SCons has good compiler detection logic for MSVC compilers. Up to now, Godot hasn't used it; it depends on passed-in OS environment vars from a specific Visual Studio cmd.exe windows. This makes it harder to build from a msys or cygwin shell. This change allows SCons to autodetect Visual Studio unless it sees VCINSTALLDIR in the os.environ. It also adds a 'msvc_version' arg for manual specification of compiler version, and uses the existing 'bits' arg to specify the target architecture. More detail could be added as desired. It also adds 'use_mingw' to always use mingw, even if Visual Studio is installed. That uses the existing mingw setup logic. If people are used to building Godot in a Visual Studio cmd window, this should not change the behavior in that case, since VCINSTALLDIR will be set in those windows. (However, note that you could now unset that var and build with any other MSVC version or target arch, even in that window.) I refactored much of platform/windows/detect.py during this, to simplify and clarify the logic. I also cleaned up a bunch of env var settings in windows/detect.py and SConstruct to use modern SCons idioms and simplify things. I suspect this will also enable using the Intel compiler on Windows, though that hasn't been tested.
174 lines
6.2 KiB
174 lines
6.2 KiB
import methods
import os
import string
import sys
def is_active():
return True
def get_name():
return "UWP"
def can_build():
if (os.name == "nt"):
# building natively on windows!
if (os.getenv("VSINSTALLDIR")):
if (os.getenv("ANGLE_SRC_PATH") == None):
return False
return True
return False
def get_opts():
return [
('msvc_version', 'MSVC version to use. Ignored if VCINSTALLDIR is set in shell env.', None),
(BoolVariable('use_mingw', 'Use the Mingw compiler, even if MSVC is installed. Only used on Windows.', False)),
def get_flags():
return [
('tools', False),
('xaudio2', True),
def configure(env):
if (env["bits"] != "default"):
print("Error: bits argument is disabled for MSVC")
Bits argument is not supported for MSVC compilation. Architecture depends on the Native/Cross Compile Tools Prompt/Developer Console
(or Visual Studio settings) that is being used to run SCons. As a consequence, bits argument is disabled. Run scons again without bits
argument (example: scons p=uwp) and SCons will attempt to detect what MSVC compiler will be executed and inform you.
## Build type
if (env["target"] == "release"):
env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['/O2', '/GL'])
elif (env["target"] == "release_debug"):
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/O2', '/Zi', '/DDEBUG_ENABLED'])
elif (env["target"] == "debug"):
## Compiler configuration
env['ENV'] = os.environ
vc_base_path = os.environ['VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR'] if "VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR" in os.environ else os.environ['VCINSTALLDIR']
angle_root = os.getenv("ANGLE_SRC_PATH")
env.Append(CPPPATH=[angle_root + '/include'])
jobs = str(env.GetOption("num_jobs"))
angle_build_cmd = "msbuild.exe " + angle_root + "/winrt/10/src/angle.sln /nologo /v:m /m:" + jobs + " /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="
if os.path.isfile(str(os.getenv("ANGLE_SRC_PATH")) + "/winrt/10/src/angle.sln"):
env["build_angle"] = True
## Architecture
arch = ""
if str(os.getenv('Platform')).lower() == "arm":
print("Compiled program architecture will be an ARM executable. (forcing bits=32).")
arch = "arm"
env["bits"] = "32"
env.Append(LIBPATH=[vc_base_path + 'lib/store/arm'])
angle_build_cmd += "ARM"
env.Append(LIBPATH=[angle_root + '/winrt/10/src/Release_ARM/lib'])
compiler_version_str = methods.detect_visual_c_compiler_version(env['ENV'])
if(compiler_version_str == "amd64" or compiler_version_str == "x86_amd64"):
env["bits"] = "64"
print("Compiled program architecture will be a x64 executable (forcing bits=64).")
elif (compiler_version_str == "x86" or compiler_version_str == "amd64_x86"):
env["bits"] = "32"
print("Compiled program architecture will be a x86 executable. (forcing bits=32).")
print("Failed to detect MSVC compiler architecture version... Defaulting to 32bit executable settings (forcing bits=32). Compilation attempt will continue, but SCons can not detect for what architecture this build is compiled for. You should check your settings/compilation setup.")
env["bits"] = "32"
if (env["bits"] == "32"):
arch = "x86"
angle_build_cmd += "Win32"
env.Append(LIBPATH=[vc_base_path + 'lib/store'])
env.Append(LIBPATH=[angle_root + '/winrt/10/src/Release_Win32/lib'])
arch = "x64"
angle_build_cmd += "x64"
env.Append(LIBPATH=[os.environ['VCINSTALLDIR'] + 'lib/store/amd64'])
env.Append(LIBPATH=[angle_root + '/winrt/10/src/Release_x64/lib'])
env["PROGSUFFIX"] = "." + arch + env["PROGSUFFIX"]
env["OBJSUFFIX"] = "." + arch + env["OBJSUFFIX"]
env["LIBSUFFIX"] = "." + arch + env["LIBSUFFIX"]
## Compile flags
env.Append(CPPPATH=['#platform/uwp', '#drivers/windows'])
winver = "0x0602" # Windows 8 is the minimum target for UWP build
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DWINVER=%s' % winver, '/D_WIN32_WINNT=%s' % winver])
env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['/D', '__WRL_NO_DEFAULT_LIB__', '/D', 'WIN32', '/DPNG_ABORT=abort'])
env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['/AI', vc_base_path + 'lib/store/references'])
env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['/AI', vc_base_path + 'lib/x86/store/references'])
env.Append(CCFLAGS='/FS /MP /GS /wd"4453" /wd"28204" /wd"4291" /Zc:wchar_t /Gm- /fp:precise /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /D "WINAPI_FAMILY=WINAPI_FAMILY_APP" /errorReport:prompt /WX- /Zc:forScope /Gd /EHsc /nologo'.split())
env.Append(CXXFLAGS='/ZW /FS'.split())
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/AI', vc_base_path + '\\vcpackages', '/AI', os.environ['WINDOWSSDKDIR'] + '\\References\\CommonConfiguration\\Neutral'])
## Link flags
LIBS = [
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=[p + ".lib" for p in LIBS])
# Incremental linking fix
env['BUILDERS']['ProgramOriginal'] = env['BUILDERS']['Program']
env['BUILDERS']['Program'] = methods.precious_program
env.Append(BUILDERS={'ANGLE': env.Builder(action=angle_build_cmd)})