FileBot CLI Command-line interface usage manual



FileBot can be called with set of command-line arguments directly from the console or in scripts for automation running tasks like renaming tv shows and movies, fetching subtitles or checking sfv files.


filebot -rename path/to/episodes

filebot -rename "One Piece" --db anidb

filebot -rename "Generation Kill" --format "{n} E{e} [{t}]" -non-strict

filebot -rename "1x01.avi" --q "Dexter" --db thetvdb --lang de

filebot -rename "movie.avi" --db OpenSubtitles

filebot -get-subtitles path/to/episodes

filebot -get-subtitles path/to/movie --q Avatar --lang zh --output srt --encoding utf8

filebot -check path/to/files

filebot -check path/to/files --output checksum.md5

filebot -check path/to/checksum.md5

Argument Reference source

Name Description Value
-rename rename episode/movie files media folder or episode/movie file
--db episode/movie datasource
TV Series mode: TVRage, AniDB, TheTVDB
Movie mode: OpenSubtitles, TheMovieDB
--format naming scheme {n} - {'S'+s.pad(2)}E{e.pad(2)} - {t}
-non-strict use less strict matching
-get-subtitles fetch subtitles media folder or episode/movie file
--q search query tv series or movie title
--lang 2-letter language code en, de, fr, es, ja, zh, etc
-check create/check verification folder or sfv file
--output output format and/or path
-check: sfv, md5, sha1 or checksum filename
-get-subtitles: srt or subrip
--encoding output charset UTF-8, windows-1252, GB18030, etc
--log log level all, config, info, warning
-clear clear cache and settings
-help print help message