-Missing Icons -Missing freezing option (for baking light and faster load) -Missing a way to export from Godot (GLTF2?) -Probably buggy (may freeze editor, can be worked around easily, but let me know if this happens so it's easier to catch bugs) Happy testing!
207 lines
4.9 KiB
207 lines
4.9 KiB
#ifndef CSG_H
#define CSG_H
#include "aabb.h"
#include "dvector.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "math_2d.h"
#include "oa_hash_map.h"
#include "plane.h"
#include "scene/resources/material.h"
#include "transform.h"
#include "vector3.h"
struct CSGBrush {
struct Face {
Vector3 vertices[3];
Vector2 uvs[3];
AABB aabb;
bool smooth;
bool invert;
int material;
Vector<Face> faces;
Vector<Ref<Material> > materials;
void _regen_face_aabbs();
//create a brush from faces
void build_from_faces(const PoolVector<Vector3> &p_vertices, const PoolVector<Vector2> &p_uvs, const PoolVector<bool> &p_smooth, const PoolVector<Ref<Material> > &p_materials, const PoolVector<bool> &p_invert_faces);
void copy_from(const CSGBrush &p_brush, const Transform &p_xform);
void clear();
struct CSGBrushOperation {
enum Operation {
struct MeshMerge {
struct BVH {
int face;
int left;
int right;
int next;
Vector3 center;
AABB aabb;
struct BVHCmpX {
bool operator()(const BVH *p_left, const BVH *p_right) const {
return p_left->center.x < p_right->center.x;
struct BVHCmpY {
bool operator()(const BVH *p_left, const BVH *p_right) const {
return p_left->center.y < p_right->center.y;
struct BVHCmpZ {
bool operator()(const BVH *p_left, const BVH *p_right) const {
return p_left->center.z < p_right->center.z;
int _bvh_count_intersections(BVH *bvhptr, int p_max_depth, int p_bvh_first, const Vector3 &p_begin, const Vector3 &p_end, int p_exclude) const;
int _create_bvh(BVH *p_bvh, BVH **p_bb, int p_from, int p_size, int p_depth, int &max_depth, int &max_alloc);
struct VertexKey {
int32_t x, y, z;
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator<(const VertexKey &p_key) const {
if (x == p_key.x) {
if (y == p_key.y) {
return z < p_key.z;
} else {
return y < p_key.y;
} else {
return x < p_key.x;
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator==(const VertexKey &p_key) const {
return (x == p_key.x && y == p_key.y && z == p_key.z);
struct VertexKeyHash {
static _FORCE_INLINE_ uint32_t hash(const VertexKey &p_vk) {
uint32_t h = hash_djb2_one_32(p_vk.x);
h = hash_djb2_one_32(p_vk.y, h);
h = hash_djb2_one_32(p_vk.z, h);
return h;
OAHashMap<VertexKey, int, 64, VertexKeyHash> snap_cache;
Vector<Vector3> points;
struct Face {
bool from_b;
bool inside;
int points[3];
Vector2 uvs[3];
bool smooth;
bool invert;
int material_idx;
Vector<Face> faces;
Map<Ref<Material>, int> materials;
Map<Vector3, int> vertex_map;
void add_face(const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_c, const Vector2 &p_uv_a, const Vector2 &p_uv_b, const Vector2 &p_uv_c, bool p_smooth, bool p_invert, const Ref<Material> &p_material, bool p_from_b);
// void add_face(const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_c, bool p_from_b);
float vertex_snap;
void mark_inside_faces();
struct BuildPoly {
Plane plane;
Transform to_poly;
Transform to_world;
int face_index;
struct Point {
Vector2 point;
Vector2 uv;
Vector<Point> points;
struct Edge {
bool outer;
int points[2];
Edge() {
outer = false;
Vector<Edge> edges;
Ref<Material> material;
bool smooth;
bool invert;
int base_edges; //edges from original triangle, even if split
void _clip_segment(const CSGBrush *p_brush, int p_face, const Vector2 *segment, MeshMerge &mesh_merge, bool p_for_B);
void create(const CSGBrush *p_brush, int p_face, MeshMerge &mesh_merge, bool p_for_B);
void clip(const CSGBrush *p_brush, int p_face, MeshMerge &mesh_merge, bool p_for_B);
struct PolyPoints {
Vector<int> points;
Vector<Vector<int> > holes;
struct EdgeSort {
int edge;
int prev_point;
int edge_point;
float angle;
bool operator<(const EdgeSort &p_edge) const { return angle < p_edge.angle; }
struct CallbackData {
const CSGBrush *A;
const CSGBrush *B;
int face_a;
CSGBrushOperation *self;
Map<int, BuildPoly> build_polys_A;
Map<int, BuildPoly> build_polys_B;
void _add_poly_points(const BuildPoly &p_poly, int p_edge, int p_from_point, int p_to_point, const Vector<Vector<int> > &vertex_process, Vector<bool> &edge_process, Vector<PolyPoints> &r_poly);
void _add_poly_outline(const BuildPoly &p_poly, int p_from_point, int p_to_point, const Vector<Vector<int> > &vertex_process, Vector<int> &r_outline);
void _merge_poly(MeshMerge &mesh, int p_face_idx, const BuildPoly &p_poly, bool p_from_b);
void _collision_callback(const CSGBrush *A, int p_face_a, Map<int, BuildPoly> &build_polys_a, const CSGBrush *B, int p_face_b, Map<int, BuildPoly> &build_polys_b, MeshMerge &mesh_merge);
static void _collision_callbacks(void *ud, int p_face_b);
void merge_brushes(Operation p_operation, const CSGBrush &p_A, const CSGBrush &p_B, CSGBrush &result, float p_snap = 0.001);
#endif // CSG_H