<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="NavigationPolygon" inherits="Resource" is_experimental="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../class.xsd">
		A navigation polygon that defines traversable areas and obstacles.
		There are two ways to create polygons. Either by using the [method add_outline] method, or using the [method add_polygon] method.
		Using [method add_outline]:
		var polygon = NavigationPolygon.new()
		var outline = PackedVector2Array([Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(0, 50), Vector2(50, 50), Vector2(50, 0)])
		$NavigationRegion2D.navigation_polygon = polygon
		var polygon = new NavigationPolygon();
		var outline = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 50), new Vector2(50, 50), new Vector2(50, 0) };
		GetNode&lt;NavigationRegion2D&gt;("NavigationRegion2D").NavigationPolygon = polygon;
		Using [method add_polygon] and indices of the vertices array.
		var polygon = NavigationPolygon.new()
		var vertices = PackedVector2Array([Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(0, 50), Vector2(50, 50), Vector2(50, 0)])
		polygon.vertices = vertices
		var indices = PackedInt32Array([0, 1, 2, 3])
		$NavigationRegion2D.navigation_polygon = polygon
		var polygon = new NavigationPolygon();
		var vertices = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 50), new Vector2(50, 50), new Vector2(50, 0) };
		polygon.Vertices = vertices;
		var indices = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
		GetNode&lt;NavigationRegion2D&gt;("NavigationRegion2D").NavigationPolygon = polygon;
		<link title="2D Navigation Demo">https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/117</link>
		<link title="Using NavigationMeshes">$DOCS_URL/tutorials/navigation/navigation_using_navigationmeshes.html</link>
		<method name="add_outline">
			<return type="void" />
			<param index="0" name="outline" type="PackedVector2Array" />
				Appends a [PackedVector2Array] that contains the vertices of an outline to the internal array that contains all the outlines. You have to call [method make_polygons_from_outlines] in order for this array to be converted to polygons that the engine will use.
		<method name="add_outline_at_index">
			<return type="void" />
			<param index="0" name="outline" type="PackedVector2Array" />
			<param index="1" name="index" type="int" />
				Adds a [PackedVector2Array] that contains the vertices of an outline to the internal array that contains all the outlines at a fixed position. You have to call [method make_polygons_from_outlines] in order for this array to be converted to polygons that the engine will use.
		<method name="add_polygon">
			<return type="void" />
			<param index="0" name="polygon" type="PackedInt32Array" />
				Adds a polygon using the indices of the vertices you get when calling [method get_vertices].
		<method name="clear">
			<return type="void" />
				Clears the internal arrays for vertices and polygon indices.
		<method name="clear_outlines">
			<return type="void" />
				Clears the array of the outlines, but it doesn't clear the vertices and the polygons that were created by them.
		<method name="clear_polygons">
			<return type="void" />
				Clears the array of polygons, but it doesn't clear the array of outlines and vertices.
		<method name="get_navigation_mesh">
			<return type="NavigationMesh" />
				Returns the [NavigationMesh] resulting from this navigation polygon. This navigation mesh can be used to update the navigation mesh of a region with the [method NavigationServer3D.region_set_navigation_mesh] API directly (as 2D uses the 3D server behind the scene).
		<method name="get_outline" qualifiers="const">
			<return type="PackedVector2Array" />
			<param index="0" name="idx" type="int" />
				Returns a [PackedVector2Array] containing the vertices of an outline that was created in the editor or by script.
		<method name="get_outline_count" qualifiers="const">
			<return type="int" />
				Returns the number of outlines that were created in the editor or by script.
		<method name="get_polygon">
			<return type="PackedInt32Array" />
			<param index="0" name="idx" type="int" />
				Returns a [PackedInt32Array] containing the indices of the vertices of a created polygon.
		<method name="get_polygon_count" qualifiers="const">
			<return type="int" />
				Returns the count of all polygons.
		<method name="get_vertices" qualifiers="const">
			<return type="PackedVector2Array" />
				Returns a [PackedVector2Array] containing all the vertices being used to create the polygons.
		<method name="make_polygons_from_outlines">
			<return type="void" />
				Creates polygons from the outlines added in the editor or by script.
		<method name="remove_outline">
			<return type="void" />
			<param index="0" name="idx" type="int" />
				Removes an outline created in the editor or by script. You have to call [method make_polygons_from_outlines] for the polygons to update.
		<method name="set_outline">
			<return type="void" />
			<param index="0" name="idx" type="int" />
			<param index="1" name="outline" type="PackedVector2Array" />
				Changes an outline created in the editor or by script. You have to call [method make_polygons_from_outlines] for the polygons to update.
		<method name="set_vertices">
			<return type="void" />
			<param index="0" name="vertices" type="PackedVector2Array" />
				Sets the vertices that can be then indexed to create polygons with the [method add_polygon] method.
		<member name="cell_size" type="float" setter="set_cell_size" getter="get_cell_size" default="1.0">
			The cell size used to rasterize the navigation mesh vertices. Must match with the cell size on the navigation map.