As of clang-format 6.0.1, putting the `/* clang-format off */` hint around our "invalid" `[vertex]` and `[shader]` statements isn't enough to prevent a bogus indent of the next comments and first valid statement, so we need to enclose that first valid statement in the unformatted chunk.
292 lines
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292 lines
8.7 KiB
/* clang-format off */
layout(location = 0) in highp vec4 vertex_attrib;
/* clang-format on */
layout(location = 4) in vec2 uv_in;
out vec2 uv_interp;
uniform vec4 blur_section;
void main() {
uv_interp = uv_in;
gl_Position = vertex_attrib;
uv_interp = blur_section.xy + uv_interp *;
gl_Position.xy = (blur_section.xy + (gl_Position.xy * 0.5 + 0.5) * * 2.0 - 1.0;
/* clang-format off */
#if !defined(GLES_OVER_GL)
precision mediump float;
in vec2 uv_interp;
/* clang-format on */
uniform sampler2D source_color; //texunit:0
uniform sampler2D source_ssao; //texunit:1
uniform float lod;
uniform vec2 pixel_size;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 frag_color;
uniform vec4 ssao_color;
uniform float glow_strength;
#if defined(DOF_FAR_BLUR) || defined(DOF_NEAR_BLUR)
const int dof_kernel_size = 5;
const int dof_kernel_from = 2;
const float dof_kernel[5] = float[](0.153388, 0.221461, 0.250301, 0.221461, 0.153388);
const int dof_kernel_size = 11;
const int dof_kernel_from = 5;
const float dof_kernel[11] = float[](0.055037, 0.072806, 0.090506, 0.105726, 0.116061, 0.119726, 0.116061, 0.105726, 0.090506, 0.072806, 0.055037);
const int dof_kernel_size = 21;
const int dof_kernel_from = 10;
const float dof_kernel[21] = float[](0.028174, 0.032676, 0.037311, 0.041944, 0.046421, 0.050582, 0.054261, 0.057307, 0.059587, 0.060998, 0.061476, 0.060998, 0.059587, 0.057307, 0.054261, 0.050582, 0.046421, 0.041944, 0.037311, 0.032676, 0.028174);
uniform sampler2D dof_source_depth; //texunit:1
uniform float dof_begin;
uniform float dof_end;
uniform vec2 dof_dir;
uniform float dof_radius;
uniform sampler2D source_dof_original; //texunit:2
uniform float exposure;
uniform float white;
uniform highp sampler2D source_auto_exposure; //texunit:1
uniform highp float auto_exposure_grey;
uniform float glow_bloom;
uniform float glow_hdr_threshold;
uniform float glow_hdr_scale;
uniform float camera_z_far;
uniform float camera_z_near;
void main() {
vec2 pix_size = pixel_size;
pix_size *= 0.5; //reading from larger buffer, so use more samples
vec4 color = textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.214607;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(1.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.189879;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(2.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.157305;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(3.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.071303;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(-1.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.189879;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(-2.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.157305;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(-3.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.071303;
frag_color = color;
vec4 color = textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, 0.0) * pixel_size, lod) * 0.38774;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, 1.0) * pixel_size, lod) * 0.24477;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, 2.0) * pixel_size, lod) * 0.06136;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, -1.0) * pixel_size, lod) * 0.24477;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, -2.0) * pixel_size, lod) * 0.06136;
frag_color = color;
//glow uses larger sigma for a more rounded blur effect
vec2 pix_size = pixel_size;
pix_size *= 0.5; //reading from larger buffer, so use more samples
vec4 color = textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.174938;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(1.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.165569;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(2.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.140367;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(3.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.106595;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(-1.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.165569;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(-2.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.140367;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(-3.0, 0.0) * pix_size, lod) * 0.106595;
color *= glow_strength;
frag_color = color;
vec4 color = textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, 0.0) * pixel_size, lod) * 0.288713;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, 1.0) * pixel_size, lod) * 0.233062;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, 2.0) * pixel_size, lod) * 0.122581;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, -1.0) * pixel_size, lod) * 0.233062;
color += textureLod(source_color, uv_interp + vec2(0.0, -2.0) * pixel_size, lod) * 0.122581;
color *= glow_strength;
frag_color = color;
vec4 color_accum = vec4(0.0);
float depth = textureLod(dof_source_depth, uv_interp, 0.0).r;
depth = depth * 2.0 - 1.0;
depth = ((depth + (camera_z_far + camera_z_near) / (camera_z_far - camera_z_near)) * (camera_z_far - camera_z_near)) / 2.0;
depth = 2.0 * camera_z_near * camera_z_far / (camera_z_far + camera_z_near - depth * (camera_z_far - camera_z_near));
float amount = smoothstep(dof_begin, dof_end, depth);
float k_accum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < dof_kernel_size; i++) {
int int_ofs = i - dof_kernel_from;
vec2 tap_uv = uv_interp + dof_dir * float(int_ofs) * amount * dof_radius;
float tap_k = dof_kernel[i];
float tap_depth = texture(dof_source_depth, tap_uv, 0.0).r;
tap_depth = tap_depth * 2.0 - 1.0;
tap_depth = ((tap_depth + (camera_z_far + camera_z_near) / (camera_z_far - camera_z_near)) * (camera_z_far - camera_z_near)) / 2.0;
tap_depth = 2.0 * camera_z_near * camera_z_far / (camera_z_far + camera_z_near - tap_depth * (camera_z_far - camera_z_near));
float tap_amount = mix(smoothstep(dof_begin, dof_end, tap_depth), 1.0, int_ofs == 0);
tap_amount *= tap_amount * tap_amount; //prevent undesired glow effect
vec4 tap_color = textureLod(source_color, tap_uv, 0.0) * tap_k;
k_accum += tap_k * tap_amount;
color_accum += tap_color * tap_amount;
if (k_accum > 0.0) {
color_accum /= k_accum;
frag_color = color_accum; ///k_accum;
vec4 color_accum = vec4(0.0);
float max_accum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dof_kernel_size; i++) {
int int_ofs = i - dof_kernel_from;
vec2 tap_uv = uv_interp + dof_dir * float(int_ofs) * dof_radius;
float ofs_influence = max(0.0, 1.0 - float(abs(int_ofs)) / float(dof_kernel_from));
float tap_k = dof_kernel[i];
vec4 tap_color = textureLod(source_color, tap_uv, 0.0);
float tap_depth = texture(dof_source_depth, tap_uv, 0.0).r;
tap_depth = tap_depth * 2.0 - 1.0;
tap_depth = ((tap_depth + (camera_z_far + camera_z_near) / (camera_z_far - camera_z_near)) * (camera_z_far - camera_z_near)) / 2.0;
tap_depth = 2.0 * camera_z_near * camera_z_far / (camera_z_far + camera_z_near - tap_depth * (camera_z_far - camera_z_near));
float tap_amount = 1.0 - smoothstep(dof_end, dof_begin, tap_depth);
tap_amount *= tap_amount * tap_amount; //prevent undesired glow effect
tap_color.a = 1.0 - smoothstep(dof_end, dof_begin, tap_depth);
max_accum = max(max_accum, tap_amount * ofs_influence);
color_accum += tap_color * tap_k;
color_accum.a = max(color_accum.a, sqrt(max_accum));
vec4 original = textureLod(source_dof_original, uv_interp, 0.0);
color_accum = mix(original, color_accum, color_accum.a);
frag_color = color_accum;
frag_color /= texelFetch(source_auto_exposure, ivec2(0, 0), 0).r / auto_exposure_grey;
frag_color *= exposure;
float luminance = max(frag_color.r, max(frag_color.g, frag_color.b));
float feedback = max(smoothstep(glow_hdr_threshold, glow_hdr_threshold + glow_hdr_scale, luminance), glow_bloom);
frag_color *= feedback;
vec4 color = textureLod(source_color, uv_interp, 0.0);
frag_color = color;
vec4 color = textureLod(source_color, uv_interp, 0.0);
float ssao = textureLod(source_ssao, uv_interp, 0.0).r;
frag_color = vec4(mix(color.rgb, color.rgb * mix(ssao_color.rgb, vec3(1.0), ssao), color.a), 1.0);