lawnjelly 5ed0fd067d Batching - use FINAL_MODULATE_ALIAS in shaders
As part of the improvements to batch more cases, batching can store final_modulate as an attribute in the vertex format rather than sending as a uniform. This allows draw calls with different final_modulate to be batched together.

However custom shader code was reading from only the final_modulate uniform, and not the attribute when it was in use. This was leading to visual errors.

This is tricky to solve, because we cannot use the same name for the attribute in the vertex and fragment shaders, because one is an attribute and one a varying, whereas a uniform is accessible anywhere. To get around this, a macro is used which can translate to the most appropriate variable depending on whether uniform or attribute or varying is required.
2021-03-11 17:07:19 +00:00

711 lines
17 KiB

/* clang-format off */
#define lowp
#define mediump
#define highp
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
uniform highp mat4 projection_matrix;
/* clang-format on */
#include "stdlib.glsl"
uniform highp mat4 modelview_matrix;
uniform highp mat4 extra_matrix;
attribute highp vec2 vertex; // attrib:0
// shared with tangent, not used in canvas shader
attribute highp float light_angle; // attrib:2
attribute vec4 color_attrib; // attrib:3
attribute vec2 uv_attrib; // attrib:4
attribute highp vec4 modulate_attrib; // attrib:5
// Usually, final_modulate is passed as a uniform. However during batching
// If larger fvfs are used, final_modulate is passed as an attribute.
// we need to read from the attribute in custom vertex shader
// rather than the uniform. We do this by specifying final_modulate_alias
// in shaders rather than final_modulate directly.
#define final_modulate_alias modulate_attrib
#define final_modulate_alias final_modulate
// shared with skeleton attributes, not used in batched shader
attribute highp vec2 translate_attrib; // attrib:6
attribute highp vec4 basis_attrib; // attrib:7
attribute highp vec4 bone_indices; // attrib:6
attribute highp vec4 bone_weights; // attrib:7
attribute highp vec4 instance_xform0; //attrib:8
attribute highp vec4 instance_xform1; //attrib:9
attribute highp vec4 instance_xform2; //attrib:10
attribute highp vec4 instance_color; //attrib:11
attribute highp vec4 instance_custom_data; //attrib:12
uniform highp sampler2D skeleton_texture; // texunit:-3
uniform highp ivec2 skeleton_texture_size;
uniform highp mat4 skeleton_transform;
uniform highp mat4 skeleton_transform_inverse;
varying vec2 uv_interp;
varying vec4 color_interp;
// modulate doesn't need interpolating but we need to send it to the fragment shader
varying vec4 modulate_interp;
uniform vec4 final_modulate;
uniform highp vec2 color_texpixel_size;
uniform vec4 dst_rect;
uniform vec4 src_rect;
uniform highp float time;
// light matrices
uniform highp mat4 light_matrix;
uniform highp mat4 light_matrix_inverse;
uniform highp mat4 light_local_matrix;
uniform highp mat4 shadow_matrix;
uniform highp vec4 light_color;
uniform highp vec4 light_shadow_color;
uniform highp vec2 light_pos;
uniform highp float shadowpixel_size;
uniform highp float shadow_gradient;
uniform highp float light_height;
uniform highp float light_outside_alpha;
uniform highp float shadow_distance_mult;
varying vec4 light_uv_interp;
varying vec2 transformed_light_uv;
varying vec4 local_rot;
varying highp vec2 pos;
const bool at_light_pass = true;
const bool at_light_pass = false;
/* clang-format off */
/* clang-format on */
vec2 select(vec2 a, vec2 b, bvec2 c) {
vec2 ret;
ret.x = c.x ? b.x : a.x;
ret.y = c.y ? b.y : a.y;
return ret;
void main() {
vec4 color = color_attrib;
vec2 uv;
mat4 extra_matrix_instance = extra_matrix * transpose(mat4(instance_xform0, instance_xform1, instance_xform2, vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
color *= instance_color;
vec4 instance_custom = instance_custom_data;
vec4 instance_custom = vec4(0.0);
mat4 extra_matrix_instance = extra_matrix;
vec4 instance_custom = vec4(0.0);
if (dst_rect.z < 0.0) { // Transpose is encoded as negative dst_rect.z
uv = src_rect.xy + abs(src_rect.zw) * vertex.yx;
} else {
uv = src_rect.xy + abs(src_rect.zw) * vertex;
vec4 outvec = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// This is what is done in the GLES 3 bindings and should
// take care of flipped rects.
// But it doesn't.
// I don't know why, will need to investigate further.
outvec.xy = dst_rect.xy + abs(dst_rect.zw) * select(vertex, vec2(1.0, 1.0) - vertex, lessThan(src_rect.zw, vec2(0.0, 0.0)));
// outvec.xy = dst_rect.xy + abs(dst_rect.zw) * vertex;
vec4 outvec = vec4(vertex.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
uv = uv_attrib;
float point_size = 1.0;
vec2 src_vtx = outvec.xy;
/* clang-format off */
/* clang-format on */
gl_PointSize = point_size;
// modulate doesn't need interpolating but we need to send it to the fragment shader
modulate_interp = modulate_attrib;
// transform is in attributes
vec2 temp;
temp = outvec.xy;
temp.x = (outvec.x * basis_attrib.x) + (outvec.y * basis_attrib.z);
temp.y = (outvec.x * basis_attrib.y) + (outvec.y * basis_attrib.w);
temp += translate_attrib;
outvec.xy = temp;
// transform is in uniforms
outvec = extra_matrix_instance * outvec;
outvec = modelview_matrix * outvec;
#endif // not large integer
color_interp = color;
outvec.xy = floor(outvec + 0.5).xy;
// precision issue on some hardware creates artifacts within texture
// offset uv by a small amount to avoid
uv += 1e-5;
// look up transform from the "pose texture"
if (bone_weights != vec4(0.0)) {
highp mat4 bone_transform = mat4(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ivec2 tex_ofs = ivec2(int(bone_indices[i]) * 2, 0);
highp mat4 b = mat4(
texel2DFetch(skeleton_texture, skeleton_texture_size, tex_ofs + ivec2(0, 0)),
texel2DFetch(skeleton_texture, skeleton_texture_size, tex_ofs + ivec2(1, 0)),
vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
bone_transform += b * bone_weights[i];
mat4 bone_matrix = skeleton_transform * transpose(bone_transform) * skeleton_transform_inverse;
outvec = bone_matrix * outvec;
uv_interp = uv;
gl_Position = projection_matrix * outvec;
light_uv_interp.xy = (light_matrix * outvec).xy;
light_uv_interp.zw = (light_local_matrix * outvec).xy;
transformed_light_uv = (mat3(light_matrix_inverse) * vec3(light_uv_interp.zw, 0.0)).xy; //for normal mapping
pos = outvec.xy;
// we add a fixed offset because we are using the sign later,
// and don't want floating point error around 0.0
float la = abs(light_angle) - 1.0;
// vector light angle
vec4 vla;
vla.xy = vec2(cos(la), sin(la));
vla.zw = vec2(-vla.y, vla.x);
// vertical flip encoded in the sign
vla.zw *= sign(light_angle);
// apply the transform matrix.
// The rotate will be encoded in the transform matrix for single rects,
// and just the flips in the light angle.
// For batching we will encode the rotation and the flips
// in the light angle, and can use the same shader.
local_rot.xy = normalize((modelview_matrix * (extra_matrix_instance * vec4(vla.xy, 0.0, 0.0))).xy);
local_rot.zw = normalize((modelview_matrix * (extra_matrix_instance * vec4(vla.zw, 0.0, 0.0))).xy);
local_rot.xy = normalize((modelview_matrix * (extra_matrix_instance * vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))).xy);
local_rot.zw = normalize((modelview_matrix * (extra_matrix_instance * vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))).xy);
local_rot.xy *= sign(src_rect.z);
local_rot.zw *= sign(src_rect.w);
#endif // not using light angle
/* clang-format off */
// texture2DLodEXT and textureCubeLodEXT are fragment shader specific.
// Do not copy these defines in the vertex section.
#ifdef GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod
#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable
#define texture2DLod(img, coord, lod) texture2DLodEXT(img, coord, lod)
#define textureCubeLod(img, coord, lod) textureCubeLodEXT(img, coord, lod)
#endif // !USE_GLES_OVER_GL
#ifdef GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod
#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable
#if !defined(GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod) && !defined(GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod)
#define texture2DLod(img, coord, lod) texture2D(img, coord, lod)
#define textureCubeLod(img, coord, lod) textureCube(img, coord, lod)
#define lowp
#define mediump
#define highp
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
#include "stdlib.glsl"
uniform sampler2D color_texture; // texunit:-1
/* clang-format on */
uniform highp vec2 color_texpixel_size;
uniform mediump sampler2D normal_texture; // texunit:-2
varying mediump vec2 uv_interp;
varying mediump vec4 color_interp;
varying mediump vec4 modulate_interp;
uniform highp float time;
uniform vec4 final_modulate;
uniform sampler2D screen_texture; // texunit:-4
uniform vec2 screen_pixel_size;
uniform highp mat4 light_matrix;
uniform highp mat4 light_local_matrix;
uniform highp mat4 shadow_matrix;
uniform highp vec4 light_color;
uniform highp vec4 light_shadow_color;
uniform highp vec2 light_pos;
uniform highp float shadowpixel_size;
uniform highp float shadow_gradient;
uniform highp float light_height;
uniform highp float light_outside_alpha;
uniform highp float shadow_distance_mult;
uniform lowp sampler2D light_texture; // texunit:-6
varying vec4 light_uv_interp;
varying vec2 transformed_light_uv;
varying vec4 local_rot;
uniform highp sampler2D shadow_texture; // texunit:-5
varying highp vec2 pos;
const bool at_light_pass = true;
const bool at_light_pass = false;
uniform bool use_default_normal;
/* clang-format off */
/* clang-format on */
void light_compute(
inout vec4 light,
inout vec2 light_vec,
inout float light_height,
inout vec4 light_color,
vec2 light_uv,
inout vec4 shadow_color,
inout vec2 shadow_vec,
vec3 normal,
vec2 uv,
#if defined(SCREEN_UV_USED)
vec2 screen_uv,
vec4 color) {
/* clang-format off */
/* clang-format on */
void main() {
vec4 color = color_interp;
vec2 uv = uv_interp;
//needs to use this to workaround GLES2/WebGL1 forcing tiling that textures that don't support it
uv = mod(uv, vec2(1.0, 1.0));
#if !defined(COLOR_USED)
//default behavior, texture by color
color *= texture2D(color_texture, uv);
vec2 screen_uv = gl_FragCoord.xy * screen_pixel_size;
vec3 normal;
#if defined(NORMAL_USED)
bool normal_used = true;
bool normal_used = false;
if (use_default_normal) {
normal.xy = texture2D(normal_texture, uv).xy * 2.0 - 1.0;
normal.z = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - dot(normal.xy, normal.xy)));
normal_used = true;
} else {
normal = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
float normal_depth = 1.0;
#if defined(NORMALMAP_USED)
vec3 normal_map = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
normal_used = true;
// If larger fvfs are used, final_modulate is passed as an attribute.
// we need to read from this in custom fragment shaders or applying in the post step,
// rather than using final_modulate directly.
#if defined(final_modulate_alias)
#undef final_modulate_alias
#define final_modulate_alias modulate_interp
#define final_modulate_alias final_modulate
/* clang-format off */
/* clang-format on */
#if defined(NORMALMAP_USED)
normal = mix(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), normal_map * vec3(2.0, -2.0, 1.0) - vec3(1.0, -1.0, 0.0), normal_depth);
#if !defined(MODULATE_USED)
color *= final_modulate_alias;
vec2 light_vec = transformed_light_uv;
vec2 shadow_vec = transformed_light_uv;
if (normal_used) {
normal.xy = mat2(local_rot.xy, local_rot.zw) * normal.xy;
float att = 1.0;
vec2 light_uv = light_uv_interp.xy;
vec4 light = texture2D(light_texture, light_uv);
if (any(lessThan(light_uv_interp.xy, vec2(0.0, 0.0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(light_uv_interp.xy, vec2(1.0, 1.0)))) {
color.a *= light_outside_alpha; //invisible
} else {
float real_light_height = light_height;
vec4 real_light_color = light_color;
vec4 real_light_shadow_color = light_shadow_color;
//light is written by the light shader
#if defined(SCREEN_UV_USED)
light *= real_light_color;
if (normal_used) {
vec3 light_normal = normalize(vec3(light_vec, -real_light_height));
light *= max(dot(-light_normal, normal), 0.0);
color *= light;
mat3 inverse_light_matrix = mat3(light_matrix);
inverse_light_matrix[0] = normalize(inverse_light_matrix[0]);
inverse_light_matrix[1] = normalize(inverse_light_matrix[1]);
inverse_light_matrix[2] = normalize(inverse_light_matrix[2]);
shadow_vec = (inverse_light_matrix * vec3(shadow_vec, 0.0)).xy;
shadow_vec = light_uv_interp.zw;
float angle_to_light = -atan(shadow_vec.x, shadow_vec.y);
float PI = 3.14159265358979323846264;
/*int i = int(mod(floor((angle_to_light+7.0*PI/6.0)/(4.0*PI/6.0))+1.0, 3.0)); // +1 pq os indices estao em ordem 2,0,1 nos arrays
float ang*/
float su, sz;
float abs_angle = abs(angle_to_light);
vec2 point;
float sh;
if (abs_angle < 45.0 * PI / 180.0) {
point = shadow_vec;
sh = 0.0 + (1.0 / 8.0);
} else if (abs_angle > 135.0 * PI / 180.0) {
point = -shadow_vec;
sh = 0.5 + (1.0 / 8.0);
} else if (angle_to_light > 0.0) {
point = vec2(shadow_vec.y, -shadow_vec.x);
sh = 0.25 + (1.0 / 8.0);
} else {
point = vec2(-shadow_vec.y, shadow_vec.x);
sh = 0.75 + (1.0 / 8.0);
highp vec4 s = shadow_matrix * vec4(point, 0.0, 1.0);
s.xyz /= s.w;
su = s.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
sz = s.z * 0.5 + 0.5;
highp float shadow_attenuation = 0.0;
#define SHADOW_DEPTH(m_tex, m_uv) dot(texture2D((m_tex), (m_uv)), vec4(1.0 / (255.0 * 255.0 * 255.0), 1.0 / (255.0 * 255.0), 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0))
#define SHADOW_DEPTH(m_tex, m_uv) (texture2D((m_tex), (m_uv)).r)
/* clang-format off */
/* GLSL es 100 doesn't support line continuation characters(backslashes) */
#define SHADOW_TEST(m_ofs) { highp float sd = SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, vec2(m_ofs, sh)); shadow_attenuation += 1.0 - smoothstep(sd, sd + shadow_gradient, sz); }
#define SHADOW_TEST(m_ofs) { highp float sd = SHADOW_DEPTH(shadow_texture, vec2(m_ofs, sh)); shadow_attenuation += step(sz, sd); }
/* clang-format on */
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size);
shadow_attenuation /= 3.0;
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 2.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 2.0);
shadow_attenuation /= 5.0;
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 3.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 2.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 2.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 3.0);
shadow_attenuation /= 7.0;
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 4.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 3.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 2.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 2.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 3.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 4.0);
shadow_attenuation /= 9.0;
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 6.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 5.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 4.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 3.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size * 2.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su + shadowpixel_size);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 2.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 3.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 4.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 5.0);
SHADOW_TEST(su - shadowpixel_size * 6.0);
shadow_attenuation /= 13.0;
//color *= shadow_attenuation;
color = mix(real_light_shadow_color, color, shadow_attenuation);
//use shadows
//use lighting
gl_FragColor = color;