// filebot -script fn:artwork.tvdb /path/to/media/ /* * Fetch series and season banners for all tv shows. Series name is auto-detected if possible or the folder name is used. */ // artwork/nfo helpers include('lib/htpc') args.eachMediaFolder{ dir -> // fetch only missing artwork by default if (_args.conflict == 'skip' && [dir, dir.dir].find{ it.hasFile{it.name == 'banner.jpg'} }) { println "Skipping $dir" return } def videos = dir.listFiles{ it.isVideo() } def query = _args.query ?: detectSeriesName(videos, _args.locale) def sxe = videos.findResult{ parseEpisodeNumber(it) } if (query == null) { query = dir.dir.hasFile{ it.name =~ /Season/ && it.isDirectory() } ? dir.dir.name : dir.name } println "$dir => Search by $query" def options = TheTVDB.search(query, _args.locale) if (options.isEmpty()) { println "TV Series not found: $query" return } // sort by relevance options = options.sortBySimilarity(query, { it.name }) // auto-select series def series = options[0] // maybe require user input if (options.size() != 1 && !_args.nonStrict && !java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.headless) { series = javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, 'Please select TV Show:', dir.path, 3, null, options.toArray(), series) if (series == null) return } // auto-detect structure def seriesDir = [dir.dir, dir].sortBySimilarity(series.name, { it.name })[0] def season = sxe && sxe.season > 0 ? sxe.season : 1 println "$dir => $series" fetchSeriesArtworkAndNfo(seriesDir, dir, series, season, true) }