* update to groovy 1.7.5
* update to jna 3.2.7
* update to junit 4.8.2
* update to miglayout
* update to nekohtml 1.9.14
* update mediainfo windows native libs to 0.7.35
* added jnlp descriptors
* automated build, code signing and pack200 compression
* some webstart related code adjustments
* added MediaInfo 0.7.19 native libs for various operating systems
* updated jna
* use .properties file for application settings (name, version, apikeys, ...)
* get languages (name, code) from xml file
* implemented LanguageComboBox (model, renderer, persistence)
* rename language icons
* removed various prototype classes that will never be used
* added TheTVDB support
* added ehcache to libs (now used in TheTVDBClient and TVRageClient)
* Season spinner will remember unlocked value
* renamed HtmlUtil to WebRequest
* added getDocument() convenience methods to WebRequest
* added lots of static imports (XPathUtil, WebRequest, FileBotUtil, ...)
* TheTVDBClient and TVRageClient will throw SeasonOutOfBoundsException if for illegal season numbers
* XPathUtil will wrap NodeList with NodeListDecorator instead of creating a new ArrayList
* added DOM convenience methods to XPathUtil for performance reasons
* formatting of episode number in EpisodeListClient, EpisodeListRequestProcesser will take care of this
* added initial size to some StringBuilders
* renamed class "EpisodeListPanel" to "EpisodeListTab"
* renamed class "SearchPanel" to "EpisodeListPanel"
* renamed panel.search.png to panel.episodelist.png
* use more GlazedLists stuff (EventList, AutoCompleteSupport) and remove obsolete classes (SimpleListModel, TextCompletion)
* don't use SearchResultCache in EpisodeListClient (was only done for better ui interactions)
* removed caching from ResourceManager
* some improvements based on FindBugs warnings
* use args4j for improved argument parsing
* updated ant build script
* more general MessageBus/Handler (use Object as message type instead of string)
* ChecksumComputationService is not a singleton anymore
* TemporaryFolder is always recreated if it is deleted by the user, or another instance shutting down
* Notifications flicker less when one window is removed and the others are layouted
* lots of other refactoring