-Added LocalVector (needed it) -Added stb_rect_pack (It's pretty cool, we could probably use it for other stuff too) -Fixes and changes all around the place -Added library for 128 bits fixed point (required for Delaunay3D)
230 lines
6.8 KiB
230 lines
6.8 KiB
#include "core/local_vector.h"
#include "scene/3d/lightmapper.h"
#include "scene/resources/mesh.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h"
class LightmapperRD : public Lightmapper {
GDCLASS(LightmapperRD, Lightmapper)
struct MeshInstance {
MeshData data;
int slice = 0;
Vector2i offset;
struct Light {
float position[3];
float direction[3];
float energy;
float color[3];
float size;
float range;
float attenuation;
float spot_angle;
float spot_attenuation;
uint32_t static_bake;
uint32_t pad[3];
bool operator<(const Light &p_light) const {
return type < p_light.type;
struct Vertex {
float position[3];
float normal_z;
float uv[2];
float normal_xy[2];
bool operator==(const Vertex &p_vtx) const {
return (position[0] == p_vtx.position[0]) &&
(position[1] == p_vtx.position[1]) &&
(position[2] == p_vtx.position[2]) &&
(uv[0] == p_vtx.uv[0]) &&
(uv[1] == p_vtx.uv[1]) &&
(normal_xy[0] == p_vtx.normal_xy[0]) &&
(normal_xy[1] == p_vtx.normal_xy[1]) &&
(normal_z == p_vtx.normal_z);
struct Edge {
Vector3 a;
Vector3 b;
Vector3 na;
Vector3 nb;
bool operator==(const Edge &p_seam) const {
return a == p_seam.a && b == p_seam.b && na == p_seam.na && nb == p_seam.nb;
Edge() {
Edge(const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_na, const Vector3 &p_nb) {
a = p_a;
b = p_b;
na = p_na;
nb = p_nb;
struct Probe {
float position[4];
Vector<Probe> probe_positions;
struct EdgeHash {
_FORCE_INLINE_ static uint32_t hash(const Edge &p_edge) {
uint32_t h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_edge.a.x);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_edge.a.y, h);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_edge.a.z, h);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_edge.b.x, h);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_edge.b.y, h);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_edge.b.z, h);
return h;
struct EdgeUV2 {
Vector2 a;
Vector2 b;
Vector2i indices;
bool operator==(const EdgeUV2 &p_uv2) const {
return a == p_uv2.a && b == p_uv2.b;
bool seam_found = false;
EdgeUV2(Vector2 p_a, Vector2 p_b, Vector2i p_indices) {
a = p_a;
b = p_b;
indices = p_indices;
EdgeUV2() {}
struct Seam {
Vector2i a;
Vector2i b;
uint32_t slice;
bool operator<(const Seam &p_seam) const {
return slice < p_seam.slice;
struct VertexHash {
_FORCE_INLINE_ static uint32_t hash(const Vertex &p_vtx) {
uint32_t h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_vtx.position[0]);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_vtx.position[1], h);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_vtx.position[2], h);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_vtx.uv[0], h);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_vtx.uv[1], h);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_vtx.normal_xy[0], h);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_vtx.normal_xy[1], h);
h = hash_djb2_one_float(p_vtx.normal_z, h);
return h;
struct Box {
float min_bounds[3];
float pad0;
float max_bounds[3];
float pad1;
struct Triangle {
uint32_t indices[3];
uint32_t slice;
bool operator<(const Triangle &p_triangle) const {
return slice < p_triangle.slice;
Vector<MeshInstance> mesh_instances;
Vector<Light> lights;
struct TriangleSort {
uint32_t cell_index;
uint32_t triangle_index;
bool operator<(const TriangleSort &p_triangle_sort) const {
return cell_index < p_triangle_sort.cell_index; //sorting by triangle index in this case makes no sense
void _plot_triangle_into_triangle_index_list(int p_size, const Vector3i &p_ofs, const AABB &p_bounds, const Vector3 p_points[], uint32_t p_triangle_index, LocalVector<TriangleSort> &triangles, uint32_t p_grid_size);
struct RasterPushConstant {
float atlas_size[2];
float uv_offset[2];
float to_cell_size[3];
uint32_t base_triangle;
float to_cell_offset[3];
float bias;
int32_t grid_size[3];
uint32_t pad2;
struct RasterSeamsPushConstant {
uint32_t base_index;
uint32_t slice;
float uv_offset[2];
uint32_t debug;
float blend;
uint32_t pad[2];
struct PushConstant {
int32_t atlas_size[2];
uint32_t ray_count;
uint32_t ray_to;
float world_size[3];
float bias;
float to_cell_offset[3];
uint32_t ray_from;
float to_cell_size[3];
uint32_t light_count;
int32_t grid_size;
int32_t atlas_slice;
int32_t region_ofs[2];
float environment_xform[12];
Vector<Ref<Image>> bake_textures;
Vector<Color> probe_values;
BakeError _blit_meshes_into_atlas(int p_max_texture_size, Vector<Ref<Image>> &albedo_images, Vector<Ref<Image>> &emission_images, AABB &bounds, Size2i &atlas_size, int &atlas_slices, BakeStepFunc p_step_function, void *p_bake_userdata);
void _create_acceleration_structures(RenderingDevice *rd, Size2i atlas_size, int atlas_slices, AABB &bounds, int grid_size, Vector<Probe> &probe_positions, GenerateProbes p_generate_probes, Vector<int> &slice_triangle_count, Vector<int> &slice_seam_count, RID &vertex_buffer, RID &triangle_buffer, RID &box_buffer, RID &lights_buffer, RID &triangle_cell_indices_buffer, RID &probe_positions_buffer, RID &grid_texture, RID &grid_texture_sdf, RID &seams_buffer, BakeStepFunc p_step_function, void *p_bake_userdata);
void _raster_geometry(RenderingDevice *rd, Size2i atlas_size, int atlas_slices, int grid_size, AABB bounds, float p_bias, Vector<int> slice_triangle_count, RID position_tex, RID unocclude_tex, RID normal_tex, RID raster_depth_buffer, RID rasterize_shader, RID raster_base_uniform);
virtual void add_mesh(const MeshData &p_mesh);
virtual void add_directional_light(bool p_static, const Vector3 &p_direction, const Color &p_color, float p_energy, float p_angular_distance);
virtual void add_omni_light(bool p_static, const Vector3 &p_position, const Color &p_color, float p_energy, float p_range, float p_attenuation, float p_size);
virtual void add_spot_light(bool p_static, const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 p_direction, const Color &p_color, float p_energy, float p_range, float p_attenuation, float p_spot_angle, float p_spot_attenuation, float p_size);
virtual void add_probe(const Vector3 &p_position);
virtual BakeError bake(BakeQuality p_quality, bool p_use_denoiser, int p_bounces, float p_bias, int p_max_texture_size, bool p_bake_sh, GenerateProbes p_generate_probes, const Ref<Image> &p_environment_panorama, const Basis &p_environment_transform, BakeStepFunc p_step_function = nullptr, void *p_bake_userdata = nullptr);
int get_bake_texture_count() const;
Ref<Image> get_bake_texture(int p_index) const;
int get_bake_mesh_count() const;
Variant get_bake_mesh_userdata(int p_index) const;
Rect2 get_bake_mesh_uv_scale(int p_index) const;
int get_bake_mesh_texture_slice(int p_index) const;
int get_bake_probe_count() const;
Vector3 get_bake_probe_point(int p_probe) const;
Vector<Color> get_bake_probe_sh(int p_probe) const;