Rémi Verschelde f8db8a3faa Bring that Whole New World to the Old Continent too
Applies the clang-format style to the 2.1 branch as done for master in
2017-03-19 00:36:26 +01:00

500 lines
10 KiB

#include "dynamic_font_stb.h"
#include "os/file_access.h"
#include "stb_truetype.h"
void DynamicFontData::lock() {
fr = font_data.read();
if (fr.ptr() != last_data_ptr) {
last_data_ptr = fr.ptr();
if (!stbtt_InitFont(&info, last_data_ptr, 0)) {
valid = false;
} else {
valid = true;
last_data_ptr = fr.ptr();
void DynamicFontData::unlock() {
fr = DVector<uint8_t>::Read();
void DynamicFontData::set_font_data(const DVector<uint8_t> &p_font) {
//clear caches and stuff
font_data = p_font;
if (valid) {
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&info, &ascent, &descent, &linegap);
descent = -descent + linegap;
for (int i = 32; i < 1024; i++) {
for (int j = 32; j < 1024; j++) {
int kern = stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance(&info, i, j);
if (kern != 0) {
KerningPairKey kpk;
kpk.A = i;
kpk.B = j;
kerning_map[kpk] = kern;
//clear existing stuff
Ref<DynamicFontAtSize> DynamicFontData::_get_dynamic_font_at_size(int p_size) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!valid, Ref<DynamicFontAtSize>());
if (size_cache.has(p_size)) {
return Ref<DynamicFontAtSize>(size_cache[p_size]);
Ref<DynamicFontAtSize> dfas;
dfas->font = Ref<DynamicFontData>(this);
size_cache[p_size] = dfas.ptr();
dfas->size = p_size;
dfas->scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&info, p_size);
return dfas;
DynamicFontData::DynamicFontData() {
last_data_ptr = NULL;
valid = false;
DynamicFontData::~DynamicFontData() {
float DynamicFontAtSize::get_height() const {
return (font->ascent + font->descent) * scale;
float DynamicFontAtSize::get_ascent() const {
return font->ascent * scale;
float DynamicFontAtSize::get_descent() const {
return font->descent * scale;
Size2 DynamicFontAtSize::get_char_size(CharType p_char, CharType p_next) const {
const_cast<DynamicFontAtSize *>(this)->_update_char(p_char);
const Character *c = char_map.getptr(p_char);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!c, Size2());
Size2 ret(c->advance, get_height());
if (p_next) {
DynamicFontData::KerningPairKey kpk;
kpk.A = p_char;
kpk.B = p_next;
const Map<DynamicFontData::KerningPairKey, int>::Element *K = font->kerning_map.find(kpk);
if (K) {
ret.x += K->get() * scale;
return ret;
float DynamicFontAtSize::draw_char(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, CharType p_char, CharType p_next, const Color &p_modulate) const {
const_cast<DynamicFontAtSize *>(this)->_update_char(p_char);
const Character *c = char_map.getptr(p_char);
if (!c) {
return 0;
Point2 cpos = p_pos;
cpos.x += c->h_align;
cpos.y -= get_ascent();
cpos.y += c->v_align;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(c->texture_idx < -1 || c->texture_idx >= textures.size(), 0);
if (c->texture_idx != -1)
VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(p_canvas_item, Rect2(cpos, c->rect.size), textures[c->texture_idx].texture->get_rid(), c->rect, p_modulate);
float ret = c->advance;
if (p_next) {
DynamicFontData::KerningPairKey kpk;
kpk.A = p_char;
kpk.B = p_next;
const Map<DynamicFontData::KerningPairKey, int>::Element *K = font->kerning_map.find(kpk);
if (K) {
ret += K->get() * scale;
return ret;
void DynamicFontAtSize::_update_char(CharType p_char) {
if (char_map.has(p_char))
int w, h, xofs, yofs;
unsigned char *cpbitmap = stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap(&font->info, scale, scale, p_char, &w, &h, &xofs, &yofs);
if (!cpbitmap) {
//no glyph
int advance;
stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(&font->info, p_char, &advance, 0);
//print_line("char has no bitmap: "+itos(p_char)+" but advance is "+itos(advance*scale));
Character ch;
ch.texture_idx = -1;
ch.advance = advance * scale;
ch.h_align = 0;
ch.v_align = 0;
char_map[p_char] = ch;
int mw = w + rect_margin * 2;
int mh = h + rect_margin * 2;
if (mw > 4096 || mh > 4096) {
stbtt_FreeBitmap(cpbitmap, NULL);
ERR_FAIL_COND(mw > 4096);
ERR_FAIL_COND(mh > 4096);
//find a texture to fit this...
int tex_index = -1;
int tex_x = 0;
int tex_y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < textures.size(); i++) {
CharTexture &ct = textures[i];
if (mw > ct.texture_size || mh > ct.texture_size) //too big for this texture
tex_y = 0x7FFFFFFF;
tex_x = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < ct.texture_size - mw; j++) {
int max_y = 0;
for (int k = j; k < j + mw; k++) {
int y = ct.offsets[k];
if (y > max_y)
max_y = y;
if (max_y < tex_y) {
tex_y = max_y;
tex_x = j;
if (tex_y == 0x7FFFFFFF || tex_y + mh > ct.texture_size)
continue; //fail, could not fit it here
tex_index = i;
// print_line("CHAR: "+String::chr(p_char)+" TEX INDEX: "+itos(tex_index)+" X: "+itos(tex_x)+" Y: "+itos(tex_y));
if (tex_index == -1) {
//could not find texture to fit, create one
tex_x = 0;
tex_y = 0;
int texsize = MAX(size * 8, 256);
if (mw > texsize)
texsize = mw; //special case, adapt to it?
if (mh > texsize)
texsize = mh; //special case, adapt to it?
texsize = nearest_power_of_2(texsize);
texsize = MIN(texsize, 4096);
CharTexture tex;
tex.texture_size = texsize;
tex.imgdata.resize(texsize * texsize * 2); //grayscale alpha
//zero texture
DVector<uint8_t>::Write w = tex.imgdata.write();
ERR_FAIL_COND(texsize * texsize * 2 > tex.imgdata.size());
for (int i = 0; i < texsize * texsize * 2; i++) {
w[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < texsize; i++) //zero offsets
tex.offsets[i] = 0;
tex_index = textures.size() - 1;
//fit character in char texture
CharTexture &tex = textures[tex_index];
DVector<uint8_t>::Write wr = tex.imgdata.write();
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {
int ofs = ((i + tex_y + rect_margin) * tex.texture_size + j + tex_x + rect_margin) * 2;
ERR_FAIL_COND(ofs >= tex.imgdata.size());
wr[ofs + 0] = 255; //grayscale as 1
wr[ofs + 1] = cpbitmap[i * w + j]; //alpha as 0
//blit to image and texture
Image img(tex.texture_size, tex.texture_size, 0, Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA, tex.imgdata);
if (tex.texture.is_null()) {
tex.texture->create_from_image(img, Texture::FLAG_FILTER);
} else {
tex.texture->set_data(img); //update
// update height array
for (int k = tex_x; k < tex_x + mw; k++) {
tex.offsets[k] = tex_y + mh;
int advance;
stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(&font->info, p_char, &advance, 0);
Character chr;
chr.h_align = xofs;
chr.v_align = yofs + get_ascent();
chr.advance = advance * scale;
chr.texture_idx = tex_index;
chr.rect = Rect2(tex_x + rect_margin, tex_y + rect_margin, w, h);
//print_line("CHAR: "+String::chr(p_char)+" TEX INDEX: "+itos(tex_index)+" RECT: "+chr.rect+" X OFS: "+itos(xofs)+" Y OFS: "+itos(yofs));
char_map[p_char] = chr;
stbtt_FreeBitmap(cpbitmap, NULL);
DynamicFontAtSize::DynamicFontAtSize() {
rect_margin = 1;
DynamicFontAtSize::~DynamicFontAtSize() {
void DynamicFont::_bind_methods() {
ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("set_font_data", "data:DynamicFontData"), &DynamicFont::set_font_data);
ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("get_font_data:DynamicFontData"), &DynamicFont::get_font_data);
ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("set_size", "data"), &DynamicFont::set_size);
ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("get_size"), &DynamicFont::get_size);
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "font/size"), _SCS("set_size"), _SCS("get_size"));
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "font/font", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "DynamicFontData"), _SCS("set_font_data"), _SCS("get_font_data"));
void DynamicFont::set_font_data(const Ref<DynamicFontData> &p_data) {
data = p_data;
data_at_size = data->_get_dynamic_font_at_size(size);
Ref<DynamicFontData> DynamicFont::get_font_data() const {
return data;
void DynamicFont::set_size(int p_size) {
if (size == p_size)
size = p_size;
ERR_FAIL_COND(p_size < 1);
if (!data.is_valid())
data_at_size = data->_get_dynamic_font_at_size(size);
int DynamicFont::get_size() const {
return size;
float DynamicFont::get_height() const {
if (!data_at_size.is_valid())
return 1;
return data_at_size->get_height();
float DynamicFont::get_ascent() const {
if (!data_at_size.is_valid())
return 1;
return data_at_size->get_ascent();
float DynamicFont::get_descent() const {
if (!data_at_size.is_valid())
return 1;
return data_at_size->get_descent();
Size2 DynamicFont::get_char_size(CharType p_char, CharType p_next) const {
if (!data_at_size.is_valid())
return Size2(1, 1);
return data_at_size->get_char_size(p_char, p_next);
bool DynamicFont::is_distance_field_hint() const {
return false;
float DynamicFont::draw_char(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, CharType p_char, CharType p_next, const Color &p_modulate) const {
if (!data_at_size.is_valid())
return 0;
return data_at_size->draw_char(p_canvas_item, p_pos, p_char, p_next, p_modulate);
DynamicFont::DynamicFont() {
size = 16;
DynamicFont::~DynamicFont() {
RES ResourceFormatLoaderDynamicFont::load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path, Error *r_error) {
if (r_error)
*r_error = ERR_FILE_CANT_OPEN;
FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ);
DVector<uint8_t> data;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data.size() == 0, RES());
DVector<uint8_t>::Write w = data.write();
f->get_buffer(w.ptr(), data.size());
Ref<DynamicFontData> dfd;
if (r_error)
*r_error = OK;
return dfd;
void ResourceFormatLoaderDynamicFont::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const {
bool ResourceFormatLoaderDynamicFont::handles_type(const String &p_type) const {
return (p_type == "DynamicFontData");
String ResourceFormatLoaderDynamicFont::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const {
String el = p_path.extension().to_lower();
if (el == "ttf")
return "DynamicFontData";
return "";