Rémi Verschelde 0ee6ffb257
graphite: Update to latest Git, switch to MIT license
Graphite is now available under:
MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later

We pick MIT which is the same as Godot's main license for simplicity.

Remove define to skip deprecation warnings, upstream fixed those.
2022-12-13 10:06:00 +01:00

75 lines
3.1 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later
// Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved.
#include "inc/Position.h"
#include <cmath>
using namespace graphite2;
bool Rect::hitTest(Rect &other)
if (bl.x > other.tr.x) return false;
if (tr.x < other.bl.x) return false;
if (bl.y > other.tr.y) return false;
if (tr.y < other.bl.y) return false;
return true;
Position Rect::overlap(Position &offset, Rect &other, Position &othero)
float ax = (bl.x + offset.x) - (other.tr.x + othero.x);
float ay = (bl.y + offset.y) - (other.tr.y + othero.y);
float bx = (other.bl.x + othero.x) - (tr.x + offset.x);
float by = (other.bl.y + othero.y) - (tr.y + offset.y);
return Position((ax > bx ? ax : bx), (ay > by ? ay : by));
float boundmin(float move, float lim1, float lim2, float &error)
// error is always positive for easy comparison
if (move < lim1 && move < lim2)
{ error = 0.; return move; }
else if (lim1 < lim2)
{ error = std::fabs(move - lim1); return lim1; }
{ error = std::fabs(move - lim2); return lim2; }
#if 0
Position Rect::constrainedAvoid(Position &offset, Rect &box, Rect &sdbox, Position &other, Rect &obox, Rect &osdbox)
// a = max, i = min, s = sum, d = diff
float eax, eay, eix, eiy, eas, eis, ead, eid;
float beste = INF;
Position res;
// calculate the movements in each direction and the error (amount of remaining overlap)
// first param is movement, second and third are movement over the constraining box
float ax = boundmin(obox.tr.x + other.x - box.bl.x - offset.x + 1, tr.x - offset.x, INF, &eax);
float ay = boundmin(obox.tr.y + other.y - box.bl.y - offset.y + 1, tr.y - offset.y, INF, &eay);
float ix = boundmin(obox.bl.x + other.x - box.tr.x - offset.x + 1, bl.x - offset.x, INF, &eix);
float iy = boundmin(obox.bl.y + other.y - box.tr.y - offset.y + 1, bl.y - offset.y, INF, &eiy);
float as = boundmin(ISQRT2 * (osdbox.tr.x + other.x + other.y - sdbox.bl.x - offset.x - offset.y) + 1, tr.x - offset.x, tr.y - offset.y, &eas);
float is = boundmin(ISQRT2 * (osdbox.bl.x + other.x + other.y - sdbox.tr.x - offset.x - offset.y) + 1, bl.x - offset.x, bl.y - offset.y, &eis);
float ad = boundmin(ISQRT2 * (osdbox.tr.y + other.x - other.y - sdbox.bl.y - offset.x + offset.y) + 1, tr.y - offset.y, tr.x - offset.x, &ead);
float id = boundmin(ISQRT2 * (osdbox.bl.y + other.x - other.y - sdbox.tr.y - offset.x + offset.y) + 1, bl.y - offset.y, bl.x - offset.x, &eid);
if (eax < beste)
{ res = Position(ax, 0); beste = eax; }
if (eay < beste)
{ res = Position(0, ay); beste = eay; }
if (eix < beste)
{ res = Position(ix, 0); beste = eix; }
if (eiy < beste)
{ res = Position(0, iy); beste = eiy; }
if (SQRT2 * (eas) < beste)
{ res = Position(as, ad); beste = SQRT2 * (eas); }
if (SQRT2 * (eis) < beste)
{ res = Position(is, is); beste = SQRT2 * (eis); }
if (SQRT2 * (ead) < beste)
{ res = Position(ad, ad); beste = SQRT2 * (ead); }
if (SQRT2 * (eid) < beste)
{ res = Position(id, id); beste = SQRT2 * (eid); }
return res;