Also finally move freetype to its own env and disable warnings for it. Still needs some work to fix the awkward situation of the freetype and svg modules used in scene/ and editor/ respectively.
156 lines
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156 lines
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import os
import sys
def is_active():
return True
def get_name():
return "Haiku"
def can_build():
if ( != "posix" or sys.platform == "darwin"):
return False
return True
def get_opts():
from SCons.Variables import EnumVariable
return [
EnumVariable('debug_symbols', 'Add debugging symbols to release builds', 'yes', ('yes', 'no', 'full')),
def get_flags():
return [
def configure(env):
## Build type
if (env["target"] == "release"):
env.Prepend(CCFLAGS=['-O3', '-ffast-math'])
if (env["debug_symbols"] == "yes"):
if (env["debug_symbols"] == "full"):
elif (env["target"] == "release_debug"):
env.Prepend(CCFLAGS=['-O2', '-ffast-math', '-DDEBUG_ENABLED'])
if (env["debug_symbols"] == "yes"):
if (env["debug_symbols"] == "full"):
elif (env["target"] == "debug"):
## Architecture
is64 = sys.maxsize > 2**32
if (env["bits"] == "default"):
env["bits"] = "64" if is64 else "32"
## Compiler configuration
env["CC"] = "gcc-x86"
env["CXX"] = "g++-x86"
## Dependencies
if not env['builtin_libwebp']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libwebp --cflags --libs')
# freetype depends on libpng and zlib, so bundling one of them while keeping others
# as shared libraries leads to weird issues
if env['builtin_freetype'] or env['builtin_libpng'] or env['builtin_zlib']:
env['builtin_freetype'] = True
env['builtin_libpng'] = True
env['builtin_zlib'] = True
if not env['builtin_freetype']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config freetype2 --cflags --libs')
if not env['builtin_libpng']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libpng --cflags --libs')
if not env['builtin_bullet']:
# We need at least version 2.88
import subprocess
bullet_version = subprocess.check_output(['pkg-config', 'bullet', '--modversion']).strip()
if bullet_version < "2.88":
# Abort as system bullet was requested but too old
print("Bullet: System version {0} does not match minimal requirements ({1}). Aborting.".format(bullet_version, "2.88"))
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config bullet --cflags --libs')
if not env['builtin_enet']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libenet --cflags --libs')
if not env['builtin_squish'] and env['tools']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libsquish --cflags --libs')
if not env['builtin_zstd']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libzstd --cflags --libs')
# Sound and video libraries
# Keep the order as it triggers chained dependencies (ogg needed by others, etc.)
if not env['builtin_libtheora']:
env['builtin_libogg'] = False # Needed to link against system libtheora
env['builtin_libvorbis'] = False # Needed to link against system libtheora
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config theora theoradec --cflags --libs')
if not env['builtin_libvpx']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config vpx --cflags --libs')
if not env['builtin_libvorbis']:
env['builtin_libogg'] = False # Needed to link against system libvorbis
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config vorbis vorbisfile --cflags --libs')
if not env['builtin_opus']:
env['builtin_libogg'] = False # Needed to link against system opus
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config opus opusfile --cflags --libs')
if not env['builtin_libogg']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config ogg --cflags --libs')
if env['builtin_libtheora']:
list_of_x86 = ['x86_64', 'x86', 'i386', 'i586']
if any(platform.machine() in s for s in list_of_x86):
env["x86_libtheora_opt_gcc"] = True
if not env['builtin_libwebsockets']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libwebsockets --cflags --libs')
if not env['builtin_mbedtls']:
# mbedTLS does not provide a pkgconfig config yet. See
env.Append(LIBS=['mbedtls', 'mbedcrypto', 'mbedx509'])
if not env['builtin_miniupnpc']:
# No pkgconfig file so far, hardcode default paths.
# On Linux wchar_t should be 32-bits
# 16-bit library shouldn't be required due to compiler optimisations
if not env['builtin_pcre2']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libpcre2-32 --cflags --libs')
## Flags
env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-DPTHREAD_NO_RENAME']) # TODO: enable when we have pthread_setname_np
env.Append(LIBS=['be', 'game', 'media', 'network', 'bnetapi', 'z', 'GL'])