import static net.sourceforge.filebot.WebServices.* import static groovy.json.StringEscapeUtils.* import groovy.xml.* import net.sourceforge.filebot.mediainfo.* /** * XBMC helper functions */ def scanVideoLibrary(host, port) { _guarded { telnet(host, port) { writer, reader -> writer.println("""{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.Scan","id":1}""") } } } def showNotification(host, port, title, message, image) { _guarded { telnet(host, port) { writer, reader -> writer.println("""{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.ShowNotification","params":{"title":"${escapeJavaScript(title)}","message":"${escapeJavaScript(message)}", "image":"${escapeJavaScript(image)}"},"id":1}""") } } } /** * Plex helpers */ def refreshPlexLibrary(server, port = 32400) { _guarded { new URL("http://$server:$port/library/sections/all/refresh").get() } } /** * TheTVDB artwork/nfo helpers */ def fetchSeriesBanner(outputFile, series, bannerType, bannerType2, season, override, locale) { if (outputFile.exists() && !override) { println "Banner already exists: $outputFile" return outputFile } // select and fetch banner def banner = [locale, null].findResult { TheTVDB.getBanner(series, [BannerType:bannerType, BannerType2:bannerType2, Season:season, Language:it]) } if (banner == null) { println "Banner not found: $outputFile / $bannerType:$bannerType2" return null } println "Fetching $outputFile => $banner" return banner.url.saveAs(outputFile) } def fetchSeriesFanart(outputFile, series, type, season, override, locale) { if (outputFile.exists() && !override) { println "Fanart already exists: $outputFile" return outputFile } def fanart = [locale, null].findResult{ lang -> FanartTV.getSeriesArtwork(series.seriesId).find{ type == it.type && (season == null || season == it.season) && (lang == null || lang == it.language) }} if (fanart == null) { println "Fanart not found: $outputFile / $type" return null } println "Fetching $outputFile => $fanart" return fanart.url.saveAs(outputFile) } def fetchSeriesNfo(outputFile, seriesInfo, override, locale) { def i = seriesInfo XML { tvshow { title( sorttitle([, i.firstAired as String].findAll{ it?.length() > 0 }.join('::')) year(i.firstAired?.year) rating(i.rating) votes(i.ratingCount) plot(i.overview) runtime(i.runtime) mpaa(i.contentRating) id( episodeguide { url(cache:"${}.xml", "${}/all/${locale.language}.zip") } genre(i.genres?.size() > 0 ? i.genres[0] : null) thumb(i.bannerUrl) premiered(i.firstAired) status(i.status) studio( i.actors?.each{ n -> actor { name(n) } } } } .saveAs(outputFile) } def fetchSeriesArtworkAndNfo(seriesDir, seasonDir, series, season, override = false, locale = _args.locale) { _guarded { // fetch nfo def seriesInfo = TheTVDB.getSeriesInfo(series, locale) fetchSeriesNfo(seriesDir['tvshow.nfo'], seriesInfo, override, locale) // fetch series banner, fanart, posters, etc ["680x1000", null].findResult{ fetchSeriesBanner(seriesDir['poster.jpg'], series, "poster", it, null, override, locale) } ["graphical", null].findResult{ fetchSeriesBanner(seriesDir['banner.jpg'], series, "series", it, null, override, locale) } // fetch highest resolution fanart ["1920x1080", "1280x720", null].findResult{ fetchSeriesBanner(seriesDir["fanart.jpg"], series, "fanart", it, null, override, locale) } // fetch season banners if (seasonDir != seriesDir) { fetchSeriesBanner(seasonDir["poster.jpg"], series, "season", "season", season, override, locale) fetchSeriesBanner(seasonDir["banner.jpg"], series, "season", "seasonwide", season, override, locale) } // fetch fanart fetchSeriesFanart(seriesDir['clearart.png'], series, 'clearart', null, override, locale) fetchSeriesFanart(seriesDir['logo.png'], series, 'clearlogo', null, override, locale) fetchSeriesFanart(seriesDir['landscape.jpg'], series, 'tvthumb', null, override, locale) // fetch season fanart if (seasonDir != seriesDir) { fetchSeriesFanart(seasonDir['landscape.jpg'], series, 'seasonthumb', season, override, locale) } } } /** * TheMovieDB artwork/nfo helpers */ def fetchMovieArtwork(outputFile, movieInfo, category, override, locale) { if (outputFile.exists() && !override) { println "Artwork already exists: $outputFile" return outputFile } // select and fetch artwork def artwork = TheMovieDB.getArtwork( as String) def selection = [locale.language, 'en', null].findResult{ l -> artwork.find{ (l == it.language || l == null) && it.category == category } } if (selection == null) { println "Artwork not found: $outputFile" return null } println "Fetching $outputFile => $selection" return selection.url.saveAs(outputFile) } def fetchAllMovieArtwork(outputFolder, movieInfo, category, override, locale) { // select and fetch artwork def artwork = TheMovieDB.getArtwork( as String) def selection = [locale.language, 'en', null].findResults{ l -> artwork.findAll{ (l == it.language || l == null) && it.category == category } }.flatten().findAll{ it?.url }.unique() if (selection == null) { println "Artwork not found: $outputFolder" return null } selection.eachWithIndex{ s, i -> def outputFile = new File(outputFolder, "$category-${(i+1).pad(2)}.jpg") if (outputFile.exists() && !override) { println "Artwork already exists: $outputFile" } else { println "Fetching $outputFile => $s" s.url.saveAs(outputFile) } } } def fetchMovieFanart(outputFile, movieInfo, type, diskType, override, locale) { if (outputFile.exists() && !override) { println "Fanart already exists: $outputFile" return outputFile } def fanart = [locale, null].findResult{ lang -> FanartTV.getMovieArtwork({ type == it.type && (diskType == null || diskType == it.diskType) && (lang == null || lang == it.language) }} if (fanart == null) { println "Fanart not found: $outputFile / $type" return null } println "Fetching $outputFile => $fanart" return fanart.url.saveAs(outputFile) } def fetchMovieNfo(outputFile, movieInfo, movieFile, override) { def i = movieInfo def mi = _guarded{ movieFile ? MediaInfo.snapshot(movieFile) : null } XML { movie { title( originaltitle(i.originalName) sorttitle([i.collection,, i.released as String].findAll{ it?.length() > 0 }.join('::')) set(i.collection) year(i.released?.year) rating(i.rating) votes(i.votes) mpaa(i.certification) id("tt" + (i.imdbId ?: 0).pad(7)) plot(i.overview) tagline(i.tagline) runtime(i.runtime) genre(i.genres?.size() > 0 ? i.genres[0] : null) director(i.director) i.cast?.each{ a -> actor { name( role(a.character) } } fileinfo { streamdetails { mi?.each { kind, streams -> def section = kind.toString().toLowerCase() streams.each { s -> if (section == 'video') { video { codec((s.'Encoded_Library/Name' ?: s.'CodecID/Hint' ?: s.'Format').replaceAll(/[ ].+/, '').trim()) aspect(s.'DisplayAspectRatio') width(s.'Width') height(s.'Height') } } if (section == 'audio') { audio { codec((s.'CodecID/Hint' ?: s.'Format').replaceAll(/\p{Punct}/, '').trim()) language(s.'Language/String3') channels(s.'Channel(s)') } } if (section == 'text') { subtitle { language(s.'Language/String3') } } } } } } imdb(id:"tt" + (i.imdbId ?: 0).pad(7), "" + (i.imdbId ?: 0).pad(7)) tmdb(, "${}") } } .saveAs(outputFile) } def fetchMovieArtworkAndNfo(movieDir, movie, movieFile = null, fetchAll = false, override = false, locale = _args.locale) { _guarded { def movieInfo = TheMovieDB.getMovieInfo(movie, locale) // fetch nfo fetchMovieNfo(movieDir['movie.nfo'], movieInfo, movieFile, override) // generate url files [[db:'imdb', id:movieInfo.imdbId, url:"" + (movieInfo.imdbId ?: 0).pad(7)], [db:'tmdb',, url:"${}"]].each{ if ( > 0) { def content = "[InternetShortcut]\nURL=${it.url}\n" content.saveAs(new File(movieDir, "${it.db}.url")) } } // fetch series banner, fanart, posters, etc fetchMovieArtwork(movieDir['poster.jpg'], movieInfo, 'posters', override, locale) fetchMovieArtwork(movieDir['fanart.jpg'], movieInfo, 'backdrops', override, locale) fetchMovieFanart(movieDir['clearart.png'], movieInfo, 'movieart', null, override, locale) fetchMovieFanart(movieDir['logo.png'], movieInfo, 'movielogo', null, override, locale) ['bluray', 'dvd', null].findResult { diskType -> fetchMovieFanart(movieDir['disc.png'], movieInfo, 'moviedisc', diskType, override, locale) } if (fetchAll) { fetchAllMovieArtwork(movieDir['backdrops'], movieInfo, 'backdrops', override, locale) } } }