// filebot -script "http://filebot.sf.net/scripts/sortivo.groovy" [-non-strict] [--output path/to/folder] /* * Move/Rename a mix of episodes and movies that are all in the same folder. */ args.getFiles{ it.isVideo() }.each{ def tvs = detectSeriesName(it) def mov = detectMovie(it, false) println "$it.name [series: $tvs, movie: $mov]" // DECIDE EPISODE VS MOVIE (IF NOT CLEAR) if (tvs && mov) { if (it.name =~ "(?i:$tvs - .+)") { println "Exclude Movie: $mov" mov = null } if (detectMovie(it, true)) { println "Exclude Series: $tvs" tvs = null } } // EPISODE MODE if (tvs && !mov) { return rename(file:it, format:'{n} - {s00e00} - {t}', db:'TheTVDB') } // MOVIE MODE if (mov && !tvs) { return rename(file:it, format:'{n} ({y}){" CD$pi"}', db:'TheMovieDB') } }