* update artwork.* scripts and generate tvdb links in series .nfo for future lookup
54 lines
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54 lines
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// filebot -script fn:artwork.tmdb /path/to/movies/
def override = _args.conflict == 'override'
* Fetch movie artwork. The movie is determined using the parent folders name.
// artwork/nfo helpers
args.eachMediaFolder{ dir ->
// fetch only missing artwork by default
if (!override && dir.hasFile{it.name == 'movie.nfo'} && dir.hasFile{it.name == 'poster.jpg'} && dir.hasFile{it.name == 'fanart.jpg'}) {
println "Skipping $dir"
def videos = dir.listFiles{ it.isVideo() }
def query = _args.query
def options = []
if (query) {
// manual search
options = TheMovieDB.searchMovie(query, _args.locale)
// sort by relevance
options = options.sortBySimilarity(query, { it.name })
} else {
// auto-detection
options = net.sourceforge.filebot.media.MediaDetection.detectMovie(videos[0], null, TheMovieDB, _args.locale, true)
if (options.isEmpty()) {
println "Movie not found: $query"
// auto-select movie
def movie = options[0]
// maybe require user input
if (options.size() != 1 && !_args.nonStrict && !java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.headless) {
movie = javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, 'Please select Movie:', dir.path, 3, null, options.toArray(), movie)
if (movie == null) return null
println "$dir => $movie"
try {
fetchMovieArtworkAndNfo(dir, movie, dir.getFiles{ it.isVideo() }.sort{ it.length() }.reverse().findResult{ it }, true, override)
} catch(e) {
println "${e.class.simpleName}: ${e.message}"