Since Embree v3.13.0 supports AARCH64, switch back to the
official repo instead of using Embree-aarch64.
`thirdparty/embree/patches/godot-changes.patch` should now contain
an accurate diff of the changes done to the library.
(cherry picked from commit 767e374dce
236 lines
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236 lines
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// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include "math.h"
namespace embree
struct Vec2fa;
/// Generic 2D vector Class
template<typename T> struct Vec2
enum { N = 2 };
union {
struct { T x, y; };
#if !(defined(__WIN32__) && _MSC_VER == 1800) // workaround for older VS 2013 compiler
T components[N];
typedef T Scalar;
/// Construction
__forceinline Vec2( ) {}
__forceinline explicit Vec2( const T& a ) : x(a), y(a) {}
__forceinline Vec2( const T& x, const T& y ) : x(x), y(y) {}
__forceinline Vec2( const Vec2& other ) { x = other.x; y = other.y; }
__forceinline Vec2( const Vec2fa& other );
template<typename T1> __forceinline Vec2( const Vec2<T1>& a ) : x(T(a.x)), y(T(a.y)) {}
template<typename T1> __forceinline Vec2& operator =( const Vec2<T1>& other ) { x = other.x; y = other.y; return *this; }
__forceinline Vec2& operator =( const Vec2& other ) { x = other.x; y = other.y; return *this; }
/// Constants
__forceinline Vec2( ZeroTy ) : x(zero), y(zero) {}
__forceinline Vec2( OneTy ) : x(one), y(one) {}
__forceinline Vec2( PosInfTy ) : x(pos_inf), y(pos_inf) {}
__forceinline Vec2( NegInfTy ) : x(neg_inf), y(neg_inf) {}
#if defined(__WIN32__) && _MSC_VER == 1800 // workaround for older VS 2013 compiler
__forceinline const T& operator [](const size_t axis) const { assert(axis < 2); return (&x)[axis]; }
__forceinline T& operator [](const size_t axis) { assert(axis < 2); return (&x)[axis]; }
__forceinline const T& operator [](const size_t axis) const { assert(axis < 2); return components[axis]; }
__forceinline T& operator [](const size_t axis ) { assert(axis < 2); return components[axis]; }
/// Unary Operators
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator +( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return Vec2<T>(+a.x, +a.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator -( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return Vec2<T>(-a.x, -a.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> abs ( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return Vec2<T>(abs (a.x), abs (a.y)); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> rcp ( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return Vec2<T>(rcp (a.x), rcp (a.y)); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> rsqrt ( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return Vec2<T>(rsqrt(a.x), rsqrt(a.y)); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> sqrt ( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return Vec2<T>(sqrt (a.x), sqrt (a.y)); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> frac ( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return Vec2<T>(frac (a.x), frac (a.y)); }
/// Binary Operators
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator +( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator +( const Vec2<T>& a, const T& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a.x + b , a.y + b ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator +( const T& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a + b.x, a + b.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator -( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator -( const Vec2<T>& a, const T& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a.x - b , a.y - b ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator -( const T& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a - b.x, a - b.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator *( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator *( const T& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a * b.x, a * b.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator *( const Vec2<T>& a, const T& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a.x * b , a.y * b ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator /( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a.x / b.x, a.y / b.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator /( const Vec2<T>& a, const T& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a.x / b , a.y / b ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> operator /( const T& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return Vec2<T>(a / b.x, a / b.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> min(const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b) { return Vec2<T>(min(a.x, b.x), min(a.y, b.y)); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> max(const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b) { return Vec2<T>(max(a.x, b.x), max(a.y, b.y)); }
/// Ternary Operators
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> madd ( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b, const Vec2<T>& c) { return Vec2<T>( madd(a.x,b.x,c.x), madd(a.y,b.y,c.y) ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> msub ( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b, const Vec2<T>& c) { return Vec2<T>( msub(a.x,b.x,c.x), msub(a.y,b.y,c.y) ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> nmadd ( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b, const Vec2<T>& c) { return Vec2<T>(nmadd(a.x,b.x,c.x),nmadd(a.y,b.y,c.y) ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> nmsub ( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b, const Vec2<T>& c) { return Vec2<T>(nmsub(a.x,b.x,c.x),nmsub(a.y,b.y,c.y) ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> madd ( const T& a, const Vec2<T>& b, const Vec2<T>& c) { return Vec2<T>( madd(a,b.x,c.x), madd(a,b.y,c.y) ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> msub ( const T& a, const Vec2<T>& b, const Vec2<T>& c) { return Vec2<T>( msub(a,b.x,c.x), msub(a,b.y,c.y) ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> nmadd ( const T& a, const Vec2<T>& b, const Vec2<T>& c) { return Vec2<T>(nmadd(a,b.x,c.x),nmadd(a,b.y,c.y) ); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> nmsub ( const T& a, const Vec2<T>& b, const Vec2<T>& c) { return Vec2<T>(nmsub(a,b.x,c.x),nmsub(a,b.y,c.y) ); }
/// Assignment Operators
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T>& operator +=( Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { a.x += b.x; a.y += b.y; return a; }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T>& operator -=( Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { a.x -= b.x; a.y -= b.y; return a; }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T>& operator *=( Vec2<T>& a, const T& b ) { a.x *= b ; a.y *= b ; return a; }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T>& operator /=( Vec2<T>& a, const T& b ) { a.x /= b ; a.y /= b ; return a; }
/// Reduction Operators
template<typename T> __forceinline T reduce_add( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return a.x + a.y; }
template<typename T> __forceinline T reduce_mul( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return a.x * a.y; }
template<typename T> __forceinline T reduce_min( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return min(a.x, a.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline T reduce_max( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return max(a.x, a.y); }
/// Comparison Operators
template<typename T> __forceinline bool operator ==( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y; }
template<typename T> __forceinline bool operator !=( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return a.x != b.x || a.y != b.y; }
template<typename T> __forceinline bool operator < ( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) {
if (a.x != b.x) return a.x < b.x;
if (a.y != b.y) return a.y < b.y;
return false;
/// Shift Operators
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> shift_right_1( const Vec2<T>& a ) {
return Vec2<T>(shift_right_1(a.x),shift_right_1(a.y));
/// Euclidian Space Operators
template<typename T> __forceinline T dot ( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return madd(a.x,b.x,a.y*b.y); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> cross ( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return Vec2<T>(-a.y,a.x); }
template<typename T> __forceinline T length ( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return sqrt(dot(a,a)); }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> normalize( const Vec2<T>& a ) { return a*rsqrt(dot(a,a)); }
template<typename T> __forceinline T distance ( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return length(a-b); }
template<typename T> __forceinline T det ( const Vec2<T>& a, const Vec2<T>& b ) { return a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x; }
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> normalize_safe( const Vec2<T>& a ) {
const T d = dot(a,a); return select(d == T( zero ),a, a*rsqrt(d) );
/// Select
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> select ( bool s, const Vec2<T>& t, const Vec2<T>& f ) {
return Vec2<T>(select(s,t.x,f.x),select(s,t.y,f.y));
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> select ( const Vec2<bool>& s, const Vec2<T>& t, const Vec2<T>& f ) {
return Vec2<T>(select(s.x,t.x,f.x),select(s.y,t.y,f.y));
template<typename T> __forceinline Vec2<T> select ( const typename T::Bool& s, const Vec2<T>& t, const Vec2<T>& f ) {
return Vec2<T>(select(s,t.x,f.x),select(s,t.y,f.y));
template<typename T>
__forceinline Vec2<T> lerp(const Vec2<T>& v0, const Vec2<T>& v1, const T& t) {
return madd(Vec2<T>(T(1.0f)-t),v0,t*v1);
template<typename T> __forceinline int maxDim ( const Vec2<T>& a )
const Vec2<T> b = abs(a);
if (b.x > b.y) return 0;
else return 1;
/// Output Operators
template<typename T> __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const Vec2<T>& a) {
return cout << "(" << a.x << ", " << a.y << ")";
/// Default template instantiations
typedef Vec2<bool > Vec2b;
typedef Vec2<int > Vec2i;
typedef Vec2<float> Vec2f;
#include "vec2fa.h"
#if defined __SSE__
#include "../simd/sse.h"
#if defined __AVX__
#include "../simd/avx.h"
#if defined(__AVX512F__)
#include "../simd/avx512.h"
namespace embree
template<> __forceinline Vec2<float>::Vec2(const Vec2fa& a) : x(a.x), y(a.y) {}
#if defined(__SSE__)
template<> __forceinline Vec2<vfloat4>::Vec2(const Vec2fa& a) : x(a.x), y(a.y) {}
#if defined(__AVX__)
template<> __forceinline Vec2<vfloat8>::Vec2(const Vec2fa& a) : x(a.x), y(a.y) {}
#if defined(__AVX512F__)
template<> __forceinline Vec2<vfloat16>::Vec2(const Vec2fa& a) : x(a.x), y(a.y) {}