Graphite is now available under: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later We pick MIT which is the same as Godot's main license for simplicity. Remove define to skip deprecation warnings, upstream fixed those.
507 lines
18 KiB
507 lines
18 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later
// Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved.
#include "inc/Segment.h"
#include "inc/Slot.h"
#include "inc/Silf.h"
#include "inc/CharInfo.h"
#include "inc/Rule.h"
#include "inc/Collider.h"
using namespace graphite2;
Slot::Slot(int16 *user_attrs) :
m_next(NULL), m_prev(NULL),
m_glyphid(0), m_realglyphid(0), m_original(0), m_before(0), m_after(0),
m_index(0), m_parent(NULL), m_child(NULL), m_sibling(NULL),
m_position(0, 0), m_shift(0, 0), m_advance(0, 0),
m_attach(0, 0), m_with(0, 0), m_just(0.),
m_flags(0), m_attLevel(0), m_bidiCls(-1), m_bidiLevel(0),
m_userAttr(user_attrs), m_justs(NULL)
// take care, this does not copy any of the GrSlot pointer fields
void Slot::set(const Slot & orig, int charOffset, size_t sizeAttr, size_t justLevels, size_t numChars)
// leave m_next and m_prev unchanged
m_glyphid = orig.m_glyphid;
m_realglyphid = orig.m_realglyphid;
m_original = orig.m_original + charOffset;
if (charOffset + int(orig.m_before) < 0)
m_before = 0;
m_before = orig.m_before + charOffset;
if (charOffset <= 0 && orig.m_after + charOffset >= numChars)
m_after = int(numChars) - 1;
m_after = orig.m_after + charOffset;
m_parent = NULL;
m_child = NULL;
m_sibling = NULL;
m_position = orig.m_position;
m_shift = orig.m_shift;
m_advance = orig.m_advance;
m_attach = orig.m_attach;
m_with = orig.m_with;
m_flags = orig.m_flags;
m_attLevel = orig.m_attLevel;
m_bidiCls = orig.m_bidiCls;
m_bidiLevel = orig.m_bidiLevel;
if (m_userAttr && orig.m_userAttr)
memcpy(m_userAttr, orig.m_userAttr, sizeAttr * sizeof(*m_userAttr));
if (m_justs && orig.m_justs)
memcpy(m_justs, orig.m_justs, SlotJustify::size_of(justLevels));
void Slot::update(int /*numGrSlots*/, int numCharInfo, Position &relpos)
m_before += numCharInfo;
m_after += numCharInfo;
m_position = m_position + relpos;
Position Slot::finalise(const Segment *seg, const Font *font, Position & base, Rect & bbox, uint8 attrLevel, float & clusterMin, bool rtl, bool isFinal, int depth)
SlotCollision *coll = NULL;
if (depth > 100 || (attrLevel && m_attLevel > attrLevel)) return Position(0, 0);
float scale = font ? font->scale() : 1.0f;
Position shift(m_shift.x * (rtl * -2 + 1) + m_just, m_shift.y);
float tAdvance = m_advance.x + m_just;
if (isFinal && (coll = seg->collisionInfo(this)))
const Position &collshift = coll->offset();
if (!(coll->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_KERN) || rtl)
shift = shift + collshift;
const GlyphFace * glyphFace = seg->getFace()->glyphs().glyphSafe(glyph());
if (font)
scale = font->scale();
shift *= scale;
if (font->isHinted() && glyphFace)
tAdvance = (m_advance.x - glyphFace->theAdvance().x + m_just) * scale + font->advance(glyph());
tAdvance *= scale;
Position res;
m_position = base + shift;
if (!m_parent)
res = base + Position(tAdvance, m_advance.y * scale);
clusterMin = m_position.x;
float tAdv;
m_position += (m_attach - m_with) * scale;
tAdv = m_advance.x >= 0.5f ? m_position.x + tAdvance - shift.x : 0.f;
res = Position(tAdv, 0);
if ((m_advance.x >= 0.5f || m_position.x < 0) && m_position.x < clusterMin) clusterMin = m_position.x;
if (glyphFace)
Rect ourBbox = glyphFace->theBBox() * scale + m_position;
bbox = bbox.widen(ourBbox);
if (m_child && m_child != this && m_child->attachedTo() == this)
Position tRes = m_child->finalise(seg, font, m_position, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin, rtl, isFinal, depth + 1);
if ((!m_parent || m_advance.x >= 0.5f) && tRes.x > res.x) res = tRes;
if (m_parent && m_sibling && m_sibling != this && m_sibling->attachedTo() == m_parent)
Position tRes = m_sibling->finalise(seg, font, base, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin, rtl, isFinal, depth + 1);
if (tRes.x > res.x) res = tRes;
if (!m_parent && clusterMin < base.x)
Position adj = Position(m_position.x - clusterMin, 0.);
res += adj;
m_position += adj;
if (m_child) m_child->floodShift(adj);
return res;
int32 Slot::clusterMetric(const Segment *seg, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel, bool rtl)
Position base;
if (glyph() >= seg->getFace()->glyphs().numGlyphs())
return 0;
Rect bbox = seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(glyph());
float clusterMin = 0.;
Position res = finalise(seg, NULL, base, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin, rtl, false);
switch (metrics(metric))
case kgmetLsb :
return int32(;
case kgmetRsb :
return int32(res.x -;
case kgmetBbTop :
return int32(;
case kgmetBbBottom :
return int32(;
case kgmetBbLeft :
return int32(;
case kgmetBbRight :
return int32(;
case kgmetBbWidth :
return int32( -;
case kgmetBbHeight :
return int32( -;
case kgmetAdvWidth :
return int32(res.x);
case kgmetAdvHeight :
return int32(res.y);
default :
return 0;
#define SLOTGETCOLATTR(x) { SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); return c ? int(c-> x) : 0; }
int Slot::getAttr(const Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex) const
if (ind >= gr_slatJStretch && ind < gr_slatJStretch + 20 && ind != gr_slatJWidth)
int indx = ind - gr_slatJStretch;
return getJustify(seg, indx / 5, indx % 5);
switch (ind)
case gr_slatAdvX : return int(m_advance.x);
case gr_slatAdvY : return int(m_advance.y);
case gr_slatAttTo : return m_parent ? 1 : 0;
case gr_slatAttX : return int(m_attach.x);
case gr_slatAttY : return int(m_attach.y);
case gr_slatAttXOff :
case gr_slatAttYOff : return 0;
case gr_slatAttWithX : return int(m_with.x);
case gr_slatAttWithY : return int(m_with.y);
case gr_slatAttWithXOff:
case gr_slatAttWithYOff:return 0;
case gr_slatAttLevel : return m_attLevel;
case gr_slatBreak : return seg->charinfo(m_original)->breakWeight();
case gr_slatCompRef : return 0;
case gr_slatDir : return seg->dir() & 1;
case gr_slatInsert : return isInsertBefore();
case gr_slatPosX : return int(m_position.x); // but need to calculate it
case gr_slatPosY : return int(m_position.y);
case gr_slatShiftX : return int(m_shift.x);
case gr_slatShiftY : return int(m_shift.y);
case gr_slatMeasureSol: return -1; // err what's this?
case gr_slatMeasureEol: return -1;
case gr_slatJWidth: return int(m_just);
case gr_slatUserDefnV1: subindex = 0; GR_FALLTHROUGH;
// no break
case gr_slatUserDefn : return subindex < seg->numAttrs() ? m_userAttr[subindex] : 0;
case gr_slatSegSplit : return seg->charinfo(m_original)->flags() & 3;
case gr_slatBidiLevel: return m_bidiLevel;
case gr_slatColFlags : { SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); return c ? c->flags() : 0; }
case gr_slatColLimitblx:SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().bl.x)
case gr_slatColLimitbly:SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().bl.y)
case gr_slatColLimittrx:SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().tr.x)
case gr_slatColLimittry:SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().tr.y)
case gr_slatColShiftx : SLOTGETCOLATTR(offset().x)
case gr_slatColShifty : SLOTGETCOLATTR(offset().y)
case gr_slatColMargin : SLOTGETCOLATTR(margin())
case gr_slatColMarginWt:SLOTGETCOLATTR(marginWt())
case gr_slatColExclGlyph:SLOTGETCOLATTR(exclGlyph())
case gr_slatColExclOffx:SLOTGETCOLATTR(exclOffset().x)
case gr_slatColExclOffy:SLOTGETCOLATTR(exclOffset().y)
case gr_slatSeqClass : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqClass())
case gr_slatSeqProxClass:SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqProxClass())
case gr_slatSeqOrder : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqOrder())
case gr_slatSeqAboveXoff:SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqAboveXoff())
case gr_slatSeqAboveWt: SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqAboveWt())
case gr_slatSeqBelowXlim:SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqBelowXlim())
case gr_slatSeqBelowWt: SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqBelowWt())
case gr_slatSeqValignHt:SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqValignHt())
case gr_slatSeqValignWt:SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqValignWt())
default : return 0;
#define SLOTCOLSETATTR(x) { \
SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); \
if (c) { c-> x ; c->setFlags(c->flags() & ~SlotCollision::COLL_KNOWN); } \
break; }
#define SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(t, y, x) { \
SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); \
if (c) { \
const t &s = c-> y; \
c-> x ; c->setFlags(c->flags() & ~SlotCollision::COLL_KNOWN); } \
break; }
void Slot::setAttr(Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex, int16 value, const SlotMap & map)
if (ind == gr_slatUserDefnV1)
ind = gr_slatUserDefn;
subindex = 0;
if (seg->numAttrs() == 0)
else if (ind >= gr_slatJStretch && ind < gr_slatJStretch + 20 && ind != gr_slatJWidth)
int indx = ind - gr_slatJStretch;
return setJustify(seg, indx / 5, indx % 5, value);
switch (ind)
case gr_slatAdvX : m_advance.x = value; break;
case gr_slatAdvY : m_advance.y = value; break;
case gr_slatAttTo :
const uint16 idx = uint16(value);
if (idx < map.size() && map[idx])
Slot *other = map[idx];
if (other == this || other == m_parent || other->isCopied()) break;
if (m_parent) { m_parent->removeChild(this); attachTo(NULL); }
Slot *pOther = other;
int count = 0;
bool foundOther = false;
while (pOther)
if (pOther == this) foundOther = true;
pOther = pOther->attachedTo();
for (pOther = m_child; pOther; pOther = pOther->m_child)
for (pOther = m_sibling; pOther; pOther = pOther->m_sibling)
if (count < 100 && !foundOther && other->child(this))
if ((map.dir() != 0) ^ (idx > subindex))
m_with = Position(advance(), 0);
else // normal match to previous root
m_attach = Position(other->advance(), 0);
case gr_slatAttX : m_attach.x = value; break;
case gr_slatAttY : m_attach.y = value; break;
case gr_slatAttXOff :
case gr_slatAttYOff : break;
case gr_slatAttWithX : m_with.x = value; break;
case gr_slatAttWithY : m_with.y = value; break;
case gr_slatAttWithXOff :
case gr_slatAttWithYOff : break;
case gr_slatAttLevel :
m_attLevel = byte(value);
case gr_slatBreak :
case gr_slatCompRef : break; // not sure what to do here
case gr_slatDir : break;
case gr_slatInsert :
markInsertBefore(value? true : false);
case gr_slatPosX : break; // can't set these here
case gr_slatPosY : break;
case gr_slatShiftX : m_shift.x = value; break;
case gr_slatShiftY : m_shift.y = value; break;
case gr_slatMeasureSol : break;
case gr_slatMeasureEol : break;
case gr_slatJWidth : just(value); break;
case gr_slatSegSplit : seg->charinfo(m_original)->addflags(value & 3); break;
case gr_slatUserDefn : m_userAttr[subindex] = value; break;
case gr_slatColFlags : {
SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this);
if (c)
break; }
case gr_slatColLimitblx : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(Position(value,,
case gr_slatColLimitbly : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(Position(, value),
case gr_slatColLimittrx : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(, Position(value,
case gr_slatColLimittry : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(, Position(, value))))
case gr_slatColMargin : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setMargin(value))
case gr_slatColMarginWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setMarginWt(value))
case gr_slatColExclGlyph : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setExclGlyph(value))
case gr_slatColExclOffx : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Position, exclOffset(), setExclOffset(Position(value, s.y)))
case gr_slatColExclOffy : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Position, exclOffset(), setExclOffset(Position(s.x, value)))
case gr_slatSeqClass : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqClass(value))
case gr_slatSeqProxClass : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqProxClass(value))
case gr_slatSeqOrder : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqOrder(value))
case gr_slatSeqAboveXoff : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqAboveXoff(value))
case gr_slatSeqAboveWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqAboveWt(value))
case gr_slatSeqBelowXlim : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqBelowXlim(value))
case gr_slatSeqBelowWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqBelowWt(value))
case gr_slatSeqValignHt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqValignHt(value))
case gr_slatSeqValignWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqValignWt(value))
default :
int Slot::getJustify(const Segment *seg, uint8 level, uint8 subindex) const
if (level && level >= seg->silf()->numJustLevels()) return 0;
if (m_justs)
return m_justs->values[level * SlotJustify::NUMJUSTPARAMS + subindex];
if (level >= seg->silf()->numJustLevels()) return 0;
Justinfo *jAttrs = seg->silf()->justAttrs() + level;
switch (subindex) {
case 0 : return seg->glyphAttr(gid(), jAttrs->attrStretch());
case 1 : return seg->glyphAttr(gid(), jAttrs->attrShrink());
case 2 : return seg->glyphAttr(gid(), jAttrs->attrStep());
case 3 : return seg->glyphAttr(gid(), jAttrs->attrWeight());
case 4 : return 0; // not been set yet, so clearly 0
default: return 0;
void Slot::setJustify(Segment *seg, uint8 level, uint8 subindex, int16 value)
if (level && level >= seg->silf()->numJustLevels()) return;
if (!m_justs)
SlotJustify *j = seg->newJustify();
if (!j) return;
j->LoadSlot(this, seg);
m_justs = j;
m_justs->values[level * SlotJustify::NUMJUSTPARAMS + subindex] = value;
bool Slot::child(Slot *ap)
if (this == ap) return false;
else if (ap == m_child) return true;
else if (!m_child)
m_child = ap;
return m_child->sibling(ap);
return true;
bool Slot::sibling(Slot *ap)
if (this == ap) return false;
else if (ap == m_sibling) return true;
else if (!m_sibling || !ap)
m_sibling = ap;
return m_sibling->sibling(ap);
return true;
bool Slot::removeChild(Slot *ap)
if (this == ap || !m_child || !ap) return false;
else if (ap == m_child)
Slot *nSibling = m_child->nextSibling();
m_child = nSibling;
return true;
for (Slot *p = m_child; p; p = p->m_sibling)
if (p->m_sibling && p->m_sibling == ap)
p->m_sibling = p->m_sibling->m_sibling;
return true;
return false;
void Slot::setGlyph(Segment *seg, uint16 glyphid, const GlyphFace * theGlyph)
m_glyphid = glyphid;
m_bidiCls = -1;
if (!theGlyph)
theGlyph = seg->getFace()->glyphs().glyphSafe(glyphid);
if (!theGlyph)
m_realglyphid = 0;
m_advance = Position(0.,0.);
m_realglyphid = theGlyph->attrs()[seg->silf()->aPseudo()];
if (m_realglyphid > seg->getFace()->glyphs().numGlyphs())
m_realglyphid = 0;
const GlyphFace *aGlyph = theGlyph;
if (m_realglyphid)
aGlyph = seg->getFace()->glyphs().glyphSafe(m_realglyphid);
if (!aGlyph) aGlyph = theGlyph;
m_advance = Position(aGlyph->theAdvance().x, 0.);
if (seg->silf()->aPassBits())
if (seg->silf()->numPasses() > 16)
seg->mergePassBits(theGlyph->attrs()[seg->silf()->aPassBits()+1] << 16);
void Slot::floodShift(Position adj, int depth)
if (depth > 100)
m_position += adj;
if (m_child) m_child->floodShift(adj, depth + 1);
if (m_sibling) m_sibling->floodShift(adj, depth + 1);
void SlotJustify::LoadSlot(const Slot *s, const Segment *seg)
for (int i = seg->silf()->numJustLevels() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
Justinfo *justs = seg->silf()->justAttrs() + i;
int16 *v = values + i * NUMJUSTPARAMS;
v[0] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrStretch());
v[1] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrShrink());
v[2] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrStep());
v[3] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrWeight());
Slot * Slot::nextInCluster(const Slot *s) const
Slot *base;
if (s->firstChild())
return s->firstChild();
else if (s->nextSibling())
return s->nextSibling();
while ((base = s->attachedTo()))
// if (base->firstChild() == s && base->nextSibling())
if (base->nextSibling())
return base->nextSibling();
s = base;
return NULL;
bool Slot::isChildOf(const Slot *base) const
for (Slot *p = m_parent; p; p = p->m_parent)
if (p == base)
return true;
return false;