using System.Linq; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics; namespace Godot.SourceGenerators { public static class Common { public static void ReportNonPartialGodotScriptClass( GeneratorExecutionContext context, ClassDeclarationSyntax cds, INamedTypeSymbol symbol ) { string message = "Missing partial modifier on declaration of type '" + $"{symbol.FullQualifiedName()}' which is a subclass of '{GodotClasses.Object}'"; string description = $"{message}. Subclasses of '{GodotClasses.Object}' " + "must be declared with the partial modifier."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0001", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), cds.GetLocation(), cds.SyntaxTree.FilePath)); } public static void ReportNonPartialGodotScriptOuterClass( GeneratorExecutionContext context, TypeDeclarationSyntax outerTypeDeclSyntax ) { var outerSymbol = context.Compilation .GetSemanticModel(outerTypeDeclSyntax.SyntaxTree) .GetDeclaredSymbol(outerTypeDeclSyntax); string fullQualifiedName = outerSymbol is INamedTypeSymbol namedTypeSymbol ? namedTypeSymbol.FullQualifiedName() : "type not found"; string message = $"Missing partial modifier on declaration of type '{fullQualifiedName}', " + $"which contains one or more subclasses of '{GodotClasses.Object}'"; string description = $"{message}. Subclasses of '{GodotClasses.Object}' and their " + "containing types must be declared with the partial modifier."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0002", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), outerTypeDeclSyntax.GetLocation(), outerTypeDeclSyntax.SyntaxTree.FilePath)); } public static void ReportExportedMemberIsStatic( GeneratorExecutionContext context, ISymbol exportedMemberSymbol ) { var locations = exportedMemberSymbol.Locations; var location = locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.SourceTree != null) ?? locations.FirstOrDefault(); bool isField = exportedMemberSymbol is IFieldSymbol; string message = $"Attempted to export static {(isField ? "field" : "property")}: " + $"'{exportedMemberSymbol.ToDisplayString()}'"; string description = $"{message}. Only instance fields and properties can be exported." + " Remove the 'static' modifier or the '[Export]' attribute."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0101", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), location, location?.SourceTree?.FilePath)); } public static void ReportExportedMemberTypeNotSupported( GeneratorExecutionContext context, ISymbol exportedMemberSymbol ) { var locations = exportedMemberSymbol.Locations; var location = locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.SourceTree != null) ?? locations.FirstOrDefault(); bool isField = exportedMemberSymbol is IFieldSymbol; string message = $"The type of the exported {(isField ? "field" : "property")} " + $"is not supported: '{exportedMemberSymbol.ToDisplayString()}'"; string description = $"{message}. Use a supported type or remove the '[Export]' attribute."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0102", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), location, location?.SourceTree?.FilePath)); } public static void ReportExportedMemberIsReadOnly( GeneratorExecutionContext context, ISymbol exportedMemberSymbol ) { var locations = exportedMemberSymbol.Locations; var location = locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.SourceTree != null) ?? locations.FirstOrDefault(); bool isField = exportedMemberSymbol is IFieldSymbol; string message = $"The exported {(isField ? "field" : "property")} " + $"is read-only: '{exportedMemberSymbol.ToDisplayString()}'"; string description = isField ? $"{message}. Exported fields cannot be read-only." : $"{message}. Exported properties must be writable."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0103", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), location, location?.SourceTree?.FilePath)); } public static void ReportExportedMemberIsWriteOnly( GeneratorExecutionContext context, ISymbol exportedMemberSymbol ) { var locations = exportedMemberSymbol.Locations; var location = locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.SourceTree != null) ?? locations.FirstOrDefault(); string message = $"The exported property is write-only: '{exportedMemberSymbol.ToDisplayString()}'"; string description = $"{message}. Exported properties must be readable."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0104", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), location, location?.SourceTree?.FilePath)); } public static void ReportSignalDelegateMissingSuffix( GeneratorExecutionContext context, INamedTypeSymbol delegateSymbol) { var locations = delegateSymbol.Locations; var location = locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.SourceTree != null) ?? locations.FirstOrDefault(); string message = "The name of the delegate must end with 'EventHandler': " + delegateSymbol.ToDisplayString() + $". Did you mean '{delegateSymbol.Name}EventHandler'?"; string description = $"{message}. Rename the delegate accordingly or remove the '[Signal]' attribute."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0201", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), location, location?.SourceTree?.FilePath)); } public static void ReportSignalParameterTypeNotSupported( GeneratorExecutionContext context, IParameterSymbol parameterSymbol) { var locations = parameterSymbol.Locations; var location = locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.SourceTree != null) ?? locations.FirstOrDefault(); string message = "The parameter of the delegate signature of the signal " + $"is not supported: '{parameterSymbol.ToDisplayString()}'"; string description = $"{message}. Use supported types only or remove the '[Signal]' attribute."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0202", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), location, location?.SourceTree?.FilePath)); } public static void ReportSignalDelegateSignatureMustReturnVoid( GeneratorExecutionContext context, INamedTypeSymbol delegateSymbol) { var locations = delegateSymbol.Locations; var location = locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.SourceTree != null) ?? locations.FirstOrDefault(); string message = "The delegate signature of the signal " + $"must return void: '{delegateSymbol.ToDisplayString()}'"; string description = $"{message}. Return void or remove the '[Signal]' attribute."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0203", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), location, location?.SourceTree?.FilePath)); } public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor GenericTypeArgumentMustBeVariantRule = new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0301", title: "The generic type argument must be a Variant compatible type", messageFormat: "The generic type argument must be a Variant compatible type: {0}", category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, "The generic type argument must be a Variant compatible type. Use a Variant compatible type as the generic type argument."); public static void ReportGenericTypeArgumentMustBeVariant( SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, SyntaxNode typeArgumentSyntax, ISymbol typeArgumentSymbol) { string message = "The generic type argument " + $"must be a Variant compatible type: '{typeArgumentSymbol.ToDisplayString()}'"; string description = $"{message}. Use a Variant compatible type as the generic type argument."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0301", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), typeArgumentSyntax.GetLocation(), typeArgumentSyntax.SyntaxTree.FilePath)); } public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor GenericTypeParameterMustBeVariantAnnotatedRule = new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0302", title: "The generic type parameter must be annotated with the MustBeVariant attribute", messageFormat: "The generic type argument must be a Variant type: {0}", category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, "The generic type argument must be a Variant type. Use a Variant type as the generic type argument."); public static void ReportGenericTypeParameterMustBeVariantAnnotated( SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, SyntaxNode typeArgumentSyntax, ISymbol typeArgumentSymbol) { string message = "The generic type parameter must be annotated with the MustBeVariant attribute"; string description = $"{message}. Add the MustBeVariant attribute to the generic type parameter."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0302", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), typeArgumentSyntax.GetLocation(), typeArgumentSyntax.SyntaxTree.FilePath)); } public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor TypeArgumentParentSymbolUnhandledRule = new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0303", title: "The generic type parameter must be annotated with the MustBeVariant attribute", messageFormat: "The generic type argument must be a Variant type: {0}", category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, "The generic type argument must be a Variant type. Use a Variant type as the generic type argument."); public static void ReportTypeArgumentParentSymbolUnhandled( SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, SyntaxNode typeArgumentSyntax, ISymbol parentSymbol) { string message = $"Symbol '{parentSymbol.ToDisplayString()}' parent of a type argument " + "that must be Variant compatible was not handled."; string description = $"{message}. Handle type arguments that are children of the unhandled symbol type."; context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create( new DiagnosticDescriptor(id: "GD0303", title: message, messageFormat: message, category: "Usage", DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description), typeArgumentSyntax.GetLocation(), typeArgumentSyntax.SyntaxTree.FilePath)); } } }