This was a regression from93d7ec8836
(#38110). Mono's old implementation of Microsoft.Build hardcodes HasUnsavedChanges to always return true. This workaround can be reverted once we switch to official Microsoft.Build. (cherry picked from commit81f13f6171
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356 lines
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using GodotTools.Core;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using DotNet.Globbing;
using Microsoft.Build.Construction;
namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor
public sealed class MSBuildProject
public ProjectRootElement Root { get; }
public bool HasUnsavedChanges { get; set; }
public void Save() => Root.Save();
public MSBuildProject(ProjectRootElement root)
Root = root;
public static class ProjectUtils
public static MSBuildProject Open(string path)
var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(path);
return root != null ? new MSBuildProject(root) : null;
public static void AddItemToProjectChecked(string projectPath, string itemType, string include)
var dir = Directory.GetParent(projectPath).FullName;
var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath);
Debug.Assert(root != null);
var normalizedInclude = include.RelativeToPath(dir).Replace("/", "\\");
if (root.AddItemChecked(itemType, normalizedInclude))
public static void RenameItemInProjectChecked(string projectPath, string itemType, string oldInclude, string newInclude)
var dir = Directory.GetParent(projectPath).FullName;
var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath);
Debug.Assert(root != null);
var normalizedOldInclude = oldInclude.NormalizePath();
var normalizedNewInclude = newInclude.NormalizePath();
var item = root.FindItemOrNullAbs(itemType, normalizedOldInclude);
if (item == null)
item.Include = normalizedNewInclude.RelativeToPath(dir).Replace("/", "\\");
public static void RemoveItemFromProjectChecked(string projectPath, string itemType, string include)
var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath);
Debug.Assert(root != null);
var normalizedInclude = include.NormalizePath();
if (root.RemoveItemChecked(itemType, normalizedInclude))
public static void RenameItemsToNewFolderInProjectChecked(string projectPath, string itemType, string oldFolder, string newFolder)
var dir = Directory.GetParent(projectPath).FullName;
var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath);
Debug.Assert(root != null);
bool dirty = false;
var oldFolderNormalized = oldFolder.NormalizePath();
var newFolderNormalized = newFolder.NormalizePath();
string absOldFolderNormalized = Path.GetFullPath(oldFolderNormalized).NormalizePath();
string absNewFolderNormalized = Path.GetFullPath(newFolderNormalized).NormalizePath();
foreach (var item in root.FindAllItemsInFolder(itemType, oldFolderNormalized))
string absPathNormalized = Path.GetFullPath(item.Include).NormalizePath();
string absNewIncludeNormalized = absNewFolderNormalized + absPathNormalized.Substring(absOldFolderNormalized.Length);
item.Include = absNewIncludeNormalized.RelativeToPath(dir).Replace("/", "\\");
dirty = true;
if (dirty)
public static void RemoveItemsInFolderFromProjectChecked(string projectPath, string itemType, string folder)
var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath);
Debug.Assert(root != null);
var folderNormalized = folder.NormalizePath();
var itemsToRemove = root.FindAllItemsInFolder(itemType, folderNormalized).ToList();
if (itemsToRemove.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in itemsToRemove)
private static string[] GetAllFilesRecursive(string rootDirectory, string mask)
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(rootDirectory, mask, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// We want relative paths
for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
files[i] = files[i].RelativeToPath(rootDirectory);
return files;
public static string[] GetIncludeFiles(string projectPath, string itemType)
var result = new List<string>();
var existingFiles = GetAllFilesRecursive(Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath), "*.cs");
var globOptions = new GlobOptions();
globOptions.Evaluation.CaseInsensitive = false;
var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath);
Debug.Assert(root != null);
foreach (var itemGroup in root.ItemGroups)
if (itemGroup.Condition.Length != 0)
foreach (var item in itemGroup.Items)
if (item.ItemType != itemType)
string normalizedInclude = item.Include.NormalizePath();
var glob = Glob.Parse(normalizedInclude, globOptions);
// TODO Check somehow if path has no blob to avoid the following loop...
foreach (var existingFile in existingFiles)
if (glob.IsMatch(existingFile))
return result.ToArray();
/// Simple function to make sure the Api assembly references are configured correctly
public static void FixApiHintPath(MSBuildProject project)
var root = project.Root;
void AddPropertyIfNotPresent(string name, string condition, string value)
if (root.PropertyGroups
.Any(g => (g.Condition == string.Empty || g.Condition.Trim() == condition) &&
.Any(p => p.Name == name &&
p.Value == value &&
(p.Condition.Trim() == condition || g.Condition.Trim() == condition))))
root.AddProperty(name, value).Condition = " " + condition + " ";
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
AddPropertyIfNotPresent(name: "ApiConfiguration",
condition: "'$(Configuration)' != 'ExportRelease'",
value: "Debug");
AddPropertyIfNotPresent(name: "ApiConfiguration",
condition: "'$(Configuration)' == 'ExportRelease'",
value: "Release");
void SetReferenceHintPath(string referenceName, string condition, string hintPath)
foreach (var itemGroup in root.ItemGroups.Where(g =>
g.Condition.Trim() == string.Empty || g.Condition.Trim() == condition))
var references = itemGroup.Items.Where(item =>
item.ItemType == "Reference" &&
item.Include == referenceName &&
(item.Condition.Trim() == condition || itemGroup.Condition.Trim() == condition));
var referencesWithHintPath = references.Where(reference =>
reference.Metadata.Any(m => m.Name == "HintPath"));
if (referencesWithHintPath.Any(reference => reference.Metadata
.Any(m => m.Name == "HintPath" && m.Value == hintPath)))
// Found a Reference item with the right HintPath
var referenceWithHintPath = referencesWithHintPath.FirstOrDefault();
if (referenceWithHintPath != null)
// Found a Reference item with a wrong HintPath
foreach (var metadata in referenceWithHintPath.Metadata.ToList()
.Where(m => m.Name == "HintPath"))
// Safe to remove as we duplicate with ToList() to loop
referenceWithHintPath.AddMetadata("HintPath", hintPath);
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
var referenceWithoutHintPath = references.FirstOrDefault();
if (referenceWithoutHintPath != null)
// Found a Reference item without a HintPath
referenceWithoutHintPath.AddMetadata("HintPath", hintPath);
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
// Found no Reference item at all. Add it.
root.AddItem("Reference", referenceName).Condition = " " + condition + " ";
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
const string coreProjectName = "GodotSharp";
const string editorProjectName = "GodotSharpEditor";
const string coreCondition = "";
const string editorCondition = "'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'";
var coreHintPath = $"$(ProjectDir)/.mono/assemblies/$(ApiConfiguration)/{coreProjectName}.dll";
var editorHintPath = $"$(ProjectDir)/.mono/assemblies/$(ApiConfiguration)/{editorProjectName}.dll";
SetReferenceHintPath(coreProjectName, coreCondition, coreHintPath);
SetReferenceHintPath(editorProjectName, editorCondition, editorHintPath);
public static void MigrateFromOldConfigNames(MSBuildProject project)
var root = project.Root;
bool hasGodotProjectGeneratorVersion = false;
bool foundOldConfiguration = false;
foreach (var propertyGroup in root.PropertyGroups.Where(g => g.Condition == string.Empty))
if (!hasGodotProjectGeneratorVersion && propertyGroup.Properties.Any(p => p.Name == "GodotProjectGeneratorVersion"))
hasGodotProjectGeneratorVersion = true;
foreach (var configItem in propertyGroup.Properties
.Where(p => p.Condition.Trim() == "'$(Configuration)' == ''" && p.Value == "Tools"))
configItem.Value = "Debug";
foundOldConfiguration = true;
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
if (!hasGodotProjectGeneratorVersion)
root.PropertyGroups.First(g => g.Condition == string.Empty)?
.AddProperty("GodotProjectGeneratorVersion", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString());
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
if (!foundOldConfiguration)
var toolsConditions = new[]
"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Tools|AnyCPU'",
"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' != 'Tools|AnyCPU'",
"'$(Configuration)' == 'Tools'",
"'$(Configuration)' != 'Tools'"
foundOldConfiguration = root.PropertyGroups
.Any(g => toolsConditions.Any(c => c == g.Condition.Trim()));
if (foundOldConfiguration)
void MigrateConfigurationConditions(string oldConfiguration, string newConfiguration)
void MigrateConditions(string oldCondition, string newCondition)
foreach (var propertyGroup in root.PropertyGroups.Where(g => g.Condition.Trim() == oldCondition))
propertyGroup.Condition = " " + newCondition + " ";
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
foreach (var propertyGroup in root.PropertyGroups)
foreach (var prop in propertyGroup.Properties.Where(p => p.Condition.Trim() == oldCondition))
prop.Condition = " " + newCondition + " ";
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
foreach (var itemGroup in root.ItemGroups.Where(g => g.Condition.Trim() == oldCondition))
itemGroup.Condition = " " + newCondition + " ";
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
foreach (var itemGroup in root.ItemGroups)
foreach (var item in itemGroup.Items.Where(item => item.Condition.Trim() == oldCondition))
item.Condition = " " + newCondition + " ";
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
foreach (var op in new[] {"==", "!="})
MigrateConditions($"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' {op} '{oldConfiguration}|AnyCPU'", $"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' {op} '{newConfiguration}|AnyCPU'");
MigrateConditions($"'$(Configuration)' {op} '{oldConfiguration}'", $"'$(Configuration)' {op} '{newConfiguration}'");
MigrateConfigurationConditions("Debug", "ExportDebug");
MigrateConfigurationConditions("Release", "ExportRelease");
MigrateConfigurationConditions("Tools", "Debug"); // Must be last