Fix TMDb artwork listing for non-English requests

This commit is contained in:
Reinhard Pointner 2016-03-17 08:25:57 +00:00
parent a96af61f79
commit 62ec14757c
1 changed files with 18 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -269,10 +269,10 @@ public class TMDbClient implements MovieIdentificationService {
public List<Artwork> getArtwork(String id) throws Exception {
Object config = request("configuration", emptyMap(), Locale.ENGLISH, REQUEST_LIMIT);
String baseUrl = getString(getMap(config, "images"), "base_url");
Object config = request("configuration", emptyMap(), Locale.ROOT, REQUEST_LIMIT);
String baseUrl = getString(getMap(config, "images"), "secure_base_url");
Object images = request("movie/" + id + "/images", emptyMap(), Locale.ENGLISH, REQUEST_LIMIT);
Object images = request("movie/" + id + "/images", emptyMap(), Locale.ROOT, REQUEST_LIMIT);
return Stream.of("backdrops", "posters").flatMap(section -> {
Stream<Artwork> artwork = streamJsonObjects(images, section).map(it -> {
@ -294,11 +294,12 @@ public class TMDbClient implements MovieIdentificationService {
public Object request(String resource, Map<String, Object> parameters, Locale locale, final FloodLimit limit) throws Exception {
// default parameters
String key = parameters.isEmpty() ? resource : resource + '?' + encodeParameters(parameters, true);
String cacheName = locale.getLanguage().isEmpty() ? getName() : getName() + "_" + locale;
Cache etagStorage = Cache.getCache(getName() + "_" + locale + "_etag", CacheType.Monthly);
Cache etagStorage = Cache.getCache(cacheName + "_etag", CacheType.Monthly);
Fetch fetchIfNoneMatch = fetchIfNoneMatch(url -> etagStorage.get(key), (url, etag) -> etagStorage.put(key, etag));
Cache cache = Cache.getCache(getName() + "_" + locale, CacheType.Monthly);
Cache cache = Cache.getCache(cacheName, CacheType.Monthly);
Object json = cache.json(key, s -> getResource(s, locale)).fetch(withPermit(fetchIfNoneMatch, r -> limit.acquirePermit())).expire(Cache.ONE_WEEK).get();
if (asMap(json).isEmpty()) {
@ -307,8 +308,18 @@ public class TMDbClient implements MovieIdentificationService {
return json;
protected URL getResource(String file, Locale locale) throws Exception {
return new URL("https", host, "/" + version + "/" + file + (file.lastIndexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&') + "language=" + getLanguageCode(locale) + "&api_key=" + apikey);
protected URL getResource(String path, Locale locale) throws Exception {
StringBuilder file = new StringBuilder();
file.append(path.lastIndexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&');
if (locale.getLanguage().length() > 0) {
return new URL("https", host, file.toString());
protected String getLanguageCode(Locale locale) {