Changed the signal declaration signal to: ``` // The following generates a MySignal event [Signal] public delegate void MySignalEventHandler(int param); ```
361 lines
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361 lines
13 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
// TODO:
// Determine a proper way to emit the signal.
// 'Emit(nameof(TheEvent))' creates a StringName everytime and has the overhead of string marshaling.
// I haven't decided on the best option yet. Some possibilities:
// - Expose the generated StringName fields to the user, for use with 'Emit(...)'.
// - Generate a 'EmitSignalName' method for each event signal.
namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
public class ScriptSignalsGenerator : ISourceGenerator
public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
if (context.AreGodotSourceGeneratorsDisabled())
INamedTypeSymbol[] godotClasses = context
.SelectMany(tree =>
// Report and skip non-partial classes
.Where(x =>
if (x.cds.IsPartial())
if (x.cds.IsNested() && !x.cds.AreAllOuterTypesPartial(out var typeMissingPartial))
Common.ReportNonPartialGodotScriptOuterClass(context, typeMissingPartial!);
return false;
return true;
Common.ReportNonPartialGodotScriptClass(context, x.cds, x.symbol);
return false;
.Select(x => x.symbol)
if (godotClasses.Length > 0)
var typeCache = new MarshalUtils.TypeCache(context);
foreach (var godotClass in godotClasses)
VisitGodotScriptClass(context, typeCache, godotClass);
internal static string SignalDelegateSuffix = "EventHandler";
private static void VisitGodotScriptClass(
GeneratorExecutionContext context,
MarshalUtils.TypeCache typeCache,
INamedTypeSymbol symbol
INamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol = symbol.ContainingNamespace;
string classNs = namespaceSymbol != null && !namespaceSymbol.IsGlobalNamespace ?
namespaceSymbol.FullQualifiedName() :
bool hasNamespace = classNs.Length != 0;
bool isInnerClass = symbol.ContainingType != null;
string uniqueHint = symbol.FullQualifiedName().SanitizeQualifiedNameForUniqueHint()
+ "_ScriptSignals_Generated";
var source = new StringBuilder();
source.Append("using Godot;\n");
source.Append("using Godot.NativeInterop;\n");
if (hasNamespace)
source.Append("namespace ");
source.Append(" {\n\n");
if (isInnerClass)
var containingType = symbol.ContainingType;
while (containingType != null)
source.Append("partial ");
source.Append(" ");
containingType = containingType.ContainingType;
source.Append("partial class ");
// TODO:
// The delegate name already needs to end with 'Signal' to avoid collision with the event name.
// Requiring SignalAttribute is redundant. Should we remove it to make declaration shorter?
var members = symbol.GetMembers();
var signalDelegateSymbols = members
.Where(s => s.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
.Where(namedTypeSymbol => namedTypeSymbol.TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate)
.Where(s => s.GetAttributes()
.Any(a => a.AttributeClass?.IsGodotSignalAttribute() ?? false));
List<GodotSignalDelegateData> godotSignalDelegates = new();
foreach (var signalDelegateSymbol in signalDelegateSymbols)
if (!signalDelegateSymbol.Name.EndsWith(SignalDelegateSuffix))
Common.ReportSignalDelegateMissingSuffix(context, signalDelegateSymbol);
string signalName = signalDelegateSymbol.Name;
signalName = signalName.Substring(0, signalName.Length - SignalDelegateSuffix.Length);
var invokeMethodData = signalDelegateSymbol
if (invokeMethodData == null)
// TODO: Better error for incompatible signature. We should indicate incompatible argument types, as we do with exported properties.
Common.ReportSignalDelegateSignatureNotSupported(context, signalDelegateSymbol);
godotSignalDelegates.Add(new(signalName, signalDelegateSymbol, invokeMethodData.Value));
source.Append(" private partial class GodotInternal {\n");
// Generate cached StringNames for methods and properties, for fast lookup
foreach (var signalDelegate in godotSignalDelegates)
string signalName = signalDelegate.Name;
source.Append(" public static readonly StringName SignalName_");
source.Append(" = \"");
source.Append(" }\n"); // class GodotInternal
// Generate GetGodotSignalList
if (godotSignalDelegates.Count > 0)
source.Append("#pragma warning disable CS0109 // Disable warning about redundant 'new' keyword\n");
const string listType = "System.Collections.Generic.List<global::Godot.Bridge.MethodInfo>";
source.Append(" internal new static ")
.Append(" GetGodotSignalList()\n {\n");
source.Append(" var signals = new ")
foreach (var signalDelegateData in godotSignalDelegates)
var methodInfo = DetermineMethodInfo(signalDelegateData);
AppendMethodInfo(source, methodInfo);
source.Append(" return signals;\n");
source.Append(" }\n");
source.Append("#pragma warning restore CS0109\n");
// Generate signal event
foreach (var signalDelegate in godotSignalDelegates)
string signalName = signalDelegate.Name;
// TODO: Hide backing event from code-completion and debugger
// The reason we have a backing field is to hide the invoke method from the event,
// as it doesn't emit the signal, only the event delegates. This can confuse users.
// Maybe we should directly connect the delegates, as we do with native signals?
source.Append(" private ")
.Append(" backing_")
source.Append(" public event ")
.Append(" ")
.Append(" {\n")
.Append(" add => backing_")
.Append(" += value;\n")
.Append(" remove => backing_")
.Append(" -= value;\n")
source.Append("}\n"); // partial class
if (isInnerClass)
var containingType = symbol.ContainingType;
while (containingType != null)
source.Append("}\n"); // outer class
containingType = containingType.ContainingType;
if (hasNamespace)
context.AddSource(uniqueHint, SourceText.From(source.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8));
private static void AppendMethodInfo(StringBuilder source, MethodInfo methodInfo)
source.Append(" signals.Add(new(name: GodotInternal.SignalName_")
.Append(", returnVal: ");
AppendPropertyInfo(source, methodInfo.ReturnVal);
source.Append(", flags: (Godot.MethodFlags)")
.Append(", arguments: ");
if (methodInfo.Arguments is { Count: > 0 })
source.Append("new() { ");
foreach (var param in methodInfo.Arguments)
AppendPropertyInfo(source, param);
// C# allows colon after the last element
source.Append(", ");
source.Append(" }");
source.Append(", defaultArguments: null));\n");
private static void AppendPropertyInfo(StringBuilder source, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
source.Append("new(type: (Godot.Variant.Type)")
.Append(", name: \"")
.Append("\", hint: (Godot.PropertyHint)")
.Append(", hintString: \"")
.Append("\", usage: (Godot.PropertyUsageFlags)")
.Append(", exported: ")
.Append(propertyInfo.Exported ? "true" : "false")
private static MethodInfo DetermineMethodInfo(GodotSignalDelegateData signalDelegateData)
var invokeMethodData = signalDelegateData.InvokeMethodData;
PropertyInfo returnVal;
if (invokeMethodData.RetType != null)
returnVal = DeterminePropertyInfo(invokeMethodData.RetType.Value, name: string.Empty);
returnVal = new PropertyInfo(VariantType.Nil, string.Empty, PropertyHint.None,
hintString: null, PropertyUsageFlags.Default, exported: false);
int paramCount = invokeMethodData.ParamTypes.Length;
List<PropertyInfo>? arguments;
if (paramCount > 0)
arguments = new(capacity: paramCount);
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
name: invokeMethodData.Method.Parameters[i].Name));
arguments = null;
return new MethodInfo(signalDelegateData.Name, returnVal, MethodFlags.Default, arguments,
defaultArguments: null);
private static PropertyInfo DeterminePropertyInfo(MarshalType marshalType, string name)
var memberVariantType = MarshalUtils.ConvertMarshalTypeToVariantType(marshalType)!.Value;
var propUsage = PropertyUsageFlags.Default;
if (memberVariantType == VariantType.Nil)
propUsage |= PropertyUsageFlags.NilIsVariant;
return new PropertyInfo(memberVariantType, name,
PropertyHint.None, string.Empty, propUsage, exported: false);