# Translation Example This example uses the pre-trained aligned word vectors made available by Facebook Research as part of [fastText](https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/aligned-vectors.html) to translate English words to French and Italian. ## Trying it out Currently, macOS and Python 3.9 is required. First, install the requirements: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Run the following command to translate an english word: ``` python translate.py translate hello ``` ``` Loading indexes from filesystem... Language: fr, Translation: hello Language: it, Translation: hello Language: it, Translation: ciao Language: fr, Translation: bonjours Language: fr, Translation: bonjour Language: fr, Translation: bonsoir Language: fr, Translation: ! Language: fr, Translation: salutations Language: it, Translation: buongiorno Language: it, Translation: hey ``` The translate command will download the vector data and build an index on the first run. Subsequent runs will be faster. Downloading and building the index takes about **7 minutes** on a MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) with 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 and 64GB of RAM and a gigabit internet connection. If you like, you can rebuild the index at any time: ``` python translate.py build ```