import org.tukaani.xz.* // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // def sortRegexList(path) { def set = new TreeSet(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) new File(path).eachLine('UTF-8'){ // check if regex compiles set += java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(it.trim()).pattern() } def out = set.join('\n').saveAs(path) println "$out\n$out.text\n" } // sort and check shared regex collections sortRegexList("website/data/release-groups.txt") sortRegexList("website/data/query-blacklist.txt") sortRegexList("website/data/exclude-blacklist.txt") sortRegexList("website/data/series-mappings.txt") // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // def reviews = [] new File('reviews.csv').eachLine('UTF-8'){ def s = it.split(';', 3); reviews << [user: s[0], date: s[1], text: s[2].replaceAll(/^["]|["]$/, '').replaceAll(/["]{2}/, '"')] } reviews = reviews.sort{ } def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder() as List) json.toPrettyString().saveAs('website/reviews.json') println "Reviews: " + reviews.size() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // def movies_out = new File("website/data/movies.txt") def thetvdb_out = new File("website/data/thetvdb.txt") def anidb_out = new File("website/data/anidb.txt") def pack(file, lines) { new File(file.parentFile, + '.xz').withOutputStream{ out -> new XZOutputStream(out, new LZMA2Options(LZMA2Options.PRESET_DEFAULT)).withWriter('UTF-8'){ writer -> lines.each{ writer.append(it).append('\n') } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // BUILD movies.txt.gz def omdb = new TreeSet({ a, b -> a[0].compareTo(b[0]) } as Comparator) new File('omdb.txt').eachLine('Windows-1252'){ def line = it.split(/\t/) if (line.length > 11 && line[0] ==~ /\d+/) { def imdbid = line[1].substring(2).toInteger() def name = line[2].replaceAll(/\s+/, ' ').trim() def year = line[3].toInteger() def runtime = line[5] def rating = tryQuietly{ line[11].toFloat() } ?: 0 def votes = tryQuietly{ line[12].replaceAll(/\D/, '').toInteger() } ?: 0 if ((year >= 1970 && (runtime =~ /h/ || votes >= 200) && rating >= 1 && votes >= 50) || (year >= 1950 && votes >= 5000)) { omdb << [imdbid, name, year] } } } omdb = omdb.findAll{ it[0] <= 9999999 && it[1] =~ /^[A-Z0-9]/ && it[1] =~ /[\p{Alpha}]{3}/ && it[1].length() >= 4}.collect{ [it[0].pad(7), it[1], it[2]] } // save movie data def movies = omdb.findAll{ it.size() >= 3 && !it[1].startsWith('"') } def movieSorter = new TreeMap(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) movies.each{ movieSorter.put([it[1], it[2], it[0]].join('\t'), [it[0], it[2], it[1]]) } // ORDER => ID, YEAR, NAME movies = movieSorter.values().collect{ it.join('\t') } pack(movies_out, movies) println "Movie Count: " + movies.size() // sanity check if (movies.size() < 50000) { throw new Exception('Movie index sanity failed') } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // BUILD thetvdb-index.gz def tvdb = new HashMap() def tvdb_txt = new File('tvdb.txt') new File('tvdb.txt').eachLine{ def line = it.split('\t', 5).toList() tvdb.put(line[0] as Integer, [line[0] as Integer, line[1], line[2], line[3], line[4] as Integer]) } def tvdb_updates = new File('updates_all.xml').text.xml.'**'.Series.findResults{ s -> tryQuietly{ [ as Integer, time:s.time.text() as Integer] } } tvdb_updates.each{ update -> if (tvdb[] == null || update.time > tvdb[][4]) { try { retry(2, 500) { def xml = new URL("${}/en.xml").fetch().text.xml def imdbid = xml.'**'.IMDB_ID.text() def tvdb_name = xml.'**'.SeriesName.text() def imdb_name = _guarded{ if (imdbid =~ /tt(\d+)/) { def dom = IMDb.parsePage(IMDb.getMoviePageLink(imdbid.match(/tt(\d+)/) as int).toURL()) return net.sourceforge.tuned.XPathUtilities.selectString("//META[@property='og:title']/@content", dom) } } def data = [, imdbid ?: '', tvdb_name ?: '', imdb_name ?: '', update.time] tvdb.put(, data) println "Update $update => $data" } } catch(Throwable e) { def data = [, '', '', '', update.time] tvdb.put(, data) println "Update $update => $data" } } } tvdb.values().findResults{ it.join('\t') }.join('\n').saveAs(tvdb_txt) def thetvdb_index = [] tvdb.values().each{ def n1 = it[2].trim() def n2 = it[3].replaceAll(/^(?i)(The|A)\s/, '').replaceAll(/\s&\s/, ' and ').replaceAll(/\([^\)]*\)$/, '').trim() if (similarity(n1,n2) < 1) { thetvdb_index << [it[0], n1] thetvdb_index << [it[0], n2] } else { thetvdb_index << [it[0], n1] } } thetvdb_index = thetvdb_index.findResults{ [it[0] as Integer, it[1].replaceAll(/\s+/, ' ').trim()] }.findAll{ !(it[1] =~ /(?i:duplicate)/ || it[1] =~ /\d{6,}/ || it[1].startsWith('*') || it[1].endsWith('*') || it[1].length() < 2) } thetvdb_index = thetvdb_index.sort(new Comparator() { int compare(a, b) { a[0] <=> b[0] } }) // join and sort def thetvdb_txt = thetvdb_index.groupBy{ it[0] }.findResults{ k, v -> ([k.pad(6)] + v*.getAt(1).unique()).join('\t') } pack(thetvdb_out, thetvdb_txt) println "TheTVDB Index: " + thetvdb_txt.size() // sanity check if (thetvdb_txt.size() < 30000) { throw new Exception('TheTVDB index sanity failed') } // BUILD anidb-index.gz def anidb = new net.sourceforge.filebot.web.AnidbClient(null, 0).getAnimeTitles() def anidb_index = anidb.findResults{ def row = [] row += it.getAnimeId().pad(5) row += it.effectiveNames*.replaceAll(/\s+/, ' ')*.replaceAll(/['`´‘’ʻ]+/, /'/)*.trim().unique() return row } // join and sort def anidb_txt = anidb_index.findResults{ row -> row.join('\t') }.sort().unique() pack(anidb_out, anidb_txt) println "AniDB Index: " + anidb_txt.size() // sanity check if (anidb_txt.size() < 5000) { throw new Exception('AniDB index sanity failed') }