2022-07-25 17:08:12 +00:00
@ setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
@ echo off
: :============================================================================
: :
: : This script is a part of 'Microsoft Activation Scripts' (MAS) project.
: :
: : Homepage: windowsaddict.ml
: : Email: windowsaddict@protonmail.com
: :
: :============================================================================
: : To activate, run the script with /a parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line
set _acti = 0
: : To activate along with KMS38 protection (from being replaced by 180 days KMS activation),
: : run the script with /ap parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line
set _prot = 0
: : To only generate GenuineTicket.xml, run the script with /g parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line
set _gent = 0
: : To uninstall the KMS38, run the script with /x parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line
set _unin = 0
: : If value is changed in above lines or any parameter is used then script will run in unattended mode
: : Incase if more than one options are used then only one option will be applied
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows
: : or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot% \Sysnative\cmd.exe (
set " _cmdf= %~f0 "
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot% \Sysnative\cmd.exe /c " " !_cmdf! " %* "
exit /b
: : Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot% \SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 (
set " _cmdf= %~f0 "
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot% \SysArm32\cmd.exe /c " " !_cmdf! " %* "
exit /b
: : Set Path variable, it helps if it is misconfigured in the system
set " SysPath= %SystemRoot% \System32 "
if exist " %SystemRoot% \Sysnative\reg.exe " ( set " SysPath= %SystemRoot% \Sysnative " )
set " Path= %SysPath% ; %SystemRoot% ; %SysPath% \Wbem; %SysPath% \WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ "
: :========================================================================================================================================
color 07
title KMS38 Activation
set _args =
set _elev =
set _unattended = 0
set _args = %*
if defined _args set _args = %_args:"=%
if defined _args (
for %% A in ( %_args% ) do (
if /i " %% A " == " /a " set _acti = 1
if /i " %% A " == " /ap " set _prot = 1
if /i " %% A " == " /g " set _gent = 1
if /i " %% A " == " /x " set _unin = 1
if /i " %% A " == " -el " set _elev = 1
for %% A in ( %_acti% %_prot% %_gent% %_unin% ) do ( if " %% A " == " 1 " set _unattended = 1)
: :========================================================================================================================================
set winbuild = 1
set " nul=>nul 2>&1 "
set " _psc= %SystemRoot% \System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe "
for /f " tokens=6 delims=[]. " %% G in ( 'ver' ) do set winbuild = %% G
set _NCS = 1
if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS = 0
if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query " HKCU\Console " /v ForceV2 2 > nul | find /i " 0x0 " 1 > nul && ( set _NCS = 0)
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
for /F %% a in ( 'echo prompt $E ^| cmd' ) do set " esc= %% a "
set " Red= " 41;97m" "
set " Gray= " 100;97m" "
set " Green= " 42;97m" "
set " Magenta= " 45;97m" "
set " _White= " 40;37m" "
set " _Green= " 40;92m" "
set " _Yellow= " 40;93m" "
) else (
set " Red= " Red" " white" "
set " Gray= " Darkgray" " white" "
set " Green= " DarkGreen" " white" "
set " Magenta= " Darkmagenta" " white" "
set " _White= " Black" " Gray" "
set " _Green= " Black" " Green" "
set " _Yellow= " Black" " Yellow" "
set _k38 =
set " nceline=echo: &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo: "
set " eline=echo: &call :dk_color %Red% " ==== ERROR ====" &echo: "
set slp = SoftwareLicensingProduct
set sls = SoftwareLicensingService
set wApp = 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if %~z0 GEQ 1500000 ( set " _exitmsg=Go back " ) else ( set " _exitmsg=Exit " )
set " SPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform "
set " notifytocheckupdate=if %winbuild% GTR 19044 echo Make sure you are using updated version of the script. "
: :========================================================================================================================================
if %winbuild% LSS 14393 (
echo Unsupported OS version detected.
echo Project is supported for Windows 10/11/Server, build 14393 and later.
goto dk_done
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 if not exist %_psc% (
echo Powershell is not installed in the system.
goto dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Fix for the special characters limitation in path name
set " _work= %~dp0 "
if " %_work:~-1% " == " \ " set " _work= %_work:~0,-1% "
set " _batf= %~f0 "
set " _batp= %_batf:'=''% "
set " _PSarg= " " " %~f0 " " " -el %_args% "
set " _ttemp= %temp% "
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
: :========================================================================================================================================
echo " !_batf! " | find /i " !_ttemp! " 1 > nul && (
echo Script is launched from the temp folder,
echo Most likely you are running the script directly from the archive file.
echo :
echo Extract the archive file and launch the script from the extracted folder.
goto dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop
%nul% reg query HKU\S-1-5-19 || (
if not defined _elev %nul% %_psc% " start cmd.exe -arg '/c \ " !_PSarg:'=''! \" ' -verb runas " && exit /b
echo This script require administrator privileges.
echo To do so, right click on this script and select 'Run as administrator'.
goto dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
if %_unin% == 1 goto : k_uninstall
: k_menu
if %_unattended% == 0 (
mode 76, 25
title KMS38 Activation
echo :
echo :
echo :
echo ____________________________________________________________
echo :
echo [1] KMS38 Activation
echo :
echo [2] KMS38 Activation ^+ Protection
echo ____________________________________________
echo :
echo [3] Generate Ticket
echo ____________________________________________
echo :
echo [4] Complete Uninstall
echo :
echo [5] %_exitmsg%
echo ____________________________________________________________
echo :
call : dk_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% " Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,2,3,4,5] "
choice /C:12345 /N
set _el = !errorlevel!
if !_el! == 5 exit /b
if !_el! == 4 (
echo :
call : dk_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% " KMS38 Complete Uninstall: "
echo :
echo It requires below steps,
echo - Cleaning ClipSVC licences
echo - Deleting a volatile and protected registry key by taking ownership
echo - Microsoft Account and Store Apps may need relogin-restart in the system
echo - Removing Specific KMS Host for Windows
echo :
echo Its recommended to restart the system after this process.
echo :
echo :
choice /C:12 /N /M " > [1] Continue [2] Go back : "
if errorlevel 2 goto : k_menu
if errorlevel 1 goto : k_uninstall
if !_el! == 3 ( set _gent = 1& goto : k_menu2 )
if !_el! == 2 (
echo :
call : dk_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% " KMS38 Protection: "
echo :
echo It stops 180 days KMS Activation from replacing KMS38 activation.
echo Protection requires permission altering of a registry key.
echo :
echo If you are going to use KMS_VL_ALL or MAS's KMS activation for Office,
echo then you don't need to enable this protection.
echo For more info, check readme.
echo :
echo :
choice /C:12 /N /M " > [1] Continue [2] Go back : "
if errorlevel 2 goto : k_menu
if errorlevel 1 ( set _prot = 1& goto : k_menu2 )
if !_el! == 1 ( set _prot = 0& goto : k_menu2 )
goto : k_menu
: k_menu2
mode 102, 30
if %_gent% == 1 ( set _title = title Generate KMS38 GenuineTicket.xml) else ( set _title = title KMS38 Activation)
: :========================================================================================================================================
if not exist %_psc% if %_prot% == 1 (
set _prot = 0
set _gent = 0
echo Powershell is not installed in the system.
echo It is required to protect KMS38 activation.
echo You need to set the script to the default.
if %_unattended% == 0 (
echo :
call : dk_color %_Yellow% " Press any key to go back... "
pause > nul
goto k_menu
if %_gent% == 1 if exist %Systemdrive% \GenuineTicket.xml (
set _gent = 0
echo File '%Systemdrive% \GenuineTicket.xml' already exist.
if %_unattended% == 0 (
echo :
call : dk_color %_Yellow% " Press any key to go back... "
pause > nul
goto k_menu
) else (
goto dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
echo :
echo Initializing...
: : Check WMI and sppsvc Errors
set applist =
net start sppsvc /y %nul%
if %winbuild% LSS 22483 set " chkapp=for /f " tokens=2 delims==" %% a in (' " wmic path %slp% where (ApplicationID='%wApp% ') get ID /VALUE" 2 ^ >nul') "
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 set " chkapp=for /f " tokens=2 delims==" %% a in (' %_psc% " (([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %slp% WHERE ApplicationID=''%wApp% ''').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" 2 ^ >nul') "
%chkapp% do (if defined applist (call set " applist=!applist! %% a " ) else (call set " applist= %% a " ))
if not defined applist (
echo Failed running WMI query check, verify that these services are working correctly
echo Windows Management Instrumentation [WinMgmt], Software Protection [sppsvc]
echo :
echo Script will try to enable these services.
echo :
if %_unattended% == 0 (
call : dk_color %_Yellow% " Press any key to continue... "
pause > nul
for /f " skip=2 tokens=2* " %% a in ( 'reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinMgmt /v Start 2^>nul' ) do if /i %% b equ 0x4 ( sc config WinMgmt start= auto %nul% )
net start WinMgmt /y %nul%
net stop sppsvc /y %nul%
net start sppsvc /y %nul%
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Refresh license status, it helps to get correct product name in Windows 17134 and later builds
call : dk_refresh
: : Check product name
set winos =
for /f " skip=2 tokens=2* " %% a in ( 'reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductName 2^>nul' ) do set " winos= %% b "
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Check if system is permanently activated or not
call : dk_checkperm
if defined _perm if not %_gent% == 1 (
echo ___________________________________________________________________________________________
echo :
call : dk_color2 %_White% " " %Green% " Checking: %winos% is Permanently Activated. "
call : dk_color2 %_White% " " %Gray% " Activation is not required. "
echo ___________________________________________________________________________________________
if %_unattended% == 1 goto dk_done
echo :
choice /C:12 /N /M " > [1] Activate [2] %_exitmsg% : "
if errorlevel 2 exit /b
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Check Evaluation version
set _eval =
set _evalserv =
if exist " %SystemRoot% \Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum " set _eval = 1
if exist " %SystemRoot% \Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*EvalEdition~*.mum " set _evalserv = 1
if exist " %SystemRoot% \Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*EvalCorEdition~*.mum " set _eval = 1 & set _evalserv = 1
if defined _eval (
echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild% ]
if defined _evalserv (
echo Server Evaluation cannot be activated. Convert it to full Server OS.
) else (
echo Evaluation Editions cannot be activated. Install full Windows OS.
echo Check the ReadMe for how to get genuine installation media for full version.
goto dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Check SKU value
set osSKU =
for /f " tokens=3 delims=. " %% a in ( 'reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions" /v OSProductPfn 2^>nul' ) do set " osSKU= %% a "
if not defined osSKU (
echo SKU value was not detected properly. Aborting...
goto dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Check if GVLK (KMS key) is already installed or not
set _gvlk =
call : dk_channel
echo : %_channel% | findstr /i " GVLK " 1 > nul && set _gvlk = 1
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Detect Key
set app =
set key =
if defined applist call : kms38data getkey
: :========================================================================================================================================
if not defined key if not defined _gvlk (
if not defined applist (
echo Failed running WMI query check, verify that these services are working correctly
echo Windows Management Instrumentation [WinMgmt], Software Protection [sppsvc]
echo :
echo Try troublshooting steps listed in the ReadMe.
goto dk_done
echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild% ^| SKU:%osSKU% ]
echo Unable to find this product in the supported product list.
echo :
echo However, if you would like to try KMS38 activation on this product then,
echo install KMS key [GVLK] for this product and run the script.
goto dk_done
if not defined key (
echo :
call : dk_color %Magenta% " ====== Info ====== "
echo :
echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild% ^| SKU:%osSKU% ]
echo Unable to find this product in the supported product list.
echo :
echo Since KMS key is already installed, script will activate with KMS38.
if %_unattended% == 0 (
echo :
call : dk_color %_Yellow% " Press any key to continue... "
pause > nul
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Making sure we have activation ID if not defined yet
if not defined key set app =
if not defined app (
if %winbuild% LSS 22483 for /f " tokens=2 delims== " %% a in ( '"wmic path %slp% where (ApplicationID=' %wApp% ' and Description like ' %% KMSCLIENT %% ' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get ID /VALUE" 2^>nul' ) do call set " app= %% a "
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 for /f " tokens=2 delims== " %% a in ( ' %_psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %slp% WHERE ApplicationID='' %wApp% '' AND Description like '' %% KMSCLIENT %% '' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL' ) .Get() ) .ID | %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" 2 ^ >nul') do call set " app=%% a"
if not defined app (
echo [%winos% ^| SKU:%osSKU% ^| %winbuild% ]
echo Unable to detect activation ID.
goto dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Check Windows Architecture
set arch =
for /f " skip=2 tokens=2* " %% a in ( 'reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE' ) do set arch = %% b
if not defined arch (
echo Unable to detect Windows Architecture. Aborting...
goto dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Check files
set ARM64_file =
if /i " %arch% " == " ARM64 " set ARM64_file = arm64_
for %% # in ( %ARM64_file% gatherosstate.exe %ARM64_file% slc.dll) do (
if not exist " !_work! \BIN\ %% # " (
echo '%% #' file is missing in 'BIN' folder. Aborting...
goto dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Check clipup.exe for the detection and activation of server cor and acor editions
set a_cor =
if exist " %SystemRoot% \Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*CorEdition~*.mum " if not exist " %systemroot% \System32\clipup.exe " set a_cor = 1
if defined a_cor (
if not exist " !_work! \BIN\clipup.exe " (
echo 'clipup.exe' file is missing in 'BIN' folder. Aborting...
goto dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
echo :
echo Checking OS Info [%winos% ^| %winbuild% ^| %arch% ]
: :========================================================================================================================================
echo :
set " _serv=ClipSVC sppsvc Winmgmt "
: : Client License Service (ClipSVC)
: : Software Protection
: : Windows Management Instrumentation
echo Checking Services [%_serv% ]
: : Check if the services are able to run or not
set serv_e =
for %% # in ( %_serv% ) do (
sc query %% # | find /i " RUNNING " %nul% || net start %% # /y %nul%
sc query %% # | find /i " RUNNING " %nul% || sc start %% # %nul%
sc query %% # | find /i " RUNNING " %nul% || if defined serv_e ( set " serv_e=!serv_e! %% # " ) else ( set " serv_e= %% # " )
if not defined serv_e (
echo Starting Services [Successful]
) else (
call : dk_color %Red% " Starting Services [Failed] [ %serv_e% ] "
if not defined applist (
call : dk_color %Red% " Checking WMI Query [Failed] "
) else (
echo Checking WMI Query [Successful]
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Install key
echo :
set _partial =
if defined key set _ipartial = %key:~-5%
if %winbuild% LSS 22483 for /f " tokens=2 delims== " %% # in ( 'wmic path %slp% where "ApplicationID=' %wApp% ' and PartialProductKey<>null" Get PartialProductKey /value 2^>nul' ) do set " _partial= %% # "
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 for /f " tokens=2 delims== " %% # in ( ' %_psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT PartialProductKey FROM %slp% WHERE ApplicationID='' %wApp% '' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL' ) .Get() ) .PartialProductKey | %% {echo ('PartialProductKey='+$_)}" 2 ^ >nul') do set " _partial=%% #"
if defined key if /i " %_partial% " == " %_ipartial% " (
echo Checking Installed Product Key [%key% ] [Volume:GVLK]
if not defined key (
echo Checking Installed Product Key [Partial Key - %_partial% ] [Volume:GVLK]
if defined key if /i not " %_partial% " == " %_ipartial% " (
if %winbuild% LSS 22483 wmic path %sls% where __CLASS='%sls% ' call InstallProductKey ProductKey=" %key% " %nul%
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 %_psc% " (([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Version FROM %sls% ').Get()).InstallProductKey(' %key% ') " %nul%
if not !errorlevel! == 0 cscript //nologo %windir% \system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk %key% %nul%
if !errorlevel! == 0 (
call : dk_refresh
echo Installing KMS Client Setup Key [%key% ] [Successful]
) else (
call : dk_color %Red% " Installing KMS Client Setup Key [ %key% ] [Failed] "
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Set specific KMS host to Local Host
: : By doing this, global KMS IP can not replace KMS38 activation but can be used with Office and other Windows Editions
set regadd =
set k_error =
if not %_gent% == 1 (
echo :
set regadd = 1
%nul% reg delete " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " /f
%nul% reg delete " HKU\S-1-5-20\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " /f
%nul% reg query " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " && (
call : regown " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% "
%nul% reg delete " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " /f
%nul% reg add " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% \ %app% " /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d " " || set k_error = 1
%nul% reg add " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% \ %app% " /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d " 1688 " || set k_error = 1
if not defined k_error (
echo Adding Specific KMS Host [LocalHost] [Successful]
) else (
call : dk_color %Red% " Adding Specific KMS Host [LocalHost] [Failed] "
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Files are copied to temp to generate ticket to avoid possible issues in case the path contains special character or non English names
echo :
set " temp_= %SystemRoot% \Temp\_Temp "
set " _clipup= %systemroot% \System32\clipup.exe "
if exist " %temp_% \.* " rmdir /s /q " %temp_% \ " %nul%
md " %temp_% \ " %nul%
pushd " !_work! \BIN\ "
copy /y /b " %ARM64_file% gatherosstate.exe " " %temp_% \gatherosstate.exe " %nul%
copy /y /b " %ARM64_file% slc.dll " " %temp_% \slc.dll " %nul%
if defined a_cor copy /y /b " ClipUp.exe " " %_clipup% " %nul%
set copyf =
if not exist " %temp_% \gatherosstate.exe " set copyf = 1
if not exist " %temp_% \slc.dll " set copyf = 1
if defined copyf (
call : dk_color %Red% " Copying Required Files to Temp [ %temp_% ] [Failed] "
goto : k_final
) else (
echo Copying Required Files to Temp [%temp_% ] [Successful]
if defined a_cor (
if exist " %_clipup% " (
echo Copying clipup.exe File to [%systemroot% \System32\] [Successful]
) else (
call : dk_color %Red% " Copying clipup.exe File to [ %systemroot% \System32\] [Failed] Aborting... "
goto : k_final
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Multiple attempts to generate the ticket because in some cases, one attempt is not enough.
set " _noxml=if not exist " %temp_% \GenuineTicket.xml" "
start /wait " " " %temp_% /gatherosstate.exe " %nul%
%_noxml% timeout /t 3 %nul%
%_noxml% net stop sppsvc /y %nul%
%_noxml% call " %temp_% /gatherosstate.exe " %nul%
%_noxml% timeout /t 3 %nul%
%_noxml% " %temp_% /gatherosstate.exe " %nul%
%_noxml% timeout /t 3 %nul%
%_noxml% (
call : dk_color %Red% " Generating GenuineTicket.xml [Failed] Aborting... "
goto : k_final
) else (
echo Generating GenuineTicket.xml [Successful]
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Copy GenuineTicket.xml to the root of C drive and exit if ticket generation option was used in script
if %_gent% == 1 (
echo :
copy /y /b " %temp_% \GenuineTicket.xml " " %Systemdrive% \GenuineTicket.xml " %nul%
if not exist " %Systemdrive% \GenuineTicket.xml " (
call : dk_color %Red% " Copying GenuineTicket.xml to %Systemdrive% \ [Failed] "
) else (
call : dk_color %Green% " Copying GenuineTicket.xml to %Systemdrive% \ [Successful] "
goto : k_final
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : clipup -v -o -altto <Ticket path> method to apply ticket is not used to avoid the certain issues in case if the username have
: : spaces / special characters / non English names
set " tdir= %ProgramData% \Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\GenuineTicket "
if exist " %tdir% \*.xml " del /f /q " %tdir% \*.xml " %nul%
copy /y /b " %temp_% \GenuineTicket.xml " " %tdir% \GenuineTicket.xml " %nul%
if not exist " %tdir% \GenuineTicket.xml " (
call : dk_color %Red% " Failed to copy Ticket to [ %ProgramData% \Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\GenuineTicket\] "
goto : k_final
set " _xmlexist=if exist " %tdir% \GenuineTicket.xml" "
net stop ClipSVC /y %nul%
net start ClipSVC /y %nul%
%_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul%
%_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul%
%_xmlexist% %_psc% Restart-Service ClipSVC %nul%
%_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul%
%_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul%
set fallback_ =
%_xmlexist% (
set fallback_ = 1
%nul% clipup -v -o
%_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul%
%_xmlexist% (
call : dk_color %Red% " Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Failed] Aborting... "
if exist " %tdir% \*.xml " del /f /q " %tdir% \*.xml " %nul%
goto : k_final
) else (
if defined fallback_ ( call : dk_color %Red% " Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Successful] [Fallback method: clipup -v -o] "
) else (echo Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Successful]
: :==========================================================================================================================================
echo :
echo Activating...
echo :
call : k_checkexp
if defined _k38 (
call : k_actinfo
goto : k_final
: : Clear 180 Days KMS Activation lock with Windows SKU specific rearm and without the need to restart the system
if %winbuild% LSS 22483 wmic path %slp% where ID='%app% ' call ReArmsku %nul%
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 %_psc% " $null=([WMI]' %slp% ='' %app% ''').ReArmsku() " %nul%
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo Applying SKU-ID Rearm [Successful]
) else (
call : dk_color %Red% " Applying SKU-ID Rearm [Failed] "
echo :
call : k_checkexp
if defined _k38 (
call : k_actinfo
goto : k_final
: : Restart software protection service to refresh itself and run refresh license status and activation commands
net stop sppsvc /y %nul%
net start sppsvc /y %nul%
call : dk_refresh
call : dk_act
call : k_checkexp
if defined _k38 (
call : k_actinfo
goto : k_final
call : dk_color %Red% " Activation Failed "
call : dk_color %Magenta% " Try again / Restart system / Check troubleshooting steps in ReadMe "
: :========================================================================================================================================
: k_final
: : Remove the added Specific KMS Host (Local Host) if activation is not completed
echo :
set k_error =
if defined regadd if not defined _k38 (
%nul% reg delete " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " /f
%nul% reg delete " HKU\S-1-5-20\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " /f
%nul% reg query " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " && set k_error = 1
%nul% reg query " HKU\S-1-5-20\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " && set k_error = 1
if not defined k_error (
echo Removing The Added Specific KMS Host [Successful]
) else (
call : dk_color %Red% " Removing The Added Specific KMS Host [Failed] "
: : Protect KMS38 if opted by the user and conditions are correct
if defined regadd if defined _k38 if %_prot% == 1 (
%nul% call :regown " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " " " S-1-5-32-544 " " Deny " SetValue,Delete "
%nul% reg delete " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " /f
%nul% reg query " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " && (
call : dk_color %Gray% " Locking a Registry To Protect KMS38 [Successful] "
) || (
call : dk_color %Red% " Locking a Registry To Protect KMS38 [Failed] "
: : clipup.exe does not exist in server cor and acor editions by default, it was copied there with this script
if exist " %temp_% \.* " rmdir /s /q " %temp_% \ " %nul%
if defined a_cor if exist " %_clipup% " del /f /q " %_clipup% " %nul%
if exist " %temp_% \ " (
call : dk_color %Red% " Cleaning Temp Files [Failed] "
) else (
echo Cleaning Temp Files [Successful]
if defined a_cor (
if exist " %_clipup% " (
call : dk_color %Red% " Deleting copied clipup.exe file [Failed] "
) else (
echo Deleting copied clipup.exe file [Successful]
goto : dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
: k_uninstall
mode 76, 25
title KMS38 Complete Uninstall
set " RegKey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ClipSVC\Volatile\PersistedSystemState "
echo :
call : k_checkexp
if not defined _k38 (
echo Windows is not activated with KMS38. Skipping cleaning ClipSVC Licences...
echo :
if defined _k38 (
for %% # in ( ClipSVC) do (
sc query %% # | find /i " STOPPED " %nul% || net stop %% # /y %nul%
sc query %% # | find /i " STOPPED " %nul% || sc stop %% # %nul%
REM Thanks to @mspaintmsi for informing this command info
rundll32 clipc.dll,ClipCleanUpState
if exist " %ProgramData% \Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\tokens.dat " (
call : dk_color %Red% " Cleaning ClipSVC Licences [Failed] "
) else (
echo Cleaning ClipSVC Licences [Successful]
REM Below registry key (Volatile & Protected) gets created after the ClipSVC License cleanup command, and gets automatically deleted after
REM system restart. It needs to be deleted to activate the system without restart.
call : regown " %RegKey% " %nul%
reg delete " %RegKey% " /f %nul%
reg query " %RegKey% " %nul% && (
call : dk_color %Red% " Deleting a Volatile Registry [Failed] "
call : dk_color %Magenta% " Restart the system, that will delete this registry key automatically "
) || (
echo Deleting a Volatile Registry [Successful]
for %% # in ( ClipSVC wlidsvc LicenseManager sppsvc) do ( net stop %% # /y %nul% & net start %% # /y %nul% )
call : dk_refresh
set exist_ =
%nul% reg query " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " && (
set exist_ = 1
%nul% reg delete " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " /f
%nul% reg delete " HKU\S-1-5-20\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " /f
%nul% reg query " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " && (
%nul% call :regown " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% "
%nul% reg delete " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " /f
%nul% reg query " HKLM\ %SPPk% \ %wApp% " && (
call : dk_color %Red% " Removing Specific KMS Host [Failed] "
) || (
if defined exist_ (
echo Removing Specific KMS Host [Successful]
) else (
echo Removing Specific KMS Host [Already Removed]
if defined _k38 (
echo :
call : dk_color %Magenta% " Its recommended to restart the system now. "
goto : dk_done
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : A lean and mean snippet to set registry ownership and permission recursively
: : Written by @AveYo aka @BAU
: : pastebin.com/XTPt0JSC
: : Modified by @abbodi1406 to make it work in ARM64 Windows 10 (builds older than 21277) where only x86 version of PowerShell is installed.
: : This code runs only if KMS38 protection option or complete uninstall option is used by the user in this script.
: regown
%_psc% $A='%~1 ','%~2 ','%~3 ','%~4 ','%~5 ','%~6 ';iex(([io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!')-split':Own1\:.*')[1])& exit /b:Own1:
$D1=[uri].module.gettype('System.Diagnostics.Process')." GetM`ethods " (42) | where {$_.Name -eq 'SetPrivilege'} #`:no-ev-warn
'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege'| foreach {$D1.Invoke($null, @(" $_ " ,2))}
$path=$A[0]; $rk=$path-split'\\',2; switch -regex ($rk[0]){'[mM]'{$hv=2147483650};'[uU]'{$hv=2147483649};default{$hv=2147483648};}
$HK=[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey($hv, 256); $s=$A[1]; $sps=[Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]
$u=($A[2],'S-1-5-32-544')[!$A[2]];$o=($A[3],$u)[!$A[3]];$w=$u,$o | % {new-object $sps($_)}; $old=!$A[3];$own=! $old; $y=$s-eq'all'
$rar=new-object Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule( $w[0], ($A[5],'FullControl')[!$A[5]], 1, 0, ($A[4],'Allow')[!$A[4]] )
$x=$s-eq'none';function Own1($k){$t=$HK.OpenSubKey($k,2,'TakeOwnership');if($t){0,4| %{try{$o=$t.GetAccessControl($_)}catch{$old=0}
};if($old){$own=1;$w[1]=$o.GetOwner($sps)};$o.SetOwner($w[0]);$t.SetAccessControl($o); $c=$HK.OpenSubKey($k,2,'ChangePermissions')
$c.SetAccessControl($p);if($own){$o.SetOwner($w[1]);$t.SetAccessControl($o)};if($s){$($subkeys=$HK.OpenSubKey($k).GetSubKeyNames()) 2 > $null;
foreach($n in $subkeys){Own1 " $k\$n " }}}};Own1 $rk[1];if($env:VO){get-acl Registry::$path| fl} #:Own1: lean & mean snippet by AveYo
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : Check KMS activation status
: k_actinfo
set xpr =
if not exist %_psc% (
cscript //nologo %windir% \system32\slmgr.vbs /xpr
) else (
for /f " tokens=* delims= " %% # in ( ' %_psc% "$([DateTime]::Now.addMinutes( %gpr% )).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' ) " 2 ^ >nul') do set " xpr=%% #"
call : dk_color %Green% " %winos% is activated till !xpr! "
exit /b
: : Check remaining KMS activation grace period
: k_checkexp
set gpr = 0
if %winbuild% LSS 22483 for /f " tokens=2 delims== " %% # in ( '"wmic path %slp% where (ApplicationID=' %wApp% ' and Description like ' %% KMSCLIENT %% ' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get GracePeriodRemaining /VALUE" 2^>nul' ) do set " gpr= %% # "
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 for /f " tokens=2 delims== " %% # in ( ' %_psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT GracePeriodRemaining FROM %slp% WHERE ApplicationID='' %wApp% '' AND Description like '' %% KMSCLIENT %% '' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL' ) .Get() ) .GracePeriodRemaining | %% {echo ('GracePeriodRemaining='+$_)}" 2 ^ >nul') do set " gpr=%% #"
if %gpr% GTR 259200 ( set _k38 = 1) else ( set _k38 = )
exit /b
: : Check Windows permanent activation status
: dk_checkperm
if %winbuild% LSS 22483 wmic path %slp% where (LicenseStatus='1' and GracePeriodRemaining='0' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get Name /value 2 > nul | findstr /i " Windows " 1 > nul && set _perm = 1|| set _perm =
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 %_psc% " (([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Name FROM %slp% WHERE LicenseStatus=1 AND GracePeriodRemaining=0 AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).Name | %% {echo ('Name='+$_)} " 2 > nul | findstr /i " Windows " 1 > nul && set _perm = 1|| set _perm =
exit /b
: : Refresh license status
: dk_refresh
if %winbuild% LSS 22483 wmic path %sls% where __CLASS='%sls% ' call RefreshLicenseStatus %nul%
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 %_psc% " $null=(([WMICLASS]' %sls% ').GetInstances()).RefreshLicenseStatus() " %nul%
exit /b
: : Check Windows installed key channel
: dk_channel
if %winbuild% LSS 22483 for /f " tokens=2 delims== " %% # in ( 'wmic path %slp% where "ApplicationID=' %wApp% ' and PartialProductKey<>null" Get ProductKeyChannel /value 2^>nul' ) do set " _channel= %% # "
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 for /f " tokens=2 delims== " %% # in ( ' %_psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ProductKeyChannel FROM %slp% WHERE ApplicationID='' %wApp% '' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL' ) .Get() ) .ProductKeyChannel | %% {echo ('ProductKeyChannel='+$_)}" 2 ^ >nul') do set " _channel=%% #"
exit /b
: : Activation command
: dk_act
if %winbuild% LSS 22483 wmic path %slp% where " ApplicationID=' %wApp% ' and PartialProductKey<>null " call Activate %nul%
if %winbuild% GEQ 22483 %_psc% " (([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %slp% WHERE ApplicationID='' %wApp% '' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).Activate() " %nul%
exit /b
: :========================================================================================================================================
: dk_color
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
echo %esc% [%~1 %~2 %esc% [0m
) else (
if not exist %_psc% ( echo %~3 ) else ( %_psc% write-host -back '%1 ' -fore '%2 ' '%3 ')
exit /b
: dk_color2
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
echo %esc% [%~1 %~2 %esc% [%~3 %~4 %esc% [0m
) else (
if not exist %_psc% ( echo %~3 %~6 ) else ( %_psc% write-host -back '%1 ' -fore '%2 ' '%3 ' -NoNewline; write-host -back '%4 ' -fore '%5 ' '%6 ')
exit /b
: :========================================================================================================================================
: dk_done
echo :
if %_unattended% == 1 timeout /t 2 & exit /b
call : dk_color %_Yellow% " Press any key to %_exitmsg% ... "
pause > nul
exit /b
: :========================================================================================================================================
: : 1st column = Activation ID
: : 2nd column = GVLK (Generic volume licensing key)
: : 3rd column = SKU ID
: : 4th column = WMI Edition ID (For reference only)
: : 5th column = Build Branch name incase same Edition ID is used in different OS versions with different key (For reference only)
: : Separator = "_"
: kms38data
for %% # in (
) do (
for /f " tokens=1-5 delims=_ " %% A in ( " %% # " ) do if %osSKU% == %% C (
if %1 == getkey if not defined key echo " !applist! " | find /i " %% A " > nul && ( set " app= %% A " & set " key= %% B " )
exit /b
2022-01-23 23:28:16 +00:00
: :========================================================================================================================================