/**************************************************************************/ /* joypad_macos.mm */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #import "joypad_macos.h" #include <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "os_macos.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "core/string/ustring.h" #include "main/main.h" @implementation RumbleMotor - (instancetype)initWithController:(GCController *)controller locality:(GCHapticsLocality)locality { self = [super init]; self.engine = [controller.haptics createEngineWithLocality:locality]; self.player = nil; return self; } - (void)execute_pattern:(CHHapticPattern *)pattern { NSError *error; id<CHHapticPatternPlayer> player = [self.engine createPlayerWithPattern:pattern error:&error]; // When all players have stopped for an engine, stop the engine. [self.engine notifyWhenPlayersFinished:^CHHapticEngineFinishedAction(NSError *_Nullable error) { return CHHapticEngineFinishedActionStopEngine; }]; self.player = player; // Starts the engine and returns if an error was encountered. if (![self.engine startAndReturnError:&error]) { print_verbose("Couldn't start controller haptic engine"); return; } if (![self.player startAtTime:0 error:&error]) { print_verbose("Couldn't execute controller haptic pattern"); } } - (void)stop { NSError *error; [self.player stopAtTime:0 error:&error]; self.player = nil; } @end @implementation RumbleContext - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; self.weak_motor = nil; self.strong_motor = nil; return self; } - (bool)hasMotors { return self.weak_motor != nil && self.strong_motor != nil; } - (bool)hasActivePlayers { if (![self hasMotors]) { return NO; } return self.weak_motor.player != nil && self.strong_motor.player != nil; } @end @implementation Joypad - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; return self; } - (instancetype)init:(GCController *)controller { self = [super init]; self.controller = controller; if (@available(macOS 11, *)) { // Haptics within the controller is only available in macOS 11+. self.rumble_context = [[RumbleContext alloc] init]; // Create Weak and Strong motors for controller. self.rumble_context.weak_motor = [[RumbleMotor alloc] initWithController:controller locality:GCHapticsLocalityRightHandle]; self.rumble_context.strong_motor = [[RumbleMotor alloc] initWithController:controller locality:GCHapticsLocalityLeftHandle]; // If the rumble motors aren't available, disable force feedback. if (![self.rumble_context hasMotors]) { self.force_feedback = NO; } else { self.force_feedback = YES; } } else { self.force_feedback = NO; } self.ff_effect_timestamp = 0; return self; } @end JoypadMacOS::JoypadMacOS() { observer = [[JoypadMacOSObserver alloc] init]; [observer startObserving]; if (@available(macOS 11.3, *)) { GCController.shouldMonitorBackgroundEvents = YES; } } JoypadMacOS::~JoypadMacOS() { if (observer) { [observer finishObserving]; observer = nil; } } void JoypadMacOS::start_processing() { if (observer) { [observer startProcessing]; } process_joypads(); } API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.15)) CHHapticPattern *get_vibration_pattern(float p_magnitude, float p_duration) { // Creates a vibration pattern with an intensity and duration. NSDictionary *hapticDict = @{ CHHapticPatternKeyPattern : @[ @{ CHHapticPatternKeyEvent : @{ CHHapticPatternKeyEventType : CHHapticEventTypeHapticContinuous, CHHapticPatternKeyTime : @(CHHapticTimeImmediate), CHHapticPatternKeyEventDuration : [NSNumber numberWithFloat:p_duration], CHHapticPatternKeyEventParameters : @[ @{ CHHapticPatternKeyParameterID : CHHapticEventParameterIDHapticIntensity, CHHapticPatternKeyParameterValue : [NSNumber numberWithFloat:p_magnitude] }, ], }, }, ], }; NSError *error; CHHapticPattern *pattern = [[CHHapticPattern alloc] initWithDictionary:hapticDict error:&error]; return pattern; } void JoypadMacOS::joypad_vibration_start(Joypad *p_joypad, float p_weak_magnitude, float p_strong_magnitude, float p_duration, uint64_t p_timestamp) { if (!p_joypad.force_feedback || p_weak_magnitude < 0.f || p_weak_magnitude > 1.f || p_strong_magnitude < 0.f || p_strong_magnitude > 1.f) { return; } // If there is active vibration players, stop them. if ([p_joypad.rumble_context hasActivePlayers]) { joypad_vibration_stop(p_joypad, p_timestamp); } // Gets the default vibration pattern and creates a player for each motor. CHHapticPattern *weak_pattern = get_vibration_pattern(p_weak_magnitude, p_duration); CHHapticPattern *strong_pattern = get_vibration_pattern(p_strong_magnitude, p_duration); RumbleMotor *weak_motor = p_joypad.rumble_context.weak_motor; RumbleMotor *strong_motor = p_joypad.rumble_context.strong_motor; [weak_motor execute_pattern:weak_pattern]; [strong_motor execute_pattern:strong_pattern]; p_joypad.ff_effect_timestamp = p_timestamp; } void JoypadMacOS::joypad_vibration_stop(Joypad *p_joypad, uint64_t p_timestamp) { if (!p_joypad.force_feedback) { return; } // If there is no active vibration players, exit. if (![p_joypad.rumble_context hasActivePlayers]) { return; } RumbleMotor *weak_motor = p_joypad.rumble_context.weak_motor; RumbleMotor *strong_motor = p_joypad.rumble_context.strong_motor; [weak_motor stop]; [strong_motor stop]; p_joypad.ff_effect_timestamp = p_timestamp; } @interface JoypadMacOSObserver () @property(assign, nonatomic) BOOL isObserving; @property(assign, nonatomic) BOOL isProcessing; @property(strong, nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary<NSNumber *, Joypad *> *connectedJoypads; @property(strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray<GCController *> *joypadsQueue; @end @implementation JoypadMacOSObserver - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { [self godot_commonInit]; } return self; } - (void)godot_commonInit { self.isObserving = NO; self.isProcessing = NO; } - (void)startProcessing { self.isProcessing = YES; for (GCController *controller in self.joypadsQueue) { [self addMacOSJoypad:controller]; } [self.joypadsQueue removeAllObjects]; } - (void)startObserving { if (self.isObserving) { return; } self.isObserving = YES; self.connectedJoypads = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; self.joypadsQueue = [NSMutableArray array]; // Get told when controllers connect, this will be called right away for // already connected controllers. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(controllerWasConnected:) name:GCControllerDidConnectNotification object:nil]; // Get told when controllers disconnect. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(controllerWasDisconnected:) name:GCControllerDidDisconnectNotification object:nil]; } - (void)finishObserving { if (self.isObserving) { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; } self.isObserving = NO; self.isProcessing = NO; self.connectedJoypads = nil; self.joypadsQueue = nil; } - (void)dealloc { [self finishObserving]; } - (NSArray<NSNumber *> *)getAllKeysForController:(GCController *)controller { NSArray *keys = [self.connectedJoypads allKeys]; NSMutableArray *final_keys = [NSMutableArray array]; for (NSNumber *key in keys) { Joypad *joypad = [self.connectedJoypads objectForKey:key]; if (joypad.controller == controller) { [final_keys addObject:key]; } } return final_keys; } - (int)getJoyIdForController:(GCController *)controller { NSArray *keys = [self getAllKeysForController:controller]; for (NSNumber *key in keys) { int joy_id = [key intValue]; return joy_id; } return -1; } - (void)addMacOSJoypad:(GCController *)controller { // Get a new id for our controller. int joy_id = Input::get_singleton()->get_unused_joy_id(); if (joy_id == -1) { print_verbose("Couldn't retrieve new joy ID."); return; } // Assign our player index. if (controller.playerIndex == GCControllerPlayerIndexUnset) { controller.playerIndex = [self getFreePlayerIndex]; } // Tell Godot about our new controller. Input::get_singleton()->joy_connection_changed(joy_id, true, String::utf8([controller.vendorName UTF8String])); Joypad *joypad = [[Joypad alloc] init:controller]; // Add it to our dictionary, this will retain our controllers. [self.connectedJoypads setObject:joypad forKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:joy_id]]; // Set our input handler. [self setControllerInputHandler:controller]; } - (void)controllerWasConnected:(NSNotification *)notification { // Get our controller. GCController *controller = (GCController *)notification.object; if (!controller) { print_verbose("Couldn't retrieve new controller."); return; } if ([[self getAllKeysForController:controller] count] > 0) { print_verbose("Controller is already registered."); } else if (!self.isProcessing) { [self.joypadsQueue addObject:controller]; } else { [self addMacOSJoypad:controller]; } } - (void)controllerWasDisconnected:(NSNotification *)notification { // Find our joystick, there should be only one in our dictionary. GCController *controller = (GCController *)notification.object; if (!controller) { return; } NSArray *keys = [self getAllKeysForController:controller]; for (NSNumber *key in keys) { // Tell Godot this joystick is no longer there. int joy_id = [key intValue]; Input::get_singleton()->joy_connection_changed(joy_id, false, ""); // And remove it from our dictionary. [self.connectedJoypads removeObjectForKey:key]; } } - (GCControllerPlayerIndex)getFreePlayerIndex { bool have_player_1 = false; bool have_player_2 = false; bool have_player_3 = false; bool have_player_4 = false; if (self.connectedJoypads == nil) { NSArray *keys = [self.connectedJoypads allKeys]; for (NSNumber *key in keys) { Joypad *joypad = [self.connectedJoypads objectForKey:key]; GCController *controller = joypad.controller; if (controller.playerIndex == GCControllerPlayerIndex1) { have_player_1 = true; } else if (controller.playerIndex == GCControllerPlayerIndex2) { have_player_2 = true; } else if (controller.playerIndex == GCControllerPlayerIndex3) { have_player_3 = true; } else if (controller.playerIndex == GCControllerPlayerIndex4) { have_player_4 = true; } } } if (!have_player_1) { return GCControllerPlayerIndex1; } else if (!have_player_2) { return GCControllerPlayerIndex2; } else if (!have_player_3) { return GCControllerPlayerIndex3; } else if (!have_player_4) { return GCControllerPlayerIndex4; } else { return GCControllerPlayerIndexUnset; } } - (void)setControllerInputHandler:(GCController *)controller { // Hook in the callback handler for the correct gamepad profile. // This is a bit of a weird design choice on Apples part. // You need to select the most capable gamepad profile for the // gamepad attached. if (controller.extendedGamepad != nil) { // The extended gamepad profile has all the input you could possibly find on // a gamepad but will only be active if your gamepad actually has all of // these... _weakify(self); _weakify(controller); controller.extendedGamepad.valueChangedHandler = ^(GCExtendedGamepad *gamepad, GCControllerElement *element) { _strongify(self); _strongify(controller); int joy_id = [self getJoyIdForController:controller]; if (element == gamepad.buttonA) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::A, gamepad.buttonA.isPressed); } else if (element == gamepad.buttonB) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::B, gamepad.buttonB.isPressed); } else if (element == gamepad.buttonX) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::X, gamepad.buttonX.isPressed); } else if (element == gamepad.buttonY) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::Y, gamepad.buttonY.isPressed); } else if (element == gamepad.leftShoulder) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::LEFT_SHOULDER, gamepad.leftShoulder.isPressed); } else if (element == gamepad.rightShoulder) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::RIGHT_SHOULDER, gamepad.rightShoulder.isPressed); } else if (element == gamepad.dpad) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::DPAD_UP, gamepad.dpad.up.isPressed); Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::DPAD_DOWN, gamepad.dpad.down.isPressed); Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::DPAD_LEFT, gamepad.dpad.left.isPressed); Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::DPAD_RIGHT, gamepad.dpad.right.isPressed); } if (element == gamepad.leftThumbstick) { float value = gamepad.leftThumbstick.xAxis.value; Input::get_singleton()->joy_axis(joy_id, JoyAxis::LEFT_X, value); value = -gamepad.leftThumbstick.yAxis.value; Input::get_singleton()->joy_axis(joy_id, JoyAxis::LEFT_Y, value); } else if (element == gamepad.rightThumbstick) { float value = gamepad.rightThumbstick.xAxis.value; Input::get_singleton()->joy_axis(joy_id, JoyAxis::RIGHT_X, value); value = -gamepad.rightThumbstick.yAxis.value; Input::get_singleton()->joy_axis(joy_id, JoyAxis::RIGHT_Y, value); } else if (element == gamepad.leftTrigger) { float value = gamepad.leftTrigger.value; Input::get_singleton()->joy_axis(joy_id, JoyAxis::TRIGGER_LEFT, value); } else if (element == gamepad.rightTrigger) { float value = gamepad.rightTrigger.value; Input::get_singleton()->joy_axis(joy_id, JoyAxis::TRIGGER_RIGHT, value); } if (@available(macOS 10.14.1, *)) { if (element == gamepad.leftThumbstickButton) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::LEFT_STICK, gamepad.leftThumbstickButton.isPressed); } else if (element == gamepad.rightThumbstickButton) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::RIGHT_STICK, gamepad.rightThumbstickButton.isPressed); } } if (@available(macOS 10.15, *)) { if (element == gamepad.buttonOptions) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::BACK, gamepad.buttonOptions.isPressed); } else if (element == gamepad.buttonMenu) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::START, gamepad.buttonMenu.isPressed); } } if (@available(macOS 11, *)) { if (element == gamepad.buttonHome) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::GUIDE, gamepad.buttonHome.isPressed); } if ([gamepad isKindOfClass:[GCXboxGamepad class]]) { GCXboxGamepad *xboxGamepad = (GCXboxGamepad *)gamepad; if (element == xboxGamepad.paddleButton1) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::PADDLE1, xboxGamepad.paddleButton1.isPressed); } else if (element == xboxGamepad.paddleButton2) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::PADDLE2, xboxGamepad.paddleButton2.isPressed); } else if (element == xboxGamepad.paddleButton3) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::PADDLE3, xboxGamepad.paddleButton3.isPressed); } else if (element == xboxGamepad.paddleButton4) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::PADDLE4, xboxGamepad.paddleButton4.isPressed); } } } if (@available(macOS 12, *)) { if ([gamepad isKindOfClass:[GCXboxGamepad class]]) { GCXboxGamepad *xboxGamepad = (GCXboxGamepad *)gamepad; if (element == xboxGamepad.buttonShare) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::MISC1, xboxGamepad.buttonShare.isPressed); } } } }; } else if (controller.microGamepad != nil) { // Micro gamepads were added in macOS 10.11 and feature just 2 buttons and a d-pad. _weakify(self); _weakify(controller); controller.microGamepad.valueChangedHandler = ^(GCMicroGamepad *gamepad, GCControllerElement *element) { _strongify(self); _strongify(controller); int joy_id = [self getJoyIdForController:controller]; if (element == gamepad.buttonA) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::A, gamepad.buttonA.isPressed); } else if (element == gamepad.buttonX) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::X, gamepad.buttonX.isPressed); } else if (element == gamepad.dpad) { Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::DPAD_UP, gamepad.dpad.up.isPressed); Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::DPAD_DOWN, gamepad.dpad.down.isPressed); Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::DPAD_LEFT, gamepad.dpad.left.isPressed); Input::get_singleton()->joy_button(joy_id, JoyButton::DPAD_RIGHT, gamepad.dpad.right.isPressed); } }; } // TODO: Need to add support for controller.motion which gives us access to // the orientation of the device (if supported). } @end void JoypadMacOS::process_joypads() { if (@available(macOS 11, *)) { // Process vibrations in macOS 11+. NSArray *keys = [observer.connectedJoypads allKeys]; for (NSNumber *key in keys) { int id = key.intValue; Joypad *joypad = [observer.connectedJoypads objectForKey:key]; if (joypad.force_feedback) { Input *input = Input::get_singleton(); uint64_t timestamp = input->get_joy_vibration_timestamp(id); if (timestamp > (unsigned)joypad.ff_effect_timestamp) { Vector2 strength = input->get_joy_vibration_strength(id); float duration = input->get_joy_vibration_duration(id); if (duration == 0) { duration = GCHapticDurationInfinite; } if (strength.x == 0 && strength.y == 0) { joypad_vibration_stop(joypad, timestamp); } else { joypad_vibration_start(joypad, strength.x, strength.y, duration, timestamp); } } } } } }