Graphite is now available under: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later We pick MIT which is the same as Godot's main license for simplicity. Remove define to skip deprecation warnings, upstream fixed those.
276 lines
7.4 KiB
276 lines
7.4 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later
// Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include "inc/Intervals.h"
#include "inc/Segment.h"
#include "inc/Slot.h"
#include "inc/debug.h"
#include "inc/bits.h"
using namespace graphite2;
#include <cmath>
Zones::Exclusion Zones::Exclusion::split_at(float p) {
Exclusion r(*this);
r.xm = x = p;
return r;
void Zones::Exclusion::left_trim(float p) {
x = p;
Zones::Exclusion & Zones::Exclusion::operator += (Exclusion const & rhs) {
c += rhs.c; sm +=; smx += rhs.smx; open = false;
return *this;
uint8 Zones::Exclusion::outcode(float val) const {
float p = val;
//float d = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
float d = 0.;
return ((p - xm >= d) << 1) | (x - p > d);
void Zones::exclude_with_margins(float xmin, float xmax, int axis) {
remove(xmin, xmax);
weightedAxis(axis, xmin-_margin_len, xmin, 0, 0, _margin_weight, xmin-_margin_len, 0, 0, false);
weightedAxis(axis, xmax, xmax+_margin_len, 0, 0, _margin_weight, xmax+_margin_len, 0, 0, false);
bool separated(float a, float b) {
return a != b;
//int exp;
//float res = frexpf(fabs(a - b), &exp);
//return (*(unsigned int *)(&res) > 4);
//return std::fabs(a-b) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(); // std::epsilon may not work. but 0.5 fails exising 64 bit tests
//return std::fabs(a-b) > 0.5f;
void Zones::insert(Exclusion e)
e.x = max(e.x, _pos);
e.xm = min(e.xm, _posm);
if (e.x >= e.xm) return;
for (iterator i = _exclusions.begin(), ie = _exclusions.end(); i != ie && e.x < e.xm; ++i)
const uint8 oca = e.outcode(i->x),
ocb = e.outcode(i->xm);
if ((oca & ocb) != 0) continue;
switch (oca ^ ocb) // What kind of overlap?
case 0: // e completely covers i
// split e at i.x into e1,e2
// split e2 at into e2,e3
// drop e1 ,i+e2, e=e3
*i += e;
case 1: // e overlaps on the rhs of i
// split i at e->x into i1,i2
// split e at into e1,e2
// trim i1, insert i2+e1, e=e2
if (!separated(i->xm, e.x)) break;
if (separated(i->x,e.x)) { i = _exclusions.insert(i,i->split_at(e.x)); ++i; }
*i += e;
case 2: // e overlaps on the lhs of i
// split e at i->x into e1,e2
// split i at into i1,i2
// drop e1, insert e2+i1, trim i2
if (!separated(e.xm, i->x)) return;
if (separated(e.xm, i->xm)) i = _exclusions.insert(i,i->split_at(e.xm));
*i += e;
case 3: // i completely covers e
// split i at e.x into i1,i2
// split i2 at into i2,i3
// insert i1, insert e+i2
if (separated(e.xm, i->xm)) i = _exclusions.insert(i,i->split_at(e.xm));
i = _exclusions.insert(i, i->split_at(e.x));
*++i += e;
ie = _exclusions.end();
void Zones::remove(float x, float xm)
removeDebug(x, xm);
x = max(x, _pos);
xm = min(xm, _posm);
if (x >= xm) return;
for (iterator i = _exclusions.begin(), ie = _exclusions.end(); i != ie; ++i)
const uint8 oca = i->outcode(x),
ocb = i->outcode(xm);
if ((oca & ocb) != 0) continue;
switch (oca ^ ocb) // What kind of overlap?
case 0: // i completely covers e
if (separated(i->x, x)) { i = _exclusions.insert(i,i->split_at(x)); ++i; }
// no break
case 1: // i overlaps on the rhs of e
case 2: // i overlaps on the lhs of e
i->xm = x;
if (separated(i->x, i->xm)) break;
// no break
case 3: // e completely covers i
i = _exclusions.erase(i);
ie = _exclusions.end();
Zones::const_iterator Zones::find_exclusion_under(float x) const
size_t l = 0, h = _exclusions.size();
while (l < h)
size_t const p = (l+h) >> 1;
switch (_exclusions[p].outcode(x))
case 0 : return _exclusions.begin()+p;
case 1 : h = p; break;
case 2 :
case 3 : l = p+1; break;
return _exclusions.begin()+l;
float Zones::closest(float origin, float & cost) const
float best_c = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
best_x = 0;
const const_iterator start = find_exclusion_under(origin);
// Forward scan looking for lowest cost
for (const_iterator i = start, ie = _exclusions.end(); i != ie; ++i)
if (i->track_cost(best_c, best_x, origin)) break;
// Backward scan looking for lowest cost
// We start from the exclusion to the immediate left of start since we've
// already tested start with the right most scan above.
for (const_iterator i = start-1, ie = _exclusions.begin()-1; i != ie; --i)
if (i->track_cost(best_c, best_x, origin)) break;
cost = (best_c == std::numeric_limits<float>::max() ? -1 : best_c);
return best_x;
// Cost and test position functions
bool Zones::Exclusion::track_cost(float & best_cost, float & best_pos, float origin) const {
const float p = test_position(origin),
localc = cost(p - origin);
if (open && localc > best_cost) return true;
if (localc < best_cost)
best_cost = localc;
best_pos = p;
return false;
float Zones::Exclusion::cost(float p) const {
return (sm * p - 2 * smx) * p + c;
float Zones::Exclusion::test_position(float origin) const {
if (sm < 0)
// sigh, test both ends and perhaps the middle too!
float res = x;
float cl = cost(x);
if (x < origin && xm > origin)
float co = cost(origin);
if (co < cl)
cl = co;
res = origin;
float cr = cost(xm);
return cl > cr ? xm : res;
float zerox = smx / sm + origin;
if (zerox < x) return x;
else if (zerox > xm) return xm;
else return zerox;
void Zones::jsonDbgOut(Segment *seg) const {
if (_dbg)
for (Zones::idebugs s = dbgs_begin(), e = dbgs_end(); s != e; ++s)
*_dbg << json::flat << json::array
<< objectid(dslot(seg, (Slot *)(s->_env[0])))
<< reinterpret_cast<ptrdiff_t>(s->_env[1]);
if (s->_isdel)
*_dbg << "remove" << Position(s->_excl.x, s->_excl.xm);
*_dbg << "exclude" << json::flat << json::array
<< s->_excl.x << s->_excl.xm
<< s-> << s->_excl.smx << s->_excl.c
<< json::close;
*_dbg << json::close;