#!/bin/sh # Automatic build script for libssl and libcrypto # for iPhoneOS and iPhoneSimulator # # Created by Felix Schulze on 16.12.10. # Copyright 2010-2016 Felix Schulze. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # -u Attempt to use undefined variable outputs error message, and forces an exit set -u # SCRIPT DEFAULTS # Default version in case no version is specified DEFAULTVERSION="1.0.2j" # Default (=full) set of architectures (OpenSSL <= 1.0.2) or targets (OpenSSL >= 1.1.0) to build DEFAULTARCHS="x86_64 i386 arm64 armv7s armv7 tv_x86_64 tv_arm64" DEFAULTTARGETS="ios-sim-cross-x86_64 ios-sim-cross-i386 ios64-cross-arm64 ios-cross-armv7s ios-cross-armv7 tvos-sim-cross-x86_64 tvos64-cross-arm64" # Minimum iOS/tvOS SDK version to build for IOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION="7.0" TVOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION="9.0" # Init optional env variables (use available variable or default to empty string) CURL_OPTIONS="${CURL_OPTIONS:-}" CONFIG_OPTIONS="${CONFIG_OPTIONS:-}" echo_help() { echo "Usage: $0 [options...]" echo "Generic options" echo " --branch=BRANCH Select OpenSSL branch to build. The script will determine and download the latest release for that branch" echo " --cleanup Clean up build directories (bin, include/openssl, lib, src) before starting build" echo " --ec-nistp-64-gcc-128 Enable configure option enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 for 64 bit builds" echo " -h, --help Print help (this message)" echo " --ios-sdk=SDKVERSION Override iOS SDK version" echo " --noparallel Disable running make with parallel jobs (make -j)" echo " --tvos-sdk=SDKVERSION Override tvOS SDK version" echo " -v, --verbose Enable verbose logging" echo " --verbose-on-error Dump last 500 lines from log file if an error occurs (for Travis builds)" echo " --version=VERSION OpenSSL version to build (defaults to ${DEFAULTVERSION})" echo echo "Options for OpenSSL 1.0.2 and lower ONLY" echo " --archs=\"ARCH ARCH ...\" Space-separated list of architectures to build" echo " Options: ${DEFAULTARCHS}" echo " Note: The framework will contain include files from the architecture listed first" echo echo "Options for OpenSSL 1.1.0 and higher ONLY" echo " --deprecated Exclude no-deprecated configure option and build with deprecated methods" echo " --targets=\"TARGET TARGET ...\" Space-separated list of build targets" echo " Options: ${DEFAULTTARGETS}" echo " Note: The library will use include files from the target listed first" echo echo "For custom configure options, set variable CONFIG_OPTIONS" echo "For custom cURL options, set variable CURL_OPTIONS" echo " Example: CURL_OPTIONS=\"--proxy\" ./build-libssl.sh" } spinner() { local pid=$! local delay=0.75 local spinstr='|/-\' while [ "$(ps a | awk '{print $1}' | grep $pid)" ]; do local temp=${spinstr#?} printf " [%c]" "$spinstr" local spinstr=$temp${spinstr%"$temp"} sleep $delay printf "\b\b\b\b\b" done wait $pid return $? } # Prepare target and source dir in build loop prepare_target_source_dirs() { # Prepare target dir TARGETDIR="${CURRENTPATH}/bin/${PLATFORM}${SDKVERSION}-${ARCH}.sdk" mkdir -p "${TARGETDIR}" LOG="${TARGETDIR}/build-openssl-${VERSION}.log" echo "Building openssl-${VERSION} for ${PLATFORM} ${SDKVERSION} ${ARCH}..." echo " Logfile: ${LOG}" # Prepare source dir SOURCEDIR="${CURRENTPATH}/src/${PLATFORM}-${ARCH}" mkdir -p "${SOURCEDIR}" tar zxf "${CURRENTPATH}/${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME}" -C "${SOURCEDIR}" cd "${SOURCEDIR}/openssl-${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_BASE_NAME}" chmod u+x ./Configure } # Check for error status check_status() { local STATUS=$1 local COMMAND=$2 if [ "${STATUS}" != 0 ]; then if [[ "${LOG_VERBOSE}" != "verbose"* ]]; then echo "Problem during ${COMMAND} - Please check ${LOG}" fi # Dump last 500 lines from log file for verbose-on-error if [ "${LOG_VERBOSE}" == "verbose-on-error" ]; then echo "Problem during ${COMMAND} - Dumping last 500 lines from log file" echo tail -n 500 "${LOG}" fi exit 1 fi } # Run Configure in build loop run_configure() { echo " Configure..." set +e if [ "${LOG_VERBOSE}" == "verbose" ]; then ./Configure ${LOCAL_CONFIG_OPTIONS} | tee "${LOG}" else (./Configure ${LOCAL_CONFIG_OPTIONS} > "${LOG}" 2>&1) & spinner fi # Check for error status check_status $? "Configure" } # Run make in build loop run_make() { echo " Make (using ${BUILD_THREADS} thread(s))..." if [ "${LOG_VERBOSE}" == "verbose" ]; then make -j "${BUILD_THREADS}" | tee -a "${LOG}" else (make -j "${BUILD_THREADS}" >> "${LOG}" 2>&1) & spinner fi # Check for error status check_status $? "make" } # Cleanup and bookkeeping at end of build loop finish_build_loop() { # Return to ${CURRENTPATH} and remove source dir cd "${CURRENTPATH}" rm -r "${SOURCEDIR}" # Add references to library files to relevant arrays if [[ "${PLATFORM}" == AppleTV* ]]; then LIBSSL_TVOS+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libssl.a") LIBCRYPTO_TVOS+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libcrypto.a") else LIBSSL_IOS+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libssl.a") LIBCRYPTO_IOS+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libcrypto.a") fi # Keep reference to first build target for include file if [ -z "${INCLUDE_DIR}" ]; then INCLUDE_DIR="${TARGETDIR}/include/openssl" fi } # Init optional command line vars ARCHS="" BRANCH="" CLEANUP="" CONFIG_ENABLE_EC_NISTP_64_GCC_128="" CONFIG_NO_DEPRECATED="" IOS_SDKVERSION="" LOG_VERBOSE="" PARALLEL="" TARGETS="" TVOS_SDKVERSION="" VERSION="" # Process command line arguments for i in "$@" do case $i in --archs=*) ARCHS="${i#*=}" shift ;; --branch=*) BRANCH="${i#*=}" shift ;; --cleanup) CLEANUP="true" ;; --deprecated) CONFIG_NO_DEPRECATED="false" ;; --ec-nistp-64-gcc-128) CONFIG_ENABLE_EC_NISTP_64_GCC_128="true" ;; -h|--help) echo_help exit ;; --ios-sdk=*) IOS_SDKVERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; --noparallel) PARALLEL="false" ;; --targets=*) TARGETS="${i#*=}" shift ;; --tvos-sdk=*) TVOS_SDKVERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; -v|--verbose) LOG_VERBOSE="verbose" ;; --verbose-on-error) LOG_VERBOSE="verbose-on-error" ;; --version=*) VERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; *) echo "Unknown argument: ${i}" ;; esac done # Don't mix version and branch if [[ -n "${VERSION}" && -n "${BRANCH}" ]]; then echo "Either select a branch (the script will determine and build the latest version) or select a specific version, but not both." exit 1 # Specific version: Verify version number format. Expected: dot notation elif [[ -n "${VERSION}" && ! "${VERSION}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[a-z]*$ ]]; then echo "Unknown version number format. Examples: 1.0.2, 1.0.2h" exit 1 # Specific branch elif [ -n "${BRANCH}" ]; then # Verify version number format. Expected: dot notation if [[ ! "${BRANCH}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "Unknown branch version number format. Examples: 1.0.2, 1.0.1" exit 1 # Valid version number, determine latest version else echo "Checking latest version of ${BRANCH} branch on GitHub..." # Request all git tags for the openssl repostory, get all tags that match the current branch version (with an optional alphabetic suffix), remove everything except the version number, sort the list and get the last item GITHUB_VERSION=$(curl -Ls https://api.github.com/repos/openssl/openssl/git/refs/tags | grep -Eo "\"ref\": \"refs/tags/OpenSSL_${BRANCH//./_}[a-z]*\"" | sed -E 's|^.*"refs/tags/OpenSSL_([^"]+)".*$|\1|g' | sort | tail -1) # Verify result if [ -z "${GITHUB_VERSION}" ]; then echo "Could not determine latest version, please check https://github.com/openssl/openssl/releases and use --version option" exit 1 fi VERSION="${GITHUB_VERSION//_/.}" # Check whether download exists # -I = HEAD, -L follow Location header, -f fail silently for 4xx errors and return status 22, -s silent curl ${CURL_OPTIONS} -ILfs "https://github.com/openssl/openssl/archive/OpenSSL_${GITHUB_VERSION}.tar.gz" > /dev/null # Check for success status if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Script determined latest version ${VERSION}, but the download archive does not seem to be available." echo "Please check https://github.com/openssl/openssl/releases and use --version option" exit 1 fi fi # Script default elif [ -z "${VERSION}" ]; then VERSION="${DEFAULTVERSION}" fi # Set GITHUB_VERSION (version with underscores instead of dots) GITHUB_VERSION="${VERSION//./_}" # Build type: # In short, type "archs" is used for OpenSSL versions in the 1.0 branch and type "targets" for later versions. # # Significant changes to the build process were introduced with OpenSSL 1.1.0. As a result, this script was updated # to include two separate build loops for versions <= 1.0 and versions >= 1.1. The type "archs" matches the key variable # used to determine for which platforms to build for the 1.0 branch. Since 1.1, all platforms are defined in a separate/ # custom configuration file as build targets. Therefore the key variable and type are called targets for 1.1 (and later). # OpenSSL branches <= 1.0 if [[ "${GITHUB_VERSION}" =~ ^(0_9|1_0) ]]; then BUILD_TYPE="archs" # Set default for ARCHS if not specified if [ ! -n "${ARCHS}" ]; then ARCHS="${DEFAULTARCHS}" fi # OpenSSL branches >= 1.1 else BUILD_TYPE="targets" # Set default for TARGETS if not specified if [ ! -n "${TARGETS}" ]; then TARGETS="${DEFAULTTARGETS}" fi # Add no-deprecated config option (if not overwritten) if [ "${CONFIG_NO_DEPRECATED}" != "false" ]; then CONFIG_OPTIONS="${CONFIG_OPTIONS} no-deprecated" fi fi # Determine SDK versions if [ ! -n "${IOS_SDKVERSION}" ]; then IOS_SDKVERSION=$(xcrun -sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-version) fi if [ ! -n "${TVOS_SDKVERSION}" ]; then TVOS_SDKVERSION=$(xcrun -sdk appletvos --show-sdk-version) fi # Determine number of cores for (parallel) build BUILD_THREADS=1 if [ "${PARALLEL}" != "false" ]; then BUILD_THREADS=$(sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{print $2}') fi # Determine script directory SCRIPTDIR=$(cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd) # Write files relative to current location and validate directory CURRENTPATH=$(pwd) case "${CURRENTPATH}" in *\ * ) echo "Your path contains whitespaces, which is not supported by 'make install'." exit 1 ;; esac cd "${CURRENTPATH}" # Validate Xcode Developer path DEVELOPER=$(xcode-select -print-path) if [ ! -d "${DEVELOPER}" ]; then echo "Xcode path is not set correctly ${DEVELOPER} does not exist" echo "run" echo "sudo xcode-select -switch " echo "for default installation:" echo "sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer" exit 1 fi case "${DEVELOPER}" in *\ * ) echo "Your Xcode path contains whitespaces, which is not supported." exit 1 ;; esac # Show build options echo echo "Build options" echo " OpenSSL version: ${VERSION}" if [ "${BUILD_TYPE}" == "archs" ]; then echo " Architectures: ${ARCHS}" else echo " Targets: ${TARGETS}" fi echo " iOS SDK: ${IOS_SDKVERSION}" echo " tvOS SDK: ${TVOS_SDKVERSION}" echo " Number of make threads: ${BUILD_THREADS}" if [ -n "${CONFIG_OPTIONS}" ]; then echo " Configure options: ${CONFIG_OPTIONS}" fi echo " Build location: ${CURRENTPATH}" echo # Download OpenSSL when not present OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_BASE_NAME=OpenSSL_${GITHUB_VERSION} OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME=${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_BASE_NAME}.tar.gz if [ ! -e ${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME} ]; then echo "Downloading ${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME}..." OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_URL="https://github.com/openssl/openssl/archive/${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME}" # -L follow Location header, -f fail silently for 4xx errors and return status 22, -O Use server-specified filename for download curl ${CURL_OPTIONS} -LfO "${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_URL}" # Check for success status if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "An error occured when trying to download OpenSSL ${VERSION} from ${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_URL}." echo "Please check cURL's error message and/or your network connection." exit 1 fi else echo "Using ${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME}" fi # Set reference to custom configuration (OpenSSL 1.1.0) # See: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/commit/afce395cba521e395e6eecdaf9589105f61e4411 export OPENSSL_LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR="${SCRIPTDIR}/config" # -e Abort script at first error, when a command exits with non-zero status (except in until or while loops, if-tests, list constructs) # -o pipefail Causes a pipeline to return the exit status of the last command in the pipe that returned a non-zero return value set -eo pipefail # Clean up target directories if requested and present if [ "${CLEANUP}" == "true" ]; then if [ -d "${CURRENTPATH}/bin" ]; then rm -r "${CURRENTPATH}/bin" fi if [ -d "${CURRENTPATH}/include/openssl" ]; then rm -r "${CURRENTPATH}/include/openssl" fi if [ -d "${CURRENTPATH}/lib" ]; then rm -r "${CURRENTPATH}/lib" fi if [ -d "${CURRENTPATH}/src" ]; then rm -r "${CURRENTPATH}/src" fi fi # (Re-)create target directories mkdir -p "${CURRENTPATH}/bin" mkdir -p "${CURRENTPATH}/lib" mkdir -p "${CURRENTPATH}/src" # Init vars for library references INCLUDE_DIR="" LIBSSL_IOS=() LIBCRYPTO_IOS=() LIBSSL_TVOS=() LIBCRYPTO_TVOS=() # Run relevant build loop (archs = 1.0 style, targets = 1.1 style) if [ "${BUILD_TYPE}" == "archs" ]; then source "${SCRIPTDIR}/scripts/build-loop-archs.sh" else source "${SCRIPTDIR}/scripts/build-loop-targets.sh" fi # Build iOS library if selected for build if [ ${#LIBSSL_IOS} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Build library for iOS..." lipo -create ${LIBSSL_IOS[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl.a" lipo -create ${LIBCRYPTO_IOS[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto.a" fi # Build tvOS library if selected for build if [ ${#LIBSSL_TVOS} -gt 0 ] ; then echo "Build library for tvOS..." lipo -create ${LIBSSL_TVOS[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-tvOS.a" lipo -create ${LIBCRYPTO_TVOS[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-tvOS.a" fi # Copy include directory cp -R "${INCLUDE_DIR}" ${CURRENTPATH}/include/ echo "Done."