#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
from pathlib import Path


env_d3d12_rdd = env.Clone()

thirdparty_obj = []

# DirectX Headers (must take precedence over Windows SDK's).


# Direct3D 12 Memory Allocator.


# Agility SDK.

if env["agility_sdk_path"] != "" and os.path.exists(env["agility_sdk_path"]):
    if env["agility_sdk_multiarch"]:

# PIX.

if env["use_pix"]:
    env_d3d12_rdd.Append(CPPPATH=[env["pix_path"] + "/Include"])

# Mesa (SPIR-V to DXIL functionality).

mesa_dir = (env["mesa_libs"] + "/godot-mesa").replace("\\", "/")
mesa_gen_dir = (env["mesa_libs"] + "/godot-mesa/generated").replace("\\", "/")
mesa_absdir = Dir(mesa_dir).abspath
mesa_gen_absdir = Dir(mesa_dir + "/generated").abspath

custom_build_steps = [
        "glsl/ir_expression_operation.py enum > %s/ir_expression_operation.h",
    ["src/compiler/nir", "nir_builder_opcodes_h.py > %s/nir_builder_opcodes.h", "nir_builder_opcodes.h"],
    ["src/compiler/nir", "nir_constant_expressions.py > %s/nir_constant_expressions.c", "nir_constant_expressions.c"],
    ["src/compiler/nir", "nir_intrinsics_h.py --outdir %s", "nir_intrinsics.h"],
    ["src/compiler/nir", "nir_intrinsics_c.py --outdir %s", "nir_intrinsics.c"],
    ["src/compiler/nir", "nir_intrinsics_indices_h.py --outdir %s", "nir_intrinsics_indices.h"],
    ["src/compiler/nir", "nir_opcodes_h.py > %s/nir_opcodes.h", "nir_opcodes.h"],
    ["src/compiler/nir", "nir_opcodes_c.py > %s/nir_opcodes.c", "nir_opcodes.c"],
    ["src/compiler/nir", "nir_opt_algebraic.py > %s/nir_opt_algebraic.c", "nir_opt_algebraic.c"],
    ["src/compiler/spirv", "vtn_generator_ids_h.py spir-v.xml %s/vtn_generator_ids.h", "vtn_generator_ids.h"],
        "dxil_nir_algebraic.py -p ../../../src/compiler/nir > %s/dxil_nir_algebraic.c",
    ["src/util", "format_srgb.py > %s/format_srgb.c", "format_srgb.c"],
    ["src/util/format", "u_format_table.py u_format.csv --header > %s/u_format_pack.h", "u_format_pack.h"],
    ["src/util/format", "u_format_table.py u_format.csv > %s/u_format_table.c", "u_format_table.c"],

mesa_gen_include_paths = [mesa_gen_dir + "/src"]

# See update_mesa.sh for explanation.
for v in custom_build_steps:
    subdir = v[0]
    cmd = v[1]
    gen_filename = v[2]

    in_dir = str(Path(mesa_absdir + "/" + subdir))
    out_full_path = mesa_dir + "/generated/" + subdir
    out_file_full_path = out_full_path + "/" + gen_filename

    if gen_filename.endswith(".h"):
        mesa_gen_include_paths += [out_full_path.replace("\\", "/")]

mesa_private_inc_paths = [v[0] for v in os.walk(mesa_absdir)]
mesa_private_inc_paths = [v.replace(mesa_absdir, mesa_dir) for v in mesa_private_inc_paths]
mesa_private_inc_paths = [v.replace("\\", "/") for v in mesa_private_inc_paths]
# Avoid build results depending on if generated files already exist.
mesa_private_inc_paths = [v for v in mesa_private_inc_paths if not v.startswith(mesa_gen_dir)]
# Include the list of the generated ones now, so out-of-the-box sources can include generated headers.
mesa_private_inc_paths += mesa_gen_include_paths
# We have to blacklist some because we are bindly adding every Mesa directory
# to the include path and in some cases that causes the wrong header to be included.
mesa_blacklist_inc_paths = [
mesa_blacklist_inc_paths = [mesa_dir + "/" + v for v in mesa_blacklist_inc_paths]
mesa_private_inc_paths = [v for v in mesa_private_inc_paths if v not in mesa_blacklist_inc_paths]

# Added by ourselves.
extra_defines = [

mesa_ver = Path(mesa_absdir + "/VERSION.info")
if not mesa_ver.is_file():
    mesa_ver = Path(mesa_absdir + "/VERSION")

# These defines are inspired by the Meson build scripts in the original repo.
extra_defines += [
    ("PACKAGE_VERSION", '\\"' + mesa_ver.read_text().strip() + '\\"'),
    ("PACKAGE_BUGREPORT", '\\"https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues\\"'),
    ("_Static_assert", "static_assert"),

if env.msvc:
    extra_defines += [
        ("_HAS_EXCEPTIONS", 0),
    extra_defines += [
        ("__REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__", 475),

# This is needed since rendering_device_d3d12.cpp needs to include some Mesa internals.
# For the same reason as above, the defines must be the same as in the 3rd-party code itself.

# Add all.

env.drivers_sources += thirdparty_obj

# Godot source files.

driver_obj = []
env_d3d12_rdd.add_source_files(driver_obj, "*.cpp")
env.drivers_sources += driver_obj

# Needed to force rebuilding the driver files when the thirdparty code is updated.
env.Depends(driver_obj, thirdparty_obj)