package net.sourceforge.tuned;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;


public final class FileUtilities {
	public static File renameFile(File source, File destination) throws IOException {
		// resolve destination
		if (!destination.isAbsolute()) {
			// same folder, different name
			destination = new File(source.getParentFile(), destination.getPath());
		// make sure we that we can create the destination folder structure
		File destinationFolder = destination.getParentFile();
		// create parent folder if necessary
		if (!destinationFolder.isDirectory() && !destinationFolder.mkdirs()) {
			throw new IOException("Failed to create folder: " + destinationFolder);
		if (!source.renameTo(destination)) {
			throw new IOException("Failed to rename file: " + source.getName());
		return destination;

	public static byte[] readFile(File source) throws IOException {
		InputStream in = new FileInputStream(source);
		try {
			byte[] data = new byte[(int) source.length()];
			int position = 0;
			int read = 0;
			while (position < data.length && (read =, position, data.length - position)) >= 0) {
				position += read;
			return data;
		} finally {

	public static void writeFile(ByteBuffer data, File destination) throws IOException {
		FileChannel fileChannel = new FileOutputStream(destination).getChannel();
		try {
		} finally {

	public static Reader createTextReader(File file) throws IOException {
		CharsetDetector detector = new CharsetDetector();
		detector.setDeclaredEncoding("UTF-8"); // small boost for UTF-8 as default encoding
		detector.setText(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
		CharsetMatch charset = detector.detect();
		if (charset != null)
			return charset.getReader();
		// assume UTF-8 by default
		return new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8");

	public static String getText(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
		CharsetDetector detector = new CharsetDetector();
		detector.setDeclaredEncoding("UTF-8"); // small boost for UTF-8 as default encoding
		detector.setText(new ByteBufferInputStream(data));
		CharsetMatch charset = detector.detect();
		if (charset != null)
			return charset.getString();
		// assume UTF-8 by default
		return Charset.forName("UTF-8").decode(data).toString();

	 * Pattern used for matching file extensions.
	 * e.g. "file.txt" -> match "txt", ".hidden" -> no match
	public static final Pattern EXTENSION = Pattern.compile("(?<=.[.])\\p{Alnum}+$");

	public static String getExtension(File file) {
		if (file.isDirectory())
			return null;
		return getExtension(file.getName());

	public static String getExtension(String name) {
		Matcher matcher = EXTENSION.matcher(name);
		if (matcher.find()) {
			// extension without leading '.'
		// no extension
		return null;

	public static boolean hasExtension(File file, String... extensions) {
		// avoid native call for speed, if possible
		return hasExtension(file.getName(), extensions) && !file.isDirectory();

	public static boolean hasExtension(String filename, String... extensions) {
		String extension = getExtension(filename);
		for (String value : extensions) {
			if ((extension == null && value == null) || (extension != null && extension.equalsIgnoreCase(value)))
				return true;
		return false;

	public static String getNameWithoutExtension(String name) {
		Matcher matcher = EXTENSION.matcher(name);
		if (matcher.find()) {
			return name.substring(0, matcher.start() - 1);
		// no extension, return given name
		return name;

	public static String getName(File file) {
		if (file.isDirectory())
			return getFolderName(file);
		return getNameWithoutExtension(file.getName());

	public static String getFolderName(File file) {
		String name = file.getName();
		if (!name.isEmpty())
			return name;
		// file might be a drive (only has a path, but no name)
		return file.toString();

	public static boolean containsOnly(Iterable<File> files, FileFilter filter) {
		for (File file : files) {
			if (!filter.accept(file))
				return false;
		return true;

	public static List<File> filter(Iterable<File> files, FileFilter... filters) {
		List<File> accepted = new ArrayList<File>();
		for (File file : files) {
			for (FileFilter filter : filters) {
				if (filter.accept(file)) {
		return accepted;

	public static List<File> flatten(Iterable<File> roots, int maxDepth, boolean listHiddenFiles) {
		List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
		// unfold/flatten file tree
		for (File root : roots) {
			if (root.isDirectory()) {
				listFiles(root, 0, files, maxDepth, listHiddenFiles);
			} else {
		return files;

	public static List<File> listPath(File file) {
		LinkedList<File> nodes = new LinkedList<File>();
		for (File node = file; node != null; node = node.getParentFile()) {
		return nodes;

	public static List<File> listFiles(Iterable<File> folders, int maxDepth, boolean listHiddenFiles) {
		List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
		// collect files from directory tree
		for (File folder : folders) {
			listFiles(folder, 0, files, maxDepth, listHiddenFiles);
		return files;

	private static void listFiles(File folder, int depth, List<File> files, int maxDepth, boolean listHiddenFiles) {
		if (depth > maxDepth)
		for (File file : folder.listFiles()) {
			if (!listHiddenFiles && file.isHidden()) // ignore hidden files
			if (file.isDirectory()) {
				listFiles(file, depth + 1, files, maxDepth, listHiddenFiles);
			} else {

	public static Map<String, List<File>> mapByExtension(Iterable<File> files) {
		Map<String, List<File>> map = new HashMap<String, List<File>>();
		for (File file : files) {
			String key = getExtension(file);
			if (key != null) {
				key = key.toLowerCase();
			List<File> valueList = map.get(key);
			if (valueList == null) {
				valueList = new ArrayList<File>();
				map.put(key, valueList);
		return map;

	 * Invalid file name characters: \, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, \r and \n
	public static final Pattern ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS = Pattern.compile("[\\\\/:*?\"<>|\\r\\n]");

	 * Strip file name of invalid characters
	 * @param filename original filename
	 * @return valid file name stripped of invalid characters
	public static String validateFileName(CharSequence filename) {
		// strip invalid characters from file name
		return ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS.matcher(filename).replaceAll("");

	public static boolean isInvalidFileName(CharSequence filename) {
		// check if file name contains any illegal characters
		return ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS.matcher(filename).find();

	public static File validateFileName(File file) {
		// windows drives (e.g. c:, d:, etc.) are never invalid because name will be an empty string
		if (!isInvalidFileName(file.getName()))
			return file;
		// validate file name only
		return new File(file.getParentFile(), validateFileName(file.getName()));

	public static File validateFilePath(File path) {
		Iterator<File> nodes = listPath(path).iterator();
		// initialize with root node, keep original root object if possible (so we don't loose the drive on windows)
		File validatedPath = validateFileName(;
		// validate the rest of the path
		while (nodes.hasNext()) {
			validatedPath = new File(validatedPath, validateFileName(;
		return validatedPath;

	public static boolean isInvalidFilePath(File path) {
		// check if file name contains any illegal characters
		for (File node = path; node != null; node = node.getParentFile()) {
			if (isInvalidFileName(node.getName()))
				return true;
		return false;

	public static String normalizePathSeparators(String path) {
		return path.replace('\\', '/');

	public static String replacePathSeparators(CharSequence path) {
		return Pattern.compile("\\s*[\\\\/]+\\s*").matcher(path).replaceAll(" ");

	public static final long KILO = 1024;
	public static final long MEGA = KILO * 1024;
	public static final long GIGA = MEGA * 1024;

	public static String formatSize(long size) {
		if (size >= MEGA)
			return String.format("%,d MB", size / MEGA);
		else if (size >= KILO)
			return String.format("%,d KB", size / KILO);
			return String.format("%,d Byte", size);

	public static final FileFilter FOLDERS = new FileFilter() {
		public boolean accept(File file) {
			return file.isDirectory();
	public static final FileFilter FILES = new FileFilter() {
		public boolean accept(File file) {
			return file.isFile();

	public static class ExtensionFileFilter implements FileFilter {
		private final String[] extensions;

		public ExtensionFileFilter(String... extensions) {
			this.extensions = extensions;

		public ExtensionFileFilter(Collection<String> extensions) {
			this.extensions = extensions.toArray(new String[0]);

		public boolean accept(File file) {
			return hasExtension(file, extensions);

		public boolean accept(String name) {
			return hasExtension(name, extensions);

		public boolean acceptExtension(String extension) {
			for (String other : extensions) {
				if (other.equalsIgnoreCase(extension))
					return true;
			return false;

		public String extension() {
			return extensions[0];

		public String[] extensions() {
			return extensions.clone();

	 * Dummy constructor to prevent instantiation.
	private FileUtilities() {
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();