false); plot_func(Vector2(Curve::MAX_X, last_point.y) * scaling - Vector2(1.5, 0), last_point * scaling, false); // Draw section by section, so that we get maximum precision near points. // It's an accurate representation, but slower than using the baked one. for (int i = 1; i < curve.get_point_count(); ++i) { Vector2 a = curve.get_point_position(i - 1); Vector2 b = curve.get_point_position(i); Vector2 pos = a; Vector2 prev_pos = a; float scaled_step = step / scaling.x; float samples = (b.x - a.x) / scaled_step; for (int j = 1; j < samples; j++) { float x = j * scaled_step; pos.x = a.x + x; pos.y = curve.sample_local_nocheck(i - 1, x); plot_func(prev_pos * scaling, pos * scaling, true); prev_pos = pos; } plot_func(prev_pos * scaling, b * scaling, true); } } } struct CanvasItemPlotCurve { CanvasItem &ci; Color color1; Color color2; CanvasItemPlotCurve(CanvasItem &p_ci, Color p_color1, Color p_color2) : ci(p_ci), color1(p_color1), color2(p_color2) {} void operator()(Vector2 pos0, Vector2 pos1, bool in_definition) { ci.draw_line(pos0, pos1, in_definition ? color1 : color2, 0.5, true); } }; void CurveEdit::_redraw() { if (curve.is_null()) { return; } update_view_transform(); // Draw background. Vector2 view_size = get_rect().size; draw_style_box(get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("panel"), SNAME("Tree")), Rect2(Point2(), view_size)); // Draw snapping grid, then primary grid. draw_set_transform_matrix(_world_to_view); Vector2 min_edge = get_world_pos(Vector2(0, view_size.y)); Vector2 max_edge = get_world_pos(Vector2(view_size.x, 0)); const Color grid_color_primary = get_theme_color(SNAME("mono_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)) * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.25); const Color grid_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("mono_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)) * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.1); const Vector2i grid_steps = Vector2i(4, 2); const Vector2 step_size = Vector2(1, curve->get_range()) / grid_steps; draw_line(Vector2(min_edge.x, curve->get_min_value()), Vector2(max_edge.x, curve->get_min_value()), grid_color_primary); draw_line(Vector2(max_edge.x, curve->get_max_value()), Vector2(min_edge.x, curve->get_max_value()), grid_color_primary); draw_line(Vector2(0, min_edge.y), Vector2(0, max_edge.y), grid_color_primary); draw_line(Vector2(1, max_edge.y), Vector2(1, min_edge.y), grid_color_primary); for (int i = 1; i < grid_steps.x; i++) { real_t x = i * step_size.x; draw_line(Vector2(x, min_edge.y), Vector2(x, max_edge.y), grid_color); } for (int i = 1; i < grid_steps.y; i++) { real_t y = curve->get_min_value() + i * step_size.y; draw_line(Vector2(min_edge.x, y), Vector2(max_edge.x, y), grid_color); } // Draw number markings. draw_set_transform_matrix(Transform2D()); Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font(SNAME("font"), SNAME("Label")); int font_size = get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size"), SNAME("Label")); float font_height = font->get_height(font_size); Color text_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); for (int i = 0; i <= grid_steps.x; ++i) { real_t x = i * step_size.x; draw_string(font, get_view_pos(Vector2(x - step_size.x / 2, curve->get_min_value())) + Vector2(0, font_height - Math::round(2 * EDSCALE)), String::num(x, 2), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, get_view_pos(Vector2(step_size.x, 0)).x, font_size, text_color); } for (int i = 0; i <= grid_steps.y; ++i) { real_t y = curve->get_min_value() + i * step_size.y; draw_string(font, get_view_pos(Vector2(0, y)) + Vector2(2, -2), String::num(y, 2), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, -1, font_size, text_color); } // Draw curve. // An unusual transform so we can offset the curve before scaling it up, allowing the curve to be antialiased. // The scaling up ensures that the curve rendering doesn't break when we use a quad line to draw it. draw_set_transform_matrix(Transform2D(0, get_view_pos(Vector2(0, 0)))); const Color line_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); const Color edge_line_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)) * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.75); CanvasItemPlotCurve plot_func(*this, line_color, edge_line_color); plot_curve_accurate(**curve, 2.f, (get_view_pos(Vector2(1, curve->get_max_value())) - get_view_pos(Vector2(0, curve->get_min_value()))) / Vector2(1, curve->get_range()), plot_func); // Draw points, except for the selected one. draw_set_transform_matrix(Transform2D()); bool shift_pressed = Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(Key::SHIFT); const Color point_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); for (int i = 0; i < curve->get_point_count(); ++i) { Vector2 pos = get_view_pos(curve->get_point_position(i)); if (selected_index != i) { draw_rect(Rect2(pos, Vector2(0, 0)).grow(point_radius), point_color); } if (hovered_index == i && hovered_tangent_index == TANGENT_NONE) { draw_rect(Rect2(pos, Vector2(0, 0)).grow(hover_radius - Math::round(3 * EDSCALE)), line_color, false, Math::round(1 * EDSCALE)); } } // Draw selected point and its tangents. if (selected_index >= 0) { const Vector2 point_pos = curve->get_point_position(selected_index); const Color selected_point_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("accent_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)); // Draw tangents if not dragging a point, or if holding a point without having moved it yet. if (grabbing == GRAB_NONE || initial_grab_pos == point_pos || selected_tangent_index != TANGENT_NONE) { const Color selected_tangent_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("accent_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)).darkened(0.25); const Color tangent_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)).darkened(0.25); if (selected_index != 0) { Vector2 control_pos = get_tangent_view_pos(selected_index, TANGENT_LEFT); Color left_tangent_color = (selected_tangent_index == TANGENT_LEFT) ? selected_tangent_color : tangent_color; draw_line(get_view_pos(point_pos), control_pos, left_tangent_color, 0.5 * EDSCALE, true); // Square for linear mode, circle otherwise. if (curve->get_point_left_mode(selected_index) == Curve::TANGENT_FREE) { draw_circle(control_pos, tangent_radius, left_tangent_color); } else { draw_rect(Rect2(control_pos, Vector2(0, 0)).grow(tangent_radius), left_tangent_color); } // Hover indicator. if (hovered_tangent_index == TANGENT_LEFT || (hovered_tangent_index == TANGENT_RIGHT && !shift_pressed && curve->get_point_left_mode(selected_index) != Curve::TANGENT_LINEAR)) { draw_rect(Rect2(control_pos, Vector2(0, 0)).grow(tangent_hover_radius - Math::round(3 * EDSCALE)), tangent_color, false, Math::round(1 * EDSCALE)); } } if (selected_index != curve->get_point_count() - 1) { Vector2 control_pos = get_tangent_view_pos(selected_index, TANGENT_RIGHT); Color right_tangent_color = (selected_tangent_index == TANGENT_RIGHT) ? selected_tangent_color : tangent_color; draw_line(get_view_pos(point_pos), control_pos, right_tangent_color, 0.5 * EDSCALE, true); // Square for linear mode, circle otherwise. if (curve->get_point_right_mode(selected_index) == Curve::TANGENT_FREE) { draw_circle(control_pos, tangent_radius, right_tangent_color); } else { draw_rect(Rect2(control_pos, Vector2(0, 0)).grow(tangent_radius), right_tangent_color); } // Hover indicator. if (hovered_tangent_index == TANGENT_RIGHT || (hovered_tangent_index == TANGENT_LEFT && !shift_pressed && curve->get_point_right_mode(selected_index) != Curve::TANGENT_LINEAR)) { draw_rect(Rect2(control_pos, Vector2(0, 0)).grow(tangent_hover_radius - Math::round(3 * EDSCALE)), tangent_color, false, Math::round(1 * EDSCALE)); } } } draw_rect(Rect2(get_view_pos(point_pos), Vector2(0, 0)).grow(point_radius), selected_point_color); } // Draw help text. if (selected_index > 0 && selected_index < curve->get_point_count() - 1 && selected_tangent_index == TANGENT_NONE && hovered_tangent_index != TANGENT_NONE && !shift_pressed) { float width = view_size.x - 50 * EDSCALE; text_color.a *= 0.4; draw_multiline_string(font, Vector2(25 * EDSCALE, font_height - Math::round(2 * EDSCALE)), TTR("Hold Shift to edit tangents individually"), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, width, font_size, -1, text_color); } else if (selected_index != -1 && selected_tangent_index == TANGENT_NONE) { const Vector2 point_pos = curve->get_point_position(selected_index); float width = view_size.x - 50 * EDSCALE; text_color.a *= 0.8; draw_string(font, Vector2(25 * EDSCALE, font_height - Math::round(2 * EDSCALE)), vformat("(%.2f, %.2f)", point_pos.x, point_pos.y), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, width, font_size, text_color); } else if (selected_index != -1 && selected_tangent_index != TANGENT_NONE) { float width = view_size.x - 50 * EDSCALE; text_color.a *= 0.8; real_t theta = Math::rad_to_deg(Math::atan(selected_tangent_index == TANGENT_LEFT ? -1 * curve->get_point_left_tangent(selected_index) : curve->get_point_right_tangent(selected_index))); draw_string(font, Vector2(25 * EDSCALE, font_height - Math::round(2 * EDSCALE)), String::num(theta, 1) + String::utf8(" °"), HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, width, font_size, text_color); } // Draw temporary constraints and snapping axes. draw_set_transform_matrix(_world_to_view); if (Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(Key::ALT) && grabbing != GRAB_NONE && selected_tangent_index == TANGENT_NONE) { float prev_point_offset = (selected_index > 0) ? curve->get_point_position(selected_index - 1).x : 0.0; float next_point_offset = (selected_index < curve->get_point_count() - 1) ? curve->get_point_position(selected_index + 1).x : 1.0; draw_line(Vector2(prev_point_offset, curve->get_min_value()), Vector2(prev_point_offset, curve->get_max_value()), Color(point_color, 0.6)); draw_line(Vector2(next_point_offset, curve->get_min_value()), Vector2(next_point_offset, curve->get_max_value()), Color(point_color, 0.6)); } if (shift_pressed && grabbing != GRAB_NONE && selected_tangent_index == TANGENT_NONE) { draw_line(Vector2(initial_grab_pos.x, curve->get_min_value()), Vector2(initial_grab_pos.x, curve->get_max_value()), get_theme_color(SNAME("axis_x_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)).darkened(0.4)); draw_line(Vector2(0, initial_grab_pos.y), Vector2(1, initial_grab_pos.y), get_theme_color(SNAME("axis_y_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)).darkened(0.4)); } } /////////////////////// const int CurveEditor::DEFAULT_SNAP = 10; void CurveEditor::_set_snap_enabled(bool p_enabled) { curve_editor_rect->set_snap_enabled(p_enabled); snap_count_edit->set_visible(p_enabled); } void CurveEditor::_set_snap_count(int p_snap_count) { curve_editor_rect->set_snap_count(CLAMP(p_snap_count, 2, 100)); } void CurveEditor::_on_preset_item_selected(int p_preset_id) { curve_editor_rect->use_preset(p_preset_id); } void CurveEditor::set_curve(const Ref<Curve> &p_curve) { curve_editor_rect->set_curve(p_curve); } void CurveEditor::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { spacing = Math::round(BASE_SPACING * get_theme_default_base_scale()); snap_button->set_icon(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("SnapGrid"))); PopupMenu *p = presets_button->get_popup(); p->clear(); p->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("CurveConstant")), TTR("Constant"), CurveEdit::PRESET_CONSTANT); p->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("CurveLinear")), TTR("Linear"), CurveEdit::PRESET_LINEAR); p->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("CurveIn")), TTR("Ease In"), CurveEdit::PRESET_EASE_IN); p->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("CurveOut")), TTR("Ease Out"), CurveEdit::PRESET_EASE_OUT); p->add_icon_item(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("CurveInOut")), TTR("Smoothstep"), CurveEdit::PRESET_SMOOTHSTEP); } break; case NOTIFICATION_READY: { Ref<Curve> curve = curve_editor_rect->get_curve(); if (curve.is_valid()) { // Set snapping settings based on the curve's meta. snap_button->set_pressed(curve->get_meta("_snap_enabled", false)); snap_count_edit->set_value(curve->get_meta("_snap_count", DEFAULT_SNAP)); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_RESIZED: curve_editor_rect->update_minimum_size(); break; } } CurveEditor::CurveEditor() { HFlowContainer *toolbar = memnew(HFlowContainer); add_child(toolbar); snap_button = memnew(Button); snap_button->set_tooltip_text(TTR("Toggle Grid Snap")); snap_button->set_toggle_mode(true); toolbar->add_child(snap_button); snap_button->connect("toggled", callable_mp(this, &CurveEditor::_set_snap_enabled)); toolbar->add_child(memnew(VSeparator)); snap_count_edit = memnew(EditorSpinSlider); snap_count_edit->set_min(2); snap_count_edit->set_max(100); snap_count_edit->set_value(DEFAULT_SNAP); snap_count_edit->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(65 * EDSCALE, 0)); toolbar->add_child(snap_count_edit); snap_count_edit->connect("value_changed", callable_mp(this, &CurveEditor::_set_snap_count)); presets_button = memnew(MenuButton); presets_button->set_text(TTR("Presets")); presets_button->set_switch_on_hover(true); presets_button->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND | SIZE_SHRINK_END); toolbar->add_child(presets_button); presets_button->get_popup()->connect("id_pressed", callable_mp(this, &CurveEditor::_on_preset_item_selected)); curve_editor_rect = memnew(CurveEdit); add_child(curve_editor_rect); // Some empty space below. Not a part of the curve editor so it can't draw in it. Control *empty_space = memnew(Control); empty_space->set_custom_minimum_size(Vector2(0, spacing)); add_child(empty_space); set_mouse_filter(MOUSE_FILTER_STOP); _set_snap_enabled(snap_button->is_pressed()); _set_snap_count(snap_count_edit->get_value()); } /////////////////////// bool EditorInspectorPluginCurve::can_handle(Object *p_object) { return Object::cast_to<Curve>(p_object) != nullptr; } void EditorInspectorPluginCurve::parse_begin(Object *p_object) { Curve *curve = Object::cast_to<Curve>(p_object); ERR_FAIL_NULL(curve); Ref<Curve> c(curve); CurveEditor *editor = memnew(CurveEditor); editor->set_curve(c); add_custom_control(editor); } CurveEditorPlugin::CurveEditorPlugin() { Ref<EditorInspectorPluginCurve> plugin; plugin.instantiate(); add_inspector_plugin(plugin); EditorInterface::get_singleton()->get_resource_previewer()->add_preview_generator(memnew(CurvePreviewGenerator)); } /////////////////////// bool CurvePreviewGenerator::handles(const String &p_type) const { return p_type == "Curve"; } Ref<Texture2D> CurvePreviewGenerator::generate(const Ref<Resource> &p_from, const Size2 &p_size, Dictionary &p_metadata) const { Ref<Curve> curve = p_from; if (curve.is_null()) { return Ref<Texture2D>(); } Size2 thumbnail_size = p_size * EDSCALE; Ref<Image> img_ref; img_ref.instantiate(); Image &im = **img_ref; im.initialize_data(thumbnail_size.x, thumbnail_size.y, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); Color bg_color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0); Color line_color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0); im.fill(bg_color); // Set the first pixel of the thumbnail. float v = (curve->sample_baked(0) - curve->get_min_value()) / curve->get_range(); int y = CLAMP(im.get_height() - v * im.get_height(), 0, im.get_height() - 1); im.set_pixel(0, y, line_color); // Plot a line towards the next point. int prev_y = y; for (int x = 1; x < im.get_width(); ++x) { float t = static_cast<float>(x) / im.get_width(); v = (curve->sample_baked(t) - curve->get_min_value()) / curve->get_range(); y = CLAMP(im.get_height() - v * im.get_height(), 0, im.get_height() - 1); Vector<Point2i> points = Geometry2D::bresenham_line(Point2i(x - 1, prev_y), Point2i(x, y)); for (Point2i point : points) { im.set_pixelv(point, line_color); } prev_y = y; } return ImageTexture::create_from_image(img_ref); }