#!/usr/bin/env filebot -script def recentMoviesFile = new File('recent-movies.txt') def recentMoviesIndex = new TreeMap() if (recentMoviesFile.exists()) { recentMoviesFile.splitEachLine('\t', 'UTF-8') { line -> recentMoviesIndex.put(line[0] as int, line) } } def updateMovieIndex = { m -> if (!recentMoviesIndex.containsKey(m.tmdbId)) { def i = TheMovieDB.getMovieInfo(m, Locale.ENGLISH, false) if (i.imdbId == null) return def row = [i.id.pad(6), i.imdbId.pad(7), i.released.year as String, i.name] log.finest "$row" recentMoviesIndex.put(row[0] as int, row) } } def to = LocalDate.now() def from = to.minus(Period.ofDays(30)) def year = from.year log.fine "Discover Recent [$from to $to]" TheMovieDB.discover(from, to, Locale.ENGLISH).each{ updateMovieIndex(it) } log.fine "Discover Best of Year [$year]" TheMovieDB.discover(year, Locale.ENGLISH).each{ updateMovieIndex(it) } recentMoviesIndex.values()*.join('\t').join('\n').saveAs(recentMoviesFile)