[vertex] #ifdef USE_GLES_OVER_GL #define mediump #define highp #define roundfix( m_val ) floor( (m_val) + 0.5 ) #else precision mediump float; precision mediump int; #endif /* from VisualServer: ARRAY_VERTEX=0, ARRAY_NORMAL=1, ARRAY_TANGENT=2, ARRAY_COLOR=3, ARRAY_TEX_UV=4, ARRAY_TEX_UV2=5, ARRAY_BONES=6, ARRAY_WEIGHTS=7, ARRAY_INDEX=8, */ //hack to use uv if no uv present so it works with lightmap #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_LIGHTMAP #ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP_ON_UV2 #ifndef ENABLE_UV2_INTERP #define ENABLE_UV2_INTERP #endif #else #ifndef ENABLE_UV_INTERP #define ENABLE_UV_INTERP #endif #endif #endif /* INPUT ATTRIBS */ attribute highp vec4 vertex_attrib; // attrib:0 attribute vec3 normal_attrib; // attrib:1 attribute vec4 tangent_attrib; // attrib:2 attribute vec4 color_attrib; // attrib:3 attribute vec2 uv_attrib; // attrib:4 attribute vec2 uv2_attrib; // attrib:5 uniform float normal_mult; #ifdef USE_SKELETON attribute vec4 bone_indices; // attrib:6 attribute vec4 bone_weights; // attrib:7 uniform highp sampler2D skeleton_matrices; uniform highp float skeltex_pixel_size; #endif #ifdef USE_ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCING attribute highp vec4 instance_row0; // attrib:8 attribute highp vec4 instance_row1; // attrib:9 attribute highp vec4 instance_row2; // attrib:10 attribute highp vec4 instance_row3; // attrib:11 #endif #ifdef USE_TEXTURE_INSTANCING attribute highp vec3 instance_uv; // attrib:6 uniform highp sampler2D instance_matrices; #endif uniform highp mat4 world_transform; uniform highp mat4 camera_inverse_transform; uniform highp mat4 projection_transform; #ifdef USE_UNIFORM_INSTANCING //shittiest form of instancing (but most compatible) uniform highp mat4 instance_transform; #endif /* Varyings */ varying vec3 vertex_interp; varying vec3 normal_interp; #if defined(ENABLE_COLOR_INTERP) varying vec4 color_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV_INTERP) varying vec2 uv_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV2_INTERP) varying vec2 uv2_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_VAR1_INTERP) varying vec4 var1_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_VAR2_INTERP) varying vec4 var2_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) varying vec3 tangent_interp; varying vec3 binormal_interp; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_OCTREE uniform highp mat4 ambient_octree_inverse_transform; varying highp vec3 ambient_octree_coords; #endif #ifdef USE_FOG varying vec4 fog_interp; uniform highp vec3 fog_params; uniform vec3 fog_color_begin; uniform vec3 fog_color_end; #endif #ifdef USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING uniform vec3 light_pos; uniform vec3 light_direction; uniform vec3 light_attenuation; uniform vec3 light_spot_attenuation; uniform vec3 light_diffuse; uniform vec3 light_specular; #endif varying vec4 diffuse_interp; varying vec3 specular_interp; //intended for static branching //pretty much all meaningful platforms support //static branching uniform float time; uniform float instance_id; uniform vec3 ambient_light; #if !defined(USE_DEPTH_SHADOWS) && defined(USE_SHADOW_PASS) varying vec4 position_interp; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_USE_SHADOW uniform highp mat4 shadow_matrix; varying highp vec4 shadow_coord; #ifdef LIGHT_USE_PSSM uniform highp mat4 shadow_matrix2; varying highp vec4 shadow_coord2; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_USE_PSSM4 uniform highp mat4 shadow_matrix3; varying highp vec4 shadow_coord3; uniform highp mat4 shadow_matrix4; varying highp vec4 shadow_coord4; #endif #endif #ifdef USE_SHADOW_PASS uniform highp float shadow_z_offset; uniform highp float shadow_z_slope_scale; #endif #ifdef USE_DUAL_PARABOLOID uniform highp vec2 dual_paraboloid; varying float dp_clip; #endif VERTEX_SHADER_GLOBALS void main() { #ifdef USE_UNIFORM_INSTANCING highp mat4 modelview = (camera_inverse_transform * (world_transform * instance_transform)); #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_OCTREE highp mat4 ambient_octree_transform = (ambient_octree_inverse_transform * (world_transform * instance_transform)); #endif #else #ifdef USE_ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCING highp mat4 minst=mat4(instance_row0,instance_row1,instance_row2,instance_row3); highp mat4 modelview = (camera_inverse_transform * (world_transform * minst)); #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_OCTREE highp mat4 ambient_octree_transform = (ambient_octree_inverse_transform * (world_transform * minst)); #endif #else #ifdef USE_TEXTURE_INSTANCING highp vec2 ins_ofs=vec2(instance_uv.z,0.0); highp mat4 minst=mat4( texture2D(instance_matrices,instance_uv.xy), texture2D(instance_matrices,instance_uv.xy+ins_ofs), texture2D(instance_matrices,instance_uv.xy+ins_ofs*2.0), texture2D(instance_matrices,instance_uv.xy+ins_ofs*3.0) ); /*highp mat4 minst=mat4( vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0), vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0), vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) );*/ highp mat4 modelview = (camera_inverse_transform * (world_transform * minst)); #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_OCTREE highp mat4 ambient_octree_transform = (ambient_octree_inverse_transform * (world_transform * minst)); #endif #else highp mat4 modelview = (camera_inverse_transform * world_transform); #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_OCTREE highp mat4 ambient_octree_transform = (ambient_octree_inverse_transform * world_transform); #endif #endif #endif #endif highp vec4 vertex_in = vertex_attrib; // vec4(vertex_attrib.xyz * data_attrib.x,1.0); vec3 normal_in = normal_attrib; normal_in*=normal_mult; #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) vec3 tangent_in = tangent_attrib.xyz; tangent_in*=normal_mult; float binormalf = tangent_attrib.a; #endif #ifdef USE_SKELETON { //skeleton transform highp mat4 m=mat4(texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.x*3.0+0.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.x*3.0+1.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.x*3.0+2.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))*bone_weights.x; m+=mat4(texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.y*3.0+0.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.y*3.0+1.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.y*3.0+2.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))*bone_weights.y; m+=mat4(texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.z*3.0+0.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.z*3.0+1.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.z*3.0+2.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))*bone_weights.z; m+=mat4(texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.w*3.0+0.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.w*3.0+1.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),texture2D(skeleton_matrices,vec2((bone_indices.w*3.0+2.0)*skeltex_pixel_size,0.0)),vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))*bone_weights.w; vertex_in = vertex_in * m; normal_in = (vec4(normal_in,0.0) * m).xyz; #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) tangent_in = (vec4(tangent_in,0.0) * m).xyz; #endif } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_OCTREE ambient_octree_coords = (ambient_octree_transform * vertex_in).xyz; #endif vertex_interp = (modelview * vertex_in).xyz; normal_interp = normalize((modelview * vec4(normal_in,0.0)).xyz); #if defined(ENABLE_COLOR_INTERP) #ifdef USE_COLOR_ATTRIB_SRGB_TO_LINEAR color_interp = vec4( color_attrib.r<0.04045 ? color_attrib.r * (1.0 / 12.92) : pow((color_attrib.r + 0.055) * (1.0 / (1 + 0.055)), 2.4), color_attrib.g<0.04045 ? color_attrib.g * (1.0 / 12.92) : pow((color_attrib.g + 0.055) * (1.0 / (1 + 0.055)), 2.4), color_attrib.b<0.04045 ? color_attrib.b * (1.0 / 12.92) : pow((color_attrib.b + 0.055) * (1.0 / (1 + 0.055)), 2.4), color_attrib.a ); #else color_interp = color_attrib; #endif #endif #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) tangent_interp=normalize((modelview * vec4(tangent_in,0.0)).xyz); binormal_interp = normalize( cross(normal_interp,tangent_interp) * binormalf ); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV_INTERP) uv_interp = uv_attrib; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV2_INTERP) uv2_interp = uv2_attrib; #endif float vertex_specular_exp = 40.0; //material_specular.a; VERTEX_SHADER_CODE #ifdef USE_DUAL_PARABOLOID //for dual paraboloid shadow mapping highp vec3 vtx = vertex_interp; vtx.z*=dual_paraboloid.y; //side to affect vtx.z+=0.01; dp_clip=vtx.z; highp float len=length( vtx ); vtx=normalize(vtx); vtx.xy/=1.0+vtx.z; vtx.z = len*dual_paraboloid.x; // it's a reciprocal(len - z_near) / (z_far - z_near); vtx+=normalize(vtx)*0.025; vtx.z = vtx.z * 2.0 - 1.0; // fit to clipspace vertex_interp=vtx; //vertex_interp.w = z_clip; #endif #ifdef USE_SHADOW_PASS float z_ofs = shadow_z_offset; z_ofs += (1.0-abs(normal_interp.z))*shadow_z_slope_scale; vertex_interp.z-=z_ofs; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_USE_SHADOW shadow_coord = shadow_matrix * vec4(vertex_interp,1.0); shadow_coord.xyz/=shadow_coord.w; #ifdef LIGHT_USE_PSSM shadow_coord.y*=0.5; shadow_coord.y+=0.5; shadow_coord2 = shadow_matrix2 * vec4(vertex_interp,1.0); shadow_coord2.xyz/=shadow_coord2.w; shadow_coord2.y*=0.5; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_USE_PSSM4 shadow_coord.x*=0.5; shadow_coord2.x*=0.5; shadow_coord3 = shadow_matrix3 * vec4(vertex_interp,1.0); shadow_coord3.xyz/=shadow_coord3.w; shadow_coord3.xy*=vec2(0.5); shadow_coord3.xy+=vec2(0.5); shadow_coord4 = shadow_matrix4 * vec4(vertex_interp,1.0); shadow_coord4.xyz/=shadow_coord4.w; shadow_coord4.xy*=vec2(0.5); shadow_coord4.x+=0.5; #endif #endif #ifdef USE_FOG fog_interp.a = pow( clamp( (length(vertex_interp)-fog_params.x)/(fog_params.y-fog_params.x), 0.0, 1.0 ), fog_params.z ); fog_interp.rgb = mix( fog_color_begin, fog_color_end, fog_interp.a ); #endif #ifndef VERTEX_SHADER_WRITE_POSITION //vertex shader might write a position gl_Position = projection_transform * vec4(vertex_interp,1.0); #endif #if !defined(USE_DEPTH_SHADOWS) && defined(USE_SHADOW_PASS) position_interp=gl_Position; #endif #ifdef USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING vec3 eye_vec = -normalize(vertex_interp); #ifdef LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL vec3 light_dir = -light_direction; float attenuation = light_attenuation.r; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_TYPE_OMNI vec3 light_dir = light_pos-vertex_interp; float radius = light_attenuation.g; float dist = min(length(light_dir),radius); light_dir=normalize(light_dir); float attenuation = pow( max(1.0 - dist/radius, 0.0), light_attenuation.b ) * light_attenuation.r; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT vec3 light_dir = light_pos-vertex_interp; float radius = light_attenuation.g; float dist = min(length(light_dir),radius); light_dir=normalize(light_dir); float attenuation = pow( max(1.0 - dist/radius, 0.0), light_attenuation.b ) * light_attenuation.r; vec3 spot_dir = light_direction; float spot_cutoff=light_spot_attenuation.r; float scos = max(dot(-light_dir, spot_dir),spot_cutoff); float rim = (1.0 - scos) / (1.0 - spot_cutoff); attenuation *= 1.0 - pow( rim, light_spot_attenuation.g); #endif #if defined(LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL) || defined(LIGHT_TYPE_OMNI) || defined(LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT) //process_shade(normal_interp,light_dir,eye_vec,vertex_specular_exp,attenuation,diffuse_interp,specular_interp); { float NdotL = max(0.0,dot( normal_interp, light_dir )); vec3 half_vec = normalize(light_dir + eye_vec); float eye_light = max(dot(normal_interp, half_vec),0.0); diffuse_interp.rgb=light_diffuse * NdotL * attenuation; diffuse_interp.a=attenuation; if (NdotL > 0.0) { specular_interp=light_specular * pow( eye_light, vertex_specular_exp ) * attenuation; } else { specular_interp=vec3(0.0); } } #else #ifdef SHADELESS diffuse_interp=vec4(vec3(1.0),0.0); specular_interp=vec3(0.0); # else diffuse_interp=vec4(0.0); specular_interp=vec3(0.0); # endif #endif #endif } [fragment] #ifdef USE_GLES_OVER_GL #define mediump #define highp #define roundfix( m_val ) floor( (m_val) + 0.5 ) #else precision mediump float; precision mediump int; #endif //hack to use uv if no uv present so it works with lightmap #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_LIGHTMAP #ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP_ON_UV2 #ifndef ENABLE_UV2_INTERP #define ENABLE_UV2_INTERP #endif #else #ifndef ENABLE_UV_INTERP #define ENABLE_UV_INTERP #endif #endif #endif /* Varyings */ #if defined(ENABLE_COLOR_INTERP) varying vec4 color_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV_INTERP) varying vec2 uv_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV2_INTERP) varying vec2 uv2_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) varying vec3 tangent_interp; varying vec3 binormal_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_VAR1_INTERP) varying vec4 var1_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_VAR2_INTERP) varying vec4 var2_interp; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_USE_PSSM uniform vec3 light_pssm_split; #endif varying vec3 vertex_interp; varying vec3 normal_interp; #ifdef USE_FOG varying vec4 fog_interp; #endif /* Material Uniforms */ #ifdef USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING varying vec4 diffuse_interp; varying vec3 specular_interp; #endif #if !defined(USE_DEPTH_SHADOWS) && defined(USE_SHADOW_PASS) varying vec4 position_interp; #endif uniform vec3 light_pos; uniform vec3 light_direction; uniform vec3 light_attenuation; uniform vec3 light_spot_attenuation; uniform vec3 light_diffuse; uniform vec3 light_specular; uniform vec3 ambient_light; #ifdef USE_FRAGMENT_LIGHTING # ifdef USE_DEPTH_SHADOWS # else # endif #endif uniform float const_light_mult; uniform float time; #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_OCTREE varying highp vec3 ambient_octree_coords; uniform highp float ambient_octree_lattice_size; uniform highp vec2 ambient_octree_pix_size; uniform highp vec2 ambient_octree_light_pix_size; uniform highp float ambient_octree_lattice_divide; uniform highp sampler2D ambient_octree_tex; uniform highp sampler2D ambient_octree_light_tex; uniform float ambient_octree_multiplier; uniform int ambient_octree_steps; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_LIGHTMAP uniform highp sampler2D ambient_lightmap; uniform float ambient_lightmap_multiplier; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_DP_SAMPLER uniform highp sampler2D ambient_dp_sampler; uniform float ambient_dp_sampler_multiplier; #endif FRAGMENT_SHADER_GLOBALS #ifdef LIGHT_USE_SHADOW varying highp vec4 shadow_coord; #ifdef LIGHT_USE_PSSM varying highp vec4 shadow_coord2; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_USE_PSSM4 varying highp vec4 shadow_coord3; varying highp vec4 shadow_coord4; #endif uniform highp sampler2D shadow_texture; uniform highp vec2 shadow_texel_size; uniform float shadow_darkening; #ifdef USE_DEPTH_SHADOWS #define SHADOW_DEPTH(m_tex,m_uv) (texture2D((m_tex),(m_uv)).z) #else //#define SHADOW_DEPTH(m_tex,m_uv) dot(texture2D((m_tex),(m_uv)),highp vec4(1.0 / (256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0),1.0 / (256.0 * 256.0),1.0 / 256.0,1) ) #define SHADOW_DEPTH(m_tex,m_uv) dot(texture2D((m_tex),(m_uv)),vec4(1.0 / (256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0),1.0 / (256.0 * 256.0),1.0 / 256.0,1) ) #endif #ifdef USE_SHADOW_PCF #ifdef USE_SHADOW_PCF_HQ float SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX( highp vec2 coord, highp float refdepth) { float avg=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(shadow_texel_size.x,0.0)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(-shadow_texel_size.x,0.0)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(0.0,shadow_texel_size.y)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(0.0,-shadow_texel_size.y)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(shadow_texel_size.x,shadow_texel_size.y)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(-shadow_texel_size.x,shadow_texel_size.y)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(shadow_texel_size.x,-shadow_texel_size.y)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(-shadow_texel_size.x,-shadow_texel_size.y)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(shadow_texel_size.x*2.0,0.0)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(-shadow_texel_size.x*2.0,0.0)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(0.0,shadow_texel_size.y*2.0)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(0.0,-shadow_texel_size.y*2.0)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); return avg*(1.0/13.0); } #else float SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX( highp vec2 coord, highp float refdepth) { float avg=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(shadow_texel_size.x,0.0)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(-shadow_texel_size.x,0.0)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(0.0,shadow_texel_size.y)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); avg+=(SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,coord+vec2(0.0,-shadow_texel_size.y)) < refdepth ? 0.0 : 1.0); return avg*0.2; } #endif /* 16x averaging float SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX( highp vec2 coord, highp float refdepth) { vec2 offset = vec2( lessThan(vec2(0.25),fract(gl_FragCoord.xy * 0.5)) ); offset.y += offset.x; // y ^= x in floating point if (offset.y > 1.1) offset.y = 0.0; float avg = step( refdepth, SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, coord+ (offset + vec2(-1.5, 0.5))*shadow_texel_size) ); avg+=step(refdepth, SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, coord+ (offset + vec2(0.5, 0.5))*shadow_texel_size) ); avg+=step(refdepth, SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, coord+ (offset + vec2(-1.5, -1.5))*shadow_texel_size) ); avg+=step(refdepth, SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, coord+ (offset + vec2(0.5, -1.5))*shadow_texel_size) ); return avg * 0.25; } */ /* float SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX( highp vec2 coord, highp float refdepth) { vec2 offset = vec2( lessThan(vec2(0.25),fract(gl_FragCoord.xy * 0.5)) ); offset.y += offset.x; // y ^= x in floating point if (offset.y > 1.1) offset.y = 0.0; return step( refdepth, SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, coord+ offset*shadow_texel_size) ); } */ /* simple pcf4 */ //#define SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(m_coord,m_depth) ((step(m_depth,SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,m_coord))+step(m_depth,SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,m_coord+vec2(0.0,shadow_texel_size.y)))+step(m_depth,SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,m_coord+vec2(shadow_texel_size.x,0.0)))+step(m_depth,SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,m_coord+shadow_texel_size)))/4.0) #endif #ifdef USE_SHADOW_ESM uniform float esm_multiplier; float SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(vec2 p_uv,float p_depth) { #if defined (USE_DEPTH_SHADOWS) //these only are used if interpolation exists highp float occluder = SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, p_uv); #else vec2 unnormalized = p_uv/shadow_texel_size; vec2 fractional = fract(unnormalized); unnormalized = floor(unnormalized); vec4 exponent; exponent.x = SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, (unnormalized + vec2( -0.5, 0.5 )) * shadow_texel_size ); exponent.y = SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, (unnormalized + vec2( 0.5, 0.5 )) * shadow_texel_size ); exponent.z = SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, (unnormalized + vec2( 0.5, -0.5 )) * shadow_texel_size ); exponent.w = SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, (unnormalized + vec2( -0.5, -0.5 )) * shadow_texel_size ); highp float occluder = (exponent.w + (exponent.x - exponent.w) * fractional.y); occluder = occluder + ((exponent.z + (exponent.y - exponent.z) * fractional.y) - occluder)*fractional.x; #endif return clamp(exp(esm_multiplier* ( occluder - p_depth )),0.0,1.0); } #endif #if !defined(USE_SHADOW_PCF) && !defined(USE_SHADOW_ESM) #define SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(m_coord,m_depth) (SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture,m_coord) < m_depth ? 0.0 : 1.0) #endif #endif #ifdef USE_DUAL_PARABOLOID varying float dp_clip; #endif uniform highp mat4 camera_inverse_transform; #if defined(ENABLE_TEXSCREEN) uniform vec2 texscreen_screen_mult; uniform sampler2D texscreen_tex; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_SCREEN_UV) uniform vec2 screen_uv_mult; #endif void main() { #ifdef USE_DUAL_PARABOLOID if (dp_clip<0.0) discard; #endif //lay out everything, whathever is unused is optimized away anyway vec3 vertex = vertex_interp; vec4 diffuse = vec4(0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0); vec3 specular = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); vec3 emission = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); float specular_exp=1.0; float glow=0.0; float shade_param=0.0; float side=float(gl_FrontFacing)*2.0-1.0; #if defined(ENABLE_TANGENT_INTERP) vec3 binormal = normalize(binormal_interp)*side; vec3 tangent = normalize(tangent_interp)*side; #endif // vec3 normal = abs(normalize(normal_interp))*side; vec3 normal = normalize(normal_interp)*side; #if defined(ENABLE_SCREEN_UV) vec2 screen_uv = gl_FragCoord.xy*screen_uv_mult; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV_INTERP) vec2 uv = uv_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_UV2_INTERP) vec2 uv2 = uv2_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_COLOR_INTERP) vec4 color = color_interp; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_NORMALMAP) vec3 normalmap = vec3(0.0); #endif float normaldepth=1.0; #if defined(ENABLE_DISCARD) bool discard_=false; #endif { FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE } #if defined(ENABLE_NORMALMAP) normal = normalize( mix(normal_interp,tangent_interp * normalmap.x + binormal_interp * normalmap.y + normal_interp * normalmap.z,normaldepth) ) * side; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_DISCARD) if (discard_) { //easy to eliminate dead code discard; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CLIP_ALPHA if (diffuse.a<0.99) { //used for doublepass and shadowmapping discard; } #endif float shadow_attenuation = 1.0; #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_LIGHTMAP vec3 ambientmap_color = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); vec2 ambientmap_uv = vec2(0.0,0.0); #ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP_ON_UV2 ambientmap_uv = uv2_interp; #else ambientmap_uv = uv_interp; #endif vec4 amcol = texture2D(ambient_lightmap,ambientmap_uv); shadow_attenuation=amcol.a; ambientmap_color = amcol.rgb; ambientmap_color*=ambient_lightmap_multiplier; ambientmap_color*=diffuse.rgb; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMBIENT_OCTREE vec3 ambientmap_color = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); { //read position from initial lattice grid highp vec3 lattice_pos = floor(ambient_octree_coords*ambient_octree_lattice_size); highp vec2 octant_uv = highp vec2(lattice_pos.x+ambient_octree_lattice_size*lattice_pos.z,lattice_pos.y); octant_uv=(octant_uv*highp vec2(2.0,4.0)+highp vec2(0.0,4.0)); highp float ld = 1.0/ambient_octree_lattice_size; //go down the octree for(int i=0;i light_pssm_split) { #if 0 highp vec3 splane = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); if (gl_FragCoord.w > light_pssm_split.x) { splane = shadow_coord.xyz; splane.y+=1.0; } else { splane = shadow_coord2.xyz; } splane.y*=0.5; shadow_attenuation=SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(splane.xy,splane.z); #else /* float sa_a = SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(shadow_coord.xy,shadow_coord.z); float sa_b = SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(shadow_coord2.xy,shadow_coord2.z); if (gl_FragCoord.w > light_pssm_split.x) { shadow_attenuation=sa_a; } else { shadow_attenuation=sa_b; } */ vec2 pssm_coord; float pssm_z; #if defined(LIGHT_USE_PSSM) && defined(USE_SHADOW_ESM) #define USE_PSSM_BLEND float pssm_blend; vec2 pssm_coord_2; float pssm_z_2; vec3 light_pssm_split_inv = 1.0/light_pssm_split; float w_inv = 1.0/gl_FragCoord.w; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_USE_PSSM4 if (gl_FragCoord.w > light_pssm_split.y) { if (gl_FragCoord.w > light_pssm_split.x) { pssm_coord=shadow_coord.xy; pssm_z=shadow_coord.z; #if defined(USE_PSSM_BLEND) pssm_coord_2=shadow_coord2.xy; pssm_z_2=shadow_coord2.z; pssm_blend=smoothstep(0.0,light_pssm_split_inv.x,w_inv); #endif } else { pssm_coord=shadow_coord2.xy; pssm_z=shadow_coord2.z; #if defined(USE_PSSM_BLEND) pssm_coord_2=shadow_coord3.xy; pssm_z_2=shadow_coord3.z; pssm_blend=smoothstep(light_pssm_split_inv.x,light_pssm_split_inv.y,w_inv); #endif } } else { if (gl_FragCoord.w > light_pssm_split.z) { pssm_coord=shadow_coord3.xy; pssm_z=shadow_coord3.z; #if defined(USE_PSSM_BLEND) pssm_coord_2=shadow_coord4.xy; pssm_z_2=shadow_coord4.z; pssm_blend=smoothstep(light_pssm_split_inv.y,light_pssm_split_inv.z,w_inv); #endif } else { pssm_coord=shadow_coord4.xy; pssm_z=shadow_coord4.z; #if defined(USE_PSSM_BLEND) pssm_coord_2=shadow_coord4.xy; pssm_z_2=shadow_coord4.z; pssm_blend=0.0; #endif } } #else if (gl_FragCoord.w > light_pssm_split.x) { pssm_coord=shadow_coord.xy; pssm_z=shadow_coord.z; #if defined(USE_PSSM_BLEND) pssm_coord_2=shadow_coord2.xy; pssm_z_2=shadow_coord2.z; pssm_blend=smoothstep(0.0,light_pssm_split_inv.x,w_inv); #endif } else { pssm_coord=shadow_coord2.xy; pssm_z=shadow_coord2.z; #if defined(USE_PSSM_BLEND) pssm_coord_2=shadow_coord2.xy; pssm_z_2=shadow_coord2.z; pssm_blend=0.0; #endif } #endif //one one sample shadow_attenuation=SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(pssm_coord,pssm_z); #if defined(USE_PSSM_BLEND) shadow_attenuation=mix(shadow_attenuation,SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(pssm_coord_2,pssm_z_2),pssm_blend); #endif #endif #else shadow_attenuation=SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(shadow_coord.xy,shadow_coord.z); #endif #endif #ifdef LIGHT_TYPE_OMNI vec3 splane=shadow_coord.xyz;///shadow_coord.w; float shadow_len=length(splane); splane=normalize(splane); float vofs=0.0; if (splane.z>=0.0) { splane.z+=1.0; } else { splane.z=1.0 - splane.z; vofs=0.5; } splane.xy/=splane.z; splane.xy=splane.xy * 0.5 + 0.5; float lradius = light_attenuation.g; splane.z = shadow_len / lradius; splane.y=clamp(splane.y,0.0,1.0)*0.5+vofs; shadow_attenuation=SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(splane.xy,splane.z); #endif #ifdef LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT shadow_attenuation=SAMPLE_SHADOW_TEX(shadow_coord.xy,shadow_coord.z); #endif shadow_attenuation=mix(shadow_attenuation,1.0,shadow_darkening); #endif #ifdef USE_FRAGMENT_LIGHTING vec3 eye_vec = -normalize(vertex); #ifdef LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL vec3 light_dir = -light_direction; float attenuation = light_attenuation.r; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_TYPE_OMNI vec3 light_dir = light_pos-vertex; float radius = light_attenuation.g; float dist = min(length(light_dir),radius); light_dir=normalize(light_dir); float attenuation = pow( max(1.0 - dist/radius, 0.0), light_attenuation.b ) * light_attenuation.r; #endif #ifdef LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT vec3 light_dir = light_pos-vertex; float radius = light_attenuation.g; float dist = min(length(light_dir),radius); light_dir=normalize(light_dir); float attenuation = pow( max(1.0 - dist/radius, 0.0), light_attenuation.b ) * light_attenuation.r; vec3 spot_dir = light_direction; float spot_cutoff=light_spot_attenuation.r; float scos = max(dot(-light_dir, spot_dir),spot_cutoff); float rim = (1.0 - scos) / (1.0 - spot_cutoff); attenuation *= 1.0 - pow( rim, light_spot_attenuation.g); #endif # if defined(LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL) || defined(LIGHT_TYPE_OMNI) || defined (LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT) { vec3 mdiffuse = diffuse.rgb; vec3 light; #if defined(USE_LIGHT_SHADER_CODE) //light is written by the light shader { LIGHT_SHADER_CODE } #else //traditional lambert + blinn float NdotL = max(0.0,dot( normal, light_dir )); vec3 half_vec = normalize(light_dir + eye_vec); float eye_light = max(dot(normal, half_vec),0.0); light = light_diffuse * mdiffuse * NdotL; if (NdotL > 0.0) { light+=specular * light_specular * pow( eye_light, specular_exp ); } #endif diffuse.rgb = const_light_mult * ambient_light *diffuse.rgb + light * attenuation * shadow_attenuation; #ifdef USE_FOG diffuse.rgb = mix(diffuse.rgb,fog_interp.rgb,fog_interp.a); # if defined(LIGHT_TYPE_OMNI) || defined (LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT) diffuse.rgb = mix(mix(vec3(0.0),diffuse.rgb,attenuation),diffuse.rgb,const_light_mult); # endif #endif } # endif # if !defined(LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL) && !defined(LIGHT_TYPE_OMNI) && !defined (LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT) //none #ifndef SHADELESS diffuse.rgb=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); #endif # endif diffuse.rgb+=const_light_mult*emission; #endif #ifdef USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING vec3 ambient = const_light_mult*ambient_light*diffuse.rgb; # if defined(LIGHT_TYPE_OMNI) || defined (LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT) ambient*=diffuse_interp.a; //attenuation affects ambient too # endif // diffuse.rgb=(diffuse.rgb * diffuse_interp.rgb + specular * specular_interp)*shadow_attenuation + ambient; // diffuse.rgb+=emission * const_light_mult; diffuse.rgb=(diffuse.rgb * diffuse_interp.rgb + specular * specular_interp)*shadow_attenuation + ambient; diffuse.rgb+=emission * const_light_mult; #ifdef USE_FOG diffuse.rgb = mix(diffuse.rgb,fog_interp.rgb,fog_interp.a); # if defined(LIGHT_TYPE_OMNI) || defined (LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT) diffuse.rgb = mix(mix(vec3(0.0),diffuse.rgb,diffuse_interp.a),diffuse.rgb,const_light_mult); # endif #endif #endif #if defined(ENABLE_AMBIENT_OCTREE) || defined(ENABLE_AMBIENT_LIGHTMAP) || defined(ENABLE_AMBIENT_DP_SAMPLER) diffuse.rgb+=ambientmap_color; #endif #ifdef USE_SHADOW_PASS #ifdef USE_DEPTH_SHADOWS //do nothing, depth is just written #else // pack depth to rgba //highp float bias = 0.0005; highp float depth = ((position_interp.z / position_interp.w) + 1.0) * 0.5 + 0.0;//bias; highp vec4 comp = fract(depth * vec4(256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0, 256.0 * 256.0, 256.0, 1.0)); comp -= comp.xxyz * vec4(0, 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 / 256.0); gl_FragColor = comp; #endif #else #ifdef USE_GLOW diffuse.a=glow; #endif #ifdef USE_8BIT_HDR diffuse.rgb*=0.25; #endif gl_FragColor = diffuse; #endif }