/**************************************************************************/ /* property_selector.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "property_selector.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "editor/doc_tools.h" #include "editor/editor_help.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_scale.h" #include "scene/gui/line_edit.h" #include "scene/gui/rich_text_label.h" #include "scene/gui/tree.h" void PropertySelector::_text_changed(const String &p_newtext) { _update_search(); } void PropertySelector::_sbox_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ie) { Ref<InputEventKey> k = p_ie; if (k.is_valid()) { switch (k->get_keycode()) { case Key::UP: case Key::DOWN: case Key::PAGEUP: case Key::PAGEDOWN: { search_options->gui_input(k); search_box->accept_event(); TreeItem *root = search_options->get_root(); if (!root->get_first_child()) { break; } TreeItem *current = search_options->get_selected(); TreeItem *item = search_options->get_next_selected(root); while (item) { item->deselect(0); item = search_options->get_next_selected(item); } current->select(0); } break; default: break; } } } void PropertySelector::_update_search() { if (properties) { set_title(TTR("Select Property")); } else if (virtuals_only) { set_title(TTR("Select Virtual Method")); } else { set_title(TTR("Select Method")); } search_options->clear(); help_bit->set_custom_text(String(), String(), String()); TreeItem *root = search_options->create_item(); // Allow using spaces in place of underscores in the search string (makes the search more fault-tolerant). const String search_text = search_box->get_text().replace(" ", "_"); if (properties) { List<PropertyInfo> props; if (instance) { instance->get_property_list(&props, true); } else if (type != Variant::NIL) { Variant v; Callable::CallError ce; Variant::construct(type, v, nullptr, 0, ce); v.get_property_list(&props); } else { Object *obj = ObjectDB::get_instance(script); if (Object::cast_to<Script>(obj)) { props.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "Script Variables", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY)); Object::cast_to<Script>(obj)->get_script_property_list(&props); } StringName base = base_type; while (base) { props.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, base, PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY)); ClassDB::get_property_list(base, &props, true); base = ClassDB::get_parent_class(base); } } TreeItem *category = nullptr; bool found = false; for (const PropertyInfo &E : props) { if (E.usage == PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY) { if (category && category->get_first_child() == nullptr) { memdelete(category); //old category was unused } category = search_options->create_item(root); category->set_text(0, E.name); category->set_selectable(0, false); Ref<Texture2D> icon; if (E.name == "Script Variables") { icon = search_options->get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Script")); } else { icon = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_class_icon(E.name); } category->set_icon(0, icon); continue; } if (!(E.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR) && !(E.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE)) { continue; } if (!search_box->get_text().is_empty() && !E.name.containsn(search_text)) { continue; } if (!type_filter.is_empty() && !type_filter.has(E.type)) { continue; } TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(category ? category : root); item->set_text(0, E.name); item->set_metadata(0, E.name); item->set_icon(0, search_options->get_editor_theme_icon(Variant::get_type_name(E.type))); if (!found && !search_box->get_text().is_empty() && E.name.containsn(search_text)) { item->select(0); found = true; } else if (!found && search_box->get_text().is_empty() && E.name == selected) { item->select(0); found = true; } item->set_selectable(0, true); _create_subproperties(item, E.type); item->set_collapsed(true); } if (category && category->get_first_child() == nullptr) { memdelete(category); //old category was unused } if (found) { // As we call this while adding items, defer until list is completely populated. callable_mp(search_options, &Tree::scroll_to_item).call_deferred(search_options->get_selected(), true); } } else { List<MethodInfo> methods; if (type != Variant::NIL) { Variant v; Callable::CallError ce; Variant::construct(type, v, nullptr, 0, ce); v.get_method_list(&methods); } else { Ref<Script> script_ref = Object::cast_to<Script>(ObjectDB::get_instance(script)); if (script_ref.is_valid()) { if (script_ref->is_built_in()) { script_ref->reload(true); } List<MethodInfo> script_methods; script_ref->get_script_method_list(&script_methods); methods.push_back(MethodInfo("*Script Methods")); // TODO: Split by inheritance. for (const MethodInfo &mi : script_methods) { if (mi.name.begins_with("@")) { // GH-92782. GDScript inline setters/getters are historically present in `get_method_list()` // and can be called using `Object.call()`. However, these functions are meant to be internal // and their names are not valid identifiers, so let's hide them from the user. continue; } methods.push_back(mi); } } StringName base = base_type; while (base) { methods.push_back(MethodInfo("*" + String(base))); ClassDB::get_method_list(base, &methods, true, true); base = ClassDB::get_parent_class(base); } } TreeItem *category = nullptr; bool found = false; bool script_methods = false; for (MethodInfo &mi : methods) { if (mi.name.begins_with("*")) { if (category && category->get_first_child() == nullptr) { memdelete(category); //old category was unused } category = search_options->create_item(root); category->set_text(0, mi.name.replace_first("*", "")); category->set_selectable(0, false); Ref<Texture2D> icon; script_methods = false; String rep = mi.name.replace("*", ""); if (mi.name == "*Script Methods") { icon = search_options->get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Script")); script_methods = true; } else { icon = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_class_icon(rep); } category->set_icon(0, icon); continue; } String name = mi.name.get_slice(":", 0); if (!script_methods && name.begins_with("_") && !(mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL)) { continue; } if (virtuals_only && !(mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL)) { continue; } if (!virtuals_only && (mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL)) { continue; } if (!search_box->get_text().is_empty() && !name.containsn(search_text)) { continue; } TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(category ? category : root); String desc; if (mi.name.contains(":")) { desc = mi.name.get_slice(":", 1) + " "; mi.name = mi.name.get_slice(":", 0); } else if (mi.return_val.type != Variant::NIL) { desc = Variant::get_type_name(mi.return_val.type); } else { desc = "void"; } desc += vformat(" %s(", mi.name); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Iterator arg_itr = mi.arguments.begin(); arg_itr != mi.arguments.end(); ++arg_itr) { if (arg_itr != mi.arguments.begin()) { desc += ", "; } desc += arg_itr->name; if (arg_itr->type == Variant::NIL) { desc += ": Variant"; } else if (arg_itr->name.contains(":")) { desc += vformat(": %s", arg_itr->name.get_slice(":", 1)); arg_itr->name = arg_itr->name.get_slice(":", 0); } else { desc += vformat(": %s", Variant::get_type_name(arg_itr->type)); } } desc += ")"; if (mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_CONST) { desc += " const"; } if (mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL) { desc += " virtual"; } item->set_text(0, desc); item->set_metadata(0, name); item->set_selectable(0, true); if (!found && !search_box->get_text().is_empty() && name.containsn(search_text)) { item->select(0); found = true; } else if (!found && search_box->get_text().is_empty() && name == selected) { item->select(0); found = true; } } if (category && category->get_first_child() == nullptr) { memdelete(category); //old category was unused } if (found) { // As we call this while adding items, defer until list is completely populated. callable_mp(search_options, &Tree::scroll_to_item).call_deferred(search_options->get_selected(), true); } } get_ok_button()->set_disabled(root->get_first_child() == nullptr); } void PropertySelector::_confirmed() { TreeItem *ti = search_options->get_selected(); if (!ti) { return; } emit_signal(SNAME("selected"), ti->get_metadata(0)); hide(); } void PropertySelector::_item_selected() { help_bit->set_custom_text(String(), String(), String()); TreeItem *item = search_options->get_selected(); if (!item) { return; } String name = item->get_metadata(0); String class_type; if (type != Variant::NIL) { class_type = Variant::get_type_name(type); } else if (!base_type.is_empty()) { class_type = base_type; } else if (instance) { class_type = instance->get_class(); } String text; while (!class_type.is_empty()) { if (properties) { if (ClassDB::has_property(class_type, name, true)) { help_bit->parse_symbol("property|" + class_type + "|" + name); break; } } else { if (ClassDB::has_method(class_type, name, true)) { help_bit->parse_symbol("method|" + class_type + "|" + name); break; } } // It may be from a parent class, keep looking. class_type = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_type); } } void PropertySelector::_hide_requested() { _cancel_pressed(); // From AcceptDialog. } void PropertySelector::_create_subproperties(TreeItem *p_parent_item, Variant::Type p_type) { switch (p_type) { case Variant::VECTOR2: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::FLOAT); } break; case Variant::VECTOR2I: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::INT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::INT); } break; case Variant::RECT2: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "position", Variant::VECTOR2); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "size", Variant::VECTOR2); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "end", Variant::VECTOR2); } break; case Variant::RECT2I: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "position", Variant::VECTOR2I); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "size", Variant::VECTOR2I); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "end", Variant::VECTOR2I); } break; case Variant::VECTOR3: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "z", Variant::FLOAT); } break; case Variant::VECTOR3I: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::INT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::INT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "z", Variant::INT); } break; case Variant::TRANSFORM2D: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "origin", Variant::VECTOR2); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::VECTOR2); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::VECTOR2); } break; case Variant::VECTOR4: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "z", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "w", Variant::FLOAT); } break; case Variant::VECTOR4I: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::INT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::INT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "z", Variant::INT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "w", Variant::INT); } break; case Variant::PLANE: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "z", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "normal", Variant::VECTOR3); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "d", Variant::FLOAT); } break; case Variant::QUATERNION: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "z", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "w", Variant::FLOAT); } break; case Variant::AABB: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "position", Variant::VECTOR3); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "size", Variant::VECTOR3); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "end", Variant::VECTOR3); } break; case Variant::BASIS: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::VECTOR3); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::VECTOR3); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "z", Variant::VECTOR3); } break; case Variant::TRANSFORM3D: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "basis", Variant::BASIS); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "origin", Variant::VECTOR3); } break; case Variant::PROJECTION: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "x", Variant::VECTOR4); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "y", Variant::VECTOR4); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "z", Variant::VECTOR4); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "w", Variant::VECTOR4); } break; case Variant::COLOR: { _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "r", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "g", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "b", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "a", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "r8", Variant::INT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "g8", Variant::INT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "b8", Variant::INT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "a8", Variant::INT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "h", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "s", Variant::FLOAT); _create_subproperty(p_parent_item, "v", Variant::FLOAT); } break; default: { } } } void PropertySelector::_create_subproperty(TreeItem *p_parent_item, const String &p_name, Variant::Type p_type) { if (!type_filter.is_empty() && !type_filter.has(p_type)) { return; } TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(p_parent_item); item->set_text(0, p_name); item->set_metadata(0, String(p_parent_item->get_metadata(0)) + ":" + p_name); item->set_icon(0, search_options->get_editor_theme_icon(Variant::get_type_name(p_type))); _create_subproperties(item, p_type); } void PropertySelector::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { connect(SceneStringName(confirmed), callable_mp(this, &PropertySelector::_confirmed)); } break; case NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE: { disconnect(SceneStringName(confirmed), callable_mp(this, &PropertySelector::_confirmed)); } break; } } void PropertySelector::select_method_from_base_type(const String &p_base, const String &p_current, bool p_virtuals_only) { base_type = p_base; selected = p_current; type = Variant::NIL; script = ObjectID(); properties = false; instance = nullptr; virtuals_only = p_virtuals_only; popup_centered_ratio(0.6); search_box->set_text(""); search_box->grab_focus(); _update_search(); } void PropertySelector::select_method_from_script(const Ref<Script> &p_script, const String &p_current) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_script.is_null()); base_type = p_script->get_instance_base_type(); selected = p_current; type = Variant::NIL; script = p_script->get_instance_id(); properties = false; instance = nullptr; virtuals_only = false; popup_centered_ratio(0.6); search_box->set_text(""); search_box->grab_focus(); _update_search(); } void PropertySelector::select_method_from_basic_type(Variant::Type p_type, const String &p_current) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_type == Variant::NIL); base_type = ""; selected = p_current; type = p_type; script = ObjectID(); properties = false; instance = nullptr; virtuals_only = false; popup_centered_ratio(0.6); search_box->set_text(""); search_box->grab_focus(); _update_search(); } void PropertySelector::select_method_from_instance(Object *p_instance, const String &p_current) { base_type = p_instance->get_class(); selected = p_current; type = Variant::NIL; script = ObjectID(); { Ref<Script> scr = p_instance->get_script(); if (scr.is_valid()) { script = scr->get_instance_id(); } } properties = false; instance = nullptr; virtuals_only = false; popup_centered_ratio(0.6); search_box->set_text(""); search_box->grab_focus(); _update_search(); } void PropertySelector::select_property_from_base_type(const String &p_base, const String &p_current) { base_type = p_base; selected = p_current; type = Variant::NIL; script = ObjectID(); properties = true; instance = nullptr; virtuals_only = false; popup_centered_ratio(0.6); search_box->set_text(""); search_box->grab_focus(); _update_search(); } void PropertySelector::select_property_from_script(const Ref<Script> &p_script, const String &p_current) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_script.is_null()); base_type = p_script->get_instance_base_type(); selected = p_current; type = Variant::NIL; script = p_script->get_instance_id(); properties = true; instance = nullptr; virtuals_only = false; popup_centered_ratio(0.6); search_box->set_text(""); search_box->grab_focus(); _update_search(); } void PropertySelector::select_property_from_basic_type(Variant::Type p_type, const String &p_current) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_type == Variant::NIL); base_type = ""; selected = p_current; type = p_type; script = ObjectID(); properties = true; instance = nullptr; virtuals_only = false; popup_centered_ratio(0.6); search_box->set_text(""); search_box->grab_focus(); _update_search(); } void PropertySelector::select_property_from_instance(Object *p_instance, const String &p_current) { base_type = ""; selected = p_current; type = Variant::NIL; script = ObjectID(); properties = true; instance = p_instance; virtuals_only = false; popup_centered_ratio(0.6); search_box->set_text(""); search_box->grab_focus(); _update_search(); } void PropertySelector::set_type_filter(const Vector<Variant::Type> &p_type_filter) { type_filter = p_type_filter; } void PropertySelector::_bind_methods() { ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("selected", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "name"))); } PropertySelector::PropertySelector() { VBoxContainer *vbc = memnew(VBoxContainer); add_child(vbc); //set_child_rect(vbc); search_box = memnew(LineEdit); vbc->add_margin_child(TTR("Search:"), search_box); search_box->connect(SceneStringName(text_changed), callable_mp(this, &PropertySelector::_text_changed)); search_box->connect(SceneStringName(gui_input), callable_mp(this, &PropertySelector::_sbox_input)); search_options = memnew(Tree); search_options->set_auto_translate_mode(AUTO_TRANSLATE_MODE_DISABLED); vbc->add_margin_child(TTR("Matches:"), search_options, true); set_ok_button_text(TTR("Open")); get_ok_button()->set_disabled(true); register_text_enter(search_box); set_hide_on_ok(false); search_options->connect("item_activated", callable_mp(this, &PropertySelector::_confirmed)); search_options->connect("cell_selected", callable_mp(this, &PropertySelector::_item_selected)); search_options->set_hide_root(true); help_bit = memnew(EditorHelpBit); help_bit->set_content_height_limits(80 * EDSCALE, 80 * EDSCALE); help_bit->connect("request_hide", callable_mp(this, &PropertySelector::_hide_requested)); vbc->add_margin_child(TTR("Description:"), help_bit); }